Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>Writes to a stream the given number of bytes specified</summary>
        /// <param name="byteAm">the file size in number of bytes to write</param>
        /// <param name="out">the outputstream to write to</param>
        /// <returns>the number of bytes written + time taken</returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        internal virtual DataWriter.GenerateOutput WriteSegment(long byteAm, OutputStream
            long headerLen = GetHeaderLength();

            if (byteAm < headerLen)
                // not enough bytes to write even the header
                return(new DataWriter.GenerateOutput(0, 0));
            // adjust for header length
            byteAm -= headerLen;
            if (byteAm < 0)
                byteAm = 0;
            DataWriter.WriteInfo header = WriteHeader(@out, byteAm);
            DataHasher           hasher = new DataHasher(header.GetHashValue());

            DataWriter.GenerateOutput pRes = WritePieces(byteAm, 0, hasher, @out);
            long bytesWritten = pRes.GetBytesWritten() + header.GetBytesWritten();
            long timeTaken    = header.GetTimeTaken() + pRes.GetTimeTaken();

            return(new DataWriter.GenerateOutput(bytesWritten, timeTaken));
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal override IList <OperationOutput> Run(FileSystem fs)
            // Operation
            IList <OperationOutput> @out = base.Run(fs);
            OutputStream            os   = null;

                Path fn = GetAppendFile();
                // determine file status for file length requirement
                // to know if should fill in partial bytes
                Range <long> appendSizeRange = GetConfig().GetAppendSize();
                if (GetConfig().ShouldAppendUseBlockSize())
                    appendSizeRange = GetConfig().GetBlockSize();
                long       appendSize    = Range.BetweenPositive(GetRandom(), appendSizeRange);
                long       timeTaken     = 0;
                long       bytesAppended = 0;
                DataWriter writer        = new DataWriter(GetRandom());
                Log.Info("Attempting to append to file at " + fn + " of size " + Helper.ToByteInfo
                    // open
                    long startTime = Timer.Now();
                    os         = fs.Append(fn);
                    timeTaken += Timer.Elapsed(startTime);
                    // append given length
                    DataWriter.GenerateOutput stats = writer.WriteSegment(appendSize, os);
                    timeTaken     += stats.GetTimeTaken();
                    bytesAppended += stats.GetBytesWritten();
                    // capture close time
                    startTime = Timer.Now();
                    os         = null;
                    timeTaken += Timer.Elapsed(startTime);
                @out.AddItem(new OperationOutput(OperationOutput.OutputType.Long, GetType(), ReportWriter
                                                 .BytesWritten, bytesAppended));
                @out.AddItem(new OperationOutput(OperationOutput.OutputType.Long, GetType(), ReportWriter
                                                 .OkTimeTaken, timeTaken));
                @out.AddItem(new OperationOutput(OperationOutput.OutputType.Long, GetType(), ReportWriter
                                                 .Successes, 1L));
                Log.Info("Appended " + Helper.ToByteInfo(bytesAppended) + " to file " + fn + " in "
                         + timeTaken + " milliseconds");
            catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                @out.AddItem(new OperationOutput(OperationOutput.OutputType.Long, GetType(), ReportWriter
                                                 .NotFound, 1L));
                Log.Warn("Error with appending", e);
            catch (IOException e)
                @out.AddItem(new OperationOutput(OperationOutput.OutputType.Long, GetType(), ReportWriter
                                                 .Failures, 1L));
                Log.Warn("Error with appending", e);
                if (os != null)
                    catch (IOException e)
                        Log.Warn("Error with closing append stream", e);
Exemplo n.º 3
        internal override IList <OperationOutput> Run(FileSystem fs)
            // Operation
            IList <OperationOutput> @out = base.Run(fs);
            FSDataOutputStream      os   = null;

                Path         fn                = GetCreateFile();
                Range <long> writeSizeRange    = GetConfig().GetWriteSize();
                long         writeSize         = 0;
                long         blockSize         = DetermineBlockSize();
                short        replicationAmount = DetermineReplication();
                if (GetConfig().ShouldWriteUseBlockSize())
                    writeSizeRange = GetConfig().GetBlockSize();
                writeSize = Range.BetweenPositive(GetRandom(), writeSizeRange);
                long       bytesWritten = 0;
                long       timeTaken    = 0;
                int        bufSize      = GetBufferSize();
                bool       overWrite    = false;
                DataWriter writer       = new DataWriter(GetRandom());
                Log.Info("Attempting to create file at " + fn + " of size " + Helper.ToByteInfo(writeSize
                                                                                                ) + " using blocksize " + Helper.ToByteInfo(blockSize) + " and replication amount "
                         + replicationAmount);
                    // open & create
                    long startTime = Timer.Now();
                    os         = fs.Create(fn, overWrite, bufSize, replicationAmount, blockSize);
                    timeTaken += Timer.Elapsed(startTime);
                    // write the given length
                    DataWriter.GenerateOutput stats = writer.WriteSegment(writeSize, os);
                    bytesWritten += stats.GetBytesWritten();
                    timeTaken    += stats.GetTimeTaken();
                    // capture close time
                    startTime = Timer.Now();
                    os         = null;
                    timeTaken += Timer.Elapsed(startTime);
                Log.Info("Created file at " + fn + " of size " + Helper.ToByteInfo(bytesWritten)
                         + " bytes using blocksize " + Helper.ToByteInfo(blockSize) + " and replication amount "
                         + replicationAmount + " in " + timeTaken + " milliseconds");
                // collect all the stats
                @out.AddItem(new OperationOutput(OperationOutput.OutputType.Long, GetType(), ReportWriter
                                                 .OkTimeTaken, timeTaken));
                @out.AddItem(new OperationOutput(OperationOutput.OutputType.Long, GetType(), ReportWriter
                                                 .BytesWritten, bytesWritten));
                @out.AddItem(new OperationOutput(OperationOutput.OutputType.Long, GetType(), ReportWriter
                                                 .Successes, 1L));
            catch (IOException e)
                @out.AddItem(new OperationOutput(OperationOutput.OutputType.Long, GetType(), ReportWriter
                                                 .Failures, 1L));
                Log.Warn("Error with creating", e);
                if (os != null)
                    catch (IOException e)
                        Log.Warn("Error closing create stream", e);