Exemplo n.º 1
        protected override Expression VisitSelect(SelectExpression select)
            bool saveIsOuterMostSelect = this.isOuterMostSelect;

                this.isOuterMostSelect = false;

                var saveSuppressOrderBy = this.suppressOrderby;
                this.suppressOrderby = false;

                var saveGatheredOrderings = this.gatheredOrderings;
                if (saveSuppressOrderBy)
                    this.gatheredOrderings = null;
                    this.isOuterMostSelect = true;

                select = (SelectExpression)base.VisitSelect(select);

                this.suppressOrderby = saveSuppressOrderBy;
                if (saveSuppressOrderBy)
                    this.gatheredOrderings = saveGatheredOrderings;

                bool hasOrderBy          = select.OrderBy != null && select.OrderBy.Count > 0;
                bool hasGroupBy          = select.GroupBy != null && select.GroupBy.Count > 0;
                bool canHaveOrderBy      = saveIsOuterMostSelect || select.Take != null || select.Skip != null;
                bool canReceiveOrderings = canHaveOrderBy && !hasGroupBy && !select.IsDistinct && !AggregateChecker.HasAggregates(select) && !suppressOrderby;

                if (hasOrderBy)

                if (select.IsReverse)
                    if (this.gatheredOrderings == null || gatheredOrderings.Count == 0)
                        throw new NotSupportedException(string.Format(Res.OperationNotSupported, "", "Reverse", "if no 'OrderBy' expression."));

                    for (int i = 0, n = this.gatheredOrderings.Count; i < n; i++)
                        var ord = this.gatheredOrderings[i];
                        this.gatheredOrderings[i] =
                            new OrderExpression(
                                ord.OrderType == OrderType.Ascending ? OrderType.Descending : OrderType.Ascending,

                IEnumerable <OrderExpression> orderings = null;
                if (canReceiveOrderings)
                    orderings = this.gatheredOrderings;
                else if (canHaveOrderBy)
                    orderings = select.OrderBy;

                bool canPassOnOrderings = !saveIsOuterMostSelect && !hasGroupBy && !select.IsDistinct && !suppressOrderby;
                ReadOnlyCollection <ColumnDeclaration> columns = select.Columns;
                if (this.gatheredOrderings != null)
                    if (canPassOnOrderings)
                        var producedAliases = TableAliasGatherer.Gather(select.From);
                        // reproject order expressions using this select's alias so the outer select will have properly formed expressions
                        BindResult project = this.RebindOrderings(this.gatheredOrderings, select.Alias, producedAliases, select.Columns);
                        this.gatheredOrderings = null;
                        columns = project.Columns;
                        this.gatheredOrderings = null;

                if (orderings != select.OrderBy || columns != select.Columns || select.IsReverse)
                    select = new SelectExpression(select.Alias, columns, select.From, select.Where, orderings, select.GroupBy, select.IsDistinct, select.Skip, select.Take, false);

                this.isOuterMostSelect = saveIsOuterMostSelect;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public static SelectExpression SetColumns(this SelectExpression select, IEnumerable <ColumnDeclaration> columns)
     return(new SelectExpression(select.Alias, columns.OrderBy(c => c.Name), select.From, select.Where, select.OrderBy, select.GroupBy, select.IsDistinct, select.Skip, select.Take, select.IsReverse));
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override Expression VisitSelect(SelectExpression select)
            // visit column projection first
            ReadOnlyCollection <ColumnDeclaration> columns = select.Columns;

            var wasRetained = this.retainAllColumns;

            this.retainAllColumns = false;

            List <ColumnDeclaration> alternate = null;

            for (int i = 0, n = select.Columns.Count; i < n; i++)
                ColumnDeclaration decl = select.Columns[i];
                if (wasRetained || select.IsDistinct || IsColumnUsed(select.Alias, decl.Name))
                    Expression expr = this.Visit(decl.Expression);
                    if (expr != decl.Expression)
                        decl = new ColumnDeclaration(decl.Name, expr, decl.SqlType);
                    decl = null;  // null means it gets omitted
                if (decl != select.Columns[i] && alternate == null)
                    alternate = new List <ColumnDeclaration>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                if (decl != null && alternate != null)
            if (alternate != null)
                columns = alternate.AsReadOnly();

            Expression take = this.Visit(select.Take);
            Expression skip = this.Visit(select.Skip);
            ReadOnlyCollection <Expression>      groupbys = this.VisitExpressionList(select.GroupBy);
            ReadOnlyCollection <OrderExpression> orderbys = this.VisitOrderBy(select.OrderBy);

            Expression where = this.Visit(select.Where);

            Expression from = this.Visit(select.From);


            if (columns != select.Columns ||
                take != select.Take ||
                skip != select.Skip ||
                orderbys != select.OrderBy ||
                groupbys != select.GroupBy ||
                where != select.Where ||
                from != select.From)
                select = new SelectExpression(select.Alias, columns, from, where, orderbys, groupbys, select.IsDistinct, skip, take, select.IsReverse);

            this.retainAllColumns = wasRetained;

Exemplo n.º 4
 public static SelectExpression SetGroupBy(this SelectExpression select, IEnumerable <Expression> groupBy)
     return(new SelectExpression(select.Alias, select.Columns, select.From, select.Where, select.OrderBy, groupBy, select.IsDistinct, select.Skip, select.Take, select.IsReverse));
        protected override Expression VisitProjection(ProjectionExpression proj)
            SelectExpression save = this.currentSelect;

            this.currentSelect = proj.Select;
                if (!this.isTopLevel)
                    if (this.CanJoinOnClient(this.currentSelect))
                        // make a query that combines all the constraints from the outer queries into a single select
                        SelectExpression newOuterSelect = (SelectExpression)QueryDuplicator.Duplicate(save);

                        // remap any references to the outer select to the new alias;
                        SelectExpression newInnerSelect = (SelectExpression)ColumnMapper.Map(proj.Select, newOuterSelect.Alias, save.Alias);
                        // add outer-join test
                        ProjectionExpression newInnerProjection = this.dbExpressionBuilder.AddOuterJoinTest(new ProjectionExpression(newInnerSelect, proj.Projector));
                        newInnerSelect = newInnerProjection.Select;
                        Expression newProjector = newInnerProjection.Projector;

                        TableAlias newAlias = new TableAlias();
                        var        pc       = ColumnProjector.ProjectColumns(newProjector, null, newAlias, newOuterSelect.Alias, newInnerSelect.Alias);

                        JoinExpression   join         = new JoinExpression(JoinType.OuterApply, newOuterSelect, newInnerSelect, null);
                        SelectExpression joinedSelect = new SelectExpression(newAlias, pc.Columns, join, null, null, null, proj.IsSingleton, null, null, false);

                        // apply client-join treatment recursively
                        this.currentSelect = joinedSelect;
                        newProjector       = this.Visit(pc.Projector);

                        // compute keys (this only works if join condition was a single column comparison)
                        List <Expression> outerKeys = new List <Expression>();
                        List <Expression> innerKeys = new List <Expression>();
                        if (this.GetEquiJoinKeyExpressions(newInnerSelect.Where, newOuterSelect.Alias, outerKeys, innerKeys))
                            // outerKey needs to refer to the outer-scope's alias
                            var outerKey = outerKeys.Select(k => ColumnMapper.Map(k, save.Alias, newOuterSelect.Alias));
                            // innerKey needs to refer to the new alias for the select with the new join
                            var innerKey = innerKeys.Select(k => ColumnMapper.Map(k, joinedSelect.Alias, ((ColumnExpression)k).Alias));
                            ProjectionExpression newProjection = new ProjectionExpression(joinedSelect, newProjector, proj.Aggregator);
                            return(new ClientJoinExpression(newProjection, outerKey, innerKey));
                        bool saveJoin = this.canJoinOnClient;
                        this.canJoinOnClient = false;
                        var result = base.VisitProjection(proj);
                        this.canJoinOnClient = saveJoin;
                    this.isTopLevel = false;
                this.currentSelect = save;