Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <exception cref="LothianProductions.Util.Http.UnauthorizedException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="LothianProductions.DeskScop.SpamCop.MessageListProcessorException"></exception>
        public void ProcessMessageList( MessageList list )
            // FIXME weak mechanism joining actions to MessageActions
            String[] actions = new String[] {
                null,		// Do nothing
                "quick",	// Quick - report immediately and trash
                "for-xwl",	// Forward (do not whitelist sender)
                "for",		// Forward (and whitelist sender)
                "rqd",		// Queue for reporting (and move to trash)
                "rq",		// Queue for reporting (do not trash)
                "del"		// Delete

            for( int i = 1; i < actions.Length; i++ ) {
                IList messages = list.GetMessagesByAction( (MessageAction) i );

                if( messages.Count == 0 )

                String mesglist = "";

                foreach( Message message in messages ) {
                    // Build POST string from messages to act upon.
                    mesglist += "&ids=" + message.Id + "&msgid" + message.Id + "=" + HttpUtility.UrlEncode( message.Checksum ) + "&checked=" + message.Id;

                    // Remove processed messages.
                    list.Remove( message );

                // FIXME potential bug with POST request too long?
                String post = "subaction=" + actions[ i ] + "&action=logaction" + mesglist;
                System.Console.WriteLine( post );

                try {
                    using( StreamWriter writer = File.CreateText( "DeskScop_log_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks + ".html" ) ) {
                        writer.Write( HttpHelper.HttpPost(
                            // URI
                            new Uri( DeskScop.Instance().UiConfiguration.Uri + "/reportheld" ),
                            // Message
                            // Useragent
                            "DeskScop " + Application.ProductVersion,
                            // Username
                            // Password
                        ) );
                } catch (System.Net.WebException e) {
                    throw new MessageListProcessorException( "Failed to process message list.", e );
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Read( DataGrid grid )

            try {
                Messages = mProcessor.ReadMessageList();
            } catch (MessageListProcessorException e) {
                Messages = new MessageList();
                    "The application failed to read the message list using the " + mProcessor.GetType().Name + " processor.\n\n" + e.ToString(),
                    "Failed to read messages",
            } catch (UnauthorizedException) {
                Messages = new MessageList();
                    "DeskScop couldn't read your message list as the server refused your username or password.\n\nPlease ensure that they are correct!",
                    "Failed to read messages",

            MessageListRenderer.RenderMessageList( Messages, grid );

            if( Messages.Count > 0 )
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void RenderMessageList( MessageList list, DataGrid control )
            DataTable table = new DataTable("HeldMessages");

            // Action
            DataColumn column = new DataColumn();
            column.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Int32");
            column.ColumnName = "Action";
            column.ReadOnly = false;
            table.Columns.Add( column );

            // From
            column = new DataColumn();
            column.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            column.ColumnName = "From";
            column.ReadOnly = true;
            table.Columns.Add( column );

            // Subject
            column = new DataColumn();
            column.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            column.ColumnName = "Subject";
            column.ReadOnly = true;
            table.Columns.Add( column );

            // Sent date
            column = new DataColumn();
            column.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.DateTime");
            column.ColumnName = "Sent";
            column.ReadOnly = true;
            table.Columns.Add( column );

            // Why held
            column = new DataColumn();
            column.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            column.ColumnName = "Why Held";
            column.ReadOnly = true;
            table.Columns.Add( column );

            // Id
            column = new DataColumn();
            column.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.Int32");
            column.ColumnName = "Message ID";
            column.ReadOnly = true;
            // Make property unique for sanity checking.
            column.Unique = true;
            table.Columns.Add( column );

            // Add Id as primary key
            table.PrimaryKey = new DataColumn[] { column };

            foreach( Message message in list.GetUnderlyingValues() ) {
                DataRow row = table.NewRow();

                row[ "Action" ] = message.Action;
                row[ "Message ID" ] = message.Id;
                row[ "From" ] = message.From;
                row[ "Sent" ] = message.DateSent;
                row[ "Subject" ] = message.Subject;
                row[ "Why Held" ] = message.WhyHeld;

                table.Rows.Add( row );

            // Preserve sort on rerendering.
            if( control.DataSource != null )
                table.DefaultView.Sort = ((DataSet) control.DataSource).Tables[ "HeldMessages" ].DefaultView.Sort;

            DataSet dset = new DataSet();
            dset.Tables.Add( table );

            control.SetDataBinding( dset, "HeldMessages" );
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <input type="hidden" name="ids" value="12576">
        /// <input type="hidden" name="msgid12576"
        ///  value="n-3267%240%24e372ls%240xpb%403tp.1.a9g">
        /// <input type="checkbox" name="checked" value="12576">
        /// <strong>[12576]</strong>
        /// [email protected] (<strong>Re: my phone number? vzplwbhjs tcuf elvl
        /// <a href="/reportheld?action=preview&message-id=n-3267%240%24e372ls%240xpb%403tp.1.a9g&id=12576">Preview</a>
        /// </strong>)
        /// <dd>Wed, 14 Jan 04 02:39:04 GMT
        ///  (Blocked bl.spamcop.net
        /// )
        /// <dt>
        /// <exception cref="LothianProductions.Util.Http.UnauthorizedException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="LothianProductions.DeskScop.SpamCop.MessageListProcessorException"></exception>
        public MessageList ReadMessageList()
            String content;

            try {
                content = HttpHelper.HttpGet(
                    // URI
                    new Uri( DeskScop.Instance().UiConfiguration.Uri + "/reportheld?action=heldlog" ),
                    // Useragent
                    "DeskScop " + Application.ProductVersion,
                    // Username
                    // Password
                    (int) new TimeSpan( 0, 0, Convert.ToInt16( ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ "httpActionTimeout" ] ) ).TotalMilliseconds
            } catch (System.Net.WebException e) {
                throw new MessageListProcessorException( "Failed to read message list.", e );

            MessageList list = new MessageList();

            String[] lines = content.Split( '\n' );

            for( int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++ )
                if( lines[ i ].Length > HTML_MESSAGE_START.Length && lines[ i ].Substring( 0, HTML_MESSAGE_START.Length ) == HTML_MESSAGE_START ) {
                    String[] split = lines[ i + 2 ].Split( '\"' );

                    String checksum = split[ 1 ];

                    String sid =  lines[ i + 4 ].Substring( "<strong>[".Length, lines[ i + 4 ].Length - "<strong>[".Length - "]</strong>".Length );
                    int id = Convert.ToInt32( sid );

                    String from = lines[ i + 5 ].Substring( 0, lines[ i + 5 ].IndexOf( ' ' ) );
                    String subject = lines[ i + 5 ].Substring( lines[ i + 5 ].IndexOf( "<strong>" ) + "<strong>".Length ).Trim();
                    // No need to strip out newlines, as they're actually in there...
                    // .Replace( "\n", "" ).Replace( "\r", "" );

                    int lastHeld = lines[ i + 8 ].LastIndexOf( ")" );
                    int firstHeld = lines[ i + 8 ].Substring( 0, lastHeld ).LastIndexOf( "(" );
                    String whyHeld = lines[ i + 8 ].Substring( firstHeld + 1, lastHeld - firstHeld - 1 );

                    int firstDate = lines[ i + 8 ].IndexOf( "<dd>" );
                    String date = lines[ i + 8 ].Substring( firstDate + 4, firstHeld - firstDate - 4 ).Trim();

                    DateTime sent;

                    try {
                        sent = DateTime.ParseExact( date, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings[ "datePatterns" ].Split( '|' ), DateTimeFormatInfo.CurrentInfo, DateTimeStyles.None );
                    } catch (FormatException) {
                        // Recover from error by resetting date.
                        sent = new DateTime( 1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 );

                            "An error occurred parsing the sent date \"" + date + "\" for message #" + id + ". The message's date will be reset when it is displayed.\n\n" +
                            "You can prevent this error from happening by updating the date parsing patterns in the configuration file.",
                            "Failed to parse data",

                    list.Add( new Message( id, from, subject, sent, whyHeld, checksum ) );

            return list;