Exemplo n.º 1
		public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackSetMember (DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject value, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
			var ctx = DynamicContext.Create ();
			var source = ctx.CreateCompilerExpression (argumentInfo [1], value);
			var expr = ctx.CreateCompilerExpression (argumentInfo [0], target);

			// Field assignment
			expr = new Compiler.MemberAccess (expr, Name);

			// Compound assignment under dynamic context does not convert result
			// expression but when setting member type we need to do explicit
			// conversion to ensure type match between member type and dynamic
			// expression type
			if ((flags & CSharpBinderFlags.ValueFromCompoundAssignment) != 0) {
				expr = new Compiler.RuntimeExplicitAssign (expr, source);
			} else {
				expr = new Compiler.SimpleAssign (expr, source);

			expr = new Compiler.Cast (new Compiler.TypeExpression (ctx.ImportType (ReturnType), Compiler.Location.Null), expr, Compiler.Location.Null);

			var binder = new CSharpBinder (this, expr, errorSuggestion);
			binder.AddRestrictions (target);
			binder.AddRestrictions (value);

			return binder.Bind (ctx, callingContext);
Exemplo n.º 2
		public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackGetMember (DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
			var expr = CSharpBinder.CreateCompilerExpression (argumentInfo [0], target);
			expr = new Compiler.MemberAccess (expr, Name);
			expr = new Compiler.Cast (new Compiler.TypeExpression (TypeImporter.Import (ReturnType), Compiler.Location.Null), expr, Compiler.Location.Null);

			var binder = new CSharpBinder (this, expr, errorSuggestion);
			binder.AddRestrictions (target);

			return binder.Bind (callingContext, target);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackInvokeMember(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
            var ctx    = DynamicContext.Create();
            var c_args = ctx.CreateCompilerArguments(argumentInfo.Skip(1), args);
            var t_args = typeArguments == null ?
                         null :
                         new Compiler.TypeArguments(typeArguments.Select(l => new Compiler.TypeExpression(ctx.ImportType(l), Compiler.Location.Null)).ToArray());

            var expr = ctx.CreateCompilerExpression(argumentInfo[0], target);

            // Simple name invocation is actually member access invocation
            // to capture original this argument. This  brings problem when
            // simple name is resolved as a static invocation and member access
            // has to be reduced back to simple name without reporting an error
            if ((flags & CSharpBinderFlags.InvokeSimpleName) != 0)
                var value = expr as Compiler.RuntimeValueExpression;
                if (value != null)
                    value.IsSuggestionOnly = true;

            expr = new Compiler.MemberAccess(expr, Name, t_args, Compiler.Location.Null);
            expr = new Invocation(expr, c_args, this);

            if ((flags & CSharpBinderFlags.ResultDiscarded) == 0)
                expr = new Compiler.Cast(new Compiler.TypeExpression(ctx.ImportType(ReturnType), Compiler.Location.Null), expr, Compiler.Location.Null);
                expr = new Compiler.DynamicResultCast(ctx.ImportType(ReturnType), expr);

            var binder = new CSharpBinder(this, expr, errorSuggestion);


            if ((flags & CSharpBinderFlags.InvokeSpecialName) != 0)
                binder.ResolveOptions |= Compiler.ResolveContext.Options.InvokeSpecialName;

            return(binder.Bind(ctx, callingContext));
        public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackGetMember(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
            var ctx = DynamicContext.Create();

            var expr = ctx.CreateCompilerExpression(argumentInfo [0], target);

            expr = new Compiler.MemberAccess(expr, Name);
            expr = new Compiler.Cast(new Compiler.TypeExpression(ctx.ImportType(ReturnType), Compiler.Location.Null), expr, Compiler.Location.Null);

            var binder = new CSharpBinder(this, expr, errorSuggestion);


            return(binder.Bind(ctx, callingContext));
Exemplo n.º 5
		public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackSetMember (DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject value, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
			var ctx = DynamicContext.Create ();
			var source = ctx.CreateCompilerExpression (argumentInfo [1], value);
			var expr = ctx.CreateCompilerExpression (argumentInfo [0], target);

			// Field assignment
			expr = new Compiler.MemberAccess (expr, Name);
			expr = new Compiler.SimpleAssign (expr, source);
			expr = new Compiler.Cast (new Compiler.TypeExpression (ctx.ImportType (ReturnType), Compiler.Location.Null), expr, Compiler.Location.Null);

			var binder = new CSharpBinder (this, expr, errorSuggestion);
			binder.AddRestrictions (target);
			binder.AddRestrictions (value);

			return binder.Bind (ctx, callingContext);
Exemplo n.º 6
		public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackInvokeMember (DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject[] args, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
			var c_args = CSharpBinder.CreateCompilerArguments (argumentInfo.Skip (1), args);
			var t_args = typeArguments == null ?
				null :
				new Compiler.TypeArguments (typeArguments.Select (l => new Compiler.TypeExpression (TypeImporter.Import (l), Compiler.Location.Null)).ToArray ());

			var expr = CSharpBinder.CreateCompilerExpression (argumentInfo[0], target);

			// Simple name invocation is actually member access invocation
 			// to capture original this argument. This  brings problem when
			// simple name is resolved as a static invocation and member access
			// has to be reduced back to simple name without reporting an error
			if ((flags & CSharpBinderFlags.InvokeSimpleName) != 0) {
				var value = expr as Compiler.RuntimeValueExpression;
				if (value != null)
					value.IsSuggestionOnly = true;

			expr = new Compiler.MemberAccess (expr, Name, t_args, Compiler.Location.Null);
			expr = new Compiler.Invocation (expr, c_args);

			if ((flags & CSharpBinderFlags.ResultDiscarded) == 0)
				expr = new Compiler.Cast (new Compiler.TypeExpression (TypeImporter.Import (ReturnType), Compiler.Location.Null), expr, Compiler.Location.Null);
				expr = new Compiler.DynamicResultCast (TypeImporter.Import (ReturnType), expr);

			var binder = new CSharpBinder (this, expr, errorSuggestion);
			binder.AddRestrictions (target);
			binder.AddRestrictions (args);

			if ((flags & CSharpBinderFlags.InvokeSpecialName) != 0)
				binder.ResolveOptions |= Compiler.ResolveContext.Options.InvokeSpecialName;

			return binder.Bind (callingContext, target);
        public override DynamicMetaObject FallbackSetMember(DynamicMetaObject target, DynamicMetaObject value, DynamicMetaObject errorSuggestion)
            var ctx    = DynamicContext.Create();
            var source = ctx.CreateCompilerExpression(argumentInfo [1], value);
            var expr   = ctx.CreateCompilerExpression(argumentInfo [0], target);

            // Field assignment
            expr = new Compiler.MemberAccess(expr, Name);

            // Compound assignment under dynamic context does not convert result
            // expression but when setting member type we need to do explicit
            // conversion to ensure type match between member type and dynamic
            // expression type
            if ((flags & CSharpBinderFlags.ValueFromCompoundAssignment) != 0)
                expr = new Compiler.RuntimeExplicitAssign(expr, source);
                expr = new Compiler.SimpleAssign(expr, source);

            expr = new Compiler.Cast(new Compiler.TypeExpression(ctx.ImportType(ReturnType), Compiler.Location.Null), expr, Compiler.Location.Null);

            if ((flags & CSharpBinderFlags.CheckedContext) != 0)
                expr = new Compiler.CheckedExpr(expr, Compiler.Location.Null);

            var binder = new CSharpBinder(this, expr, errorSuggestion);


            return(binder.Bind(ctx, callingContext));
Exemplo n.º 8
			public override object Visit (MemberAccess memberAccess)
				var result = new MemberReferenceExpression ();
				result.AddChild ((INode)memberAccess.LeftExpression.Accept (this), MemberReferenceExpression.Roles.TargetExpression);
				result.AddChild (new Identifier (memberAccess.Name, Convert (memberAccess.Location)), MemberReferenceExpression.Roles.Identifier);
				if (memberAccess.TypeArguments != null)  {
					var location = LocationsBag.GetLocations (memberAccess);
					if (location != null)
						result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location[0]), 1), MemberReferenceExpression.Roles.LChevron);
//					AddTypeArguments (result, location, memberAccess.TypeArguments);
					if (location != null && location.Count > 1)
						result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (location[1]), 1), MemberReferenceExpression.Roles.RChevron);
				return result;
Exemplo n.º 9
void case_361()
#line 2975 "cs-parser.jay"
		var lt = (LocatedToken) yyVals[-2+yyTop];
		yyVal = new MemberAccess ((ATypeNameExpression) yyVals[-3+yyTop], lt.Value, (TypeArguments) yyVals[-1+yyTop], lt.Location);
		lbag.AddLocation (yyVal, GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public override bool Resolve(BlockContext bc)
            if (!base.Resolve(bc))

            Arguments args = new Arguments(0);

            type = expr.Type;

            // The await expression is of dynamic type
            if (type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic)
                result_type = type;

                awaiter = ((AsyncTaskStorey)machine_initializer.Storey).AddAwaiter(type, loc);

                expr = new Invocation(new MemberAccess(expr, "GetAwaiter"), args).Resolve(bc);

            // Check whether the expression is awaitable
            Expression ama = new AwaitableMemberAccess(expr).Resolve(bc);

            if (ama == null)

            var errors_printer = new SessionReportPrinter();
            var old            = bc.Report.SetPrinter(errors_printer);

            ama = new Invocation(ama, args).Resolve(bc);

            if (errors_printer.ErrorsCount > 0 || !MemberAccess.IsValidDotExpression(ama.Type))
                bc.Report.Error(1986, expr.Location,
                                "The `await' operand type `{0}' must have suitable GetAwaiter method",


            var awaiter_type = ama.Type;

            awaiter = ((AsyncTaskStorey)machine_initializer.Storey).AddAwaiter(awaiter_type, loc);

            expr = ama;

            // Predefined: bool IsCompleted { get; }
            is_completed = MemberCache.FindMember(awaiter_type, MemberFilter.Property("IsCompleted", bc.Module.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool),
                                                  BindingRestriction.InstanceOnly) as PropertySpec;

            if (is_completed == null || !is_completed.HasGet)
                Error_WrongAwaiterPattern(bc, awaiter_type);

            // Predefined: OnCompleted (Action)
            if (bc.Module.PredefinedTypes.Action.Define())
                on_completed = MemberCache.FindMember(awaiter_type, MemberFilter.Method("OnCompleted", 0,
                                                                                        ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved(bc.Module.PredefinedTypes.Action.TypeSpec), bc.Module.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Void),
                                                      BindingRestriction.InstanceOnly) as MethodSpec;

                if (on_completed == null)
                    Error_WrongAwaiterPattern(bc, awaiter_type);

            // Predefined: GetResult ()
            // The method return type is also result type of await expression
            get_result = MemberCache.FindMember(awaiter_type, MemberFilter.Method("GetResult", 0,
                                                                                  ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters, null),
                                                BindingRestriction.InstanceOnly) as MethodSpec;

            if (get_result == null)
                Error_WrongAwaiterPattern(bc, awaiter_type);

            result_type = get_result.ReturnType;

Exemplo n.º 11
		public virtual object Visit (MemberAccess memberAccess)
			return null;
Exemplo n.º 12
		public void Resolve ()
			if (RootContext.Unsafe) {
				// Emits [assembly: SecurityPermissionAttribute (SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
				// when -unsafe option was specified
				Location loc = Location.Null;

				MemberAccess system_security_permissions = new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (
					new QualifiedAliasMember (QualifiedAliasMember.GlobalAlias, "System", loc), "Security", loc), "Permissions", loc);

				Arguments pos = new Arguments (1);
				pos.Add (new Argument (new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (system_security_permissions, "SecurityAction", loc), "RequestMinimum")));

				Arguments named = new Arguments (1);
				named.Add (new NamedArgument ("SkipVerification", loc, new BoolLiteral (true, loc)));

				GlobalAttribute g = new GlobalAttribute (new NamespaceEntry (module, null, null, null), "assembly",
					new MemberAccess (system_security_permissions, "SecurityPermissionAttribute"),
					new Arguments[] { pos, named }, loc, false);
				g.AttachTo (module, module);

				if (g.Resolve () != null) {
					declarative_security = new Dictionary<SecurityAction, PermissionSet> ();
					g.ExtractSecurityPermissionSet (declarative_security);

			if (module.OptAttributes == null)

			// Ensure that we only have GlobalAttributes, since the Search isn't safe with other types.
			if (!module.OptAttributes.CheckTargets())

			cls_attribute = module.ResolveAssemblyAttribute (Compiler.PredefinedAttributes.CLSCompliant);

			if (cls_attribute != null) {
				is_cls_compliant = cls_attribute.GetClsCompliantAttributeValue ();

			if (added_modules != null && RootContext.VerifyClsCompliance && is_cls_compliant) {
				foreach (var m in added_modules) {
					if (!m.IsCLSCompliant) {
						Report.Error (3013,
							"Added modules must be marked with the CLSCompliant attribute to match the assembly",

			Attribute a = module.ResolveAssemblyAttribute (Compiler.PredefinedAttributes.RuntimeCompatibility);
			if (a != null) {
				var val = a.GetNamedValue ("WrapNonExceptionThrows") as BoolConstant;
				if (val != null)
					wrap_non_exception_throws = val.Value;
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override bool Resolve(BlockContext bc)
            if (bc.CurrentBlock is Linq.QueryBlock)
                bc.Report.Error(1995, loc,
                                "The `await' operator may only be used in a query expression within the first collection expression of the initial `from' clause or within the collection expression of a `join' clause");

            if (bc.HasSet(ResolveContext.Options.CatchScope))
                bc.Report.Error(1985, loc, "The `await' operator cannot be used in the body of a catch clause");

            if (!base.Resolve(bc))

            type = expr.Type;
            Arguments args = new Arguments(0);

            // The await expression is of dynamic type
            if (type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic)
                result_type = type;
                expr        = new Invocation(new MemberAccess(expr, "GetAwaiter"), args).Resolve(bc);

            // Check whether the expression is awaitable
            Expression ama = new AwaitableMemberAccess(expr).Resolve(bc);

            if (ama == null)

            var errors_printer = new SessionReportPrinter();
            var old            = bc.Report.SetPrinter(errors_printer);

            ama = new Invocation(ama, args).Resolve(bc);

            if (errors_printer.ErrorsCount > 0 || !MemberAccess.IsValidDotExpression(ama.Type))
                bc.Report.Error(1986, expr.Location,
                                "The `await' operand type `{0}' must have suitable GetAwaiter method",


            var awaiter_type = ama.Type;

            awaiter_definition = bc.Module.GetAwaiter(awaiter_type);

            if (!awaiter_definition.IsValidPattern)
                Error_WrongAwaiterPattern(bc, awaiter_type);

            if (!awaiter_definition.INotifyCompletion)
                bc.Report.Error(4027, loc, "The awaiter type `{0}' must implement interface `{1}'",
                                awaiter_type.GetSignatureForError(), bc.Module.PredefinedTypes.INotifyCompletion.GetSignatureForError());

            expr        = ama;
            result_type = awaiter_definition.GetResult.ReturnType;

Exemplo n.º 14
		void ResolveStringSwitchMap (ResolveContext ec)
			FullNamedExpression string_dictionary_type;
			if (TypeManager.generic_ienumerable_type != null) {
				MemberAccess system_collections_generic = new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (
					new QualifiedAliasMember (QualifiedAliasMember.GlobalAlias, "System", loc), "Collections", loc), "Generic", loc);

				string_dictionary_type = new MemberAccess (system_collections_generic, "Dictionary",
					new TypeArguments (
						new TypeExpression (TypeManager.string_type, loc),
						new TypeExpression (TypeManager.int32_type, loc)), loc);
			} else {
				MemberAccess system_collections_generic = new MemberAccess (
					new QualifiedAliasMember (QualifiedAliasMember.GlobalAlias, "System", loc), "Collections", loc);

				string_dictionary_type = new MemberAccess (system_collections_generic, "Hashtable", loc);

			var ctype = ec.CurrentMemberDefinition.Parent.PartialContainer;
			Field field = new Field (ctype, string_dictionary_type,
				Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.PRIVATE | Modifiers.COMPILER_GENERATED,
				new MemberName (CompilerGeneratedClass.MakeName (null, "f", "switch$map", unique_counter++), loc), null);
			if (!field.Define ())
			ctype.AddField (field);

			var init = new List<Expression> ();
			int counter = 0;
			Elements.Clear ();
			string value = null;
			foreach (SwitchSection section in Sections) {
				int last_count = init.Count;
				foreach (SwitchLabel sl in section.Labels) {
					if (sl.Label == null || sl.Converted == SwitchLabel.NullStringCase)

					value = (string) sl.Converted;
					var init_args = new List<Expression> (2);
					init_args.Add (new StringLiteral (value, sl.Location));
					init_args.Add (new IntConstant (counter, loc));
					init.Add (new CollectionElementInitializer (init_args, loc));

				// Don't add empty sections
				if (last_count == init.Count)

				Elements.Add (counter, section.Labels [0]);

			Arguments args = new Arguments (1);
			args.Add (new Argument (new IntConstant (init.Count, loc)));
			Expression initializer = new NewInitialize (string_dictionary_type, args,
				new CollectionOrObjectInitializers (init, loc), loc);

			switch_cache_field = new FieldExpr (field, loc);
			string_dictionary = new SimpleAssign (switch_cache_field, initializer.Resolve (ec));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public ArrayList CreateDynamicBinderArguments()
            ArrayList all = new ArrayList(args.Count);
            Location  loc = Location.Null;

            MemberAccess binder = DynamicExpressionStatement.GetBinderNamespace(loc);

            foreach (Argument a in args)
                Arguments dargs = new Arguments(2);

                // CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.None = 0
                const string info_flags_enum = "CSharpArgumentInfoFlags";
                Expression   info_flags      = new IntLiteral(0, loc);

                if (a.Expr is Constant)
                    // Any constant is emitted as a literal
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "LiteralConstant", loc));
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Ref)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsRef", loc));
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Out)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsOut", loc));
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.DynamicStatic)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsStaticType", loc));

                if (!TypeManager.IsDynamicType(a.Expr.Type))
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "UseCompileTimeType", loc));

                string        named_value;
                NamedArgument na = a as NamedArgument;
                if (na != null)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "NamedArgument", loc));

                    named_value = na.Name.Value;
                    named_value = null;

                dargs.Add(new Argument(info_flags));
                dargs.Add(new Argument(new StringLiteral(named_value, loc)));
                all.Add(new New(new MemberAccess(binder, "CSharpArgumentInfo", loc), dargs, loc));

Exemplo n.º 16
void case_431()
#line 3215 "cs-parser.jay"
		var lt = (Tokenizer.LocatedToken) yyVals[-1+yyTop];
		yyVal = new MemberAccess ((Expression) yyVals[-3+yyTop], lt.Value, (TypeArguments) yyVals[0+yyTop], lt.Location) {
			DotLocation = GetLocation (yyVals[-2+yyTop])
Exemplo n.º 17
 public virtual object Visit(MemberAccess memberAccess)
Exemplo n.º 18
        public ArrayInitializer CreateDynamicBinderArguments(ResolveContext rc)
            Location loc = Location.Null;
            var      all = new ArrayInitializer(args.Count, loc);

            MemberAccess binder = DynamicExpressionStatement.GetBinderNamespace(loc);

            foreach (Argument a in args)
                Arguments dargs = new Arguments(2);

                // CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.None = 0
                const string info_flags_enum = "CSharpArgumentInfoFlags";
                Expression   info_flags      = new IntLiteral(0, loc);

                if (a.Expr is Constant)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "Constant", loc), loc);
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Ref)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsRef", loc), loc);
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "UseCompileTimeType", loc), loc);
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Out)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsOut", loc), loc);
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "UseCompileTimeType", loc), loc);
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.DynamicTypeName)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsStaticType", loc), loc);

                var arg_type = a.Expr.Type;

                if (arg_type != InternalType.Dynamic && arg_type != InternalType.Null)
                    MethodGroupExpr mg = a.Expr as MethodGroupExpr;
                    if (mg != null)
                        rc.Report.Error(1976, a.Expr.Location,
                                        "The method group `{0}' cannot be used as an argument of dynamic operation. Consider using parentheses to invoke the method",
                    else if (arg_type == InternalType.AnonymousMethod)
                        rc.Report.Error(1977, a.Expr.Location,
                                        "An anonymous method or lambda expression cannot be used as an argument of dynamic operation. Consider using a cast");
                    else if (arg_type == TypeManager.void_type || arg_type == InternalType.Arglist || arg_type.IsPointer)
                        rc.Report.Error(1978, a.Expr.Location,
                                        "An expression of type `{0}' cannot be used as an argument of dynamic operation",

                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "UseCompileTimeType", loc), loc);

                string        named_value;
                NamedArgument na = a as NamedArgument;
                if (na != null)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "NamedArgument", loc), loc);

                    named_value = na.Name;
                    named_value = null;

                dargs.Add(new Argument(info_flags));
                dargs.Add(new Argument(new StringLiteral(named_value, loc)));
                all.Add(new Invocation(new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, "CSharpArgumentInfo", loc), "Create", loc), dargs));

Exemplo n.º 19
        public void Resolve()
            if (Compiler.Settings.Unsafe && module.PredefinedTypes.SecurityAction.Define())
                // Emits [assembly: SecurityPermissionAttribute (SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
                // when -unsafe option was specified
                Location loc = Location.Null;

                MemberAccess system_security_permissions = new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(
                                                                                new QualifiedAliasMember(QualifiedAliasMember.GlobalAlias, "System", loc), "Security", loc), "Permissions", loc);

                var req_min = module.PredefinedMembers.SecurityActionRequestMinimum.Resolve(loc);

                Arguments pos = new Arguments(1);
                pos.Add(new Argument(req_min.GetConstant(null)));

                Arguments named = new Arguments(1);
                named.Add(new NamedArgument("SkipVerification", loc, new BoolLiteral(Compiler.BuiltinTypes, true, loc)));

                Attribute g = new Attribute("assembly",
                                            new MemberAccess(system_security_permissions, "SecurityPermissionAttribute"),
                                            new Arguments[] { pos, named }, loc, false);
                g.AttachTo(module, module);
                var ctor = g.Resolve();
                if (ctor != null)
                    g.ExtractSecurityPermissionSet(ctor, ref declarative_security);

            if (module.OptAttributes == null)

            // Ensure that we only have GlobalAttributes, since the Search isn't safe with other types.
            if (!module.OptAttributes.CheckTargets())

            cls_attribute = module.ResolveAssemblyAttribute(module.PredefinedAttributes.CLSCompliant);

            if (cls_attribute != null)
                is_cls_compliant = cls_attribute.GetClsCompliantAttributeValue();

            if (added_modules != null && Compiler.Settings.VerifyClsCompliance && is_cls_compliant)
                foreach (var m in added_modules)
                    if (!m.IsCLSCompliant)
                                     "Added modules must be marked with the CLSCompliant attribute to match the assembly",

            Attribute a = module.ResolveAssemblyAttribute(module.PredefinedAttributes.RuntimeCompatibility);

            if (a != null)
                var val = a.GetNamedValue("WrapNonExceptionThrows") as BoolConstant;
                if (val != null)
                    wrap_non_exception_throws = val.Value;
Exemplo n.º 20
            Method GenerateNumberMatcher()
                var loc        = Location;
                var parameters = ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved(
                    new [] {
                    new Parameter(new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, loc), "obj", 0, null, loc),
                    new Parameter(new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, loc), "value", 0, null, loc),
                    new Parameter(new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool, loc), "enumType", 0, null, loc),
                    new [] {

                var m = new Method(this, new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool, loc),
                                   Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN, new MemberName("NumberMatcher", loc),
                                   parameters, null);

                parameters [0].Resolve(m, 0);
                parameters [1].Resolve(m, 1);
                parameters [2].Resolve(m, 2);

                ToplevelBlock top_block = new ToplevelBlock(Compiler, parameters, loc);

                m.Block = top_block;

                // if (enumType)
                //		return Equals (obj, value);
                var equals_args = new Arguments(2);

                equals_args.Add(new Argument(top_block.GetParameterReference(0, loc)));
                equals_args.Add(new Argument(top_block.GetParameterReference(1, loc)));

                var if_type = new If(
                    top_block.GetParameterReference(2, loc),
                    new Return(new Invocation(new SimpleName("Equals", loc), equals_args), loc),


                // if (obj is Enum || obj == null)
                //		return false;

                var if_enum = new If(
                    new Binary(Binary.Operator.LogicalOr,
                               new Is(top_block.GetParameterReference(0, loc), new TypeExpression(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Enum, loc), loc),
                               new Binary(Binary.Operator.Equality, top_block.GetParameterReference(0, loc), new NullLiteral(loc))),
                    new Return(new BoolLiteral(Compiler.BuiltinTypes, false, loc), loc),


                var system_convert = new MemberAccess(new QualifiedAliasMember("global", "System", loc), "Convert", loc);
                var expl_block     = new ExplicitBlock(top_block, loc, loc);

                // var converted = System.Convert.ChangeType (obj, System.Convert.GetTypeCode (value));
                var lv_converted = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated(Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, top_block, loc);

                var arguments_gettypecode = new Arguments(1);

                arguments_gettypecode.Add(new Argument(top_block.GetParameterReference(1, loc)));

                var gettypecode = new Invocation(new MemberAccess(system_convert, "GetTypeCode", loc), arguments_gettypecode);

                var arguments_changetype = new Arguments(1);

                arguments_changetype.Add(new Argument(top_block.GetParameterReference(0, loc)));
                arguments_changetype.Add(new Argument(gettypecode));

                var changetype = new Invocation(new MemberAccess(system_convert, "ChangeType", loc), arguments_changetype);

                expl_block.AddStatement(new StatementExpression(new SimpleAssign(new LocalVariableReference(lv_converted, loc), changetype, loc)));

                // return converted.Equals (value)
                var equals_arguments = new Arguments(1);

                equals_arguments.Add(new Argument(top_block.GetParameterReference(1, loc)));
                var equals_invocation = new Invocation(new MemberAccess(new LocalVariableReference(lv_converted, loc), "Equals"), equals_arguments);

                expl_block.AddStatement(new Return(equals_invocation, loc));

                var catch_block = new ExplicitBlock(top_block, loc, loc);

                catch_block.AddStatement(new Return(new BoolLiteral(Compiler.BuiltinTypes, false, loc), loc));
                top_block.AddStatement(new TryCatch(expl_block, new List <Catch> ()
                    new Catch(catch_block, loc)
                }, loc, false));


Exemplo n.º 21
        protected override Expression DoResolve(ResolveContext ec)
            right = right.Resolve(ec);
            if (right == null)

            MemberAccess ma = target as MemberAccess;

            using (ec.Set(ResolveContext.Options.CompoundAssignmentScope))
                target = target.Resolve(ec);

            if (target == null)

            if (target is MethodGroupExpr)
                ec.Report.Error(1656, loc,
                                "Cannot assign to `{0}' because it is a `{1}'",
                                ((MethodGroupExpr)target).Name, target.ExprClassName);

            var event_expr = target as EventExpr;

            if (event_expr != null)
                source = Convert.ImplicitConversionRequired(ec, right, target.Type, loc);
                if (source == null)

                Expression rside;
                if (op == Binary.Operator.Addition)
                    rside = EmptyExpression.EventAddition;
                else if (op == Binary.Operator.Subtraction)
                    rside = EmptyExpression.EventSubtraction;
                    rside = null;

                target = target.ResolveLValue(ec, rside);
                if (target == null)

                eclass = ExprClass.Value;
                type   = event_expr.Operator.ReturnType;

            // Only now we can decouple the original source/target
            // into a tree, to guarantee that we do not have side
            // effects.
            if (left == null)
                left = new TargetExpression(target);

            source = new Binary(op, left, right, true, loc);

            if (target is DynamicMemberAssignable)
                Arguments targs = ((DynamicMemberAssignable)target).Arguments;
                source = source.Resolve(ec);

                Arguments args = new Arguments(targs.Count + 1);
                args.Add(new Argument(source));

                var binder_flags = CSharpBinderFlags.ValueFromCompoundAssignment;

                // Compound assignment does target conversion using additional method
                // call, set checked context as the binary operation can overflow
                if (ec.HasSet(ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope))
                    binder_flags |= CSharpBinderFlags.CheckedContext;

                if (target is DynamicMemberBinder)
                    source = new DynamicMemberBinder(ma.Name, binder_flags, args, loc).Resolve(ec);

                    // Handles possible event addition/subtraction
                    if (op == Binary.Operator.Addition || op == Binary.Operator.Subtraction)
                        args = new Arguments(targs.Count + 1);
                        args.Add(new Argument(right));
                        string method_prefix = op == Binary.Operator.Addition ?
                                               Event.AEventAccessor.AddPrefix : Event.AEventAccessor.RemovePrefix;

                        var invoke = DynamicInvocation.CreateSpecialNameInvoke(
                            new MemberAccess(right, method_prefix + ma.Name, loc), args, loc).Resolve(ec);

                        args = new Arguments(targs.Count);
                        source = new DynamicEventCompoundAssign(ma.Name, args,
                                                                (ExpressionStatement)source, (ExpressionStatement)invoke, loc).Resolve(ec);
                    source = new DynamicIndexBinder(binder_flags, args, loc).Resolve(ec);


Exemplo n.º 22
        public void Resolve()
            if (RootContext.Unsafe)
                // Emits [assembly: SecurityPermissionAttribute (SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
                // when -unsafe option was specified

                Location loc = Location.Null;

                MemberAccess system_security_permissions = new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(
                                                                                new QualifiedAliasMember(QualifiedAliasMember.GlobalAlias, "System", loc), "Security", loc), "Permissions", loc);

                Arguments pos = new Arguments(1);
                pos.Add(new Argument(new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(system_security_permissions, "SecurityAction", loc), "RequestMinimum")));

                Arguments named = new Arguments(1);
                named.Add(new NamedArgument(new LocatedToken(loc, "SkipVerification"), (new BoolLiteral(true, loc))));

                GlobalAttribute g = new GlobalAttribute(new NamespaceEntry(null, null, null), "assembly",
                                                        new MemberAccess(system_security_permissions, "SecurityPermissionAttribute"),
                                                        new Arguments[] { pos, named }, loc, false);
                g.AttachTo(this, this);

                if (g.Resolve() != null)
                    declarative_security = new ListDictionary();

            if (OptAttributes == null)

            // Ensure that we only have GlobalAttributes, since the Search isn't safe with other types.
            if (!OptAttributes.CheckTargets())

            ClsCompliantAttribute = ResolveAttribute(PredefinedAttributes.Get.CLSCompliant);

            if (ClsCompliantAttribute != null)
                is_cls_compliant = ClsCompliantAttribute.GetClsCompliantAttributeValue();

            Attribute a = ResolveAttribute(PredefinedAttributes.Get.RuntimeCompatibility);

            if (a != null)
                object val = a.GetPropertyValue("WrapNonExceptionThrows");
                if (val != null)
                    wrap_non_exception_throws = (bool)val;
Exemplo n.º 23
void case_530()
#line 3827 "cs-parser.jay"
		var lt = (Tokenizer.LocatedToken) yyVals[-1+yyTop];
		yyVal = new MemberAccess ((Expression) yyVals[-3+yyTop], lt.Value, (int) yyVals[0+yyTop], lt.Location) {
			DotLocation = GetLocation (yyVals[-2+yyTop])
Exemplo n.º 24
		public void Resolve ()
			if (RootContext.Unsafe) {
				// Emits [assembly: SecurityPermissionAttribute (SecurityAction.RequestMinimum, SkipVerification = true)]
				// when -unsafe option was specified
				Location loc = Location.Null;

				MemberAccess system_security_permissions = new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (
					new QualifiedAliasMember (QualifiedAliasMember.GlobalAlias, "System", loc), "Security", loc), "Permissions", loc);

				Arguments pos = new Arguments (1);
				pos.Add (new Argument (new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (system_security_permissions, "SecurityAction", loc), "RequestMinimum")));

				Arguments named = new Arguments (1);
				named.Add (new NamedArgument ("SkipVerification", loc, new BoolLiteral (true, loc)));

				GlobalAttribute g = new GlobalAttribute (new NamespaceEntry (null, null, null), "assembly",
					new MemberAccess (system_security_permissions, "SecurityPermissionAttribute"),
					new Arguments[] { pos, named }, loc, false);
				g.AttachTo (this, this);

				if (g.Resolve () != null) {
					declarative_security = new Dictionary<SecurityAction, PermissionSet> ();
					g.ExtractSecurityPermissionSet (declarative_security);

			if (OptAttributes == null)

			// Ensure that we only have GlobalAttributes, since the Search isn't safe with other types.
			if (!OptAttributes.CheckTargets())

			ClsCompliantAttribute = ResolveAttribute (PredefinedAttributes.Get.CLSCompliant);

			if (ClsCompliantAttribute != null) {
				is_cls_compliant = ClsCompliantAttribute.GetClsCompliantAttributeValue ();

			Attribute a = ResolveAttribute (PredefinedAttributes.Get.RuntimeCompatibility);
			if (a != null) {
				var val = a.GetPropertyValue ("WrapNonExceptionThrows") as BoolConstant;
				if (val != null)
					wrap_non_exception_throws = val.Value;
Exemplo n.º 25
        public override bool Resolve(BlockContext bc)
            if (!base.Resolve(bc))

            type = expr.Type;

            // The task result is of dynamic type
            if (expr.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic)
                throw new NotImplementedException("dynamic await");

            // Check whether the expression is awaitable
            Expression ama = new AwaitableMemberAccess(expr).Resolve(bc);

            if (ama == null)

            Arguments args = new Arguments(0);

            var errors_printer = new SessionReportPrinter();
            var old            = bc.Report.SetPrinter(errors_printer);

            ama = new Invocation(ama, args).Resolve(bc);

            if (errors_printer.ErrorsCount > 0 || !MemberAccess.IsValidDotExpression(ama.Type))
                Error_WrongGetAwaiter(bc, loc, expr.Type);

            var awaiter_type = ama.Type;

            awaiter = ((AsyncTaskStorey)machine_initializer.Storey).AddAwaiter(awaiter_type, loc);
            expr    = ama;

            // Predefined: bool IsCompleted { get; }
            var is_completed_ma = new MemberAccess(expr, "IsCompleted").Resolve(bc);

            if (is_completed_ma != null)
                is_completed = is_completed_ma as PropertyExpr;
                if (is_completed != null && is_completed.Type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Bool && is_completed.IsInstance && is_completed.Getter != null)
                    // valid
                    Error_WrongAwaiterPattern(bc, awaiter_type);


            if (errors_printer.ErrorsCount > 0)
                Error_WrongAwaiterPattern(bc, awaiter_type);

            // Predefined: OnCompleted (Action)
            if (bc.Module.PredefinedTypes.Action.Define())
                on_completed = MemberCache.FindMember(awaiter_type, MemberFilter.Method("OnCompleted", 0,
                                                                                        ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved(bc.Module.PredefinedTypes.Action.TypeSpec), bc.Module.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Void),
                                                      BindingRestriction.InstanceOnly) as MethodSpec;

                if (on_completed == null)
                    Error_WrongAwaiterPattern(bc, awaiter_type);

            // Predefined: GetResult ()
            // The method return type is also result type of await expression
            get_result = MemberCache.FindMember(awaiter_type, MemberFilter.Method("GetResult", 0,
                                                                                  ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters, null),
                                                BindingRestriction.InstanceOnly) as MethodSpec;

            if (get_result == null)
                Error_WrongAwaiterPattern(bc, awaiter_type);

Exemplo n.º 26
void case_432()
#line 3222 "cs-parser.jay"
		var lt = (Tokenizer.LocatedToken) yyVals[-1+yyTop];
		yyVal = new MemberAccess (new BaseThis (GetLocation (yyVals[-3+yyTop])), lt.Value, (TypeArguments) yyVals[0+yyTop], lt.Location) {
			DotLocation = GetLocation (yyVals[-2+yyTop])
Exemplo n.º 27
        public Expression CreateCallSiteBinder(ResolveContext ec, Arguments args)
            Arguments    binder_args      = new Arguments(member != null ? 5 : 3);
            MemberAccess binder           = GetBinderNamespace(loc);
            bool         is_member_access = member is MemberAccess;

            string call_flags;

            if (!is_member_access && member is SimpleName)
                call_flags       = "SimpleNameCall";
                is_member_access = true;
                call_flags = "None";

            binder_args.Add(new Argument(new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, "CSharpCallFlags", loc), call_flags, loc)));

            if (is_member_access)
                binder_args.Add(new Argument(new StringLiteral(member.Name, member.Location)));

            binder_args.Add(new Argument(new TypeOf(new TypeExpression(ec.CurrentType, loc), loc)));

            if (member != null && member.HasTypeArguments)
                TypeArguments ta = member.TypeArguments;
                if (ta.Resolve(ec))
                    ArrayList targs = new ArrayList(ta.Count);
                    foreach (Type t in ta.Arguments)
                        targs.Add(new TypeOf(new TypeExpression(t, loc), loc));

                    binder_args.Add(new Argument(new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation("[]", targs, loc)));
            else if (is_member_access)
                binder_args.Add(new Argument(new NullLiteral(loc)));

            Expression real_args;

            if (args == null)
                // Cannot be null because .NET trips over
                real_args = new ArrayCreation(new MemberAccess(binder, "CSharpArgumentInfo", loc), "[]", new ArrayList(0), loc);
                real_args = new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation("[]", args.CreateDynamicBinderArguments(), loc);

            binder_args.Add(new Argument(real_args));

            return(new New(new MemberAccess(binder,
                                            is_member_access ? "CSharpInvokeMemberBinder" : "CSharpInvokeBinder", loc), binder_args, loc));
Exemplo n.º 28
void case_531()
#line 3835 "cs-parser.jay"
		var tne = (ATypeNameExpression) yyVals[-3+yyTop];
		if (tne.HasTypeArguments)
			Error_TypeExpected (GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]));

		var lt = (Tokenizer.LocatedToken) yyVals[-1+yyTop];
		yyVal = new MemberAccess (tne, lt.Value, (int) yyVals[0+yyTop], lt.Location) {
			DotLocation = GetLocation (yyVals[-2+yyTop])
Exemplo n.º 29
void case_536()
#line 3874 "cs-parser.jay"
		var lt = (LocatedToken) yyVals[0+yyTop];
		yyVal = new MemberAccess ((Expression) yyVals[-2+yyTop], lt.Value, lt.Location);
		lbag.AddLocation (yyVal, savedLocation, GetLocation (yyVals[-1+yyTop]));
Exemplo n.º 30
			public override bool Resolve (BlockContext ec)
				Block variables_block = variable.local_info.Block;
				copy = TemporaryVariableReference.Create (for_each.expr.Type, variables_block, loc);
				copy.Resolve (ec);

				int rank = length_exprs.Length;
				Arguments list = new Arguments (rank);
				for (int i = 0; i < rank; i++) {
					var v = TemporaryVariableReference.Create (TypeManager.int32_type, variables_block, loc);
					variables[i] = v;
					counter[i] = new StatementExpression (new UnaryMutator (UnaryMutator.Mode.PostIncrement, v, loc));
					counter[i].Resolve (ec);

					if (rank == 1) {
						length_exprs [i] = new MemberAccess (copy, "Length").Resolve (ec);
					} else {
						lengths[i] = TemporaryVariableReference.Create (TypeManager.int32_type, variables_block, loc);
						lengths[i].Resolve (ec);

						Arguments args = new Arguments (1);
						args.Add (new Argument (new IntConstant (i, loc)));
						length_exprs [i] = new Invocation (new MemberAccess (copy, "GetLength"), args).Resolve (ec);

					list.Add (new Argument (v));

				access = new ElementAccess (copy, list, loc).Resolve (ec);
				if (access == null)
					return false;

				Expression var_type = for_each.type;
				VarExpr ve = var_type as VarExpr;
				if (ve != null) {
					// Infer implicitly typed local variable from foreach array type
					var_type = new TypeExpression (access.Type, ve.Location);

				var_type = var_type.ResolveAsTypeTerminal (ec, false);
				if (var_type == null)
					return false;

				conv = Convert.ExplicitConversion (ec, access, var_type.Type, loc);
				if (conv == null)
					return false;

				bool ok = true;

				ec.StartFlowBranching (FlowBranching.BranchingType.Loop, loc);
				ec.CurrentBranching.CreateSibling ();

				variable.local_info.Type = conv.Type;
				variable.Resolve (ec);

				ec.StartFlowBranching (FlowBranching.BranchingType.Embedded, loc);
				if (!statement.Resolve (ec))
					ok = false;
				ec.EndFlowBranching ();

				// There's no direct control flow from the end of the embedded statement to the end of the loop
				ec.CurrentBranching.CurrentUsageVector.Goto ();

				ec.EndFlowBranching ();

				return ok;
Exemplo n.º 31
void case_538()
#line 3890 "cs-parser.jay"
		var tne = (ATypeNameExpression) yyVals[-3+yyTop];
		if (tne.HasTypeArguments)
			Error_TypeExpected (GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]));

		var lt = (LocatedToken) yyVals[-1+yyTop];
		var ma = new MemberAccess (tne, lt.Value, (int) yyVals[0+yyTop], lt.Location);		
		yyVal = ma;
		lbag.AddLocation (ma.TypeArguments, Lexer.GetGenericDimensionLocations ());
Exemplo n.º 32
        public ArrayInitializer CreateDynamicBinderArguments(ResolveContext rc)
            Location loc = Location.Null;
            var      all = new ArrayInitializer(args.Count, loc);

            MemberAccess binder = DynamicExpressionStatement.GetBinderNamespace(rc, loc);

            foreach (Argument a in args)
                Arguments dargs = new Arguments(2);

                // CSharpArgumentInfoFlags.None = 0
                const string info_flags_enum = "CSharpArgumentInfoFlags";
                Expression   info_flags      = new IntLiteral(rc.BuiltinTypes, 0, loc);

                if (a.Expr is Constant)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "Constant", loc));
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Ref)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsRef", loc));
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "UseCompileTimeType", loc));
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.Out)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsOut", loc));
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "UseCompileTimeType", loc));
                else if (a.ArgType == Argument.AType.DynamicTypeName)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "IsStaticType", loc));

                TypeSpec arg_type;

                if (rc.FileType == SourceFileType.PlayScript &&
                    a.Expr is ArrayInitializer || a.Expr is AsObjectInitializer)
                    if (a.Expr is ArrayInitializer)
                        arg_type = rc.Module.PredefinedTypes.AsArray.Resolve();
                        arg_type = rc.Module.PredefinedTypes.AsExpandoObject.Resolve();
                    arg_type = a.Expr.Type;

                if (arg_type.BuiltinType != BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic && arg_type != InternalType.NullLiteral)
                    MethodGroupExpr mg = a.Expr as MethodGroupExpr;

                    bool wasConverted = false;

                    // In PlayScript, we try to implicity convert to dynamic, which handles conversions of method groups to delegates, and
                    // anon methods to delegates.
                    if (rc.FileType == SourceFileType.PlayScript && (mg != null || arg_type == InternalType.AnonymousMethod))
                        var expr = Convert.ImplicitConversion(rc, a.Expr, rc.BuiltinTypes.Dynamic, loc);
                        if (expr != null)
                            a.Expr       = expr;
                            arg_type     = rc.BuiltinTypes.Dynamic;
                            wasConverted = true;

                    // Failed.. check the C# error
                    if (!wasConverted)
                        if (mg != null)
                            rc.Report.Error(1976, a.Expr.Location,
                                            "The method group `{0}' cannot be used as an argument of dynamic operation. Consider using parentheses to invoke the method",
                        else if (arg_type == InternalType.AnonymousMethod)
                            rc.Report.Error(1977, a.Expr.Location,
                                            "An anonymous method or lambda expression cannot be used as an argument of dynamic operation. Consider using a cast");
                        else if (arg_type.Kind == MemberKind.Void || arg_type == InternalType.Arglist || arg_type.IsPointer)
                            rc.Report.Error(1978, a.Expr.Location,
                                            "An expression of type `{0}' cannot be used as an argument of dynamic operation",

                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "UseCompileTimeType", loc));

                string        named_value;
                NamedArgument na = a as NamedArgument;
                if (na != null)
                    info_flags = new Binary(Binary.Operator.BitwiseOr, info_flags,
                                            new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, info_flags_enum, loc), "NamedArgument", loc));

                    named_value = na.Name;
                    named_value = null;

                dargs.Add(new Argument(info_flags));
                dargs.Add(new Argument(new StringLiteral(rc.BuiltinTypes, named_value, loc)));
                all.Add(new Invocation(new MemberAccess(new MemberAccess(binder, "CSharpArgumentInfo", loc), "Create", loc), dargs));

Exemplo n.º 33
			public override object Visit (MemberAccess memberAccess)
				Expression result;
				if (memberAccess.LeftExpression is Indirection) {
					var ind = memberAccess.LeftExpression as Indirection;
					result = new PointerReferenceExpression ();
					result.AddChild ((Expression)ind.Expr.Accept (this), PointerReferenceExpression.Roles.TargetExpression);
					result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (ind.Location), "->".Length), PointerReferenceExpression.ArrowRole);
				} else {
					result = new MemberReferenceExpression ();
					if (memberAccess.LeftExpression != null) {
						var leftExpr = memberAccess.LeftExpression.Accept (this);
						result.AddChild ((Expression)leftExpr, MemberReferenceExpression.Roles.TargetExpression);
					if (!memberAccess.DotLocation.IsNull) {
						result.AddChild (new CSharpTokenNode (Convert (memberAccess.DotLocation), 1), MemberReferenceExpression.Roles.Dot);
				result.AddChild (Identifier.Create (memberAccess.Name, Convert (memberAccess.Location)), MemberReferenceExpression.Roles.Identifier);
				if (memberAccess.TypeArguments != null)  {
					AddTypeArguments (result, memberAccess.TypeArguments);
				return result;
Exemplo n.º 34
		public Expression CreateCallSiteBinder (ResolveContext ec, Arguments args)
			Arguments binder_args = new Arguments (3);

			MemberAccess sle = new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (
				new QualifiedAliasMember (QualifiedAliasMember.GlobalAlias, "System", loc), "Linq", loc), "Expressions", loc);

			MemberAccess binder = GetBinderNamespace (loc);

			binder_args.Add (new Argument (new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (sle, "ExpressionType", loc), name, loc)));
			binder_args.Add (new Argument (new BoolLiteral (ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope), loc)));
			binder_args.Add (new Argument (new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation ("[]", args.CreateDynamicBinderArguments (), loc)));

			return new New (new MemberAccess (binder, "CSharpUnaryOperationBinder", loc), binder_args, loc);
Exemplo n.º 35
			public override object Visit(MemberAccess memberAccess)
				Expression result;
				var ind = memberAccess.LeftExpression as Indirection;
				if (ind != null) {
					result = new PointerReferenceExpression();
					result.AddChild((Expression)ind.Expr.Accept(this), Roles.TargetExpression);
					result.AddChild(new CSharpTokenNode(Convert(ind.Location), PointerReferenceExpression.ArrowRole), PointerReferenceExpression.ArrowRole);
				} else {
					result = new MemberReferenceExpression();
					if (memberAccess.LeftExpression != null) {
						var leftExpr = memberAccess.LeftExpression.Accept(this);
						result.AddChild((Expression)leftExpr, Roles.TargetExpression);
					var loc = LocationsBag.GetLocations(memberAccess);

					if (loc != null) {
						result.AddChild(new CSharpTokenNode(Convert(loc [0]), Roles.Dot), Roles.Dot);
				result.AddChild(Identifier.Create(memberAccess.Name, Convert(memberAccess.Location)), Roles.Identifier);
				AddTypeArguments(result, memberAccess);
				return result;
Exemplo n.º 36
void case_439()
#line 3273 "cs-parser.jay"
		var lt = (LocatedToken) yyVals[-1+yyTop];
		yyVal = new MemberAccess (new BaseThis (GetLocation (yyVals[-3+yyTop])), lt.Value, (TypeArguments) yyVals[0+yyTop], lt.Location);
		lbag.AddLocation (yyVal, GetLocation (yyVals[-2+yyTop]));
Exemplo n.º 37
        public override bool Resolve(BlockContext bc)
            if (bc.CurrentBlock is Linq.QueryBlock)
                bc.Report.Error(1995, loc,
                                "The `await' operator may only be used in a query expression within the first collection expression of the initial `from' clause or within the collection expression of a `join' clause");

            if (!base.Resolve(bc))

            Arguments args = new Arguments(0);

            type = expr.Type;

            // The await expression is of dynamic type
            if (type.BuiltinType == BuiltinTypeSpec.Type.Dynamic)
                result_type = type;
                expr        = new Invocation(new MemberAccess(expr, "GetAwaiter"), args).Resolve(bc);

            // Check whether the expression is awaitable
            Expression ama = new AwaitableMemberAccess(expr).Resolve(bc);

            if (ama == null)

            var errors_printer = new SessionReportPrinter();
            var old            = bc.Report.SetPrinter(errors_printer);

            ama = new Invocation(ama, args).Resolve(bc);

            if (errors_printer.ErrorsCount > 0 || !MemberAccess.IsValidDotExpression(ama.Type))
                bc.Report.Error(1986, expr.Location,
                                "The `await' operand type `{0}' must have suitable GetAwaiter method",


            var awaiter_type = ama.Type;

            expr = ama;

            // Predefined: bool IsCompleted { get; }
            is_completed = MemberCache.FindMember(awaiter_type, MemberFilter.Property("IsCompleted", bc.Module.Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool),
                                                  BindingRestriction.InstanceOnly) as PropertySpec;

            if (is_completed == null || !is_completed.HasGet)
                Error_WrongAwaiterPattern(bc, awaiter_type);

            // Predefined: GetResult ()
            // The method return type is also result type of await expression
            get_result = MemberCache.FindMember(awaiter_type, MemberFilter.Method("GetResult", 0,
                                                                                  ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters, null),
                                                BindingRestriction.InstanceOnly) as MethodSpec;

            if (get_result == null)
                Error_WrongAwaiterPattern(bc, awaiter_type);

            // Predefined: INotifyCompletion.OnCompleted (System.Action)
            var nc = bc.Module.PredefinedTypes.INotifyCompletion;

            if (nc.Define() && !awaiter_type.ImplementsInterface(nc.TypeSpec, false))
                bc.Report.Error(4027, loc, "The awaiter type `{0}' must implement interface `{1}'",
                                awaiter_type.GetSignatureForError(), nc.GetSignatureForError());

            result_type = get_result.ReturnType;

Exemplo n.º 38
void case_537()
#line 3881 "cs-parser.jay"
		var lt = (LocatedToken) yyVals[-1+yyTop];
		var ma = new MemberAccess ((Expression) yyVals[-3+yyTop], lt.Value, (int) yyVals[0+yyTop], lt.Location);
		yyVal = ma;
		lbag.AddLocation (yyVal, savedLocation, GetLocation (yyVals[-2+yyTop]));
		lbag.AddLocation (ma.TypeArguments, Lexer.GetGenericDimensionLocations ());
Exemplo n.º 39
void case_537()
#line 3676 "cs-parser.jay"
		var lt = (Tokenizer.LocatedToken) yyVals[-1+yyTop];
		yyVal = new MemberAccess ((Expression) yyVals[-3+yyTop], lt.Value, (int) yyVals[0+yyTop], lt.Location);		
Exemplo n.º 40
void case_547()
#line 3968 "cs-parser.jay"
		var lt = (LocatedToken) yyVals[-1+yyTop];
		yyVal = new MemberAccess (new Indirection ((Expression) yyVals[-3+yyTop], GetLocation (yyVals[-2+yyTop])), lt.Value, (TypeArguments) yyVals[0+yyTop], lt.Location);
Exemplo n.º 41
void case_538()
#line 3682 "cs-parser.jay"
		var te = ((MemberName) yyVals[-3+yyTop]).GetTypeExpression ();
		if (te.HasTypeArguments)
			Error_TypeExpected (GetLocation (yyVals[0+yyTop]));

		var lt = (Tokenizer.LocatedToken) yyVals[-1+yyTop];
		yyVal = new MemberAccess (te, lt.Value, (int) yyVals[0+yyTop], lt.Location);		
Exemplo n.º 42
		public override Expression CreateExpressionTree (ResolveContext ec)
			MemberAccess ma = new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (new QualifiedAliasMember ("global", "System", loc), "Delegate", loc), "CreateDelegate", loc);

			Arguments args = new Arguments (3);
			args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (type, loc)));

			if (method_group.InstanceExpression == null)
				args.Add (new Argument (new NullLiteral (loc)));
				args.Add (new Argument (method_group.InstanceExpression));

			args.Add (new Argument (method_group.CreateExpressionTree (ec)));
			Expression e = new Invocation (ma, args).Resolve (ec);
			if (e == null)
				return null;

			e = Convert.ExplicitConversion (ec, e, type, loc);
			if (e == null)
				return null;

			return e.CreateExpressionTree (ec);
Exemplo n.º 43
void case_544()
#line 3741 "cs-parser.jay"
		var lt = (Tokenizer.LocatedToken) yyVals[0+yyTop];
		yyVal = new MemberAccess (new Indirection ((Expression) yyVals[-2+yyTop], GetLocation (yyVals[-1+yyTop])), lt.Value, lt.Location);
Exemplo n.º 44
        public Expression CreateCallSiteBinder(ResolveContext ec, Arguments args)
            Arguments binder_args = new Arguments (4);

            MemberAccess sle = new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (
                new QualifiedAliasMember (QualifiedAliasMember.GlobalAlias, "System", loc), "Linq", loc), "Expressions", loc);

            var flags = ec.HasSet (ResolveContext.Options.CheckedScope) ? CSharpBinderFlags.CheckedContext : 0;

            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new BinderFlags (flags, this)));
            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (sle, "ExpressionType", loc), name, loc)));
            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new TypeOf (new TypeExpression (ec.CurrentType, loc), loc)));
            binder_args.Add (new Argument (new ImplicitlyTypedArrayCreation ("[]", args.CreateDynamicBinderArguments (ec), loc)));

            return new Invocation (GetBinder ("UnaryOperation", loc), binder_args);
Exemplo n.º 45
			Method GenerateNumberMatcher ()
				var loc = Location;
				var parameters = ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved (
					new [] {
						new Parameter (new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, loc), "obj", 0, null, loc),
						new Parameter (new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, loc), "value", 0, null, loc),
						new Parameter (new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool, loc), "enumType", 0, null, loc),
					new [] {

				var m = new Method (this, new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool, loc),
					Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.STATIC | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN, new MemberName ("NumberMatcher", loc),
					parameters, null);

				parameters [0].Resolve (m, 0);
				parameters [1].Resolve (m, 1);
				parameters [2].Resolve (m, 2);

				ToplevelBlock top_block = new ToplevelBlock (Compiler, parameters, loc);
				m.Block = top_block;

				// if (enumType)
				//		return Equals (obj, value);
				var equals_args = new Arguments (2);
				equals_args.Add (new Argument (top_block.GetParameterReference (0, loc)));
				equals_args.Add (new Argument (top_block.GetParameterReference (1, loc)));

				var if_type = new If (
					              top_block.GetParameterReference (2, loc),
					              new Return (new Invocation (new SimpleName ("Equals", loc), equals_args), loc),

				top_block.AddStatement (if_type);

				// if (obj is Enum || obj == null)
				//		return false;

				var if_enum = new If (
					              new Binary (Binary.Operator.LogicalOr,
						              new Is (top_block.GetParameterReference (0, loc), new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Enum, loc), loc),
						              new Binary (Binary.Operator.Equality, top_block.GetParameterReference (0, loc), new NullLiteral (loc))),
					              new Return (new BoolLiteral (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, false, loc), loc),

				top_block.AddStatement (if_enum);

				var system_convert = new MemberAccess (new QualifiedAliasMember ("global", "System", loc), "Convert", loc);
				var expl_block = new ExplicitBlock (top_block, loc, loc);

				// var converted = System.Convert.ChangeType (obj, System.Convert.GetTypeCode (value));
				var lv_converted = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, top_block, loc);

				var arguments_gettypecode = new Arguments (1);
				arguments_gettypecode.Add (new Argument (top_block.GetParameterReference (1, loc)));

				var gettypecode = new Invocation (new MemberAccess (system_convert, "GetTypeCode", loc), arguments_gettypecode);

				var arguments_changetype = new Arguments (1);
				arguments_changetype.Add (new Argument (top_block.GetParameterReference (0, loc)));
				arguments_changetype.Add (new Argument (gettypecode));

				var changetype = new Invocation (new MemberAccess (system_convert, "ChangeType", loc), arguments_changetype);

				expl_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (new SimpleAssign (new LocalVariableReference (lv_converted, loc), changetype, loc)));

				// return converted.Equals (value)
				var equals_arguments = new Arguments (1);
				equals_arguments.Add (new Argument (top_block.GetParameterReference (1, loc)));
				var equals_invocation = new Invocation (new MemberAccess (new LocalVariableReference (lv_converted, loc), "Equals"), equals_arguments);
				expl_block.AddStatement (new Return (equals_invocation, loc));

				var catch_block = new ExplicitBlock (top_block, loc, loc);
				catch_block.AddStatement (new Return (new BoolLiteral (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, false, loc), loc));
				top_block.AddStatement (new TryCatch (expl_block, new List<Catch> () {
					new Catch (catch_block, loc)
				}, loc, false));

				m.Define ();
				m.PrepareEmit ();
				AddMember (m);

				return m;
Exemplo n.º 46
		protected override bool DoDefineMembers ()
			if (!base.DoDefineMembers ())
				return false;

			Location loc = Location;

			var equals_parameters = ParametersCompiled.CreateFullyResolved (
				new Parameter (new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object, loc), "obj", 0, null, loc), Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Object);

			Method equals = new Method (this, new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Bool, loc),
				Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.OVERRIDE | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN, new MemberName ("Equals", loc),
				equals_parameters, null);

			equals_parameters[0].Resolve (equals, 0);

			Method tostring = new Method (this, new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.String, loc),
				Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.OVERRIDE | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN, new MemberName ("ToString", loc),
				Mono.CSharp.ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters, null);

			ToplevelBlock equals_block = new ToplevelBlock (Compiler, equals.ParameterInfo, loc);

			TypeExpr current_type;
			if (CurrentTypeParameters != null) {
				var targs = new TypeArguments ();
				for (int i = 0; i < CurrentTypeParameters.Count; ++i) {
					targs.Add (new TypeParameterExpr (CurrentTypeParameters[i], Location));

				current_type = new GenericTypeExpr (Definition, targs, loc);
			} else {
				current_type = new TypeExpression (Definition, loc);

			var li_other = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated (CurrentType, equals_block, loc);
			equals_block.AddStatement (new BlockVariableDeclaration (new TypeExpression (li_other.Type, loc), li_other));
			var other_variable = new LocalVariableReference (li_other, loc);

			MemberAccess system_collections_generic = new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (
				new QualifiedAliasMember ("global", "System", loc), "Collections", loc), "Generic", loc);

			Expression rs_equals = null;
			Expression string_concat = new StringConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, "{", loc);
			Expression rs_hashcode = new IntConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, -2128831035, loc);
			for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Count; ++i) {
				var p = parameters [i];
				var f = (Field) Members [i * 2];

				MemberAccess equality_comparer = new MemberAccess (new MemberAccess (
					system_collections_generic, "EqualityComparer",
						new TypeArguments (new SimpleName (CurrentTypeParameters [i].Name, loc)), loc),
						"Default", loc);

				Arguments arguments_equal = new Arguments (2);
				arguments_equal.Add (new Argument (new MemberAccess (new This (f.Location), f.Name)));
				arguments_equal.Add (new Argument (new MemberAccess (other_variable, f.Name)));

				Expression field_equal = new Invocation (new MemberAccess (equality_comparer,
					"Equals", loc), arguments_equal);

				Arguments arguments_hashcode = new Arguments (1);
				arguments_hashcode.Add (new Argument (new MemberAccess (new This (f.Location), f.Name)));
				Expression field_hashcode = new Invocation (new MemberAccess (equality_comparer,
					"GetHashCode", loc), arguments_hashcode);

				IntConstant FNV_prime = new IntConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, 16777619, loc);				
				rs_hashcode = new Binary (Binary.Operator.Multiply,
					new Binary (Binary.Operator.ExclusiveOr, rs_hashcode, field_hashcode),

				Expression field_to_string = new Conditional (new BooleanExpression (new Binary (Binary.Operator.Inequality,
					new MemberAccess (new This (f.Location), f.Name), new NullLiteral (loc))),
					new Invocation (new MemberAccess (
						new MemberAccess (new This (f.Location), f.Name), "ToString"), null),
					new StringConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, string.Empty, loc), loc);

				if (rs_equals == null) {
					rs_equals = field_equal;
					string_concat = new Binary (Binary.Operator.Addition,
						new Binary (Binary.Operator.Addition,
							new StringConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, " " + p.Name + " = ", loc),

				// Implementation of ToString () body using string concatenation
				string_concat = new Binary (Binary.Operator.Addition,
					new Binary (Binary.Operator.Addition,
						new StringConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, ", " + p.Name + " = ", loc)),

				rs_equals = new Binary (Binary.Operator.LogicalAnd, rs_equals, field_equal);

			string_concat = new Binary (Binary.Operator.Addition,
				new StringConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, " }", loc));

			// Equals (object obj) override
			var other_variable_assign = new TemporaryVariableReference (li_other, loc);
			equals_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
				new SimpleAssign (other_variable_assign,
					new As (equals_block.GetParameterReference (0, loc),
						current_type, loc), loc)));

			Expression equals_test = new Binary (Binary.Operator.Inequality, other_variable, new NullLiteral (loc));
			if (rs_equals != null)
				equals_test = new Binary (Binary.Operator.LogicalAnd, equals_test, rs_equals);
			equals_block.AddStatement (new Return (equals_test, loc));

			equals.Block = equals_block;
			equals.Define ();
			Members.Add (equals);

			// GetHashCode () override
			Method hashcode = new Method (this, new TypeExpression (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Int, loc),
				Modifiers.PUBLIC | Modifiers.OVERRIDE | Modifiers.DEBUGGER_HIDDEN,
				new MemberName ("GetHashCode", loc),
				Mono.CSharp.ParametersCompiled.EmptyReadOnlyParameters, null);

			// Modified FNV with good avalanche behavior and uniform
			// distribution with larger hash sizes.
			// const int FNV_prime = 16777619;
			// int hash = (int) 2166136261;
			// foreach (int d in data)
			//     hash = (hash ^ d) * FNV_prime;
			// hash += hash << 13;
			// hash ^= hash >> 7;
			// hash += hash << 3;
			// hash ^= hash >> 17;
			// hash += hash << 5;

			ToplevelBlock hashcode_top = new ToplevelBlock (Compiler, loc);
			Block hashcode_block = new Block (hashcode_top, loc, loc);
			hashcode_top.AddStatement (new Unchecked (hashcode_block, loc));

			var li_hash = LocalVariable.CreateCompilerGenerated (Compiler.BuiltinTypes.Int, hashcode_top, loc);
			hashcode_block.AddStatement (new BlockVariableDeclaration (new TypeExpression (li_hash.Type, loc), li_hash));
			LocalVariableReference hash_variable_assign = new LocalVariableReference (li_hash, loc);
			hashcode_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
				new SimpleAssign (hash_variable_assign, rs_hashcode)));

			var hash_variable = new LocalVariableReference (li_hash, loc);
			hashcode_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
				new CompoundAssign (Binary.Operator.Addition, hash_variable,
					new Binary (Binary.Operator.LeftShift, hash_variable, new IntConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, 13, loc)))));
			hashcode_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
				new CompoundAssign (Binary.Operator.ExclusiveOr, hash_variable,
					new Binary (Binary.Operator.RightShift, hash_variable, new IntConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, 7, loc)))));
			hashcode_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
				new CompoundAssign (Binary.Operator.Addition, hash_variable,
					new Binary (Binary.Operator.LeftShift, hash_variable, new IntConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, 3, loc)))));
			hashcode_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
				new CompoundAssign (Binary.Operator.ExclusiveOr, hash_variable,
					new Binary (Binary.Operator.RightShift, hash_variable, new IntConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, 17, loc)))));
			hashcode_block.AddStatement (new StatementExpression (
				new CompoundAssign (Binary.Operator.Addition, hash_variable,
					new Binary (Binary.Operator.LeftShift, hash_variable, new IntConstant (Compiler.BuiltinTypes, 5, loc)))));

			hashcode_block.AddStatement (new Return (hash_variable, loc));
			hashcode.Block = hashcode_top;
			hashcode.Define ();
			Members.Add (hashcode);

			// ToString () override

			ToplevelBlock tostring_block = new ToplevelBlock (Compiler, loc);
			tostring_block.AddStatement (new Return (string_concat, loc));
			tostring.Block = tostring_block;
			tostring.Define ();
			Members.Add (tostring);

			return true;
Exemplo n.º 47
        public override Expression DoResolve(ResolveContext ec)
            right = right.Resolve(ec);
            if (right == null)

            MemberAccess ma = target as MemberAccess;

            using (ec.Set(ResolveContext.Options.CompoundAssignmentScope)) {
                target = target.Resolve(ec);

            if (target == null)

            if (target is MethodGroupExpr)
                ec.Report.Error(1656, loc,
                                "Cannot assign to `{0}' because it is a `{1}'",
                                ((MethodGroupExpr)target).Name, target.ExprClassName);

            if (target is EventExpr)
                return(new EventAddOrRemove(target, op, right, loc).DoResolve(ec));

            // Only now we can decouple the original source/target
            // into a tree, to guarantee that we do not have side
            // effects.
            if (left == null)
                left = new TargetExpression(target);

            source = new Binary(op, left, right, true);

            // TODO: TargetExpression breaks MemberAccess composition
            if (target is DynamicMemberBinder)
                Arguments targs = ((DynamicMemberBinder)target).Arguments;
                source = source.Resolve(ec);

                Arguments args = new Arguments(2);
                args.Add(new Argument(source));
                source = new DynamicMemberBinder(true, ma.Name, args, loc).Resolve(ec);

                // Handles possible event addition/subtraction
                if (op == Binary.Operator.Addition || op == Binary.Operator.Subtraction)
                    args = new Arguments(2);
                    args.Add(new Argument(right));
                    string method_prefix = op == Binary.Operator.Addition ?
                                           Event.AEventAccessor.AddPrefix : Event.AEventAccessor.RemovePrefix;

                    Expression invoke = new DynamicInvocation(
                        new MemberAccess(right, method_prefix + ma.Name, loc), args, loc).Resolve(ec);

                    args = new Arguments(1);
                    source = new DynamicEventCompoundAssign(ma.Name, args,
                                                            (ExpressionStatement)source, (ExpressionStatement)invoke, loc).Resolve(ec);

