Exemplo n.º 1
        public double ComputeStress(List <double> elemDisplacements)
            LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> elemDispVector = LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> .Build.Dense(elemDisplacements.ToArray());

            double N = StiffnessModulus * Area / ElemLength * LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> .Build.Dense(new double[] { -1, 1 }).DotProduct(G.Multiply(elemDispVector));

            return(N / Area);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> solveEquations(LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> stiffnessMatrix, LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> forceVector, List <int> boundaryDofs, List <double> boundaryConstraints)
            int nDof = forceVector.Count;

            // Find all dofs where force is known
            List <int> allDofs = Enumerable.Range(0, nDof).ToList();

            List <int> unknownDofs = allDofs.Except(boundaryDofs).ToList();

            // Add the know displacements to the result
            LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> displacementVector = LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> .Build.Dense(nDof);

            for (int i = 0; i < boundaryDofs.Count; i++)
                displacementVector[boundaryDofs[i]] = boundaryConstraints[i];

            // Pick out part of matrix corresponding to known forces
            int nrUnknownDofs = unknownDofs.Count;

            LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> unknownK = LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(nrUnknownDofs, nrUnknownDofs);

            LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> knownForces = LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> .Build.Dense(unknownDofs.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < unknownDofs.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < unknownDofs.Count; j++)
                    unknownK[i, j] = stiffnessMatrix[unknownDofs[i], unknownDofs[j]];
                knownForces[i] = forceVector[unknownDofs[i]];

            LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> unkownKnownK = LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(nrUnknownDofs, boundaryDofs.Count);

            for (int i = 0; i < unknownDofs.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < boundaryDofs.Count; j++)
                    unkownKnownK[i, j] = stiffnessMatrix[unknownDofs[i], boundaryDofs[j]];
                knownForces[i] = forceVector[unknownDofs[i]];

            // Solve for the unknown displacements
            LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> unknownDisplacements = unknownK.Inverse().Multiply(knownForces.Subtract(unkownKnownK.Multiply(LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> .Build.Dense(boundaryConstraints.ToArray()))));

            // Insert the calculated displacements
            for (int i = 0; i < unknownDofs.Count; i++)
                displacementVector[unknownDofs[i]] = unknownDisplacements[i];

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 回傳數列中最明顯的 Change Point。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="d">The numeric array which use to run change point procedure. Missing value (1.23456E+30) element is not allow in the array.</param>
        /// <param name="conf">The confidence level used to test whether it is a significant change point</param>
        /// <param name="N">Number of boostrap</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static ChangePointInfo ChangePointOnSingleCase(double[] d, double conf = 0.9, int N = 1000)
            if (d.Length < 7)
                return new ChangePointInfo()
                           Index = -1
            if (d.Any(x => x >= MtbTools.MISSINGVALUE))
                throw new ArgumentException("數列中包含遺失值");

            LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> xs = LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(d);

            double xbar = xs.Average();

            xs = xs - xbar; //Xi-Xbar
            LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> si
                = LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> .Build.DenseOfArray(MathTool.PartialSum(xs.ToArray()));

            int    changepointindex = si.AbsoluteMaximumIndex();
            double sdiff            = si.Maximum() - si.Minimum();

            double[] Sdiff_boostrap = new double[N];
            for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
                double[] si_boostrap = MathTool.PartialSum(MathTool.RandomSample(xs.ToArray()).Cast <double>().ToArray());
                Sdiff_boostrap[i] = si_boostrap.Max() - si_boostrap.Min();
            double confLv = (double)Sdiff_boostrap.Where(x => x < sdiff).Count() / N;

            if (confLv < conf)
                return new ChangePointInfo()
                           Index = -1
            ;                                                               //Not significant

            return(new ChangePointInfo()
                Index = changepointindex, Sdiff = sdiff, ConfidenceLevel = confLv
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 計算數列各元素的累積和
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">要處理的陣列,合法的輸入是 double[]</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static double[] PartialSum(double[] x)
            LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> vx
                = LinearAlgebra.Double.DenseVector.OfArray(x);
            int row = vx.Count;
            int col = row;

            LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> lmat
                = LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(row, col, 1);

            lmat = lmat.LowerTriangle();

            LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> result
                = lmat.Multiply(vx);
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // Retrive data from component
            List <double>          A         = new List <double>();
            List <double>          E         = new List <double>();
            List <Line>            lines     = new List <Line>();
            List <ContstraintNode> rNodes    = new List <ContstraintNode>();
            List <LoadNode>        loadNodes = new List <LoadNode>();
            double scaleFactor = 1.0;

            DA.GetDataList("Line", lines);
            DA.GetDataList("Area", A);
            DA.GetDataList("Youngs Modulus", E);
            DA.GetDataList("Restraint Nodes", rNodes);
            DA.GetDataList("Load Nodes", loadNodes);
            DA.GetData("Scale Factor", ref scaleFactor);

            // The length of A and E must be the same as lines
            if ((A.Count != E.Count) | (E.Count != lines.Count))
                throw new ArgumentException("Length of A and E must equal length of Line");

            // Create one list to store the nodes and one list to store the bars
            List <Node> trussNodes = new List <Node>();
            List <Bar>  trussBars  = new List <Bar>();

            // Topology matrix to keep track of element dofs
            List <List <int> > eDof = new List <List <int> >();

            // Loop trough each line and create nodes at end points
            for (int i = 0; i < lines.Count; i++)
                Node node1 = new Node(lines[i].From);
                Node node2 = new Node(lines[i].To);

                // To keep track if the node is unique
                bool unique1 = true;
                bool unique2 = true;

                // Check if node is unique, if so give it an ID and degress of freedom
                foreach (Node existingNode in trussNodes)
                    // If not unique use an already identified node
                    if (node1 == existingNode)
                        node1   = existingNode;
                        unique1 = false;

                    if (node2 == existingNode)
                        node2   = existingNode;
                        unique2 = false;

                // If unique give it an ID
                if (unique1)
                    int id_node_1 = trussNodes.Count;
                    node1.ID   = id_node_1;
                    node1.Dofs = System.Linq.Enumerable.Range(id_node_1 * 3, 3).ToList();

                    // Check if any boundary node or load node exist at current node
                    foreach (ContstraintNode rNode in rNodes)
                        if (rNode == node1)
                            // Add restraint data
                            node1.ConstraintX = rNode.ConstraintX;
                            node1.ConstraintY = rNode.ConstraintY;
                            node1.ConstraintZ = rNode.ConstraintZ;

                    foreach (LoadNode loadNode in loadNodes)
                        if (loadNode == node1)
                            // Add force data
                            node1.ForceX = loadNode.ForceX;
                            node1.ForceY = loadNode.ForceY;
                            node1.ForceZ = loadNode.ForceZ;

                    // Finally add the node

                if (unique2)
                    int id_node_2 = trussNodes.Count;
                    node2.ID   = id_node_2;
                    node2.Dofs = System.Linq.Enumerable.Range(id_node_2 * 3, 3).ToList();

                    // Check if any boundary node or load node exist at current node
                    foreach (ContstraintNode rNode in rNodes)
                        if (rNode == node2)
                            // Add constraint data
                            node2.ConstraintX = rNode.ConstraintX;
                            node2.ConstraintY = rNode.ConstraintY;
                            node2.ConstraintZ = rNode.ConstraintZ;

                    foreach (LoadNode loadNode in loadNodes)
                        if (loadNode == node2)
                            // Add force data
                            node2.ForceX = loadNode.ForceX;
                            node2.ForceY = loadNode.ForceY;
                            node2.ForceZ = loadNode.ForceZ;

                    // Finally add the node

                // Create a bar object between the nodes
                Bar bar = new Bar(node1, node2, A[i], E[i]);

                // Topology matrix
                List <int> dofs1 = bar.Nodes[0].Dofs;
                List <int> dofs2 = bar.Nodes[1].Dofs;

                List <int> eDofRow = new List <int>();

            int nDof  = trussNodes.Count * 3;
            int nElem = eDof.Count;

            // Loop trough each node and construct a load vector and boundary vector
            LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> forceVector = LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> .Build.Dense(nDof);

            List <int>     boundaryDofs        = new List <int>();
            List <double?> boundaryConstraints = new List <double?>();

            for (int i = 0; i < trussNodes.Count; i++)
                // Load vector
                forceVector[i * 3]     = trussNodes[i].ForceX;
                forceVector[i * 3 + 1] = trussNodes[i].ForceY;
                forceVector[i * 3 + 2] = trussNodes[i].ForceZ;

                // Boundary vector
                for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                    if (j == 0 && trussNodes[i].ConstraintX != null)
                    else if (j == 1 && trussNodes[i].ConstraintY != null)

                    else if (j == 2 && trussNodes[i].ConstraintZ != null)

            // Loop trough each element, compute local stiffness matrix and assemble into global stiffness matrix
            LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> K = LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> .Build.Dense(nDof, nDof);

            for (int i = 0; i < trussBars.Count; i++)
                LinearAlgebra.Matrix <double> KElem = trussBars[i].ComputeStiffnessMatrix();

                // Assemble
                for (int k = 0; k < 6; k++)
                    for (int l = 0; l < 6; l++)
                        K[eDof[i][k], eDof[i][l]] = K[eDof[i][k], eDof[i][l]] + KElem[k, l];

            // Calculate the displacements
            Solver solver = new Solver();

            LinearAlgebra.Vector <double> displacements = solver.solveEquations(K, forceVector, boundaryDofs, boundaryConstraints.Cast <double>().ToList());

            // Save the displacement for each node and calculate the stress in each bar
            List <double> elemStress = new List <double> {

            for (int i = 0; i < nElem; i++)
                double disp1 = displacements[eDof[i][0]];
                double disp2 = displacements[eDof[i][1]];
                double disp3 = displacements[eDof[i][2]];
                double disp4 = displacements[eDof[i][3]];
                double disp5 = displacements[eDof[i][4]];
                double disp6 = displacements[eDof[i][5]];

                Point3d newPoint1 = new Point3d(disp1 * scaleFactor, disp2 * scaleFactor, disp3 * scaleFactor);
                Point3d newPoint2 = new Point3d(disp4 * scaleFactor, disp5 * scaleFactor, disp6 * scaleFactor);

                // Translate original points
                trussBars[i].Nodes[0].Point = trussBars[i].Nodes[0].Point + newPoint1;
                trussBars[i].Nodes[1].Point = trussBars[i].Nodes[1].Point + newPoint2;

                // Calculate element stress
                elemStress.Add(trussBars[i].ComputeStress(new List <double> {
                    disp1, disp2, disp3, disp4, disp5, disp6

            // Return the deformed lines
            List <Line> deformedLines = new List <Line>();

            foreach (Bar bar in trussBars)
                deformedLines.Add(new Line(bar.Nodes[0].Point, bar.Nodes[1].Point));
            DA.SetDataList("Deformed Truss", deformedLines);
            DA.SetDataList("Element Stress", elemStress);