public Player(Hand hand)
     if (hand == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("Player Instantiation Error", "Player hand was null");
     _hand = hand;
     Name = "test";
     HandType = HandEvaluator.GetHandType(_hand.Cards);
 public static void TestHandOrder(List<Card> cards)
     Hand orderedHand = new Hand(cards);
     Debug.Assert(orderedHand.Cards is List<Card>, "Type Error", "orderedHand.Cards is not actually a List<Card>!");
     Debug.Assert(orderedHand is Hand, "Type Error", "orderedHand is not actually a Hand!");
 public void DrawNewHand(Deck deck)
     Hand = new Hand(deck.DrawCards(5));
 public Player(string name, Hand hand)
     Name = name;
     Hand = hand;
 public void DrawNewHand(Deck deck)
     _hand = new Hand(deck.DrawCards(5));
     HandType = HandEvaluator.GetHandType(_hand.Cards);
 public static void TestDrawingAHand()
     var deck = new Deck();
     //Creating and printing a hand was known to be working at this time.
     var hand = new Hand(deck.DrawCards(5));
     Console.WriteLine("The drawn cards were: " + hand.ToString());
        public static int GetHandType(Hand Hand)
            List<Card> hand = Hand.Cards;
            bool isFlush = IsFlush(hand);
            bool isStraight = IsStraight(hand);

            if (isStraight && isFlush)
                return (int)HandType.StraightFlush;
            else if (ContainsSetOfX(4, hand))
                return (int)HandType.FourOfAKind;
            else if (ContainsSetOfX(3, hand) && ContainsSetOfX(2, hand))
                return (int)HandType.FullHouse;
            else if (isFlush)
                return (int)HandType.Flush;
            else if (isStraight)
                return (int)HandType.Straight;
            else if (ContainsSetOfX(3, hand))
                return (int)HandType.ThreeOfAKind;
            if (ContainsTwoPairs(hand))
                return (int)HandType.TwoPair;
            else if (ContainsSetOfX(2, hand))
                return (int)HandType.Pair;
                return (int)HandType.HighCard;