// POST api/Country
        public HttpResponseMessage PostCountry(
            CountrySmallModel countryModel,
            string sessionKey)
            var responseMessage = PerformOperationAndHandleExceptions(
                () =>
                    PlacesContext context = new PlacesContext();
                    var country = new Country()
                        Name = countryModel.Name,
                        Id = countryModel.Id

                    if (!context.Countries.Any(c => c.Name.ToLower() == countryModel.Name.ToLower()))

                    countryModel.Id = country.Id;
                    return this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, countryModel);

            return responseMessage;
        public HttpResponseMessage PostTown(TownModel model, [ValueProvider(typeof(HeaderValueProviderFactory<string>))]
                                               string sessionKey)
            var responseMsg = this.PerformOperationAndHandleExceptions(
                () =>
                    var context = new PlacesContext();

                    using (context)
                        Town townEntity = new Town();
                        CountrySmallModel countryModel = new CountrySmallModel();
                        var countryEntity = context.Countries.Where(c => c.Id == model.CountryId).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (countryEntity != null)
                            countryModel.Id = countryEntity.Id;
                            countryModel.Name = countryEntity.Name;
                            townEntity.Country = countryEntity;
                            throw new ArgumentException("No town with this id was found");

                        townEntity.Name = model.Name;

                        // get the id from the entity added in the db
                        model.Id = townEntity.Id;

                        return this.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, model);

            return responseMsg;