static void Main(string[] args)
   MessageMaker mm = new MessageMaker();
   Message msg = mm.makeMessage("fromFoo", "toBar");
        static void Main(string[] args)
            MessageMaker mm  = new MessageMaker();
            Message      msg = mm.makeMessage("fromFoo", "toBar");

    //----< send a demonstraton message >--------------------------------
        private void send_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)    {
      try      {
        // This commented code was put here to allow
        // user to change local port and address after
        // the channel was started.  
        // It does what is intended, but would throw 
        // if the new port is assigned a slot that
        // is in use or has been used since the
        // TCP tables were last updated.
        // if (!localPort.Equals(lPort.Text))
        // {
        //   localAddress = rcvr.address = lAddr.Text;
        //   localPort = rcvr.port = lPort.Text;
        //   rcvr.shutDown();
        //   setupChannel();
        // }
        if (!remoteAddress.Equals(rAddr.Text) || !remotePort.Equals(rPort.Text))        {
          remoteAddress = rAddr.Text;
          remotePort = rPort.Text;        }
        // - Make a demo message to send
        // - You will need to change MessageMaker.makeMessage
        //   to make messages appropriate for your application design
        // - You might include a message maker tab on the UI
        //   to do this.

        MessageMaker maker = new MessageMaker();
        Message msg = maker.makeMessage(
          Utilities.makeUrl(lAddr.Text, lPort.Text), 
          Utilities.makeUrl(rAddr.Text, rPort.Text)        );
      //  lStat.Text = "sending to" + msg.toUrl;
        sndr.localUrl = msg.fromUrl;
        sndr.remoteUrl = msg.toUrl;
        //lStat.Text = "attempting to connect";
      //  if (sndr.sendMessage(msg))
          //lStat.Text = "connected";
          //lStat.Text = "connect failed";
      catch(Exception )
        //lStat.Text = ex.Message;