Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// PreciseOrbital Velocy in polar coordinates
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>item1 is speed, item2 angle</returns>
        /// <param name="orbit">Orbit.</param>
        /// <param name="atDateTime">At date time.</param>
        public static (double speed, double angle) InstantaneousOrbitalVelocityPolarCoordinate(OrbitDB orbit, DateTime atDateTime)
            var position = GetPosition_AU(orbit, atDateTime);
            var sma      = orbit.SemiMajorAxis;

            if (orbit.GravitationalParameter == 0 || sma == 0)
                return(0, 0); //so we're not returning NaN;
            var sgp = orbit.GravitationalParameterAU;

            double e = orbit.Eccentricity;

            double trueAnomaly = GetTrueAnomaly(orbit, atDateTime);
            double loAN        = Angle.ToRadians(orbit.LongitudeOfAscendingNode);
            double aoP         = Angle.ToRadians(orbit.ArgumentOfPeriapsis);
            double inclination = Angle.ToRadians(orbit.Inclination);
            var    loP         = OrbitMath.GetLongditudeOfPeriapsis(inclination, aoP, loAN);

            (double speed, double angle)polar = OrbitMath.InstantaneousOrbitalVelocityPolarCoordinate(sgp, position, sma, e, trueAnomaly);
            polar.angle += loP;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static double CalcDVDifference_m(Entity entity1, Entity entity2)
            double dvDif = 0;

            Entity parent;
            double parentMass;
            double sgp;
            double r1;
            double r2;

            Entity soi1 = Entity.GetSOIParentEntity(entity1);
            Entity soi2 = Entity.GetSOIParentEntity(entity2);

            if (soi1 == soi2)
                parent     = soi1;
                parentMass = parent.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().MassDry;
                sgp        = OrbitMath.CalculateStandardGravityParameterInM3S2(0, parentMass);

                var state1 = Entity.GetRalitiveState(entity1);
                var state2 = Entity.GetRalitiveState(entity2);
                r1 = state1.pos.Length();
                r2 = state2.pos.Length();
                StaticRefLib.EventLog.AddEvent(new Event("Cargo calc failed, entities must have same soi parent"));

            var hohmann = InterceptCalcs.Hohmann(sgp, r1, r2);

            return(dvDif = hohmann[0].deltaV.Length() + hohmann[1].deltaV.Length());
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates on Orbit at current location from a given velocity
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>The Orbit Does not attach the OrbitDB to the entity!</returns>
        /// <param name="parent">Parent. must have massdb</param>
        /// <param name="entity">Entity. must have massdb</param>
        /// <param name="velocity_m">Velocity in meters.</param>
        public static OrbitDB FromVelocity_m(Entity parent, Entity entity, Vector3 velocity_m, DateTime atDateTime)
            var parentMass = parent.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Mass;
            var myMass     = entity.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Mass;

            //var epoch1 = parent.Manager.ManagerSubpulses.StarSysDateTime; //getting epoch from here is incorrect as the local datetime doesn't change till after the subpulse.

            //var parentPos = OrbitProcessor.GetAbsolutePosition_AU(parent.GetDataBlob<OrbitDB>(), atDateTime); //need to use the parent position at the epoch
            var posdb = entity.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>();

            var ralitivePos = posdb.RelativePosition_m;//entity.GetDataBlob<PositionDB>().AbsolutePosition_AU - parentPos;

            if (ralitivePos.Length() > OrbitProcessor.GetSOI_m(parent))
                throw new Exception("Entity not in target SOI");

            //var sgp = GameConstants.Science.GravitationalConstant * (myMass + parentMass) / 3.347928976e33;
            var sgp_m = GMath.StandardGravitationalParameter(myMass + parentMass);
            var ke_m  = OrbitMath.KeplerFromPositionAndVelocity(sgp_m, ralitivePos, velocity_m, atDateTime);

            OrbitDB orbit = new OrbitDB(parent)
                SemiMajorAxis            = ke_m.SemiMajorAxis,
                Eccentricity             = ke_m.Eccentricity,
                Inclination              = ke_m.Inclination,
                LongitudeOfAscendingNode = ke_m.LoAN,
                ArgumentOfPeriapsis      = ke_m.AoP,
                MeanAnomalyAtEpoch       = ke_m.MeanAnomalyAtEpoch,
                Epoch = atDateTime,

                _parentMass = parentMass,
                _myMass     = myMass


            var pos = OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_m(orbit, atDateTime);
            var d   = (pos - ralitivePos).Length();

            if (d > 1)
                var e = new Event(atDateTime, "Positional difference of " + Stringify.Distance(d) + " when creating orbit from velocity");
                e.Entity     = entity;
                e.SystemGuid = entity.Manager.ManagerGuid;
                e.EventType  = EventType.Opps;
                //e.Faction =  entity.FactionOwner;

                //other info:
                var keta  = Angle.ToDegrees(ke_m.TrueAnomalyAtEpoch);
                var obta  = Angle.ToDegrees(OrbitProcessor.GetTrueAnomaly(orbit, atDateTime));
                var tadif = Angle.ToDegrees(Angle.DifferenceBetweenRadians(keta, obta));
                var pos1  = OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_m(orbit, atDateTime);
                var pos2  = OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_m(orbit, ke_m.TrueAnomalyAtEpoch);
                var d2    = (pos1 - pos2).Length();

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// creates an asteroid that will collide with the given entity on the given date.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="starSys"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="collisionDate"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Entity CreateAsteroid(StarSystem starSys, Entity target, DateTime collisionDate, double asteroidMass = -1.0)
            //todo rand these a bit.
            double radius = Distance.KmToAU(0.5);

            double mass;

            if (asteroidMass < 0)
                mass = 1.5e+12; //about 1.5 billion tonne
                mass = asteroidMass;

            var     speed    = 40000;
            Vector3 velocity = new Vector3(speed, 0, 0);

            var massVolume  = MassVolumeDB.NewFromMassAndRadius_AU(mass, radius);
            var planetInfo  = new SystemBodyInfoDB();
            var name        = new NameDB("Ellie");
            var AsteroidDmg = new AsteroidDamageDB();

            AsteroidDmg.FractureChance = new PercentValue(0.75f);
            var dmgPfl     = EntityDamageProfileDB.AsteroidDamageProfile(massVolume.Volume_km3, massVolume.Density, massVolume.RadiusInM, 50);
            var sensorPfil = new SensorProfileDB();

            planetInfo.SupportsPopulations = false;
            planetInfo.BodyType            = BodyType.Asteroid;

            Vector3  targetPos       = OrbitProcessor.GetAbsolutePosition_m(target.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>(), collisionDate);
            TimeSpan timeToCollision = collisionDate - StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime;

            var parent     = target.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>().Parent;
            var parentMass = parent.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Mass;
            var myMass     = massVolume.Mass;

            double  sgp   = OrbitMath.CalculateStandardGravityParameterInM3S2(myMass, parentMass);
            OrbitDB orbit = OrbitDB.FromVector(parent, myMass, parentMass, sgp, targetPos, velocity, collisionDate);

            var currentpos = OrbitProcessor.GetAbsolutePosition_AU(orbit, StaticRefLib.CurrentDateTime);
            var posDB      = new PositionDB(currentpos.X, currentpos.Y, currentpos.Z, parent.Manager.ManagerGuid, parent);

            var planetDBs = new List <BaseDataBlob>

            Entity newELE = new Entity(starSys, planetDBs);

Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// This was designed so that fast moving objects will get interpolated a lot more than slow moving objects
        /// so fast moving objects shouldn't loose positional acuracy when close to a planet,
        /// and slow moving objects won't have processor time wasted on them by calulcating too often.
        /// However this seems to be unstable and looses energy, unsure why. currently set it to just itterate/interpolate every second.
        /// so currently will be using more time to get through this than neccisary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">Entity.</param>
        /// <param name="deltaSeconds">Delta seconds.</param>
        public static void NewtonMove(Entity entity, int deltaSeconds)
            NewtonMoveDB          newtonMoveDB = entity.GetDataBlob <NewtonMoveDB>();
            NewtonThrustAbilityDB newtonThrust = entity.GetDataBlob <NewtonThrustAbilityDB>();
            PositionDB            positionDB   = entity.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>();
            double mass_Kg       = entity.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Mass;
            double parentMass_kg = newtonMoveDB.ParentMass;

            var      manager        = entity.Manager;
            DateTime dateTimeFrom   = newtonMoveDB.LastProcessDateTime;
            DateTime dateTimeNow    = manager.ManagerSubpulses.StarSysDateTime;
            DateTime dateTimeFuture = dateTimeNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(deltaSeconds);
            double   deltaT         = (dateTimeFuture - dateTimeFrom).TotalSeconds;

            double secondsToItterate = deltaT;

            while (secondsToItterate > 0)
                //double timeStep = Math.Max(secondsToItterate / speed_kms, 1);
                //timeStep = Math.Min(timeStep, secondsToItterate);
                double timeStepInSeconds  = 1;//because the above seems unstable and looses energy.
                double distanceToParent_m = positionDB.GetDistanceTo_m(newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>());

                distanceToParent_m = Math.Max(distanceToParent_m, 0.1); //don't let the distance be 0 (once collision is in this will likely never happen anyway)

                double  gravForce       = GameConstants.Science.GravitationalConstant * (mass_Kg * parentMass_kg / Math.Pow(distanceToParent_m, 2));
                Vector3 gravForceVector = gravForce * -Vector3.Normalise(positionDB.RelativePosition_m);

                Vector3 totalDVFromGrav = (gravForceVector / mass_Kg) * timeStepInSeconds;

                double maxAccelFromThrust1 = newtonThrust.ExhaustVelocity * Math.Log(mass_Kg / (mass_Kg - newtonThrust.FuelBurnRate)); //per second
                double maxAccelFromThrust  = newtonThrust.ThrustInNewtons / mass_Kg;                                                   //per second

                Vector3 manuverDV = newtonMoveDB.DeltaVForManuver_m;                      //how much dv needed to complete the manuver.

                double dryMass = mass_Kg - newtonThrust.FuelBurnRate * timeStepInSeconds; //how much our ship weighs after a timestep of fuel is used.
                //how much dv can we get in this timestep.
                double deltaVThisStep = OrbitMath.TsiolkovskyRocketEquation(mass_Kg, dryMass, newtonThrust.ExhaustVelocity);
                deltaVThisStep = Math.Min(manuverDV.Length(), deltaVThisStep);  //don't use more Dv than what is called for.
                deltaVThisStep = Math.Min(newtonThrust.DeltaV, deltaVThisStep); //check we've got the deltaV to spend.

                Vector3 totalDVFromThrust = Vector3.Normalise(manuverDV) * deltaVThisStep;

                //remove the deltaV we're expending from the max (TODO: Remove fuel from cargo, change mass of ship)
                newtonThrust.DeltaV -= deltaVThisStep;
                //remove the vectorDV from the amount needed to fully complete the manuver.
                newtonMoveDB.DeltaVForManuver_m -= totalDVFromThrust;

                Vector3 totalDV     = totalDVFromGrav + totalDVFromThrust;
                Vector3 newVelocity = totalDV + newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_ms;

                newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_ms = newVelocity;
                Vector3 deltaPos = (newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_ms + newVelocity) / 2 * timeStepInSeconds;

                positionDB.RelativePosition_m += deltaPos;

                double sOIRadius = OrbitProcessor.GetSOI_m(newtonMoveDB.SOIParent);

                if (positionDB.RelativePosition_m.Length() >= sOIRadius)
                    Entity  newParent;
                    Vector3 parentRalitiveVector;
                    //if our parent is a regular kepler object (normaly this is the case)
                    if (newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.HasDataBlob <OrbitDB>())
                        var orbitDB = newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>();
                        newParent = orbitDB.Parent;
                        var parentVelocity = OrbitProcessor.InstantaneousOrbitalVelocityVector_m(orbitDB, entity.StarSysDateTime);
                        parentRalitiveVector = newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_ms + parentVelocity;
                    else //if (newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.HasDataBlob<NewtonMoveDB>())
                    {   //this will pretty much never happen.
                        newParent = newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.GetDataBlob <NewtonMoveDB>().SOIParent;
                        var parentVelocity = newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.GetDataBlob <NewtonMoveDB>().CurrentVector_ms;
                        parentRalitiveVector = newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_ms + parentVelocity;
                    parentMass_kg = newParent.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Mass;

                    Vector3 posRalitiveToNewParent = positionDB.AbsolutePosition_m - newParent.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>().AbsolutePosition_m;

                    var    dateTime = dateTimeNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(deltaSeconds - secondsToItterate);
                    double sgp      = GMath.StandardGravitationalParameter(parentMass_kg + mass_Kg);
                    var    kE       = OrbitMath.KeplerFromPositionAndVelocity(sgp, posRalitiveToNewParent, parentRalitiveVector, dateTime);

                    newtonMoveDB.ParentMass       = parentMass_kg;
                    newtonMoveDB.SOIParent        = newParent;
                    newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_ms = parentRalitiveVector;

                if (newtonMoveDB.DeltaVForManuver_m.Length() <= 0) //if we've completed the manuver.
                    var    dateTime = dateTimeNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(deltaSeconds - secondsToItterate);
                    double sgp      = GMath.StandardGravitationalParameter(parentMass_kg + mass_Kg);

                    KeplerElements kE = OrbitMath.KeplerFromPositionAndVelocity(sgp, positionDB.RelativePosition_m, newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_ms, dateTime);

                    var parentEntity = Entity.GetSOIParentEntity(entity, positionDB);

                    if (kE.Eccentricity < 1) //if we're going to end up in a regular orbit around our new parent
                        var newOrbit = OrbitDB.FromKeplerElements(
                        entity.RemoveDataBlob <NewtonMoveDB>();
                        var newPos = OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_m(newOrbit, dateTime);
                        positionDB.RelativePosition_m = newPos;

                secondsToItterate -= timeStepInSeconds;
            newtonMoveDB.LastProcessDateTime = dateTimeFuture;
Exemplo n.º 6
        internal override void ActionCommand(DateTime atDateTime)
            if (atDateTime < ActionOnDate)
            if (!IsRunning)
                IsRunning        = true;
                _newtonAbilityDB = _entityCommanding.GetDataBlob <NewtonThrustAbilityDB>();
                _startDV         = _newtonAbilityDB.DeltaV;
                _fuelBurnRate    = _newtonAbilityDB.FuelBurnRate;
                _totalFuel       = _newtonAbilityDB.TotalFuel_kg;
                var soiParentEntity = Entity.GetSOIParentEntity(_entityCommanding);
                _soiParentMass = soiParentEntity.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().MassDry;
                var currentVel = Entity.GetRalitiveFutureVelocity(_entityCommanding, atDateTime);
                if (_entityCommanding.HasDataBlob <OrbitDB>())
                    _entityCommanding.RemoveDataBlob <OrbitDB>();
                if (_entityCommanding.HasDataBlob <OrbitUpdateOftenDB>())
                    _entityCommanding.RemoveDataBlob <OrbitUpdateOftenDB>();
                if (_entityCommanding.HasDataBlob <NewtonMoveDB>())
                    _newtonMovedb = _entityCommanding.GetDataBlob <NewtonMoveDB>();
                    _newtonMovedb = new NewtonMoveDB(soiParentEntity, currentVel);

            var halfDV  = _startDV * 0.5; //lets burn half the dv getting into a good intercept.
            var dvUsed  = _startDV - _newtonAbilityDB.DeltaV;
            var dvToUse = halfDV - dvUsed;

            if (dvToUse > 0)
                (Vector3 Position, Vector3 Velocity)curOurRalState = Entity.GetRalitiveState(_entityCommanding);
                (Vector3 Position, Vector3 Velocity)curTgtRalState = Entity.GetRalitiveState(_targetEntity);
                var dvRemaining = _newtonAbilityDB.DeltaV;

                var tgtVelocity = Entity.GetAbsoluteFutureVelocity(_targetEntity, atDateTime);
                //calculate the differencecs in velocity vectors.
                Vector3 leadToTgt = (curTgtRalState.Velocity - curOurRalState.Velocity);

                //convert the lead to an orbit ralitive (prograde Y) vector.
                //var manuverVector = OrbitMath.GlobalToOrbitVector(leadToTgt, curOurRalState.Position, curOurRalState.Velocity);

                var burnRate = _newtonAbilityDB.FuelBurnRate;
                //var foo = OrbitMath.TsiolkovskyFuelUse(_totalFuel, )
                var fuelUse = OrbitMath.TsiolkovskyFuelCost(
                    dvToUse//pretty sure this should be dvToUse, but that's giving me a silent crash.
                var burnTime = fuelUse / burnRate;

                var manuverVector = ManuverVector(dvToUse, burnTime, curOurRalState, curTgtRalState, atDateTime);

                _newtonMovedb.DeltaVForManuver_FoRO_m = manuverVector;
                _entityCommanding.Manager.ManagerSubpulses.AddEntityInterupt(atDateTime + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), nameof(OrderableProcessor), _entityCommanding);
                _newtonMovedb.DeltaVForManuver_FoRO_m = new Vector3();
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// This was designed so that fast moving objects will get interpolated a lot more than slow moving objects
        /// so fast moving objects shouldn't loose positional acuracy when close to a planet,
        /// and slow moving objects won't have processor time wasted on them by calulcating too often.
        /// However this seems to be unstable and looses energy, unsure why. currently set it to just itterate/interpolate every second.
        /// so currently will be using more time to get through this than neccisary.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entity">Entity.</param>
        /// <param name="deltaSeconds">Delta seconds.</param>
        public static void NewtonMove(Entity entity, int deltaSeconds)
            NewtonMoveDB newtonMoveDB  = entity.GetDataBlob <NewtonMoveDB>();
            PositionDB   positionDB    = entity.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>();
            double       Mass_Kg       = entity.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Mass;
            double       ParentMass_kg = newtonMoveDB.ParentMass;

            var      manager        = entity.Manager;
            DateTime dateTimeFrom   = newtonMoveDB.LastProcessDateTime;
            DateTime dateTimeNow    = manager.ManagerSubpulses.StarSysDateTime;
            DateTime dateTimeFuture = dateTimeNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(deltaSeconds);
            double   deltaT         = (dateTimeFuture - dateTimeFrom).TotalSeconds;

            double secondsToItterate = deltaT;

            while (secondsToItterate > 0)
                double speed_kms = newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_kms.Length();

                //double timeStep = Math.Max(secondsToItterate / speed_kms, 1);
                //timeStep = Math.Min(timeStep, secondsToItterate);
                double timeStep           = 1;//because the above seems unstable and looses energy.
                double distanceToParent_m = Distance.AuToMt(positionDB.GetDistanceTo(newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>()));

                distanceToParent_m = Math.Max(distanceToParent_m, 0.1); //don't let the distance be 0 (once collision is in this will likely never happen anyway)

                double  gravForce       = GameConstants.Science.GravitationalConstant * (Mass_Kg * ParentMass_kg / Math.Pow(distanceToParent_m, 2));
                Vector3 gravForceVector = gravForce * -Vector3.Normalise(positionDB.RelativePosition_AU);
                double  distance        = Distance.AuToKm(positionDB.RelativePosition_AU).Length();
                Vector3 totalForce      = gravForceVector + newtonMoveDB.ThrustVector;

                Vector3 acceleration_mps = totalForce / Mass_Kg;
                Vector3 newVelocity      = (acceleration_mps * timeStep * 0.001) + newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_kms;

                newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_kms = newVelocity;
                Vector3 deltaPos = (newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_kms + newVelocity) / 2 * timeStep;
                //Vector4 deltaPos = newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_kms * timeStep;

                positionDB.RelativePosition_AU += Distance.KmToAU(deltaPos);

                double sOIRadius_AU = OrbitProcessor.GetSOI(newtonMoveDB.SOIParent);

                if (positionDB.RelativePosition_AU.Length() >= sOIRadius_AU)
                    Entity  newParent;
                    Vector3 parentRalitiveVector;
                    //if our parent is a regular kepler object (normaly this is the case)
                    if (newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.HasDataBlob <OrbitDB>())
                        var orbitDB = newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.GetDataBlob <OrbitDB>();
                        newParent = orbitDB.Parent;
                        var parentVelocity = OrbitProcessor.InstantaneousOrbitalVelocityVector(orbitDB, entity.Manager.ManagerSubpulses.StarSysDateTime);
                        parentRalitiveVector = Distance.KmToAU(newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_kms) + parentVelocity;
                        var pvlen = Distance.AuToKm(parentVelocity.Length());
                        var vlen  = newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_kms.Length();
                        var rvlen = Distance.AuToKm(parentRalitiveVector.Length());
                    else //if (newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.HasDataBlob<NewtonMoveDB>())
                    {   //this will pretty much never happen.
                        newParent = newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.GetDataBlob <NewtonMoveDB>().SOIParent;
                        var parentVelocity = newtonMoveDB.SOIParent.GetDataBlob <NewtonMoveDB>().CurrentVector_kms;
                        parentRalitiveVector = Distance.KmToAU(newtonMoveDB.CurrentVector_kms + parentVelocity);
                    double  newParentMass          = newParent.GetDataBlob <MassVolumeDB>().Mass;
                    double  sgp                    = GameConstants.Science.GravitationalConstant * (newParentMass + Mass_Kg) / 3.347928976e33;
                    Vector3 posRalitiveToNewParent = positionDB.AbsolutePosition_AU - newParent.GetDataBlob <PositionDB>().AbsolutePosition_AU;

                    var dateTime = dateTimeNow + TimeSpan.FromSeconds(deltaSeconds - secondsToItterate);
                    var kE       = OrbitMath.KeplerFromPositionAndVelocity(sgp, posRalitiveToNewParent, parentRalitiveVector, dateTime);

                    if (kE.Eccentricity < 1) //if we're going to end up in a regular orbit around our new parent
                         * var newOrbit = OrbitDB.FromKeplerElements(
                         *  newParent,
                         *  newParentMass,
                         *  Mass_Kg,
                         *  kE,
                         *  dateTime);
                        var newOrbit = OrbitDB.FromVector(newParent, entity, parentRalitiveVector, dateTime);
                        entity.RemoveDataBlob <NewtonMoveDB>();
                        var currentPos = Distance.AuToKm(positionDB.RelativePosition_AU);
                        var newPos     = OrbitProcessor.GetPosition_AU(newOrbit, dateTime);
                        var newPosKM   = Distance.AuToKm(newPos);
                        positionDB.RelativePosition_AU = newPos;
                    else //else we're in a hyperbolic trajectory around our new parent, so just coninue the newtonion move.
                        newtonMoveDB.ParentMass = newParentMass;
                        newtonMoveDB.SOIParent  = newParent;
                secondsToItterate -= timeStep;
            newtonMoveDB.LastProcessDateTime = dateTimeFuture;
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// removes fuel and correct amount of DV.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="fuel">in kg</param>
 internal void BurnFuel(double fuel)
     TotalFuel_kg -= fuel;
     DeltaV        = OrbitMath.TsiolkovskyRocketEquation(TotalFuel_kg, DryMass_kg, ExhaustVelocity);
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// removes deltaV and correct amount of fuel.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="dv"></param>
 internal void BurnDeltaV(double dv)
     DeltaV       -= dv;
     TotalFuel_kg -= OrbitMath.TsiolkovskyFuelUse(DryMass_kg + TotalFuel_kg, ExhaustVelocity, dv);