Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Run(MainForm info)
            // normal video verification
            string error = null;

            if ((error = info.Video.verifyVideoSettings()) != null)
                MessageBox.Show(error, "Unsupported video configuration", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
            if ((error = info.Audio.verifyAudioSettings()) != null && !error.Equals("No audio input defined."))
                MessageBox.Show(error, "Unsupported audio configuration", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
            if (info.Video.CurrentSettings.VideoEncodingType == VideoCodecSettings.VideoEncodingMode.twopass1 ||
                info.Video.CurrentSettings.VideoEncodingType == VideoCodecSettings.VideoEncodingMode.threepass1)
                MessageBox.Show("First pass encoding is not supported for automated encoding as no output is generated.\nPlease choose another encoding mode", "Improper configuration",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

            // close video player so that the AviSynth script is also closed

            JobUtil.GetInputProperties(info.Video.VideoInput, out ulong frameCount, out double frameRate);

            VideoCodecSettings vSettings = info.Video.CurrentSettings.Clone();

            Zone[] zones = info.Video.Info.Zones; // We can't simply modify the zones in place because that would reveal the final zones config to the user, including the credits/start zones
            bool   cont  = JobUtil.GetFinalZoneConfiguration(vSettings, info.Video.Info.IntroEndFrame, info.Video.Info.CreditsStartFrame, ref zones, (int)frameCount);

            if (cont)
                VideoStream myVideo = new VideoStream();
                myVideo.Input          = info.Video.Info.VideoInput;
                myVideo.Output         = info.Video.Info.VideoOutput;
                myVideo.NumberOfFrames = frameCount;
                myVideo.Framerate      = (decimal)frameRate;
                myVideo.VideoType      = info.Video.CurrentMuxableVideoType;
                myVideo.Settings       = vSettings;

                VideoInfo vInfo = info.Video.Info.Clone(); // so we don't modify the data on the main form
                vInfo.Zones = zones;

                using (AutoEncodeWindow aew = new AutoEncodeWindow(myVideo, info.Audio.AudioStreams, info.Video.PrerenderJob, vInfo))
                    if (aew.init())
                        MessageBox.Show("The currently selected combination of video and audio output cannot be muxed", "Unsupported configuration", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Run(MainForm info)
            // normal video verification
            string error = null;

            // update the current audio stream with the latest data
            //            updateAudioStreams();
            if ((error = info.Video.verifyVideoSettings()) != null)
                MessageBox.Show(error, "Unsupported video configuration", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
            if ((error = info.Audio.verifyAudioSettings()) != null && !error.Equals("No audio input defined."))
                MessageBox.Show(error, "Unsupported audio configuration", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
#warning must be fixed up to be more generic
            if (info.Video.CurrentVideoCodecSettings.EncodingMode == 2 || info.Video.CurrentVideoCodecSettings.EncodingMode == 5)
                MessageBox.Show("First pass encoding is not supported for automated encoding as no output is generated.\nPlease choose another encoding mode", "Improper configuration",
                                MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

            VideoCodecSettings vSettings = info.Video.CurrentVideoCodecSettings.clone();
            bool cont = info.JobUtil.getFinalZoneConfiguration(vSettings, info.Video.Info.IntroEndFrame, info.Video.Info.CreditsStartFrame);
            if (cont)
                ulong       length    = 0;
                double      framerate = 0.0;
                VideoStream myVideo   = new VideoStream();
                JobUtil.getInputProperties(out length, out framerate, info.Video.VideoInput);
                myVideo.Input          = info.Video.Info.VideoInput;
                myVideo.Output         = info.Video.Info.VideoOutput;
                myVideo.NumberOfFrames = length;
                myVideo.Framerate      = (decimal)framerate;
                myVideo.DAR            = info.Video.Info.DAR;
                myVideo.VideoType      = info.Video.CurrentMuxableVideoType;
                myVideo.Settings       = vSettings;

                using (AutoEncodeWindow aew = new AutoEncodeWindow(myVideo, info.Audio.AudioStreams, info, info.Video.PrerenderJob))
                    if (aew.init())
                        MessageBox.Show("The currently selected combination of video and audio output cannot be muxed", "Unsupported configuration", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public void Run(MainForm info)
     AviSynthWindow asw = new AviSynthWindow(info);
     asw.OpenScript += new OpenScriptCallback(info.Video.openVideoFile);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Run(MainForm info)
            // normal video verification
            string error = null;
            if ((error = info.Video.verifyVideoSettings()) != null)
                MessageBox.Show(error, "Unsupported video configuration", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);
            if ((error = info.Audio.verifyAudioSettings()) != null && !error.Equals("No audio input defined."))            {
                MessageBox.Show(error, "Unsupported audio configuration", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

            if (info.Video.CurrentSettings.EncodingMode == 2 || info.Video.CurrentSettings.EncodingMode == 5)
                MessageBox.Show("First pass encoding is not supported for automated encoding as no output is generated.\nPlease choose another encoding mode", "Improper configuration",
                    MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Stop);

            VideoCodecSettings vSettings = info.Video.CurrentSettings.Clone();
            Zone[] zones = info.Video.Info.Zones; // We can't simply modify the zones in place because that would reveal the final zones config to the user, including the credits/start zones
            bool cont = info.JobUtil.getFinalZoneConfiguration(vSettings, info.Video.Info.IntroEndFrame, info.Video.Info.CreditsStartFrame, ref zones);
            if (cont)
                ulong length = 0;
                double framerate = 0.0;
                VideoStream myVideo = new VideoStream();
                JobUtil.getInputProperties(out length, out framerate, info.Video.VideoInput);
                myVideo.Input = info.Video.Info.VideoInput;
                myVideo.Output = info.Video.Info.VideoOutput;
                myVideo.NumberOfFrames = length;
                myVideo.Framerate = (decimal)framerate;
                myVideo.DAR = info.Video.Info.DAR;
                myVideo.VideoType = info.Video.CurrentMuxableVideoType;
                myVideo.Settings = vSettings;

                VideoInfo vInfo = info.Video.Info.Clone(); // so we don't modify the data on the main form
                vInfo.Zones = zones;

                using (AutoEncodeWindow aew = new AutoEncodeWindow(myVideo, info.Audio.AudioStreams, info, info.Video.PrerenderJob, vInfo))
                    if (aew.init())
                        MessageBox.Show("The currently selected combination of video and audio output cannot be muxed", "Unsupported configuration", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning);