Exemplo n.º 1
        private Tuple<int, PopulationCell>[] PopulateDepartment(DepartmentInfo depInfo, out Human[] humanArray)
            List<Human> humanList = new List<Human>(depInfo.GetTotal());

            int areaSize = depInfo.Coordinates.Length;                      // number of points to be populated.
            Tuple<int, PopulationCell>[] resultArray =                      // the array which will be returned.
                new Tuple<int,PopulationCell>[areaSize];
            int resultArrayIndex = 0;                                       // running index for the array.

            Point origin = CalculateInitialPoint(depInfo.Coordinates);      // the origin as an fixpoint for every point.

            int maximumDistance = depInfo.Coordinates.Max(                  // the maximum distance possible.
                point => point.Distance(origin)) + 1;

            int[] factors = new int[maximumDistance];                       // array of factor for each distance.
            factors[0] = 225;                                               // start factor.
            for (int i = 1; i < maximumDistance; i++)                       // creating every factor for each distance.
                int previousFactor = factors[i - 1];
                int minus = (int)(previousFactor / 3f / 6);
                int random = RANDOM.Next(previousFactor / 3) - minus;
                random = (int)(random * (1 - i / (float)maximumDistance));
                if (previousFactor - random <= 0) random = 5;
                factors[i] = previousFactor - random;

            foreach (Point currentPoint in depInfo.Coordinates)
                int currentDistance = currentPoint.Distance(origin);        // distance of this point to the origin.
                PopulationCell currentCell = new PopulationCell();

                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)                                 // for each age-group.
                    int additionalRand = RANDOM.Next(10) - 5;
                    int numberForEvenSpread =                               // number of humans if everything would be even/the same.
                        (int)(depInfo.Population[i] / (float)areaSize);
                    int numberOfPeopleToSet =                               // number of humans to be set for this age-group.
                        (int)(numberForEvenSpread *
                        (factors[currentDistance] + additionalRand) / 100f);

                    EGender gender = (i < 4) ?                              // the first four are male, the last female.
                        EGender.Male : EGender.Female;

                    var bounds = GetAgeBounds(i);                              // the age-boundaries for the corresponding age-group.
                    int lowerAgeBound = bounds.Item1;
                    int upperAgeBound = bounds.Item2;

                    for (int setCount = 0; setCount < numberOfPeopleToSet; setCount++)
                        int thisAge = RANDOM.Next(lowerAgeBound, upperAgeBound + 1);
                        Human thisHuman = Human.Create(gender, thisAge, currentPoint.Flatten(WIDTH));
                        currentCell.Data[i]++;                              // 'adds' the human to its cell.

                        depInfo.Population[i]--;                            // 'removes' the human out of the population.

                areaSize--;                                                 // 'removes' point from rest-area.

                resultArray[resultArrayIndex++] = new Tuple<int, PopulationCell>(
                        currentPoint.Flatten(WIDTH), currentCell);

            humanArray = humanList.ToArray();
            humanList = null;
            return resultArray;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// The Dummy-implementation.
        /// </summary>
        private Tuple<int, PopulationCell>[] DummyPopulate(DepartmentInfo depInfo, out Human[] humanArray)
            int areaSize = depInfo.Coordinates.Length;

            Tuple<int, PopulationCell>[] tmpArray = new Tuple<int, PopulationCell>[areaSize];
            int tmpCounter = 0;
            humanArray = new Human[depInfo.GetTotal()];
            int humanCounter = 0;

            int[] popsPerPoint = depInfo.Population.Select(x => x / areaSize).ToArray();

            foreach (Point point in depInfo.Coordinates)
                PopulationCell cell = new PopulationCell();

                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    EGender gender = (i < 4) ? EGender.Male : EGender.Female;

                    var bounds = GetAgeBounds(i);
                    int lowerAgeBound = bounds.Item1;
                    int upperAgeBound = bounds.Item2;

                    for (int n = 0; n < popsPerPoint[i]; n++)
                        int thisAge = RANDOM.Next(lowerAgeBound, upperAgeBound + 1);
                        humanArray[humanCounter++] = Human.Create(gender, thisAge, point.Flatten(WIDTH));

                tmpArray[tmpCounter++] = new Tuple<int, PopulationCell>(point.Flatten(WIDTH), cell);


            return tmpArray;