Exemplo n.º 1
        public static RTDocument PPT2RTDwithSVG(string pptFilename)
            //Pri2: Investigate where BasePath is and where we should be putting it in more depth.
            //      Concerned that we're creating directories there that never get cleaned up...
            if (!Directory.Exists(tfc.BasePath))
            // Initialize PowerPoint app
            ApplicationClass ppt = new ApplicationClass();
            ppt.Visible = MsoTriState.msoTrue;

            // Open the PPT file
            Presentation presentation = ppt.Presentations.Open(pptFilename, MsoTriState.msoFalse, MsoTriState.msoTrue, MsoTriState.msoTrue);
            PrintOptions po = presentation.PrintOptions;
            po.ActivePrinter = @"SVGmaker";
            po.OutputType = PpPrintOutputType.ppPrintOutputSlides;
            po.PrintInBackground = MsoTriState.msoFalse;
            Slides slides = presentation.Slides;

            // Set up the document
            RTDocument rtDoc = new RTDocument();
            rtDoc.Identifier = Guid.NewGuid();
            rtDoc.Metadata.Title = GetPresentationProperty(ppt.ActivePresentation, "Title");
            rtDoc.Metadata.Creator = GetPresentationProperty(ppt.ActivePresentation, "Author");

            //Iterate through the pages
            foreach(Slide s in slides)
                // Set the page properties
                Page p = new Page();
                p.Identifier = Guid.NewGuid();
                p.Extension = GetSlideSVG(presentation, s);
                p.MimeType = "image/svg";  // TODO: look up the real value for this
                rtDoc.Resources.Pages.Add(p.Identifier, p);

                // Set the TOCNode properties for the page
                TOCNode tn = new TOCNode();
                tn.Title = GetSlideTitle(s);
                tn.Resource = p;
                tn.ResourceIdentifier = p.Identifier;
                // TODO: Insert thumbnail? (tn.thumbnail)

            // Close PPT
            if (ppt.Presentations.Count == 0)
            ppt = null;


            return rtDoc;
Exemplo n.º 2
        object ICloneable.Clone()
            RTDocument rtD = new RTDocument();

            rtD.identifier = identifier;
            rtD.Metadata   = (Metadata)((ICloneable)Metadata).Clone();
            // Need to be sure to clone resources first because Organization refers to Resources...
            rtD.Resources    = (Resources)((ICloneable)Resources).Clone();
            rtD.Organization = (Organization)((ICloneable)Organization).Clone();

Exemplo n.º 3
        object ICloneable.Clone()
            RTDocument rtD = new RTDocument();

            rtD.identifier = identifier;
            rtD.Metadata = (Metadata)((ICloneable)Metadata).Clone();
            // Need to be sure to clone resources first because Organization refers to Resources...
            rtD.Resources = (Resources)((ICloneable)Resources).Clone();
            rtD.Organization = (Organization)((ICloneable)Organization).Clone();

            return rtD;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static RTDocument PPT2RTDocument(string pptFilename)
            //Pri2: Investigate where BasePath is and where we should be putting it in more depth.
            //      Concerned that we're creating directories there that never get cleaned up...
            if (!Directory.Exists(tfc.BasePath))
            // Initialize PowerPoint app
            ApplicationClass ppt = new ApplicationClass();

            // Open the PPT file
            Presentation presentation = ppt.Presentations.Open(pptFilename, MsoTriState.msoTrue, MsoTriState.msoTrue, MsoTriState.msoFalse);
            Slides slides = presentation.Slides;

            // Set up the document
            RTDocument rtDoc = new RTDocument();
            rtDoc.Identifier = Guid.NewGuid();
            rtDoc.Metadata.Title = GetPresentationProperty(presentation, "Title");
            rtDoc.Metadata.Creator = GetPresentationProperty(presentation, "Author");

            // Create shared MemoryStream to minimize mem usage
            MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();

            //Iterate through the pages
            int i = 0;
            foreach(Slide s in slides)
                // Set the page properties
                Page p = new Page();
                p.Identifier = Guid.NewGuid();
                p.Image = GetSlideImage(s, ms);
                if (p.Image is Metafile)
                    p.MimeType = "image/x-wmf";
                if (p.Image is Bitmap)
                    p.MimeType = "image/png";
                rtDoc.Resources.Pages.Add(p.Identifier, p);

                // TODO, slice in RegionBuilder code from Presenter work...

                // Set the TOCNode properties for the page
                TOCNode tn = new TOCNode();
                tn.Title = GetSlideTitle(s);
                tn.Resource = p;
                tn.ResourceIdentifier = p.Identifier;
                //Pri2: Shouldn't this be a byte[] containing the PNG stream instead of a System.Drawing.Image?
                tn.Thumbnail = RTDocumentHelper.GetThumbnailFromImage(p.Image);

            // Close PPT
            if (ppt.Presentations.Count == 0)

            ppt = null;


            return rtDoc;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle the reception of an RTDocument object. The rtDocument received
        /// does not contain the actual pages (the pages are received separately),
        /// so this function mainly handles the reception of the document structure 
        /// (TOC, number of pages, guid of pages, etc.) on the client(s).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rtDocReceived">rtDocument structure received</param>
        private void RTDocumentReceived(RTDocument rtDocReceived)
            // Set rtDoc only if you receive a new document (not a repeat)
            if ((rtDoc == null) || (rtDocReceived.Identifier != rtDoc.Identifier))
                rtDoc = rtDocReceived;

                // Deal with blank titles
                if( rtDocReceived.Metadata.Title == null )
                    rtDocReceived.Metadata.Title = "Presentation Session";

                // Pri2: Re-enable this feature (removed due to PS 2063)
                //string folderInON = Options.GetFolderForAuthor(rtDocReceived.Metadata.Creator);
                //crntONFile = folderInON + MakeTitleValid(rtDocReceived.Metadata.Title);
                crntONFile = MakeTitleValid(rtDocReceived.Metadata.Title);

                // If this file name already exists, we append the date & time to it.
                if( System.IO.File.Exists( this.oneNoteNotebookDir + "\\" + crntONFile + ".one" ) )
                    if( Options.ShowOverwriteFileQuestion(crntONFile) )
                        // Delete fails becuase the file is in use.  I guess we just plop the data
                        //  on top of the old slide, eh?
                        crntONFile += ".one";
                        crntONFile += DateTime.Now.ToString("u").Replace(":", ".").Replace("Z","") + ".one";
                    crntONFile += ".one";

                // Add all Pages to strokes hash immediately
                foreach( TOCNode tn in rtDoc.Organization.TableOfContents )
                    this.strokesPerPage.Add( tn.ResourceIdentifier, new ArrayList() );
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void ConsumeObject( ObjectReceivedEventArgs orea )
            // Create RTDoc with one slide & put it in ON
            if (rtDoc == null && !(orea.Data is RTDocument || orea.Data is RTFrame))
                // Create blank RTDocument
                rtDoc = new RTDocument();
                rtDoc.Identifier = new Guid(constWhiteboardGuid);
                rtDoc.Metadata.Title = "Whiteboard Session " + DateTime.Now.ToString("u");
                rtDoc.Metadata.Creator = Conference.LocalParticipant.Name;

                // Add a blank page
                Page pg = new Page();
                pg.Identifier = new Guid(constWhiteboardGuid);
                TOCNode tn = new TOCNode();
                tn.Title = "Whiteboard 1";
                tn.Resource = pg;
                tn.ResourceIdentifier = pg.Identifier;
                tn.Identifier = new Guid(constWhiteboardGuid);
                rtDoc.Resources.Pages.Add(pg.Identifier, pg);

                // Add the page to the strokes hash
                strokesPerPage.Add( pg.Identifier, new ArrayList() );

                // Init necessary vars
                this.crntPage = pg.Identifier;
                // Pri2: re-enable this feature (removed due to PS 2063)
                //string folderInON = Options.GetFolderForAuthor("Unknown / Whiteboard Session");
                //this.crntONFile = folderInON + " " + DateTime.Now.ToString("u").Replace(":", ".").Replace("Z","") + ".one";
                this.crntONFile = "Whiteboard - " + DateTime.Now.ToString("u").Replace(":", ".").Replace("Z","") + ".one";

                // Import the page
                this.InsertPageInON( pg, tn.Title, Guid.Empty );

                // Show first page
                importer.NavigateToPage( crntONFile, crntPage.ToString("B") );

            if (orea.Data is RTStrokeRemove)
            else if (orea.Data is RTStroke)
            else if (orea.Data is Page)
            else if (orea.Data is RTPageAdd)
            else if (orea.Data is RTNodeChanged)
            else if (orea.Data is RTDocument)
            else if (orea.Data is RTFrame)
                RTFrameReceived( (RTFrame)orea.Data );
        public override void AddCapability(ICapability capability)
            base.AddCapability (capability);

            if(presentationCapability == null)
                presentationCapability = (PresentationCapability)capability;
                presentationCapability.ObjectReceived += new CapabilityObjectReceivedEventHandler(ObjectReceived);

                // Init StatusBar

                // Init ThumbnailsListView
                this.thumbnailsView.ImageSelected += new System.EventHandler(this.thumbnailsView_SelectedImageChanged);
                this.thumbnailsView.ImageMouseEnter += new EventHandler(thumbnailsView_ImageMouseEnter);
                this.thumbnailsView.ImageMouseLeave +=new EventHandler(thumbnailsView_ImageMouseLeave);
                Size pbSize = new Size(thumbnailsView.ClientRectangle.Width - 55, 0);
                pbSize.Height = (int)( ((float)pbSize.Width)*(3F/4F) );

                // Create blank RTDocument
                this.rtDocument = new RTDocument();
                rtDocument.Identifier = new Guid(constWhiteboardGuid);
                rtDocument.Metadata.Title = Strings.WhiteboardSession;
                rtDocument.Metadata.Creator = Conference.LocalParticipant.Name;
                // Add a blank page
                Page pg = new Page();
                pg.Identifier = new Guid(constWhiteboardGuid);
                TOCNode tn = new TOCNode();
                tn.Title = Strings.Whiteboard1;
                tn.Resource = pg;
                tn.ResourceIdentifier = pg.Identifier;
                tn.Identifier = new Guid(constWhiteboardGuid);
                rtDocument.Resources.Pages.Add(pg.Identifier, pg);

                // Wrap the RTD with a helper & init vars
                rtDocumentHelper = new RTDocumentHelper( presentationCapability, rtDocument );
                rtDocumentHelper.CurrentOrganizationNodeIdentifier = tn.Identifier;
                statusBar.SetMaxPage( 1, rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents.Count );
                thumbnailsView.InsertThumbnail(null, tn.Title, 0, tn.Identifier);
                thumbnailsView.SelectedIndex = 0;
                this.pageShowing = pg.Identifier;
        /// <summary>
        /// Save all pages in the RTDocument to PNG files at the specified path.  Existing files will be overwritten.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rtd"></param>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        private void saveRTDocument(RTDocument rtd, string path) {
            if (rtd == null) {
                Debug.WriteLine("RTDocument is null");

            if (rtd.Organization.TableOfContents.Length <= 0) {
                Debug.WriteLine("RTDocument contains zero pages");

            //Make sure ink on the current page is stored before we proceed
            if ((inkOverlay != null) && (inkOverlay.Ink.Strokes.Count > 0)) {

            //Create directory.  Does nothing if the directory exists.

            int pagecount = rtd.Organization.TableOfContents.Length;
            int i = 1;
            foreach (TOCNode n in rtd.Organization.TableOfContents) {
                Page p = rtd.Resources.Pages[n.ResourceIdentifier];
                //Make a file name for the current image.
                String pngfile = Path.Combine(path, "page" + i.ToString() + ".png");

                Image img = null;
                if ((p != null) && (p.Image != null)) {
                    //Slide image or screen shot: Scale to size with maximum dimension to 960.
                    int w = 960;
                    int h = 960;
                    double ar = ((double)p.Image.Width) / ((double)p.Image.Height);
                    if (ar >= 1.0) { 
                        //width is the larger dimension.
                        h = (int)Math.Round(960.0 / ar);
                    else { 
                        //height is the larger dimension.
                        w = (int)Math.Round(960.0 * ar);
                    img = new Bitmap(p.Image, new Size(w,h));
                else {
                    //Whiteboard: make a white 4x3 white image
                    img = new Bitmap(960,720);
                    Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(img);
                    SolidBrush whiteBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.White);
                    g.FillRectangle(whiteBrush, 0, 0, img.Width, img.Height);

                //Add ink and save
                AddInkOverlay(img, p.Identifier);
                img.Save(pngfile, ImageFormat.Png);
        /// <summary>
        /// Open a file in local rtd file name.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fileName">filename (path + filename)</param>
        // Pri3: There is a lot of duplication of code between openLocalFile
        // and miOpenRemote_Click method that could be written just once
        // If this code is going to stay in long term we should change that
        private void openLocalFile(string fileName)
                // Open a RTD file
                    rtDocument = LoadRtdFile(fileName);
                if (rtDocument == null)

                // Update the title bar of the form 
                // with the document name followed by the capability name
                this.Text = rtDocument.Metadata.Title + " - " + this.presentationCapability.Name;

                rtDocumentHelper = new RTDocumentHelper(this.presentationCapability, rtDocument);


                #region Populate thumbnails
                ArrayList thumbnails = new ArrayList();

                using (Bitmap bp = new Bitmap( thumbnailsView.ImageSize.Width, thumbnailsView.ImageSize.Height, 
                    using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bp))
                        g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                        g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;

                        foreach( TOCNode tn in rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents )
                            Page p = (Page)tn.Resource;

                            ThumbnailListView.CreateSlideThumbnail( thumbnailsView.ImageSize,
                                p.Image, g, tn.Title );

                            ThumbnailListViewItem item = new ThumbnailListViewItem();
                            item.thumbnail = ((Bitmap)bp.Clone());
                            item.tag = tn.Identifier;

                thumbnailsView.Items = (ThumbnailListViewItem[])thumbnails.ToArray(typeof(ThumbnailListViewItem));

                // Initialize the index on the first slide
                index = 0;

                // Show the current page
                statusBar.SetMaxPage( 1, rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents.Count );

                // Display the current page on the sender and viewer
            catch(Exception ex) 
                RtlAwareMessageBox.Show(this, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.ErrorInOpening, 
                    fileName,ex.Message.ToString()), string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None, 
                    MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, (MessageBoxOptions)0);
        // Pri2: All the code in this region is temporary

        // The code in this region allows to request remote capability to open a 
        // rtd file located in the same place than the one open by the initiator

        // The Open Remote menu has to be explicitely activated using the 
        // application configuration key
        // MSR.LST.ConferenceXP.Capability.Presentation.OpenRemote

        /// <summary>
        /// Menu item miOpenRemote_Click event handler. Open a remote rtd file.
        /// When you open a file using this menu, the exact same rtd file has to be
        /// at at the same location on every remote machine 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The event sender object</param>
        /// <param name="e">The event arguments</param>
        private void miOpenRemote_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog cdlg = new OpenFileDialog();
            cdlg.Filter = "RTDocument files (*.rtd)|*.rtd" ;
            DialogResult dr = cdlg.ShowDialog();

                if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
                    string fileName = cdlg.FileName;

                    if (System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) == ".rtd")
                        // Open a RTD file
                            rtDocument = LoadRtdFile(fileName);
                        if (rtDocument == null)
                        RtlAwareMessageBox.Show(this, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, 
                            Strings.ErrorInOpeningFileType, fileName), string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.OK, 
                            MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, (MessageBoxOptions)0);

                    Log(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "rtDocID = {0}", 

                    // Update the title bar of the form 
                    // with the document name followed by the capability name
                    this.Text = rtDocument.Metadata.Title + " - " + this.presentationCapability.Name;

                    // Clean up the screen

                    Log("On open doc: info before creating RTDocHelper,");
                    rtDocumentHelper = new RTDocumentHelper(this.presentationCapability, rtDocument);

                    Log("Structure Info on open after creating RTDocHelper,");

                    #region Populate thumbnails
                    ArrayList thumbnails = new ArrayList();

                    using (Bitmap bp = new Bitmap( thumbnailsView.ImageSize.Width, thumbnailsView.ImageSize.Height, 
                        using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bp))
                            g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                            g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;

                            foreach( TOCNode tn in rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents )
                                Page p = (Page)tn.Resource;

                                ThumbnailListView.CreateSlideThumbnail( thumbnailsView.ImageSize,
                                    p.Image, g, tn.Title );

                                ThumbnailListViewItem item = new ThumbnailListViewItem();
                                item.thumbnail = ((Bitmap)bp.Clone());
                                item.tag = tn.Identifier;

                    thumbnailsView.Items = (ThumbnailListViewItem[])thumbnails.ToArray(typeof(ThumbnailListViewItem));

                    // Initialize the index on the first slide
                    index = 0;

                    // Show the current page
                    statusBar.SetMaxPage( 1, rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents.Count );

                    // Send a message to request the remote users to open the rtd file
                    // fileName

                    // Update the Backward/Forward buttons (push the navigation button in the 
                    // direction(s)that you cannot move anymore)

                    // Display the current page on the sender and viewer
            catch(Exception ex) 
                RtlAwareMessageBox.Show(this, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.ErrorInOpening, 
                    cdlg.FileName, ex.Message.ToString()), string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None, 
                    MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, (MessageBoxOptions)0);
        /// <summary>
        /// This method allows the initiator to open a .ppt or .rtd file.
        /// After the file is open, all the slides are sent to the client(s) and the
        /// client(s) are positionned to the same page than the initiator.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>If you open a .ppt file, a corresponding .rtd file is automatically 
        /// created with the same name and saved in the same folder. If there is an 
        /// existing .rtd file with the same name in  this folder, it will be overwrited</remarks>
        /// <param name="fileMenu">This parameter is for extensibility. The only value so far
        /// is OpenSlideDeck</param>
        private void openFile()
            System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog cdlg = new OpenFileDialog();
            cdlg.Filter = "All Presentation Documents (*.ppt, *.pptx, *.rtd)|" +
                "*.ppt;*.pptx;*.rtd|PowerPoint document files (*.ppt,*.pptx)|*.ppt;*.pptx|RTDocument files (*.rtd)|*.rtd" ;
            DialogResult dr = cdlg.ShowDialog();

                if (dr == DialogResult.OK)
                    string fileName = cdlg.FileName;
                    string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(fileName).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

                    if (extension == ".ppt" || extension == ".pptx")
                        #region Open a PPT file

                            rtDocument = PPTConversion.PPT2RTDocument(fileName);

                            // Autosave the PPT document a RTD document in the same directory as PPT
                            string outFileName = fileName.Substring(0, 
                                fileName.Length - extension.Length) + ".rtd";

                            FileStream fs = new FileStream(outFileName, FileMode.Create);
                            BinaryFormatter bf = new BinaryFormatter();
                            bf.Serialize(fs, rtDocument);

                    else if (extension == ".rtd")
                        #region Open a RTD file
                            BinaryFormatter myBinaryFormat = new BinaryFormatter();
                                FileStream myInputStream = System.IO.File.OpenRead(fileName);
                                rtDocument = (RTDocument) myBinaryFormat.Deserialize(myInputStream);
                            catch (Exception)
                                RtlAwareMessageBox.Show(this, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, 
                                    Strings.ErrorInOpeningVersion, fileName), string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.OK, 
                                    MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, (MessageBoxOptions)0);
                        RtlAwareMessageBox.Show(this, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, 
                            Strings.ErrorInOpeningFileType, fileName), string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.OK, 
                            MessageBoxIcon.None, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, (MessageBoxOptions)0);

                    Log(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "rtDocID = {0}", rtDocument.Identifier.ToString()));

                    // Update the title bar of the form 
                    // with the document name followed by the capability name
                    this.Text = rtDocument.Metadata.Title + " - " + this.presentationCapability.Name;

                    // Clean up the screen

                    Log("On open doc: info before creating RTDocHelper,");
                    rtDocumentHelper = new RTDocumentHelper(this.presentationCapability, rtDocument);

                    Log("Structure Info on open after creating RTDocHelper,");

                    #region Populate thumbnails
                    ArrayList thumbnails = new ArrayList();

                    using (Bitmap bp = new Bitmap( thumbnailsView.ImageSize.Width, thumbnailsView.ImageSize.Height, 
                        using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bp))
                            g.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
                            g.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.HighQualityBicubic;

                            foreach( TOCNode tn in rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents )
                                Page p = (Page)tn.Resource;

                                ThumbnailListView.CreateSlideThumbnail( thumbnailsView.ImageSize,
                                    p.Image, g, tn.Title );

                                ThumbnailListViewItem item = new ThumbnailListViewItem();
                                item.thumbnail = ((Bitmap)bp.Clone());
                                item.tag = tn.Identifier;

                    thumbnailsView.Items = (ThumbnailListViewItem[])thumbnails.ToArray(typeof(ThumbnailListViewItem));

                    // Initialize the index on the first slide
                    index = 0;

                    // Show the current page
                    statusBar.SetMaxPage( 1, rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents.Count );

                    if( presentationCapability.IsSender )
                        statusBar.StatusMessage = Strings.SendingSlides;

                        rtDocumentHelper.BeginSendAllSlides(new AsyncCallback(SlidesSent), null);

                    // Update the Backward/Forward buttons (push the navigation button in the 
                    // direction(s)that you cannot move anymore)
            catch(Exception ex) 
                RtlAwareMessageBox.Show(this, string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.ErrorInOpening, 
                    cdlg.FileName, ex.Message.ToString()), string.Empty, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.None, 
                    MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1, (MessageBoxOptions)0);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handle the reception of an RTDocument object. The rtDocument received
        /// does not contain the actual pages (the pages are received separately),
        /// so this function mainly handles the reception of the document structure 
        /// (TOC, number of pages, guid of pages, etc.) on the client(s).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rtDocReceived">rtDocument structure received</param>
        private void RTDocumentReceived(RTDocument rtDocReceived)
            Log("It's an RTDocument object,");

            // Set the rtDocument only if you receive a new document (not a repeat)
            if( (rtDocument == null) || (!rtDocReceived.Identifier.Equals(rtDocument.Identifier)) )
                // Clean up the screen

                Image tempImg = pbRTDoc.Image;
                pbRTDoc.Image = null;
                if( tempImg != null )

                Log("The document received is different than the one already open!");
                rtDocument = rtDocReceived;

                Log(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "rtDocID in RTDocumentReceived method: {0}", 

                Log("Info before creating RTDocHelper,");

                rtDocumentHelper = new RTDocumentHelper( presentationCapability, rtDocument );

                // Pri2: is crntPage == 0 correct??
                statusBar.SetMaxPage( 0, rtDocument.Organization.TableOfContents.Count );

                statusBar.StatusMessage = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, Strings.ReceivingPage_of_, 

                thumbnailsView.Items = new ThumbnailListViewItem[0];

                // Update the title bar of the form 
                this.Text = rtDocument.Metadata.Title + " - " + presentationCapability.Name;

                Log("Doc organization received:");

                // Initialize the received page counter
                pageReceivedCounter = 0;

                if( this.cachedPages != null )
                    // In the odd case that we have pages waiting, and the wrong TOC is received,
                    //  we'll try to add all the pages, fail, and then just discard them all.
                    for( int cnt = cachedPages.Count; cnt > 0; --cnt )
                        this.PageReceived( (Page)cachedPages.Dequeue() );

                    this.cachedPages = null;