GetAdjacentZone() public static method

public static GetAdjacentZone ( int zoneAbs, int zoneOrd, Rot4 direction, int &adjacentZoneAbs, int &adjacentZoneOrd ) : void
zoneAbs int
zoneOrd int
direction Rot4
adjacentZoneAbs int
adjacentZoneOrd int
return void
Exemplo n.º 1
        public static bool GetRandomFreeCardinalZoneAdjacentTo(int zoneAbs, int zoneOrd, out Rot4 cardinal, ZoneProperties[,] zoneMap, int horizontalZonesNumber, int verticalZonesNumber)
            // Get the free zones.
            List <Rot4> cardinalList = new List <Rot4>();

            for (int cardinalAsInt = 0; cardinalAsInt < 4; cardinalAsInt++)
                int  testedZoneAbs  = 0;
                int  testedZoneOrd  = 0;
                Rot4 testedCardinal = new Rot4(cardinalAsInt);
                Zone.GetAdjacentZone(zoneAbs, zoneOrd, testedCardinal, out testedZoneAbs, out testedZoneOrd);
                if (ZoneIsInArea(testedZoneAbs, testedZoneOrd, horizontalZonesNumber, verticalZonesNumber))
                    if (zoneMap[testedZoneOrd, testedZoneAbs].zoneType == ZoneType.NotYetGenerated)
            if (cardinalList.Count == 0)
                cardinal = Rot4.North;
                cardinal = cardinalList.RandomElement <Rot4>();
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void GenerateOutpostLayoutCommandRoom()
            Rot4 commandRoomCardinal;
            bool freeZoneIsFound = Zone.GetRandomFreeCardinalZoneAdjacentTo(mainRoomZoneAbs, mainRoomZoneOrd, out commandRoomCardinal, zoneMap, horizontalZonesNumber, verticalZonesNumber);

            if (freeZoneIsFound == false)
                Log.Warning("MiningCo. OutpostGenerator: failed to find a free zone for the command room.");
            int commandRoomZoneAbs = 0;
            int commandRoomZoneOrd = 0;

            Zone.GetAdjacentZone(mainRoomZoneAbs, mainRoomZoneOrd, commandRoomCardinal, out commandRoomZoneAbs, out commandRoomZoneOrd);

            float dropZoneSideSelector = Rand.Value;
            Rot4  relativeRotation     = Rot4.North;
            Rot4  absoluteRotation     = Rot4.North;

            if (dropZoneSideSelector < 0.5f)
                // Drop zone is "on the west" of command room.
                relativeRotation = Rot4.West;
                absoluteRotation = new Rot4((commandRoomCardinal.AsInt + relativeRotation.AsInt) % 4);
                // Drop zone is "on the east" of command room.
                relativeRotation = Rot4.East;
                absoluteRotation = new Rot4((commandRoomCardinal.AsInt + relativeRotation.AsInt) % 4);
            int dropZoneAbs = 0;
            int dropZoneOrd = 0;

            Zone.GetAdjacentZone(commandRoomZoneAbs, commandRoomZoneOrd, absoluteRotation, out dropZoneAbs, out dropZoneOrd);
            if ((Zone.ZoneIsInArea(dropZoneAbs, dropZoneOrd, horizontalZonesNumber, verticalZonesNumber) == false) ||
                (zoneMap[dropZoneOrd, dropZoneAbs].zoneType != ZoneType.NotYetGenerated))
                // Get the opposite side.
                relativeRotation = new Rot4((relativeRotation.AsInt + 2) % 4);
                absoluteRotation = new Rot4((absoluteRotation.AsInt + 2) % 4);
                Zone.GetAdjacentZone(commandRoomZoneAbs, commandRoomZoneOrd, absoluteRotation, out dropZoneAbs, out dropZoneOrd);
                if ((Zone.ZoneIsInArea(dropZoneAbs, dropZoneOrd, horizontalZonesNumber, verticalZonesNumber) == false) ||
                    (zoneMap[dropZoneOrd, dropZoneAbs].zoneType != ZoneType.NotYetGenerated))
                    Log.Warning("MiningCo. OutpostGenerator: failed to find a free zone for the drop zone.");
            zoneMap[commandRoomZoneOrd, commandRoomZoneAbs] = new ZoneProperties(ZoneType.SmallRoomCommandRoom, commandRoomCardinal, relativeRotation);
            relativeRotation.Rotate(RotationDirection.Clockwise); // Rotate 2 times to get the opposite direction.
            zoneMap[dropZoneOrd, dropZoneAbs] = new ZoneProperties(ZoneType.DropZone, commandRoomCardinal, relativeRotation);
Exemplo n.º 3
        static void GenerateOutpostLayoutPowerSupply()
            Rot4 batteryRoomCardinal;
            bool freeZoneIsFound = Zone.GetRandomFreeCardinalZoneAdjacentTo(mainRoomZoneAbs, mainRoomZoneOrd, out batteryRoomCardinal, zoneMap, horizontalZonesNumber, verticalZonesNumber);

            if (freeZoneIsFound == false)
                Log.Warning("MiningCo. OutpostGenerator: failed to find a free zone for the battery room.");
            int batteryRoomZoneAbs = 0;
            int batteryRoomZoneOrd = 0;

            Zone.GetAdjacentZone(mainRoomZoneAbs, mainRoomZoneOrd, batteryRoomCardinal, out batteryRoomZoneAbs, out batteryRoomZoneOrd);

            float solarPanelZoneSideSelector = Rand.Value;
            Rot4  relativeRotation           = Rot4.North;
            Rot4  absoluteRotation           = Rot4.North;

            if (solarPanelZoneSideSelector < 0.5f)
                // Solar zone is "on the west" of battery room.
                relativeRotation = Rot4.West;
                absoluteRotation = new Rot4((batteryRoomCardinal.AsInt + relativeRotation.AsInt) % 4);
                // Solar zone is "on the east" of battery room.
                relativeRotation = Rot4.East;
                absoluteRotation = new Rot4((batteryRoomCardinal.AsInt + relativeRotation.AsInt) % 4);
            int solarPanelZoneAbs = 0;
            int solarPanelZoneOrd = 0;

            Zone.GetAdjacentZone(batteryRoomZoneAbs, batteryRoomZoneOrd, absoluteRotation, out solarPanelZoneAbs, out solarPanelZoneOrd);
            if ((Zone.ZoneIsInArea(solarPanelZoneAbs, solarPanelZoneOrd, horizontalZonesNumber, verticalZonesNumber) == false) ||
                (zoneMap[solarPanelZoneOrd, solarPanelZoneAbs].zoneType != ZoneType.NotYetGenerated))
                // Get the opposite side.
                relativeRotation = new Rot4((relativeRotation.AsInt + 2) % 4);
                absoluteRotation = new Rot4((absoluteRotation.AsInt + 2) % 4);
                Zone.GetAdjacentZone(batteryRoomZoneAbs, batteryRoomZoneOrd, absoluteRotation, out solarPanelZoneAbs, out solarPanelZoneOrd);
                if ((Zone.ZoneIsInArea(solarPanelZoneAbs, solarPanelZoneOrd, horizontalZonesNumber, verticalZonesNumber) == false) ||
                    (zoneMap[solarPanelZoneOrd, solarPanelZoneAbs].zoneType != ZoneType.NotYetGenerated))
                    Log.Warning("MiningCo. OutpostGenerator: failed to find a free zone for the solar panels.");
            zoneMap[batteryRoomZoneOrd, batteryRoomZoneAbs] = new ZoneProperties(ZoneType.SmallRoomBatteryRoom, batteryRoomCardinal, relativeRotation);
            relativeRotation.Rotate(RotationDirection.Clockwise); // Rotate 2 times to get the opposite direction.
            zoneMap[solarPanelZoneOrd, solarPanelZoneAbs] = new ZoneProperties(ZoneType.SolarPanelZone, batteryRoomCardinal, relativeRotation);
Exemplo n.º 4
 static void GenerateOutpostLayoutSecondaryRooms()
     for (int rotationAsInt = 0; rotationAsInt < 4; rotationAsInt++)
         int  zoneAbs  = 0;
         int  zoneOrd  = 0;
         Rot4 rotation = new Rot4(rotationAsInt);
         Zone.GetAdjacentZone(mainRoomZoneAbs, mainRoomZoneOrd, rotation, out zoneAbs, out zoneOrd);
         if (zoneMap[zoneOrd, zoneAbs].zoneType == ZoneType.NotYetGenerated)
             ZoneType secondaryRoomType = OG_Common.GetRandomZoneTypeSmallRoom(outpostData);
             zoneMap[zoneOrd, zoneAbs] = new ZoneProperties(secondaryRoomType, rotation, Rot4.North);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void GenerateBigRoomBatteryRoom(IntVec3 areaSouthWestOrigin, int zoneAbs, int zoneOrd, Rot4 rotation, ZoneProperties[,] zoneMap, ref OG_OutpostData outpostData)
            IntVec3 origin        = Zone.GetZoneOrigin(areaSouthWestOrigin, zoneAbs, zoneOrd);
            IntVec3 rotatedOrigin = Zone.GetZoneRotatedOrigin(areaSouthWestOrigin, zoneAbs, zoneOrd, rotation);

            OG_Common.GenerateEmptyRoomAt(rotatedOrigin, Genstep_GenerateOutpost.zoneSideSize, Genstep_GenerateOutpost.zoneSideSize, rotation, TerrainDefOf.Concrete, TerrainDef.Named("MetalTile"), ref outpostData);

            // Spawn doors.
            OG_Common.SpawnDoorAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(5, 0, 10).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.SpawnDoorAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(10, 0, 5).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.SpawnDoorAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(5, 0, 0).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.SpawnDoorAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(0, 0, 5).RotatedBy(rotation), ref outpostData);

            // Spawn generators.
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.CompactAutonomousGeneratorDef, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.North.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.CompactAutonomousGeneratorDef, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 8).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.North.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(OG_Util.CompactAutonomousGeneratorDef, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(8, 0, 8).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.North.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);

            // Spawn batteries.
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Battery, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 3).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.North.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Battery, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, 1).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.East.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Battery, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(1, 0, 7).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.South.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Battery, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, 9).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.East.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Battery, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(9, 0, 7).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.South.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDefOf.Battery, null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(7, 0, 9).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.West.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);

            // Spawn power controller.
            OG_Common.TrySpawnThingAt(ThingDef.Named("MultiAnalyzer"), null, rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(7, 0, 2).RotatedBy(rotation), true, new Rot4(Rot4.North.AsInt + rotation.AsInt), ref outpostData);

            // Spawn lamp and vents.
            OG_Common.TrySpawnLampAt(rotatedOrigin + new IntVec3(3, 0, 7).RotatedBy(rotation),, ref outpostData);
            for (int cardinalAsInt = 0; cardinalAsInt < 4; cardinalAsInt++)
                Rot4 cardinal        = new Rot4(cardinalAsInt);
                int  adjacentZoneAbs = 0;
                int  adjacentZoneOrd = 0;
                Zone.GetAdjacentZone(zoneAbs, zoneOrd, cardinal, out adjacentZoneAbs, out adjacentZoneOrd);
                if (zoneMap[adjacentZoneOrd, adjacentZoneAbs].zoneType == ZoneType.SolarPanelZone)
                    if (cardinal == Rot4.North)
                        OG_Common.SpawnVentAt(origin + new IntVec3(4, 0, 10), Rot4.North, ref outpostData);
                        OG_Common.SpawnVentAt(origin + new IntVec3(6, 0, 10), Rot4.North, ref outpostData);
                    else if (cardinal == Rot4.East)
                        OG_Common.SpawnVentAt(origin + new IntVec3(10, 0, 4), Rot4.East, ref outpostData);
                        OG_Common.SpawnVentAt(origin + new IntVec3(10, 0, 6), Rot4.East, ref outpostData);
                    else if (cardinal == Rot4.South)
                        OG_Common.SpawnVentAt(origin + new IntVec3(4, 0, 0), Rot4.South, ref outpostData);
                        OG_Common.SpawnVentAt(origin + new IntVec3(6, 0, 0), Rot4.West, ref outpostData);
                    else if (cardinal == Rot4.West)
                        OG_Common.SpawnVentAt(origin + new IntVec3(0, 0, 4), Rot4.West, ref outpostData);
                        OG_Common.SpawnVentAt(origin + new IntVec3(0, 0, 6), Rot4.West, ref outpostData);
