Exemplo n.º 1

        public RepeatHarvest(string name,
                             IStandRankingMethod rankingMethod,
                             ISiteSelector siteSelector,
                             ICohortCutter cohortCutter,
                             Planting.SpeciesList speciesToPlant,
                             ISiteSelector additionalSiteSelector,
                             int minTimeSinceDamage,
                             bool preventEstablishment,
                             int interval)
            : base(name, rankingMethod, siteSelector, cohortCutter, speciesToPlant, minTimeSinceDamage, preventEstablishment)
            this.interval = interval;
            this.spreadingSiteSelector  = siteSelector as StandSpreading;
            this.additionalSiteSelector = additionalSiteSelector;
            this.harvestedStands        = new List <Stand>();

        public RepeatHarvest(string               name,
                             IStandRankingMethod  rankingMethod,
                             ISiteSelector        siteSelector,
                             ICohortCutter        cohortCutter,
                             Planting.SpeciesList speciesToPlant,
                             ISiteSelector        additionalSiteSelector,
                             int                  minTimeSinceDamage,
                             bool                 preventEstablishment,
                             int                  interval)
            : base(name, rankingMethod, siteSelector, cohortCutter, speciesToPlant, minTimeSinceDamage, preventEstablishment)
            this.interval = interval;
            this.spreadingSiteSelector = siteSelector as StandSpreading;
            this.additionalSiteSelector = additionalSiteSelector;
            this.harvestedStands = new List<Stand>();

        public AppliedPrescription(Prescription prescription,
                                   Percentage percentageToHarvest,
                                   int beginTime,
                                   int endTime)
            //set prescription
            this.prescription = prescription;

            //set stand ranking method
            this.standSpreadSiteSelector = prescription.SiteSelectionMethod as StandSpreading;

            //set harvest percentage
            this.percentageToHarvest = percentageToHarvest;

            //set begin time and end time
            this.beginTime = beginTime;
            this.endTime   = endTime;
        public AppliedPrescription(Prescription prescription,
            Percentage percentageToHarvest,
            Percentage percentStandsToHarvest,
            int          beginTime,
            int          endTime)
            //set prescription
            this.prescription = prescription;

            //set stand ranking method
            this.standSpreadSiteSelector = prescription.SiteSelectionMethod as StandSpreading;

            //set harvest percentage
            this.percentageToHarvest = percentageToHarvest;

            //set harvest stands percentage
            this.percentStandsToHarvest = percentStandsToHarvest;

            //set begin time and end time
            this.beginTime = beginTime;
            this.endTime = endTime;
Exemplo n.º 5

        public RepeatHarvest(string name,
                             IStandRankingMethod rankingMethod,
                             ISiteSelector siteSelector,
                             ICohortCutter cohortCutter,
                             Planting.SpeciesList speciesToPlant,
                             int minTimeSinceDamage,
                             bool preventEstablishment,
                             int interval,
                             int timesToRepeat = 0)
            : base(name, rankingMethod, siteSelector, cohortCutter, speciesToPlant, minTimeSinceDamage, preventEstablishment)
            this.interval = interval;
            this.spreadingSiteSelector = siteSelector as StandSpreading;
            this.harvestedStands       = new List <Stand>();

            if (timesToRepeat > 1)
                this.timesToRepeat = timesToRepeat;
                this.timesToRepeat = int.MaxValue;

        /// <summary>
        /// Harvest the area's stands according to its prescriptions.
        /// </summary>
        public void HarvestStands()
            //Model.Core.UI.WriteLine("BaseHarvest: ManagementArea.cs: HarvestStands: Harvesting management area {0} ...", mapCode);

            //initialize each stand for harvesting (setting harvested = false)
            foreach (Stand stand in stands)

            //  Determine which are prescriptions are active.
            List <AppliedPrescription> activePrescriptions = new List <AppliedPrescription>();

            foreach (AppliedPrescription prescription in prescriptions)
                // Decide whether or not to apply prescription

                // tjs 2009.01.10 - prescription application
                // This has been modified so that if the prescription is AppliedRepeatHarvest
                // AND has not been harvested once, it is set to harvest. If it has been set
                // to harvest the first time, it will automatically be harvested by the logic
                // having to do with the setAside member variable (see AppliedRepeatHarvest.cs)

                prescription.ApplyPrescription = false;

                if (prescription.BeginTime <= Model.Core.CurrentTime &&
                    prescription.EndTime >= Model.Core.CurrentTime)
                    if (!(prescription is AppliedRepeatHarvest) || prescription.Prescription is SingleRepeatHarvest)
                        prescription.ApplyPrescription = true;
                    else if (prescription is AppliedRepeatHarvest &&
                             Model.Core.CurrentTime > 0 && ((AppliedRepeatHarvest)prescription).IsMultipleRepeatHarvest)
                        prescription.ApplyPrescription = true;
                        ((AppliedRepeatHarvest)prescription).HasBeenHarvested = true;
                } // if(prescription.BeginTime <= Model.Core.CurrentTime...

                if (prescription.ApplyPrescription)
                    //Model.Core.UI.WriteLine("   Applying Prescription: {0}  Model.Core.CurrentTime: {1}", prescription.Prescription.Name, Model.Core.CurrentTime);

                    if (isDebugEnabled)
                        log.DebugFormat("  Initializing prescription {0} ...", prescription.Prescription.Name);

                    //Model.Core.UI.WriteLine("   Initializing prescription {0} ...", prescription.Prescription.Name);

                    //set harvesting areas, rank stands (by user choice method)

                    if (prescription.AnyUnharvestedStandsRankedAbove0)
                        //Model.Core.UI.WriteLine("   Adding {0}", prescription.Prescription.Name);
                        foreach (StandRanking sr in prescription.Rankings)
                            //Model.Core.UI.WriteLine("   Stand {0} ranked {1}", sr.Stand.MapCode, sr.Rank);

            if (isDebugEnabled)
                Model.Core.UI.WriteLine("   Number of active prescriptions: {0}", activePrescriptions.Count);
                for (int i = 0; i < activePrescriptions.Count; i++)
                    Model.Core.UI.WriteLine("    {0})  {1}", i + 1, activePrescriptions[i].Prescription.Name);

            foreach (AppliedPrescription prescription in prescriptions)
                //Model.Core.UI.WriteLine("      Looping through prescriptions... {0}.", prescription.Prescription.Name);

                if (prescription is AppliedRepeatHarvest)
                    //prescription.Prescription.SiteSelectionMethod = new CompleteStand();
                    //Model.Core.UI.WriteLine("      Attempting to Re-Harvest {0}.", prescription.Prescription.Name);
                    ((AppliedRepeatHarvest)prescription).ActiveMgmtArea = this;
                    ((AppliedRepeatHarvest)prescription).ActiveMgmtArea = null;

            //  Loop while there are still active prescriptions that haven't
            //  reached their target harvest areas and that still have
            //  at least one unharvested stand ranked above 0.

            while (activePrescriptions.Count > 0)
                double[] endProbability = new double[activePrescriptions.Count + 1];

                //  Assign a part of the probability interval [0, 1) to each
                //  prescription based on how the ratio of the area remaining to
                //  be harvested to the total area to be harvested
                double ratioTotal = 0.0;

                foreach (AppliedPrescription prescription in activePrescriptions)
                    ratioTotal += Math.Min(prescription.AreaRemainingRatio, prescription.StandsRemainingRatio);

                if (ratioTotal > 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < activePrescriptions.Count; ++i)
                        AppliedPrescription prescription = activePrescriptions[i];
                        //first prescription, start at 0
                        if (i == 0)
                            endProbability[i] = Math.Min(prescription.AreaRemainingRatio, prescription.StandsRemainingRatio) / ratioTotal;

                        //last prescription, end at 1.0
                        else if (i == activePrescriptions.Count - 1)
                            endProbability[i] = 1.0;

                            double startProbability = endProbability[i - 1];
                            double intervalWidth    = Math.Min(prescription.AreaRemainingRatio, prescription.StandsRemainingRatio) / ratioTotal;
                            endProbability[i] = startProbability + intervalWidth;
                    } // for (int i = 0; i < activePrescriptions.Count; ++i)

                    //  Randomly select one of the active prescriptions and harvest the stand ranked highest by that prescription.
                    AppliedPrescription selectedPrescription = null;

                    double randomNum = Model.Core.GenerateUniform();
                    for (int i = 0; i < activePrescriptions.Count; ++i)
                        if (randomNum < endProbability[i])
                            selectedPrescription = activePrescriptions[i];
                            //Model.Core.UI.WriteLine("\nSELECTED PRESCRIPTION = {0}\n", selectedPrescription.Prescription.Name);

                    //actually harvest the stands: starting with highest ranked
                    if (selectedPrescription is AppliedRepeatHarvest)

                    //Model.Core.UI.WriteLine("\nSELECTED PRESCRIPTION = {0}\n", selectedPrescription.Prescription.Name);

                    Stand stand = selectedPrescription.HighestRankedStand;

                    if (stand != null)
                        //if there was a stand-adjacency constraint on this stand, enforce:
                        foreach (IRequirement r in selectedPrescription.Prescription.StandRankingMethod.Requirements)
                            //look for stand-adacency constraint in list r ranking methods
                            if (r.ToString() == "Landis.Harvest.StandAdjacency")
                                StandAdjacency sa = (StandAdjacency)r;
                                //set-aside every stand in this stand's neighbor-list for the specified number of years

                                //IF siteselection = some type of spreading, freeze the spread-list of neighbors
                                if (selectedPrescription.Prescription.SiteSelectionMethod.ToString() == "Landis.Harvest.CompleteStandSpreading" ||
                                    selectedPrescription.Prescription.SiteSelectionMethod.ToString() == "Landis.Harvest.PartialStandSpreading")
                                    //freeze every stand in the neighbor list
                                    StandSpreading ss = (StandSpreading)selectedPrescription.Prescription.SiteSelectionMethod;

                                    //if it's spreading, go through the UnharvestedNeighbors list that was built during the site-selection spread
                                    foreach (Stand n_stand in ss.UnharvestedNeighbors)
                                        //Model.Core.UI.WriteLine("SPREAD setting aside {0}", n_stand.MapCode);
                                        n_stand.SetAsideUntil(Model.Core.CurrentTime + sa.SetAside);
                                    //if it's not a spreading, just take all of the stand's neighbors
                                    foreach (Stand n_stand in stand.Neighbors)
                                        //Model.Core.UI.WriteLine("NON-SPREAD setting aside {0}", n_stand.MapCode);
                                        n_stand.SetAsideUntil(Model.Core.CurrentTime + sa.SetAside);
                                //found and implemented the stand adjacency, so break out of the requirements list
                        //Model.Core.UI.WriteLine("returned a null stand");

                    //  Check each prescription to see if there's at least one  unharvested stand that the prescription ranks higher than  0.
                    // The list is traversed in reverse order, so that the removal of items doesn't mess up the traversal.
                    for (int i = activePrescriptions.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                        if (!activePrescriptions[i].AnyUnharvestedStandsRankedAbove0)
                            //Model.Core.UI.WriteLine("removing1 {0}", activePrescriptions[i].Prescription.Name);

                    for (int i = activePrescriptions.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i)
                        //Model.Core.UI.WriteLine("removing2 {0}", activePrescriptions[i].Prescription.Name);
            }  //endwhile
Exemplo n.º 7

        protected InputValue <ISiteSelector> ReadSiteSelector(StringReader reader,
                                                              out int index)
            index = reader.Index;
            string name = TextReader.ReadWord(reader);

            if (name == "")
                throw new InputValueException();  // Missing value
            ISiteSelector selector;
            StringBuilder valueAsStr = new StringBuilder(name);

            //  Site selection -- Complete stand
            if (name == SiteSelection.Complete)
                selector = new CompleteStand();
            //  Site selection -- Target size with partial or complete spread

            else if (name == SiteSelection.CompleteAndSpreading || name == SiteSelection.TargetAndSpreading)
                InputVar <double> minTargetSize = new InputVar <double>("the minimum target harvest size");
                ReadValue(minTargetSize, reader);

                InputVar <double> maxTargetSize = new InputVar <double>("the maximum target harvest size");
                ReadValue(maxTargetSize, reader);

                //validate the target size for spreading algorithms

                if (name == SiteSelection.TargetAndSpreading)
                    // Site selection -- partial spread
                    selector = new PartialStandSpreading(minTargetSize.Value.Actual,
                    //  Site selection -- complete stand
                    selector = new CompleteStandSpreading(minTargetSize.Value.Actual,
                valueAsStr.AppendFormat(" {0}", minTargetSize.Value.String);
                valueAsStr.AppendFormat(" {0}", maxTargetSize.Value.String);

            //  Site selection -- Patch cutting
            else if (name == SiteSelection.Patch)
                InputVar <Percentage> percentage = new InputVar <Percentage>("the site percentage for patch cutting");
                ReadValue(percentage, reader);

                InputVar <double> size = new InputVar <double>("the target patch size");
                ReadValue(size, reader);

                // priority is an optional value so we can't use ReadValue
                index = reader.Index;
                string priority = TextReader.ReadWord(reader);

                selector = new PatchCutting(percentage.Value.Actual, size.Value.Actual, priority);
                valueAsStr.AppendFormat(" {0} {1} {2}", percentage.Value.String,

                string[] methodList = new string[] { "Site selection methods:",
                                                     "  " + SiteSelection.Complete,
                                                     "  " + SiteSelection.CompleteAndSpreading,
                                                     "  " + SiteSelection.TargetAndSpreading,
                                                     "  " + SiteSelection.Patch };
                throw new InputValueException(name,
                                              name + " is not a valid site selection method",
                                              new MultiLineText(methodList));
            return(new InputValue <ISiteSelector>(selector, valueAsStr.ToString()));