Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void Evaluate(XslTransformProcessor p)
            if (p.Debugger != null)
                p.Debugger.DebugExecute(p, this.DebugInput);

            p.Out.WriteComment(value == null ? String.Empty :
        public override void Evaluate(XslTransformProcessor p)
            if (p.Debugger != null)
                p.Debugger.DebugExecute(p, this.DebugInput);

            string nm, nmsp, prefix;

            nm   = calcName != null ? calcName : name.Evaluate(p);
            nmsp = calcNs != null ? calcNs : ns != null?ns.Evaluate(p) : String.Empty;

            prefix = calcPrefix != null ? calcPrefix : String.Empty;

            if (nm == "xmlns")
                // It is an error. We must recover by not emmiting any attributes
                // (unless we throw an exception).

            int colonAt = nm.IndexOf(':');

            // local attribute
            if (colonAt > 0)
                prefix = nm.Substring(0, colonAt);
                nm     = nm.Substring(colonAt + 1);

                // global attribute
                if (nmsp == String.Empty &&
                    prefix == XmlNamespaceManager.PrefixXml)
                    nmsp = XmlNamespaceManager.XmlnsXml;
                else if (nmsp == String.Empty)
                    nmsp = (string)nsDecls [prefix];
                    if (nmsp == null)
                        nmsp = String.Empty;

            if (prefix == "xmlns")
                prefix = String.Empty;  // Should not be allowed.

            p.Out.WriteAttributeString(prefix, nm, nmsp,
                                       value == null ? "" : value.EvaluateAsString(p));
        public override void Evaluate(XslTransformProcessor p)
            if (p.Debugger != null)
                p.Debugger.DebugExecute(p, this.DebugInput);

            if (children != null)
            if (terminate)
                throw new XsltException("Transformation terminated.", null, p.CurrentNode);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override void Evaluate(XslTransformProcessor p)
            if (p.Debugger != null)
                p.Debugger.DebugExecute(p, this.DebugInput);

            string actualName = name.Evaluate(p);

            if (String.Compare(actualName, "xml", true, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == 0)
                throw new XsltException("Processing instruction name was evaluated to \"xml\"", null, p.CurrentNode);
            if (actualName.IndexOf(':') >= 0)
                return; //MS.NET ignores such processing instructions
                                             value == null ? String.Empty :