getNormal() public method

public getNormal ( ) : Vector3d
return Vector3d
Exemplo n.º 1
         * Computes closest distance from a vertex to a plane
         * @param vertex vertex used to compute the distance
         * @param face face representing the plane where it is contained
         * @return the closest distance from the vertex to the plane
        private double computeDistance(Vertex vertex, Face face)
            Vector3d normal = face.getNormal();
            double   a      = normal.X;
            double   b      = normal.Y;
            double   c      = normal.Z;
            double   d      = -(a * face.v1.X + b * face.v1.Y + c * face.v1.Z);

            return(a * vertex.X + b * vertex.Y + c * vertex.Z + d);
Exemplo n.º 2
         * Computes closest distance from a vertex to a plane
         * @param vertex vertex used to compute the distance
         * @param face face representing the plane where it is contained
         * @return the closest distance from the vertex to the plane
        private double computeDistance(Vertex vertex, Face face)
            Vector3d normal = face.getNormal();
            double   a      = normal.x;
            double   b      = normal.y;
            double   c      = normal.z;
            double   d      = -(a * face.v1.x + b * face.v1.y + c * face.v1.z);

            return(a * vertex.x + b * vertex.y + c * vertex.z + d);
Exemplo n.º 3

         * Constructor for a line. The line created is the intersection between two planes
         * @param face1 face representing one of the planes
         * @param face2 face representing one of the planes
        public Line(Face face1, Face face2)
            Vector3d normalFace1 = face1.getNormal();
            Vector3d normalFace2 = face2.getNormal();

            //direction: cross product of the faces normals
            //direction = new Vector3d();
            //direction.cross(normalFace1, normalFace2);

            direction = Vector3d.Cross(normalFace1, normalFace2);

            //if direction lenght is not zero (the planes aren't parallel )...
            if (!(direction.Length() < TOL))
                //getting a line point, zero is set to a coordinate whose direction
                //component isn't zero (line intersecting its origin plan)
                point = new Point3d();
                float d1 = -(normalFace1.X * face1.v1.X + normalFace1.Y * face1.v1.Y + normalFace1.Z * face1.v1.Z);
                float d2 = -(normalFace2.X * face2.v1.X + normalFace2.Y * face2.v1.Y + normalFace2.Z * face2.v1.Z);
                if (Math.Abs(direction.X) > TOL)
                    point.X = 0;
                    point.Y = (d2 * normalFace1.Z - d1 * normalFace2.Z) / direction.X;
                    point.Z = (d1 * normalFace2.Y - d2 * normalFace1.Y) / direction.X;
                else if (Math.Abs(direction.Y) > TOL)
                    point.X = (d1 * normalFace2.Z - d2 * normalFace1.Z) / direction.Y;
                    point.Y = 0;
                    point.Z = (d2 * normalFace1.X - d1 * normalFace2.X) / direction.Y;
                    point.X = (d2 * normalFace1.Y - d1 * normalFace2.Y) / direction.Z;
                    point.Y = (d1 * normalFace2.X - d2 * normalFace1.X) / direction.Z;
                    point.Z = 0;

            direction = Vector3d.Normalize(direction);
Exemplo n.º 4

         * Constructor for a line. The line created is the intersection between two planes
         * @param face1 face representing one of the planes
         * @param face2 face representing one of the planes
        public Line(Face face1, Face face2)
            Vector3d normalFace1 = face1.getNormal();
            Vector3d normalFace2 = face2.getNormal();

            //direction: cross product of the faces normals
            direction = new Vector3d();
            direction.cross(normalFace1, normalFace2);

            //if direction lenght is not zero (the planes aren't parallel )...
            if (!(direction.length() < TOL))
                //getting a line point, zero is set to a coordinate whose direction
                //component isn't zero (line intersecting its origin plan)
                point = new Point3d();
                double d1 = -(normalFace1.x * face1.v1.x + normalFace1.y * face1.v1.y + normalFace1.z * face1.v1.z);
                double d2 = -(normalFace2.x * face2.v1.x + normalFace2.y * face2.v1.y + normalFace2.z * face2.v1.z);
                if (Math.Abs(direction.x) > TOL)
                    point.x = 0;
                    point.y = (d2 * normalFace1.z - d1 * normalFace2.z) / direction.x;
                    point.z = (d1 * normalFace2.y - d2 * normalFace1.y) / direction.x;
                else if (Math.Abs(direction.y) > TOL)
                    point.x = (d1 * normalFace2.z - d2 * normalFace1.z) / direction.y;
                    point.y = 0;
                    point.z = (d2 * normalFace1.x - d1 * normalFace2.x) / direction.y;
                    point.x = (d2 * normalFace1.y - d1 * normalFace2.y) / direction.z;
                    point.y = (d1 * normalFace2.x - d2 * normalFace1.x) / direction.z;
                    point.z = 0;

Exemplo n.º 5
         * Constructor for a line. The line created is the intersection between two planes
         * @param face1 face representing one of the planes
         * @param face2 face representing one of the planes
        public Line(Face face1, Face face2)
            Vector3d normalFace1 = face1.getNormal();
            Vector3d normalFace2 = face2.getNormal();

            //direction: cross product of the faces normals
            direction = new Vector3d();
            direction.cross(normalFace1, normalFace2);

            //if direction lenght is not zero (the planes aren't parallel )...
            if (!(direction.length() < TOL))
                //getting a line point, zero is set to a coordinate whose direction
                //component isn't zero (line intersecting its origin plan)
                point = new Point3d();
                double d1 = -(normalFace1.x * face1.v1.x + normalFace1.y * face1.v1.y + normalFace1.z * face1.v1.z);
                double d2 = -(normalFace2.x * face2.v1.x + normalFace2.y * face2.v1.y + normalFace2.z * face2.v1.z);
                if (Math.Abs(direction.x) > TOL)
                    point.x = 0;
                    point.y = (d2 * normalFace1.z - d1 * normalFace2.z) / direction.x;
                    point.z = (d1 * normalFace2.y - d2 * normalFace1.y) / direction.x;
                else if (Math.Abs(direction.y) > TOL)
                    point.x = (d1 * normalFace2.z - d2 * normalFace1.z) / direction.y;
                    point.y = 0;
                    point.z = (d2 * normalFace1.x - d1 * normalFace2.x) / direction.y;
                    point.x = (d2 * normalFace1.y - d1 * normalFace2.y) / direction.z;
                    point.y = (d1 * normalFace2.x - d2 * normalFace1.x) / direction.z;
                    point.z = 0;

Exemplo n.º 6
         * Classifies the face based on the ray trace technique
         * @param object object3d used to compute the face status
        public void rayTraceClassify(Object3D obj)
            //creating a ray starting starting at the face baricenter going to the normal direction
            Point3d p0 = new Point3d();

            p0.X = (v1.X + v2.X + v3.X) / 3.0f;
            p0.Y = (v1.Y + v2.Y + v3.Y) / 3.0f;
            p0.Z = (v1.Z + v2.Z + v3.Z) / 3.0f;
            Line ray = new Line(getNormal(), p0);

            bool    success;
            double  dotProduct, distance;
            Face    closestFace = null;
            double  closestDistance;

                success         = true;
                closestDistance = Double.MaxValue;
                //for each face from the other solid...
                for (int i = 0; i < obj.getNumFaces(); i++)
                    Face face = obj.getFace(i);
                    //dotProduct = face.getNormal().dot(ray.getDirection());

                    dotProduct = Vector3d.Dot(face.getNormal(), ray.getDirection());

                    intersectionPoint = ray.computePlaneIntersection(face.getNormal(), face.v1.getPosition());

                    //if ray intersects the plane...
                    if (intersectionPoint != null)
                        distance = ray.computePointToPointDistance(intersectionPoint.Value);

                        //if ray lies in plane...
                        if (Math.Abs(distance) < TOL && Math.Abs(dotProduct) < TOL)
                            //disturb the ray in order to not lie into another plane
                            success = false;

                        //if ray starts in plane...
                        if (Math.Abs(distance) < TOL && Math.Abs(dotProduct) > TOL)
                            //if ray intersects the face...
                            if (face.hasPoint(intersectionPoint.Value))
                                //faces coincide
                                closestFace     = face;
                                closestDistance = 0;

                        //if ray intersects plane...
                        else if (Math.Abs(dotProduct) > TOL && distance > TOL)
                            if (distance < closestDistance)
                                //if ray intersects the face;
                                if (face.hasPoint(intersectionPoint.Value))
                                    //this face is the closest face untill now
                                    closestDistance = distance;
                                    closestFace     = face;
            } while (success == false);

            //none face found: outside face
            if (closestFace == null)
                status = OUTSIDE;
            //face found: test dot product
                //dotProduct = closestFace.getNormal().dot(ray.getDirection());
                dotProduct = Vector3d.Dot(closestFace.getNormal(), ray.getDirection());

                //distance = 0: coplanar faces
                if (Math.Abs(closestDistance) < TOL)
                    if (dotProduct > TOL)
                        status = SAME;
                    else if (dotProduct < -TOL)
                        status = OPPOSITE;

                //dot product > 0 (same direction): inside face
                else if (dotProduct > TOL)
                    status = INSIDE;

                //dot product < 0 (opposite direction): outside face
                else if (dotProduct < -TOL)
                    status = OUTSIDE;
Exemplo n.º 7
  * Computes closest distance from a vertex to a plane
  * @param vertex vertex used to compute the distance
  * @param face face representing the plane where it is contained
  * @return the closest distance from the vertex to the plane
 private double computeDistance(Vertex vertex, Face face)
     Vector3d normal = face.getNormal();
     double a = normal.x;
     double b = normal.y;
     double c = normal.z;
     double d = -(a * face.v1.x + b * face.v1.y + c * face.v1.z);
     return a * vertex.x + b * vertex.y + c * vertex.z + d;