Exemplo n.º 1
        private void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            var headers = ToDictionary(context.Request.Headers);
            string urlReferrer = headers.SafeGet("Referer");
            string url = context.Request.GetDisplayUrl();

            var logRequestBase = new LogRequestBase(
                userAgent: headers.SafeGet("User-Agent"),
                userHostAddress: context.GetUserIp(),
                requestId: context.GetLogRequestId(),
                url: (urlReferrer ?? url).ToString(),
                queryParameters: ToDictionary(context.Request.Query),
                cookies: ToDictionary(context.Request.Cookies),
                headers: headers);

            DateTime serverSideTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
            string httpMethod = context.Request.Method;
            string origin = headers.SafeGet("Origin");

            Encoding encoding = HttpHelpers.GetEncoding(headers.SafeGet("Content-Type"));

            string json;
            using (var reader = new StreamReader(context.Request.Body, encoding))
                json = reader.ReadToEnd();

            var response = new LogResponse();

            LoggerProcessor.ProcessLogRequest(json, logRequestBase,
                httpMethod, origin, response);

            // Send dummy response. That way, the log request will not remain "pending"
            // in eg. Chrome dev tools.
            // This must be given a MIME type of "text/plain"
            // Otherwise, the browser may try to interpret the empty string as XML.
            // When the user uses Firefox, and right clicks on the page and chooses "Inspect Element",
            // then in that debugger's console it will say "no element found".
            // See
            // http://www.acnenomor.com/307387p1/how-do-i-setup-my-ajax-post-request-to-prevent-no-element-found-on-empty-response
            // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/975929/firefox-error-no-element-found/976200#976200

            ToAspNet5Response(response, context.Response);
            context.Response.ContentType = "text/plain";
            context.Response.ContentLength = 0;