Exemplo n.º 1
            public static BindingsImpl Create(ModelLoadContext ctx, ISchema input,
                                              IHostEnvironment env, ISchemaBindableMapper bindable,
                                              Func <ColumnType, bool> outputTypeMatches, Func <ColumnType, ISchemaBoundRowMapper, ColumnType> getPredColType)

                // *** Binary format ***
                // <base info>
                // int: id of the scores column kind (metadata output)
                // int: id of the column used for deriving the predicted label column

                string suffix;
                var    roles = LoadBaseInfo(ctx, out suffix);

                string scoreKind = ctx.LoadNonEmptyString();
                string scoreCol  = ctx.LoadNonEmptyString();

                var mapper    = bindable.Bind(env, RoleMappedSchema.Create(input, roles));
                var rowMapper = mapper as ISchemaBoundRowMapper;

                env.CheckParam(rowMapper != null, nameof(bindable), "Bindable expected to be an " + nameof(ISchemaBindableMapper) + "!");

                // Find the score column of the mapper.
                int scoreColIndex;

                env.CheckDecode(mapper.OutputSchema.TryGetColumnIndex(scoreCol, out scoreColIndex));

                var scoreType = mapper.OutputSchema.GetColumnType(scoreColIndex);

                var predColType = getPredColType(scoreType, rowMapper);

                return(new BindingsImpl(input, rowMapper, suffix, scoreKind, false, scoreColIndex, predColType));
Exemplo n.º 2
            public BindingsImpl ApplyToSchema(ISchema input, ISchemaBindableMapper bindable, IHostEnvironment env)

                string scoreCol = RowMapper.OutputSchema.GetColumnName(ScoreColumnIndex);
                var    schema   = RoleMappedSchema.Create(input, RowMapper.GetInputColumnRoles());

                // Checks compatibility of the predictor input types.
                var mapper    = bindable.Bind(env, schema);
                var rowMapper = mapper as ISchemaBoundRowMapper;

                env.CheckParam(rowMapper != null, nameof(bindable), "Mapper must implement ISchemaBoundRowMapper");
                int  mapperScoreColumn;
                bool tmp = rowMapper.OutputSchema.TryGetColumnIndex(scoreCol, out mapperScoreColumn);

                env.Check(tmp, "Mapper doesn't have expected score column");

                return(new BindingsImpl(input, rowMapper, Suffix, ScoreColumnKind, true, mapperScoreColumn, PredColType));
            /// <summary>
            /// Create the bindings given the env, bindable, input schema, column roles, and column name suffix.
            /// </summary>
            private static Bindings Create(IHostEnvironment env, ISchemaBindableMapper bindable, ISchema input,
                                           IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <RoleMappedSchema.ColumnRole, string> > roles, string suffix, bool user = true)

                var mapper = bindable.Bind(env, RoleMappedSchema.Create(input, roles));

                // We don't actually depend on this invariant, but if this assert fires it means the bindable
                // did the wrong thing.
                Contracts.Assert(mapper.InputSchema.Schema == input);

                var rowMapper = mapper as ISchemaBoundRowMapper;

                Contracts.Check(rowMapper != null, "Predictor expected to be a RowMapper!");

                return(Create(input, rowMapper, suffix, user));
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a RoleMappedData from the given schema and role/column-name pairs.
 /// This skips null or empty column-names.
 /// </summary>
 public static RoleMappedData Create(IDataView data, IEnumerable <KeyValuePair <RoleMappedSchema.ColumnRole, string> > roles)
     Contracts.CheckValue(data, nameof(data));
     Contracts.CheckValue(roles, nameof(roles));
     return(new RoleMappedData(data, RoleMappedSchema.Create(data.Schema, roles)));
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a RoleMappedData from the given data with no column role assignments.
 /// </summary>
 public static RoleMappedData Create(IDataView data)
     Contracts.CheckValue(data, nameof(data));
     return(new RoleMappedData(data, RoleMappedSchema.Create(data.Schema)));
Exemplo n.º 6
            /// <summary>
            /// Loads multiple artifacts of interest from the input model file, given the context
            /// established by the command line arguments.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="ch">The channel to which to provide output.</param>
            /// <param name="wantPredictor">Whether we want a predictor from the model file. If
            /// <c>false</c> we will not even attempt to load a predictor. If <c>null</c> we will
            /// load the predictor, if present. If <c>true</c> we will load the predictor, or fail
            /// noisily if we cannot.</param>
            /// <param name="predictor">The predictor in the model, or <c>null</c> if
            /// <paramref name="wantPredictor"/> was false, or <paramref name="wantPredictor"/> was
            /// <c>null</c> and no predictor was present.</param>
            /// <param name="wantTrainSchema">Whether we want the training schema. Unlike
            /// <paramref name="wantPredictor"/>, this has no "hard fail if not present" option. If
            /// this is <c>true</c>, it is still possible for <paramref name="trainSchema"/> to remain
            /// <c>null</c> if there were no role mappings, or pipeline.</param>
            /// <param name="trainSchema">The training schema if <paramref name="wantTrainSchema"/>
            /// is true, and there were role mappings stored in the model.</param>
            /// <param name="pipe">The data pipe constructed from the combination of the
            /// model and command line arguments.</param>
            protected void LoadModelObjects(
                IChannel ch,
                bool?wantPredictor, out IPredictor predictor,
                bool wantTrainSchema, out RoleMappedSchema trainSchema,
                out IDataLoader pipe)
                // First handle the case where there is no input model file.
                // Everything must come from the command line.

                using (var file = Host.OpenInputFile(Args.InputModelFile))
                    using (var strm = file.OpenReadStream())
                        using (var rep = RepositoryReader.Open(strm, Host))
                            // First consider loading the predictor.
                            if (wantPredictor == false)
                                predictor = null;
                                ch.Trace("Loading predictor");
                                predictor = ModelFileUtils.LoadPredictorOrNull(Host, rep);
                                if (wantPredictor == true)
                                    Host.Check(predictor != null, "Could not load predictor from model file");

                            // Next create the loader.
                            var         sub       = Args.Loader;
                            IDataLoader trainPipe = null;
                            if (sub.IsGood())
                                // The loader is overridden from the command line.
                                pipe = sub.CreateInstance(Host, new MultiFileSource(Args.DataFile));
                                if (Args.LoadTransforms == true)
                                    Host.CheckUserArg(!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(Args.InputModelFile), nameof(Args.InputModelFile));
                                    pipe = LoadTransformChain(pipe);
                                var loadTrans = Args.LoadTransforms ?? true;
                                pipe = LoadLoader(rep, Args.DataFile, loadTrans);
                                if (loadTrans)
                                    trainPipe = pipe;

                            if (Utils.Size(Args.Transform) > 0)
                                pipe = CompositeDataLoader.Create(Host, pipe, Args.Transform);

                            // Next consider loading the training data's role mapped schema.
                            trainSchema = null;
                            if (wantTrainSchema)
                                // First try to get the role mappings.
                                var trainRoleMappings = ModelFileUtils.LoadRoleMappingsOrNull(Host, rep);
                                if (trainRoleMappings != null)
                                    // Next create the training schema. In the event that the loaded pipeline happens
                                    // to be the training pipe, we can just use that. If it differs, then we need to
                                    // load the full pipeline from the model, relying upon the fact that all loaders
                                    // can be loaded with no data at all, to get their schemas.
                                    if (trainPipe == null)
                                        trainPipe = ModelFileUtils.LoadLoader(Host, rep, new MultiFileSource(null), loadTransforms: true);
                                    trainSchema = RoleMappedSchema.Create(trainPipe.Schema, trainRoleMappings);
                                // If the role mappings are null, an alternative would be to fail. However the idea
                                // is that the scorer should always still succeed, although perhaps with reduced
                                // functionality, even when the training schema is null, since not all versions of
                                // TLC models will have the role mappings preserved, I believe. And, we do want to
                                // maintain backwards compatibility.