Exemplo n.º 1
		public override void SetClippingRect(RectangleDouble clippingRect)
			cachedClipRect = clippingRect;
			GL.Scissor((int)Math.Floor(Math.Max(clippingRect.Left, 0)), (int)Math.Floor(Math.Max(clippingRect.Bottom, 0)),
				(int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Max(clippingRect.Width, 0)), (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Max(clippingRect.Height, 0)));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public bool Equals(RectangleDouble other, double epsilon)
     return Math.Abs(Left - other.Left) <= epsilon
         && Math.Abs(Bottom - other.Bottom) <= epsilon
         && Math.Abs(Right - other.Right) <= epsilon
         && Math.Abs(Top - other.Top) <= epsilon;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public PlayfieldView(RectangleDouble bounds)
            BoundsRelativeToParent = bounds;

            GameImageSequence menuButtonSequence = (GameImageSequence)DataAssetCache.Instance.GetAsset(typeof(GameImageSequence), "MenuButtonFromGame");
            Button menuButton = new Button(400, 12, new ButtonViewThreeImage(menuButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(0), menuButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(1), menuButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(2)));
            menuButton.Click += new Button.ButtonEventHandler(EscapeMenu);
Exemplo n.º 4
		public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D)
			int thumbHeight = 10;
			//graphics2D.Rectangle(LocalBounds, RGBA_Bytes.Black);
			double bottom = textScrollWidget.Position0To1 * (Height - thumbHeight);// the 2 is the border
			RectangleDouble thumb = new RectangleDouble(0, bottom, Width, bottom + thumbHeight);// the 1 is the border
			graphics2D.FillRectangle(thumb, RGBA_Bytes.DarkGray);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public CreditsMenu(RectangleDouble bounds)
            BoundsRelativeToParent = bounds;

            GameImageSequence cancelButtonSequence = (GameImageSequence)DataAssetCache.Instance.GetAsset(typeof(GameImageSequence), "NumPlayersCancelButton");
            Button cancelGameButton = new Button(400, 200, new ButtonViewThreeImage(cancelButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(0), cancelButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(1), cancelButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(2)));
            cancelGameButton.Click += new Button.ButtonEventHandler(OnCancelMenuButton);
Exemplo n.º 6
		public static bool bounding_rect_single(IVertexSource vs, int path_id, ref RectangleDouble rect)
			double x1, y1, x2, y2;
			bool rValue = bounding_rect_single(vs, path_id, out x1, out y1, out x2, out y2);
			rect.Left = x1;
			rect.Bottom = y1;
			rect.Right = x2;
			rect.Top = y2;
			return rValue;
Exemplo n.º 7
		public blur()
			m_rbuf2 = new ImageBuffer();
			m_shape_bounds = new RectangleDouble();
			m_method = new RadioButtonGroup(new Vector2(10.0, 10.0), new Vector2(130.0, 60.0));
			m_radius = new Slider(new Vector2(130 + 10.0, 10.0 + 4.0), new Vector2(290, 8.0));
			m_shadow_ctrl = new PolygonEditWidget(4);
			m_channel_r = new CheckBox(10.0, 80.0, "Red");
			m_channel_g = new CheckBox(10.0, 95.0, "Green");
			m_channel_b = new CheckBox(10.0, 110.0, "Blue");
			m_FlattenCurves = new CheckBox(10, 315, "Convert And Flatten Curves");
			m_FlattenCurves.Checked = true;

			m_method.AddRadioButton("Stack Blur");
			m_method.AddRadioButton("Recursive Blur");
			m_method.SelectedIndex = 1;

			m_radius.SetRange(0.0, 40.0);
			m_radius.Value = 15.0;
			m_radius.Text = "Blur Radius={0:F2}";


			m_channel_g.Checked = true;

			m_sl = new ScanlineCachePacked8();

			StyledTypeFace typeFaceForLargeA = new StyledTypeFace(LiberationSansFont.Instance, 300, flatenCurves: false);
			m_path = typeFaceForLargeA.GetGlyphForCharacter('a');

			Affine shape_mtx = Affine.NewIdentity();
			shape_mtx *= Affine.NewTranslation(150, 100);
			m_path = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(m_path, shape_mtx);
			m_shape = new FlattenCurves(m_path);

			bounding_rect.bounding_rect_single(m_shape, 0, ref m_shape_bounds);

			m_shadow_ctrl.SetXN(0, m_shape_bounds.Left);
			m_shadow_ctrl.SetYN(0, m_shape_bounds.Bottom);
			m_shadow_ctrl.SetXN(1, m_shape_bounds.Right);
			m_shadow_ctrl.SetYN(1, m_shape_bounds.Bottom);
			m_shadow_ctrl.SetXN(2, m_shape_bounds.Right);
			m_shadow_ctrl.SetYN(2, m_shape_bounds.Top);
			m_shadow_ctrl.SetXN(3, m_shape_bounds.Left);
			m_shadow_ctrl.SetYN(3, m_shape_bounds.Top);
			m_shadow_ctrl.line_color(new RGBA_Floats(0, 0.3, 0.5, 0.3));
		public RandomFillWidget(Point2D size)
			LocalBounds = new RectangleDouble(0, 0, size.x, size.y);
			image = new ImageBuffer(size.x, size.y, 32, new BlenderBGRA());

			Random rand = new Random();
			Graphics2D imageGraphics = image.NewGraphics2D();
			for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++)
				imageGraphics.Circle(rand.NextDouble() * image.Width, rand.NextDouble() * image.Height, rand.NextDouble() * 10 + 5, RGBA_Bytes.Red);
Exemplo n.º 9
		private RectangleDouble GetTrackBounds()
			RectangleDouble trackBounds;
			if (sliderAttachedTo.Orientation == Orientation.Horizontal)
				trackBounds = new RectangleDouble(0, -TrackHeight / 2, sliderAttachedTo.TotalWidthInPixels, TrackHeight / 2);
				trackBounds = new RectangleDouble(-TrackHeight / 2, 0, TrackHeight / 2, sliderAttachedTo.TotalWidthInPixels);
			return trackBounds;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public WindowWidget(RectangleDouble InBounds)
            int sizeOfDragBar = 20;

            BackgroundColor = RGBA_Bytes.White;

            OriginRelativeParent = new Vector2(InBounds.Left, InBounds.Bottom);
            LocalBounds = new RectangleDouble(0, 0, InBounds.Width, InBounds.Height);

            DragBarColor = RGBA_Bytes.LightGray;
            dragBar = new TitleBarWidget(new RectangleDouble(0, InBounds.Height - sizeOfDragBar, InBounds.Width, InBounds.Height));
            //dragBar.DebugShowBounds = true;

            //clientArea.DebugShowBounds = true;
Exemplo n.º 11
		public RayTraceWidget(int width = 200, int height = 200)
			trackballTumbleWidget = new TrackballTumbleWidget();
			trackballTumbleWidget.DoOpenGlDrawing = false;
			trackballTumbleWidget.DrawRotationHelperCircle = false;
			//trackballTumbleWidget.DrawGlContent += trackballTumbleWidget_DrawGlContent;
			trackballTumbleWidget.TransformState = TrackBallController.MouseDownType.Rotation;



			LocalBounds = new RectangleDouble(0, 0, width, height);

			trackballTumbleWidget.TrackBallController.Scale = .03;

			trackballTumbleWidget.TrackBallController.Rotate(Quaternion.FromEulerAngles(new Vector3(0, 0, MathHelper.Tau / 16)));
			trackballTumbleWidget.TrackBallController.Rotate(Quaternion.FromEulerAngles(new Vector3(-MathHelper.Tau * .19, 0, 0)));
Exemplo n.º 12
		public override void OnDraw(Agg.Graphics2D graphics2D)
			RectangleDouble Bounds = LocalBounds;
			RoundedRect rectBorder = new RoundedRect(Bounds, this.borderRadius);

			graphics2D.Render(rectBorder, borderColor);

			RectangleDouble insideBounds = Bounds;
			RoundedRect rectInside = new RoundedRect(insideBounds, Math.Max(this.borderRadius - this.borderWidth, 0));

			graphics2D.Render(rectInside, this.fillColor);

			if (this.isUnderlined)
				//Printer.TypeFaceStyle.DoUnderline = true;
				RectangleDouble underline = new RectangleDouble(LocalBounds.Left, LocalBounds.Bottom, LocalBounds.Right, LocalBounds.Bottom);
				graphics2D.Rectangle(underline, buttonText.TextColor);

Exemplo n.º 13
        public void ExpandToInclude(RectangleDouble rectToInclude)
            if (Right < rectToInclude.Right)
                Right = rectToInclude.Right;

            if (Top < rectToInclude.Top)
                Top = rectToInclude.Top;

            if (Left > rectToInclude.Left)
                Left = rectToInclude.Left;

            if (Bottom > rectToInclude.Bottom)
                Bottom = rectToInclude.Bottom;
Exemplo n.º 14
 public void unite_rectangles(RectangleDouble r1, RectangleDouble r2)
     Left   = r1.Left;
     Bottom = r1.Bottom;
     Right  = r1.Right;
     Right  = r1.Top;
     if (Right < r2.Right)
         Right = r2.Right;
     if (Top < r2.Top)
         Top = r2.Top;
     if (Left > r2.Left)
         Left = r2.Left;
     if (Bottom > r2.Bottom)
         Bottom = r2.Bottom;
Exemplo n.º 15
		public HowManyPlayersMenu(RectangleDouble bounds)
			BoundsRelativeToParent = bounds;
			GameImageSequence onePlayerButtonSequence = (GameImageSequence)DataAssetCache.Instance.GetAsset(typeof(GameImageSequence), "OnePlayerButton");
			Button onePlayerGameButton = new Button(270, 310, new ButtonViewThreeImage(onePlayerButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(0), onePlayerButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(1), onePlayerButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(2)));
			onePlayerGameButton.Click += new EventHandler(OnStartOnePlayerGameButton);

			GameImageSequence twoPlayerButtonSequence = (GameImageSequence)DataAssetCache.Instance.GetAsset(typeof(GameImageSequence), "TwoPlayerButton");
			Button twoPlayerGameButton = new Button(400, 310, new ButtonViewThreeImage(twoPlayerButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(0), twoPlayerButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(1), twoPlayerButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(2)));
			twoPlayerGameButton.Click += new EventHandler(OnStartTwoPlayerGameButton);

			GameImageSequence fourPlayerButtonSequence = (GameImageSequence)DataAssetCache.Instance.GetAsset(typeof(GameImageSequence), "FourPlayerButton");
			Button fourPlayerGameButton = new Button(530, 310, new ButtonViewThreeImage(fourPlayerButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(0), fourPlayerButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(1), fourPlayerButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(2)));
			fourPlayerGameButton.Click += new EventHandler(OnStartFourPlayerGameButton);

			GameImageSequence cancelButtonSequence = (GameImageSequence)DataAssetCache.Instance.GetAsset(typeof(GameImageSequence), "NumPlayersCancelButton");
			Button cancelGameButton = new Button(400, 210, new ButtonViewThreeImage(cancelButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(0), cancelButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(1), cancelButtonSequence.GetImageByIndex(2)));
			cancelGameButton.Click += new EventHandler(OnCancelMenuButton);
Exemplo n.º 16
        public bool clip(RectangleDouble r)
            if (Right > r.Right)
                Right = r.Right;

            if (Top > r.Top)
                Top = r.Top;

            if (Left < r.Left)
                Left = r.Left;

            if (Bottom < r.Bottom)
                Bottom = r.Bottom;

            return(Left <= Right && Bottom <= Top);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public override void Clear(IColorType iColor)
            RectangleDouble clippingRect    = GetClippingRect();
            var             clippingRectInt = new RectangleInt((int)clippingRect.Left, (int)clippingRect.Bottom, (int)clippingRect.Right, (int)clippingRect.Top);

            if (DestImage != null)
                var    color  = iColor.ToColor();
                byte[] buffer = DestImage.GetBuffer();
                switch (DestImage.BitDepth)
                case 8:
                    for (int y = clippingRectInt.Bottom; y < clippingRectInt.Top; y++)
                        int bufferOffset       = DestImage.GetBufferOffsetXY((int)clippingRect.Left, y);
                        int bytesBetweenPixels = DestImage.GetBytesBetweenPixelsInclusive();
                        for (int x = 0; x < clippingRectInt.Width; x++)
                            buffer[bufferOffset] = color.blue;
                            bufferOffset        += bytesBetweenPixels;


                case 24:
                    for (int y = clippingRectInt.Bottom; y < clippingRectInt.Top; y++)
                        int bufferOffset       = DestImage.GetBufferOffsetXY((int)clippingRect.Left, y);
                        int bytesBetweenPixels = DestImage.GetBytesBetweenPixelsInclusive();
                        for (int x = 0; x < clippingRectInt.Width; x++)
                            buffer[bufferOffset + 0] = color.blue;
                            buffer[bufferOffset + 1] = color.green;
                            buffer[bufferOffset + 2] = color.red;
                            bufferOffset            += bytesBetweenPixels;


                case 32:
                    for (int y = clippingRectInt.Bottom; y < clippingRectInt.Top; y++)
                        int bufferOffset       = DestImage.GetBufferOffsetXY((int)clippingRect.Left, y);
                        int bytesBetweenPixels = DestImage.GetBytesBetweenPixelsInclusive();
                        for (int x = 0; x < clippingRectInt.Width; x++)
                            buffer[bufferOffset + 0] = color.blue;
                            buffer[bufferOffset + 1] = color.green;
                            buffer[bufferOffset + 2] = color.red;
                            buffer[bufferOffset + 3] = color.alpha;
                            bufferOffset            += bytesBetweenPixels;


                    throw new NotImplementedException();

            else             // it is a float
                if (DestImageFloat == null)
                    throw new Exception("You have to have either a byte or float DestImage.");

                var     color  = iColor.ToColorF();
                int     height = DestImageFloat.Height;
                float[] buffer = DestImageFloat.GetBuffer();
                switch (DestImageFloat.BitDepth)
                case 128:
                    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++)
                        int bufferOffset       = DestImageFloat.GetBufferOffsetXY(clippingRectInt.Left, y);
                        int bytesBetweenPixels = DestImageFloat.GetFloatsBetweenPixelsInclusive();
                        for (int x = 0; x < clippingRectInt.Width; x++)
                            buffer[bufferOffset + 0] = color.blue;
                            buffer[bufferOffset + 1] = color.green;
                            buffer[bufferOffset + 2] = color.red;
                            buffer[bufferOffset + 3] = color.alpha;
                            bufferOffset            += bytesBetweenPixels;


                    throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 18
		public override void SetClippingRect(RectangleDouble clippingRect)
 public override void OnDraw(Agg.Graphics2D graphics2D)
     if (this.isUnderlined)
         //Printer.TypeFaceStyle.DoUnderline = true;
         RectangleDouble underline = new RectangleDouble(LocalBounds.Left, LocalBounds.Bottom, LocalBounds.Right, LocalBounds.Bottom);
         graphics2D.Rectangle(underline, this.TextColor);
Exemplo n.º 20
		private void ScaleMeshToView(List<MeshGroup> loadedMeshGroups)
			if (loadedMeshGroups != null)
				AxisAlignedBoundingBox meshBounds = GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(loadedMeshGroups);

				bool done = false;
				double scallFraction = .1;
				RectangleDouble goalBounds = new RectangleDouble(0, 0, size.x, size.y);
				while (!done)
					RectangleDouble partScreenBounds = GetScreenBounds(meshBounds);

					if (!NeedsToBeSmaller(partScreenBounds, goalBounds))
						trackballTumbleWidget.TrackBallController.Scale *= (1 + scallFraction);
						partScreenBounds = GetScreenBounds(meshBounds);

						// If it crossed over the goal reduct the amount we are adjusting by.
						if (NeedsToBeSmaller(partScreenBounds, goalBounds))
							scallFraction /= 2;
						trackballTumbleWidget.TrackBallController.Scale *= (1 - scallFraction);
						partScreenBounds = GetScreenBounds(meshBounds);

						// If it crossed over the goal reduct the amount we are adjusting by.
						if (!NeedsToBeSmaller(partScreenBounds, goalBounds))
							scallFraction /= 2;
							if (scallFraction < .001)
								done = true;
Exemplo n.º 21
		public void Rectangle(RectangleDouble rect, RGBA_Bytes color, double strokeWidth = 1)
			Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Bottom, rect.Right, rect.Top, color, strokeWidth);
Exemplo n.º 22
 public void SetVectorClipBox(RectangleDouble clippingRect)
     SetVectorClipBox(clippingRect.Left, clippingRect.Bottom, clippingRect.Right, clippingRect.Top);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public void unite_rectangles(RectangleDouble r1, RectangleDouble r2)
     Left = r1.Left;
     Bottom = r1.Bottom;
     Right = r1.Right;
     Right = r1.Top;
     if (Right < r2.Right) Right = r2.Right;
     if (Top < r2.Top) Top = r2.Top;
     if (Left > r2.Left) Left = r2.Left;
     if (Bottom > r2.Bottom) Bottom = r2.Bottom;
Exemplo n.º 24
 public void ExpandToInclude(RectangleDouble rectToInclude)
     if (Right < rectToInclude.Right) Right = rectToInclude.Right;
     if (Top < rectToInclude.Top) Top = rectToInclude.Top;
     if (Left > rectToInclude.Left) Left = rectToInclude.Left;
     if (Bottom > rectToInclude.Bottom) Bottom = rectToInclude.Bottom;
Exemplo n.º 25
		private bool PartsAreInPrintVolume()
			if (ActiveSliceSettings.Instance != null 
				&& !ActiveSliceSettings.Instance.CenterOnBed() 
				&& ActivePrinterProfile.Instance.ActivePrinter != null)
				AxisAlignedBoundingBox allBounds = MeshViewerWidget.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox(MeshGroups);
				bool onBed = allBounds.minXYZ.z > -.001 && allBounds.minXYZ.z < .001; // really close to the bed
				RectangleDouble bedRect = new RectangleDouble(0, 0, ActiveSliceSettings.Instance.BedSize.x, ActiveSliceSettings.Instance.BedSize.y);
				bedRect.Offset(ActiveSliceSettings.Instance.BedCenter - ActiveSliceSettings.Instance.BedSize / 2);

				bool inBounds = bedRect.Contains(new Vector2(allBounds.minXYZ)) && bedRect.Contains(new Vector2(allBounds.maxXYZ));

				return onBed && inBounds;

			return true;
Exemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws an arc representing a portion of an ellipse specified by a Rectangle structure.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="color">The color to draw in.</param>
 /// <param name="rect">Structure that defines the boundaries of the ellipse.</param>
 /// <param name="startAngle">Angle in degrees measured clockwise from the x-axis to the starting point of the arc.</param>
 /// <param name="sweepAngle">Angle in degrees measured clockwise from the startAngle parameter to ending point of the arc.</param>
 public void DrawArc(Color color, RectangleDouble rect, int startAngle, int sweepAngle)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
        public void SavingFunction()
            currentlySaving = true;
            countThatHaveBeenSaved = 0;
            // first create images for all the parts
            foreach (FileNameAndPresentationName stlFileNames in stlFilesToPrint)
                Mesh loadedMesh = StlProcessing.Load(stlFileNames.fileName);
                if (loadedMesh != null)
                    AxisAlignedBoundingBox aabb = loadedMesh.GetAxisAlignedBoundingBox();
                    RectangleDouble bounds2D = new RectangleDouble(aabb.minXYZ.x, aabb.minXYZ.y, aabb.maxXYZ.x, aabb.maxXYZ.y);
                    double widthInMM = bounds2D.Width + PartMarginMM * 2;
                    double textSpaceMM = 5;
                    double heightMM = textSpaceMM + bounds2D.Height + PartMarginMM * 2;

                    TypeFacePrinter typeFacePrinter = new TypeFacePrinter(stlFileNames.presentationName, 28, Vector2.Zero, Justification.Center, Baseline.BoundsCenter);
                    double sizeOfNameX = typeFacePrinter.GetSize().x + PartMarginPixels * 2;
                    Vector2 sizeOfRender = new Vector2(widthInMM * PixelPerMM, heightMM * PixelPerMM);

                    ImageBuffer imageOfPart = new ImageBuffer((int)(Math.Max(sizeOfNameX, sizeOfRender.x)), (int)(sizeOfRender.y), 32, new BlenderBGRA());
                    typeFacePrinter.Origin = new Vector2(imageOfPart.Width / 2, (textSpaceMM / 2) * PixelPerMM);

                    Graphics2D partGraphics2D = imageOfPart.NewGraphics2D();

                    RectangleDouble rectBounds = new RectangleDouble(0, 0, imageOfPart.Width, imageOfPart.Height);
                    double strokeWidth = .5 * PixelPerMM;
                    rectBounds.Inflate(-strokeWidth / 2);
                    RoundedRect rect = new RoundedRect(rectBounds, PartMarginMM * PixelPerMM);
                    partGraphics2D.Render(rect, RGBA_Bytes.LightGray);
                    Stroke rectOutline = new Stroke(rect, strokeWidth);
                    partGraphics2D.Render(rectOutline, RGBA_Bytes.DarkGray);

                    PolygonMesh.Rendering.OrthographicZProjection.DrawTo(partGraphics2D, loadedMesh, new Vector2(-bounds2D.Left + PartMarginMM, -bounds2D.Bottom + textSpaceMM + PartMarginMM), PixelPerMM, RGBA_Bytes.Black);
                    partGraphics2D.Render(typeFacePrinter, RGBA_Bytes.Black);

                    partImagesToPrint.Add(new PartImage(imageOfPart));
                if (UpdateRemainingItems != null)
                    UpdateRemainingItems(this, new StringEventArgs(Path.GetFileName(stlFileNames.presentationName)));


            PdfDocument document = new PdfDocument();
            document.Info.Title = "MatterHackers Parts Sheet";
            document.Info.Author = "MatterHackers Inc.";
            document.Info.Subject = "This is a list of the parts that are in a queue from MatterControl.";
            document.Info.Keywords = "MatterControl, STL, 3D Printing";

            int nextPartToPrintIndex = 0;
            int plateNumber = 1;
            bool done = false;
            while (!done && nextPartToPrintIndex < partImagesToPrint.Count)
                PdfPage pdfPage = document.AddPage();
                CreateOnePage(plateNumber++, ref nextPartToPrintIndex, pdfPage);
                // save the final document
                // Now try and open the document. This will lanch whatever PDF viewer is on the system and ask it 
                // to show the file (at least on Windows).
			catch (Exception)

            currentlySaving = false;
Exemplo n.º 28
 public void Rectangle(RectangleDouble rect, Color color, double strokeWidth = 1)
     Rectangle(rect.Left, rect.Bottom, rect.Right, rect.Top, color, strokeWidth);
Exemplo n.º 29
		public override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mouseEvent)
			int boxSize = 20;

			// Handle errors in the touch panel that push touch event positions to the screen edge by
			// proxying all clicks in the target region back into the desired control
			RectangleDouble topRightHitbox = new RectangleDouble(this.Width - boxSize, this.Height - boxSize, this.Width, this.Height);
			if (topRightHitbox.Contains(mouseEvent.Position) && this.MouseCaptured)

Exemplo n.º 30
 public override void SetClippingRect(RectangleDouble clippingRect)
Exemplo n.º 31
        public bool IsTouching(RectangleDouble rectToIntersectWith)
            RectangleDouble temp = this;

Exemplo n.º 32
		public abstract void SetClippingRect(RectangleDouble rect_d);
Exemplo n.º 33
		private bool NeedsToBeSmaller(RectangleDouble partScreenBounds, RectangleDouble goalBounds)
			if (partScreenBounds.Bottom < goalBounds.Bottom
				|| partScreenBounds.Top > goalBounds.Top
				|| partScreenBounds.Left < goalBounds.Left
				|| partScreenBounds.Right > goalBounds.Right)
				return true;

			return false;
Exemplo n.º 34
		public void FillRectangle(RectangleDouble rect, IColorType fillColor)
			FillRectangle(rect.Left, rect.Bottom, rect.Right, rect.Top, fillColor);
Exemplo n.º 35
 public static bool get_bounding_rect(PathStorage vs, int[] gi,
                                      int start, int num,
                                      out RectangleDouble boundingRect)
     return(get_bounding_rect(vs, gi, start, num, out boundingRect.Left, out boundingRect.Bottom, out boundingRect.Right, out boundingRect.Top));
Exemplo n.º 36
 public abstract void SetClippingRect(RectangleDouble rect_d);
Exemplo n.º 37
        public override void OnDraw(Graphics2D graphics2D)
            ImageBuffer        widgetsSubImage = ImageBuffer.NewSubImageReference(graphics2D.DestImage, graphics2D.GetClippingRect());
            ImageClippingProxy clippingProxy   = new ImageClippingProxy(widgetsSubImage);

            clippingProxy.clear(new ColorF(1, 1, 1));
            m_ras.SetVectorClipBox(0, 0, Width, Height);

            Affine move = Affine.NewTranslation(10, 10);

            Perspective shadow_persp = new Perspective(m_shape_bounds.Left, m_shape_bounds.Bottom,
                                                       m_shape_bounds.Right, m_shape_bounds.Top,

            IVertexSource shadow_trans;

            if (m_FlattenCurves.Checked)
                shadow_trans = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(m_shape, shadow_persp);
                shadow_trans = new VertexSourceApplyTransform(m_path, shadow_persp);
                // this will make it very smooth after the transform
                //shadow_trans = new conv_curve(shadow_trans);

            // Render shadow
            ScanlineRenderer scanlineRenderer = new ScanlineRenderer();

            scanlineRenderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxy, m_ras, m_sl, new ColorF(0.2, 0.3, 0).ToColor());

            // Calculate the bounding box and extend it by the blur radius
            RectangleDouble bbox = new RectangleDouble();

            bounding_rect.bounding_rect_single(shadow_trans, 0, ref bbox);

            bbox.Left   -= m_radius.Value;
            bbox.Bottom -= m_radius.Value;
            bbox.Right  += m_radius.Value;
            bbox.Top    += m_radius.Value;

            if (m_method.SelectedIndex == 1)
                // The recursive blur method represents the true Gaussian Blur,
                // with theoretically infinite kernel. The restricted window size
                // results in extra influence of edge pixels. It's impossible to
                // solve correctly, but extending the right and top areas to another
                // radius value produces fair result.
                bbox.Right += m_radius.Value;
                bbox.Top   += m_radius.Value;


            if (m_method.SelectedIndex != 2)
                // Create a new pixel renderer and attach it to the main one as a child image.
                // It returns true if the attachment succeeded. It fails if the rectangle
                // (bbox) is fully clipped.
#if SourceDepth24
                ImageBuffer image2 = new ImageBuffer(new BlenderBGR());
                ImageBuffer image2 = new ImageBuffer(new BlenderBGRA());
                if (image2.Attach(widgetsSubImage, (int)bbox.Left, (int)bbox.Bottom, (int)bbox.Right, (int)bbox.Top))
                    // Blur it
                    if (m_method.SelectedIndex == 0)
                        // More general method, but 30-40% slower.
                        //m_stack_blur.blur(pixf2, agg::uround(m_radius.Value));

                        // Faster, but bore specific.
                        // Works only for 8 bits per channel and only with radii <= 254.
                        stack_blur test = new stack_blur();
                        test.Blur(image2, agg_basics.uround(m_radius.Value), agg_basics.uround(m_radius.Value));
                        // True Gaussian Blur, 3-5 times slower than Stack Blur,
                        // but still constant time of radius. Very sensitive
                        // to precision, doubles are must here.
                        m_recursive_blur.blur(image2, m_radius.Value);
                 * // Blur separate channels
                 * //------------------
                 * if(m_channel_r.Checked)
                 * {
                 *      typedef agg::pixfmt_alpha_blend_gray<
                 *              agg::blender_gray8,
                 *              agg::rendering_buffer,
                 *              3, 2> pixfmt_gray8r;
                 *      pixfmt_gray8r pixf2r(m_rbuf2);
                 *      if(pixf2r.attach(pixf, int(bbox.x1), int(bbox.y1), int(bbox.x2), int(bbox.y2)))
                 *      {
                 *              agg::stack_blur_gray8(pixf2r, agg::uround(m_radius.Value),
                 *                                                                        agg::uround(m_radius.Value));
                 *      }
                 * }
                 * if(m_channel_g.Checked)
                 * {
                 *      typedef agg::pixfmt_alpha_blend_gray<
                 *              agg::blender_gray8,
                 *              agg::rendering_buffer,
                 *              3, 1> pixfmt_gray8g;
                 *      pixfmt_gray8g pixf2g(m_rbuf2);
                 *      if(pixf2g.attach(pixf, int(bbox.x1), int(bbox.y1), int(bbox.x2), int(bbox.y2)))
                 *      {
                 *              agg::stack_blur_gray8(pixf2g, agg::uround(m_radius.Value),
                 *                                                                        agg::uround(m_radius.Value));
                 *      }
                 * }
                 * if(m_channel_b.Checked)
                 * {
                 *      typedef agg::pixfmt_alpha_blend_gray<
                 *              agg::blender_gray8,
                 *              agg::rendering_buffer,
                 *              3, 0> pixfmt_gray8b;
                 *      pixfmt_gray8b pixf2b(m_rbuf2);
                 *      if(pixf2b.attach(pixf, int(bbox.x1), int(bbox.y1), int(bbox.x2), int(bbox.y2)))
                 *      {
                 *              agg::stack_blur_gray8(pixf2b, agg::uround(m_radius.Value),
                 *                                                                        agg::uround(m_radius.Value));
                 *      }
                 * }

            double tm = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

            // Render the shape itself
            if (m_FlattenCurves.Checked)

            scanlineRenderer.RenderSolid(clippingProxy, m_ras, m_sl, new ColorF(0.6, 0.9, 0.7, 0.8).ToColor());

            graphics2D.DrawString(string.Format("{0:F2} ms", tm), 140, 30);
Exemplo n.º 38
 public void FillRectangle(RectangleDouble rect, IColorType fillColor)
     FillRectangle(rect.Left, rect.Bottom, rect.Right, rect.Top, fillColor);
Exemplo n.º 39
 public bool clip(RectangleDouble r)
     if (Right > r.Right) Right = r.Right;
     if (Top > r.Top) Top = r.Top;
     if (Left < r.Left) Left = r.Left;
     if (Bottom < r.Bottom) Bottom = r.Bottom;
     return Left <= Right && Bottom <= Top;
        private double PrintTopOfPage(ImageBuffer plateInventoryImage, Graphics2D plateGraphics)

            double currentlyPrintingHeightPixels = plateInventoryImage.Height - PageMarginMM.Top * PixelPerMM;

            string logoPathAndFile = Path.Combine(ApplicationDataStorage.Instance.ApplicationStaticDataPath, "PartSheetLogo.png");
                ImageBuffer logoImage = new ImageBuffer();
                ImageIO.LoadImageData(logoPathAndFile, logoImage);
                currentlyPrintingHeightPixels -= logoImage.Height;
                plateGraphics.Render(logoImage, (plateInventoryImage.Width - logoImage.Width) / 2, currentlyPrintingHeightPixels);

            currentlyPrintingHeightPixels -= PartPaddingPixels;

            double underlineHeightMM = 1;
            RectangleDouble lineBounds = new RectangleDouble(0, 0, plateInventoryImage.Width - PageMarginPixels.Left * 2, underlineHeightMM * PixelPerMM);
            lineBounds.Offset(PageMarginPixels.Left, currentlyPrintingHeightPixels - lineBounds.Height);
            plateGraphics.FillRectangle(lineBounds, RGBA_Bytes.Black);

            return currentlyPrintingHeightPixels - (lineBounds.Height + PartPaddingPixels);
Exemplo n.º 41
        public bool Contains(RectangleDouble innerRect)
            if (Contains(innerRect.Left, innerRect.Bottom) && Contains(innerRect.Right, innerRect.Top))
                return true;

            return false;
Exemplo n.º 42
		public ViewGcodeWidget(Vector2 gridSizeMm, Vector2 gridCenterMm)
			this.gridSizeMm = gridSizeMm;
			this.gridCenterMm = gridCenterMm;
			LocalBounds = new RectangleDouble(0, 0, 100, 100);
			DoubleBuffer = true;
Exemplo n.º 43
        public bool IntersectWithRectangle(RectangleDouble rectToIntersectWith)
            if (Left < rectToIntersectWith.Left) Left = rectToIntersectWith.Left;
            if (Bottom < rectToIntersectWith.Bottom) Bottom = rectToIntersectWith.Bottom;
            if (Right > rectToIntersectWith.Right) Right = rectToIntersectWith.Right;
            if (Top > rectToIntersectWith.Top) Top = rectToIntersectWith.Top;

            if (Left < Right && Bottom < Top)
                return true;

            return false;