public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			// that will cover interfaces, delegates too
			if (!type.HasFields)
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			// rule doesn't apply to enums, interfaces, structs, delegates or generated code
			if (type.IsEnum || type.IsValueType || type.IsGeneratedCode ())
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			MethodDefinition explicitDisposeMethod = null;
			MethodDefinition implicitDisposeMethod = null;

			bool abstractWarning = false;

			if (type.Implements ("System", "IDisposable")) {
				implicitDisposeMethod = type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.Dispose);
				explicitDisposeMethod = type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.DisposeExplicit);

				if (IsAbstract (implicitDisposeMethod) || IsAbstract (explicitDisposeMethod)) {
					abstractWarning = true;
				} else {
					return RuleResult.Success;

			FieldCandidates.Clear ();

			foreach (FieldDefinition field in type.Fields) {
				// we can't dispose static fields in IDisposable
				if (field.IsStatic)
				TypeDefinition fieldType = field.FieldType.GetElementType ().Resolve ();
				if (fieldType == null)
				if (FieldTypeIsCandidate (fieldType))
					FieldCandidates.Add (field);

			// if there are fields types that implements IDisposable
			if (type.HasMethods && (FieldCandidates.Count > 0)) {
				// check if we're assigning new object to them
				foreach (MethodDefinition method in type.Methods) {
					CheckMethod (method, abstractWarning);

			// Warn about possible confusion if the Dispose methods are abstract
			if (IsAbstract (implicitDisposeMethod))
				Runner.Report (implicitDisposeMethod, Severity.Medium, Confidence.High, AbstractDisposeMessage);

			return Runner.CurrentRuleResult;
		public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			// rule only apply to (non generated) delegates
			if (!type.IsDelegate () || type.IsGeneratedCode ())
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			MethodDefinition invoke = type.GetMethod ("Invoke");
			// this happens for System.MulticastDelegate
			if (invoke == null)
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			if (!invoke.ReturnType.IsNamed ("System", "Void"))
				return RuleResult.Success;

			if (!invoke.HasParameters)
				return RuleResult.Success;

			IList<ParameterDefinition> pdc = invoke.Parameters;
			if (pdc.Count != 2)
				return RuleResult.Success;
			if (!pdc [0].ParameterType.IsNamed ("System", "Object"))
				return RuleResult.Success;
			if (!pdc [1].ParameterType.Inherits ("System", "EventArgs"))
				return RuleResult.Success;

			Runner.Report (type, Severity.Medium, Confidence.High);
			return RuleResult.Failure;
		public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			// rules applies to types that overrides System.Object.Equals(object)
			MethodDefinition method = type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.ToString);
			if ((method == null) || !method.HasBody)
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			// call base class to detect if the method can return null
			return CheckMethod (method);
		public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			if (type.IsEnum || type.IsInterface || type.IsDelegate ())
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			MethodDefinition equality = type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.op_Equality);
			if ((equality == null) || type.HasMethod (MethodSignatures.Equals))
				return RuleResult.Success;
			Runner.Report (equality, Severity.High, Confidence.High);
			return RuleResult.Failure;
		public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			// handle System.Object (which can't call base class)
			if (type.BaseType == null)
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			MethodDefinition finalizer = type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.Finalize);
			if (finalizer == null) // no finalizer found
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			if (IsBaseFinalizeCalled (finalizer))
				return RuleResult.Success;

			Runner.Report (finalizer, Severity.Critical, Confidence.Total);
			return RuleResult.Failure;
		private void CheckCallingBaseMethod (TypeDefinition type, MethodSignature methodSignature)
			MethodDefinition method = type.GetMethod (methodSignature);
			if (method == null)
				return; // Perhaps should report that doesn't exist the method (only with ctor).

			foreach (Instruction instruction in method.Body.Instructions) {
				if (instruction.OpCode.FlowControl == FlowControl.Call) {
					MethodReference operand = (MethodReference) instruction.Operand;
					if (methodSignature.Matches (operand) && type.Inherits (operand.DeclaringType.ToString ()))

			Runner.Report (method, Severity.High, Confidence.High, String.Format ("The method {0} isn't calling its base method.", method));
		public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			// rules applies to types that overrides System.Object.Equals(object)
			MethodDefinition method = type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.Equals);
			if ((method == null) || !method.HasBody || method.IsStatic)
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			// rule applies

			// scan IL to see if null is checked and false returned
			if (CheckSequence (method.Body.Instructions [0], type))
				return RuleResult.Success;

			Runner.Report (method, Severity.Medium, Confidence.High);
			return RuleResult.Failure;
		public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			// rule only apply to (non generated) delegates
			if (!type.IsDelegate () || type.IsGeneratedCode ())
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			MethodDefinition invoke = type.GetMethod ("Invoke");
			// this happens for System.MulticastDelegate
			if (invoke == null)
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			int n = 0;
			Severity severity = Severity.Medium;
			bool use_structure = false;
			// check parameters for 'ref', 'out', 'params'
			if (invoke.HasParameters) {
				IList<ParameterDefinition> pdc = invoke.Parameters;
				n = pdc.Count;
				// too many parameters to directly use Action/Func
				// so we lower severity and suggest grouping them
				if (n > ((type.Module.Runtime >= TargetRuntime.Net_4_0) ? 16 : 4)) {
					severity = Severity.Low;
					n = 1;
					use_structure = true;

				// special cases not directly usable with Action/Func
				foreach (ParameterDefinition pd in pdc) {
					if (pd.IsOut || pd.ParameterType.IsByReference || pd.IsParams ())
						return RuleResult.Success;

			string msg = invoke.ReturnType.IsNamed ("System", "Void") ? ActionMessage [n] : FuncMessage [n];
			if (use_structure)
				msg += " and use a structure to hold all your parameters into <T>.";
			Runner.Report (type, severity, Confidence.High, msg);
			return Runner.CurrentRuleResult;
		public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			if (!type.IsSerializable || !type.Implements ("System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable"))
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;
			MethodDefinition getObjectData = type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.GetObjectData);
			if (getObjectData != null) {
				CheckUnusedFieldsIn (type, getObjectData);
				CheckExtensibilityFor (type, getObjectData);
			return Runner.CurrentRuleResult;
Exemplo n.º 10
 private MethodDefinition CacheTypeGetStoreMethod(TypeDefinition cacheInterface, string cacheTypeStoreMethodName)
     return cacheInterface.GetMethod(cacheTypeStoreMethodName, cacheInterface.Module.ImportType(typeof(void)),
         new[] { cacheInterface.Module.ImportType<string>(), cacheInterface.Module.ImportType<object>() });
Exemplo n.º 11
 private MethodDefinition CacheTypeGetRetrieveMethod(TypeDefinition cacheType, string cacheTypeRetrieveMethodName)
     return cacheType.GetMethod(cacheTypeRetrieveMethodName, new GenericParameter("T", cacheType),
         new[] { cacheType.Module.ImportType<string>() });
Exemplo n.º 12
 private MethodDefinition CacheTypeGetRemoveMethod(TypeDefinition cacheType, string cacheTypeRemoveMethodName)
     return cacheType.GetMethod(cacheTypeRemoveMethodName, ModuleDefinition.TypeSystem.Void,
         new[] { cacheType.Module.ImportType<string>() });
Exemplo n.º 13
		public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			if (!type.HasFields || type.IsEnum)
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			Log.WriteLine (this);
			Log.WriteLine (this, "----------------------------------");
			Log.WriteLine (this, type.FullName);
			FieldDefinition field = FindIntPtr (type);
			if (field != null) {
				Confidence confidence = Confidence.Low;
				MethodDefinition finalizer = type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.Finalize);
				if (finalizer != null) 
					confidence = (Confidence) ((int) confidence - 1);	// lower numbers have higher confidence

				if (type.Implements ("System.IDisposable"))
					confidence = (Confidence) ((int) confidence - 1);

				Log.WriteLine (this, "'{0}' is an IntPtr.", field.Name);
				Runner.Report (field, Severity.Medium, confidence);
			return Runner.CurrentRuleResult;
		public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			if (!type.IsSerializable || !type.Implements ("System.Runtime.Serialization", "ISerializable"))
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			MethodDefinition getObjectData = type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.GetObjectData);
			if (getObjectData == null) {
				// no GetObjectData means that the type's ancestor does the job but 
				// are we introducing new instance fields that need to be serialized ?
				if (!type.HasFields)
					return RuleResult.Success;
				// there are some, but they could be static
				foreach (FieldDefinition field in type.Fields) {
					if (!field.IsStatic)
						Runner.Report (field, Severity.Medium, Confidence.High);
			} else {
				if (type.HasFields)
					CheckUnusedFieldsIn (type, getObjectData);

				if (!type.IsSealed && getObjectData.IsFinal) {
					string msg = "Either seal this type or change GetObjectData method to be virtual";
					Runner.Report (getObjectData, Severity.High, Confidence.Total, msg);
			return Runner.CurrentRuleResult;
Exemplo n.º 15
		public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			// rule does not apply to enums, delegates and to generated code
			if (type.IsEnum || type.IsDelegate () || type.IsGeneratedCode ())
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			// rule applies only if the type overrides Equals(object)
			if (!type.HasMethod (MethodSignatures.Equals))
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			// if so then the type should also implement Equals(type) since this avoid a cast 
			// operation (for reference types) and also boxing (for value types).

			// we suggest to implement IEquatable<T> if
			// * the assembly targets the 2.0 (or later) runtime
			// * and it does not already implement it
			if (type.Module.Runtime >= TargetRuntime.Net_2_0) {
				if (!type.Implements ("System", "IEquatable`1")) {
					Runner.Report (type, Severity.Medium, Confidence.Total, "Implement System.IEquatable<T>");
				return Runner.CurrentRuleResult;

			parameters [0] = type.GetFullName ();
			if (type.GetMethod (MethodAttributes.Public, "Equals", "System.Boolean", parameters) != null)
				return RuleResult.Success;

			// we consider this a step more severe for value types since it will need 
			// boxing/unboxing with Equals(object)
			Severity severity = type.IsValueType ? Severity.Medium : Severity.Low;
			string msg = String.Format (CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "Implement 'bool Equals({0})'", type.Name);
			Runner.Report (type, severity, Confidence.High, msg);
			return RuleResult.Failure;
		private static bool DoesTypeStealthilyImplementInterface (TypeDefinition type, TypeDefinition iface)
			//ignore already uninteresting types below (self, enum, struct, static class)
			if (type == iface || type.IsEnum || type.IsValueType || type.IsStatic ())
				return false;

			//if type has less methods than the interface no need to check further
			if (!type.HasMethods)
				return false;
			IList<MethodDefinition> mdc = iface.Methods;
			if (type.Methods.Count < mdc.Count)
				return false;

			//type already publicly says it implements the interface
			if (type.Implements (iface.Namespace, iface.Name))
				return false;

			foreach (MethodDefinition m in mdc) {
				// FIXME: ignore methods with generic constraints
				if (HasConstraints (m))
					return false;

				//if any candidate fails we can return right away
				//since the interface will never be fully implemented
				MethodDefinition candidate = type.GetMethod (MethodAttributes.Public, m.Name);
				if (null == candidate || !candidate.IsPublic || candidate.IsStatic)
					return false;

				//ok interesting candidate! let's check if it matches the signature
				if (!m.CompareSignature (candidate))
					return false;
				// FIXME: ignore methods with generic constraints
				if (HasConstraints (candidate))
					return false;

			if (iface.HasInterfaces) {
				foreach (TypeReference tr in iface.Interfaces) {
					TypeDefinition td = tr.Resolve ();
					if (td == null)
					if (!DoesTypeStealthilyImplementInterface (type, td))
						return false;
			return true;
        public RuleResult CheckType(TypeDefinition type)
            // rule does not apply to interfaces, delegates or types that does not implement ISerializable
            if (type.IsInterface || type.IsDelegate () || !type.Implements ("System.Runtime.Serialization", "ISerializable"))
                return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

            // rule applies, only Success or Failure from the point on

            // check if the type implements the serialization constructor
            MethodDefinition ctor = type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.SerializationConstructor);
            if (ctor == null) {
                // no serialization ctor
                Runner.Report (type, Severity.High, Confidence.Total, NoSerializationCtorText);
                return RuleResult.Failure;
            } else if (type.IsSealed) {
                // with ctor: on a sealed type the ctor must be private
                if (!ctor.IsPrivate) {
                    Runner.Report (type, Severity.Low, Confidence.Total, CtorSealedTypeText);
                    return RuleResult.Failure;
            } else {
                // with ctor: on a unsealed type the ctor must be family
                if (!ctor.IsFamily) {
                    Runner.Report (type, Severity.Low, Confidence.Total, CtorUnsealedTypeText);
                    return RuleResult.Failure;

            // everything is fine
            return RuleResult.Success;
		public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			MethodDefinition finalizer = type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.Finalize);
			if (finalizer == null) // no finalizer found
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			// good finalizer:
			if (finalizer.IsFamily && !finalizer.IsFamilyAndAssembly && !finalizer.IsFamilyOrAssembly)
				return RuleResult.Success;

			Runner.Report (finalizer, Severity.High, Confidence.Total);
			return RuleResult.Failure;
		public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			if (!type.IsClass || !type.HasMethods || !type.Inherits ("System.Windows.FrameworkElement"))
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;
			var arrangeOverride = type.GetMethod (arrangeSignature);
			var measureOverride = type.GetMethod (measureSignature);
			// The class doesn't have either method.
			if (arrangeOverride == null && measureOverride == null)
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;
			// Only ArrangeOverride provided.
			if (arrangeOverride != null && measureOverride == null)
				Runner.Report (arrangeOverride, Severity.High, Confidence.Total);
			// Only MeasureOverride provided.
			if (measureOverride != null && arrangeOverride == null)
				Runner.Report (measureOverride, Severity.High, Confidence.Total);

			return Runner.CurrentRuleResult;
Exemplo n.º 20
		public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			// rule applies only to type with a finalizer
			MethodDefinition finalizer = type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.Finalize);
			if (finalizer == null)
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			// rule applies

			// finalizer is present, look if it has any code within it
			// i.e. look if is does anything else than calling it's base class
			int nullify_fields = 0;
			foreach (Instruction ins in finalizer.Body.Instructions) {
				switch (ins.OpCode.Code) {
				case Code.Call:
				case Code.Callvirt:
					// it's empty if we're calling the base class finalizer
					MethodReference mr = (ins.Operand as MethodReference);
					if ((mr == null) || !mr.IsFinalizer ())
						return RuleResult.Success;
				case Code.Nop:
				case Code.Leave:
				case Code.Leave_S:
				case Code.Ldarg_0:
				case Code.Endfinally:
				case Code.Ret:
				case Code.Ldnull:
					// ignore
				case Code.Stfld:
					// considered as empty as long as it's only to nullify them
					if (ins.Previous.OpCode.Code == Code.Ldnull) {
					return RuleResult.Success;
					// finalizer isn't empty (normal)
					return RuleResult.Success;

			// finalizer is empty (bad / useless)
			string msg = nullify_fields == 0 ? String.Empty : 
				String.Format ("Contains {0} fields being nullified needlessly", nullify_fields);
			Runner.Report (type, Severity.Medium, Confidence.Normal, msg);
			return RuleResult.Failure;
		public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			// rule doesn't apply to enums, interfaces, structs, delegates or generated code
			if (type.IsEnum || type.IsInterface || type.IsValueType || type.IsDelegate () || type.IsGeneratedCode ())
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			MethodDefinition explicitDisposeMethod = null;
			MethodDefinition implicitDisposeMethod = null;

			bool abstractWarning = false;

			if (type.Implements ("System.IDisposable")) {
				implicitDisposeMethod = type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.Dispose);
				explicitDisposeMethod = type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.DisposeExplicit);

				if (IsAbstract (implicitDisposeMethod) || IsAbstract (explicitDisposeMethod)) {
					abstractWarning = true;
				} else {
					return RuleResult.Success;

			foreach (FieldDefinition field in type.Fields) {
				// we can't dispose static fields in IDisposable
				if (field.IsStatic)
				TypeDefinition fieldType = field.FieldType.GetElementType ().Resolve ();
				if (fieldType == null)
				// enums and primitives don't implement IDisposable
				if (fieldType.IsEnum || fieldType.IsPrimitive)
				if (fieldType.Implements ("System.IDisposable")) {
					Runner.Report (field, Severity.High, Confidence.High,
						abstractWarning ? AbstractTypeMessage : TypeMessage);

			// Warn about possible confusion if the Dispose methods are abstract
			if (IsAbstract (implicitDisposeMethod))
				Runner.Report (implicitDisposeMethod, Severity.Medium, Confidence.High, AbstractDisposeMessage);

			return Runner.CurrentRuleResult;
		public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			// rule applies only to types that implements ISerializable
			if (!type.Implements ("System.Runtime.Serialization.ISerializable"))
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			MethodDefinition method = type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.GetObjectData);
			if (method == null)
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			// *** ok, the rule applies! ***

			// is there any security applied ?
			if (!method.HasSecurityDeclarations) {
				Runner.Report (method, Severity.High, Confidence.Total, NotFound);
				return RuleResult.Failure;

			// the SerializationFormatter must be a subset of the one (of the) demand(s)
			bool demand = false;
			foreach (SecurityDeclaration declsec in method.SecurityDeclarations) {
				switch (declsec.Action) {
				case Mono.Cecil.SecurityAction.Demand:
				case Mono.Cecil.SecurityAction.NonCasDemand:
				case Mono.Cecil.SecurityAction.LinkDemand:
				case Mono.Cecil.SecurityAction.NonCasLinkDemand:
					demand = true;
					if (!RuleSet.IsSubsetOf (declsec.ToPermissionSet ())) {
						string message = String.Format ("{0} is not a subset of {1} permission set",
							"SerializationFormatter", declsec.Action);
						Runner.Report (method, Severity.High, Confidence.Total, message);

			// there was no [NonCas][Link]Demand but other actions are possible
			if (!demand)
				Runner.Report (method, Severity.High, Confidence.Total, NotFound);

			return Runner.CurrentRuleResult;
Exemplo n.º 23
        protected void WeaveTypeProperties(TypeDefinition type)
            var properties = type.Properties.Where(
                p => p.CustomAttributes.Any(
                    a => a.AttributeType.FullName == typeof (PropertyAttribute).FullName));


                throw new Exception(string.Format("Type {0} has properties but does not implement {1}", type.FullName, typeof(IPropertyNotifier).FullName));


            var weaver = new TypeWeaver(originType, type);

            foreach(var property in properties)

                weaver.NamePrefix = "<$" + property.Name + "$>";

                var desNotifierMethod =  type.GetMethod(tNotifierMethod.Name);

                weaver.Map(tNotifierMethod, desNotifierMethod);

                var propField = weaver.AddDefinition(tPropertyField);
                propField.FieldType = property.PropertyType;


                //TODO delete property generated field
                weaver.Merge(tPropertyProperty, property);

        public RuleResult CheckType(TypeDefinition type)
            // rule does not apply to enums, interfaces and delegates
            if (type.IsEnum || type.IsInterface || type.IsDelegate ())
                return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

            // rule applies to types that implements System.IDisposable
            if (!type.Implements ("System", "IDisposable"))
                return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

            // and provide a finalizer
            if (type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.Finalize) == null)
                return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

            // rule applies!

            // look if GC.SuppressFinalize is being called in the Dispose methods
            // or one of the method it calls

            CheckDispose (type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.Dispose));
            CheckDispose (type.GetMethod (MethodSignatures.DisposeExplicit));

            return Runner.CurrentRuleResult;
		private static bool DoesTypeStealthilyImplementInterface (TypeDefinition type, TypeReference iface)
			//ignore already uninteresting types below (self, enum, struct, static class)
			if (type == iface || type.IsEnum || type.IsValueType || type.IsStatic ())
				return false;

			//if type has less methods than the interface no need to check further
			if (!type.HasMethods)
				return false;
			IList<MethodDefinition> mdc = iface.GetMethods ().ToList ();
			if (type.Methods.Count < mdc.Count)
				return false;

			//type already publicly says it implements the interface
			if (type.Implements (iface.FullName))
				return false;

			foreach (MethodDefinition m in mdc) {
				//if any candidate fails we can return right away
				//since the interface will never be fully implemented
				MethodDefinition candidate = type.GetMethod (MethodAttributes.Public, m.Name);
				if (null == candidate || !candidate.IsPublic || candidate.IsStatic)
					return false;

				//ok interesting candidate! let's check if it matches the signature
				if (!AreSameElementTypes (m.ReturnType, candidate.ReturnType))
					return false;

				if (!CompareParameters (m, candidate))
					return false;

			return true;
		public RuleResult CheckType (TypeDefinition type)
			if (type.IsEnum || type.IsInterface || type.IsDelegate ())
				return RuleResult.DoesNotApply;

			foreach (var kv in AlternativeMethodNames) {
				MethodDefinition op = type.GetMethod (kv.Key);
				if (op == null)
				bool alternativeDefined = false;
				foreach (MethodDefinition alternative in type.Methods) {
					if (kv.Value.Matches (alternative)) {
						alternativeDefined = true;

				if (!alternativeDefined) {
					string s = String.Format ("This type implements the '{0}' operator. Some languages do not support overloaded operators so an alternative '{1}' method should be provided.",
						kv.Key.Name, kv.Value.Name);
					Runner.Report (op, Severity.Medium, Confidence.High, s);

			return Runner.CurrentRuleResult;
Exemplo n.º 27
 private MethodDefinition CacheTypeGetContainsMethod(TypeDefinition cacheType, string cacheTypeContainsMethodName)
     return cacheType.GetMethod(cacheTypeContainsMethodName, cacheType.Module.ImportType<bool>(),
         new[] { cacheType.Module.ImportType<string>() });
Exemplo n.º 28
		public void FixtureSetUp ()
			string unit = System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly ().Location;
			type_def = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly (unit).MainModule.GetType ("Test.Framework.Rocks.InstructionRocksTest");
			body = type_def.GetMethod ("Fields").Body;