public User ValidateUser(User user, Skeleton skel)
            if (skel == null) return user;
            var actualHeight = PointDistance(skel.Joints[JointType.HipCenter].Position,
            var actualWidth = PointDistance(skel.Joints[JointType.ShoulderLeft].Position,
            var actualLength = PointDistance(skel.Joints[JointType.ElbowLeft].Position,

            var bestMatch = FindBestMatch(actualHeight, actualWidth, actualLength);

                user.Confidence = (user.FaceConfidence/100 + bestMatch.Confidence)/2;
                user.HipHeight = bestMatch.HipHeight;
                user.ShoulderWidth = bestMatch.ShoulderWidth;
                user.ArmLength = bestMatch.ArmLength;

                user.Confidence = (user.FaceConfidence/100 - bestMatch.Confidence)/2;
                user.HipHeight = bestMatch.HipHeight;
                user.ShoulderWidth = bestMatch.ShoulderWidth;
                user.ArmLength = bestMatch.ArmLength;


            return user;
Exemplo n.º 2
 public void UserDetected(User user)
     if (_comInterface != null && user != null) _comInterface.UserFound(user.Name,user.FaceConfidence,user.TrackingID);
Exemplo n.º 3
 void IKinect.UserLost(User user)
     if (_comInterface != null && user != null) _comInterface.UserLost(user.Name);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void LoadUsers()
            var userData = FileLoader.LoadAllUsers();

            if (userData == null) return;

            foreach (var userInfo in userData)
                var user = new User { Name = userInfo.Key, TrackingID = -1, IsActive = false };

                if (userInfo.Value != null)
                    foreach (var feature in userInfo.Value)
                        if (feature.Key.Equals(FeatureType.ArmLength))
                            user.ArmLength = float.Parse(feature.Value);
                        else if (feature.Key.Equals(FeatureType.HipHeadHeight))
                            user.HipHeight = float.Parse(feature.Value);

                        else if (feature.Key.Equals(FeatureType.ShoulderWidth))
                            user.ShoulderWidth = float.Parse(feature.Value);

Exemplo n.º 5
        private int FindCurrentUser(bool forceRecognition)
            if (_recognitionEngine == null) return -1;
            if (_skeletons == null) return -1;

            foreach (var user in _users.Cast<User>().Where(user => user.IsActive))
                foreach(var skel in _skeletons)
                    if(skel.TrackingId == user.TrackingID && skel.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked)
                        return user.TrackingID;

                user.IsActive = false;
                user.TrackingID = -1;

                return -1;

            foreach(var skel in _skeletons)
                if(skel.TrackingId == _activeTID && skel.TrackingState != SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked)
                    return -1;

            if(_activeTID != -1 && _activeSkeleton != null && !_recognitionEngine.IsRecognizing)
                if(_activeUser == null)
                    _activeUser = new User();
                    _activeUser.TrackingID = _activeTID;
                    _activeUser.Skeleton = _activeSkeleton;
                }else if(_activeUser.TrackingID != _activeTID || _activeSkeleton.TrackingId != _activeUser.Skeleton.TrackingId)
                    _activeUser.TrackingID = _activeTID;
                    _activeUser.Skeleton = _activeSkeleton;
                    _activeUser.Attempts = 0;

                if(_activeUser.Attempts >= User.MAX_ATTEMPTS && _activeUser.Attempts <= User.MAX_ATTEMPTS+1)
                    Log.Info("Gave up on recognition for user with id: " + _activeUser.TrackingID);
                    return -1;

                    _recSoundPlayed = true;

                    if(_activeUser != null)

                return _activeTID;

            }else if(_recognitionEngine.IsRecognizing){
                return _activeTID;

            return FindClosestSkeleton();
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Train(string name, int skelID)
            foreach(var skeleton in _skeletons)
                if(skeleton.TrackingId == skelID && skeleton.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.Tracked && skeleton.TrackingId == _activeTID)
                    var exists = _recognitionEngine.AddUser(name,skeleton);
                    _recognitionEngine.Train(name, skeleton, Coding4Fun.Kinect.WinForm.BitmapExtensions.ToBitmap(_pixelData, 640, 480));

                        var u = new User {Name = name, IsActive = false, TrackingID = skeleton.TrackingId};
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void RecognitionResult(User user)
            if (user == null) return;
            foreach(var skeleton in _skeletons)
                if (skeleton.TrackingId != user.TrackingID ||
                    skeleton.TrackingState == SkeletonTrackingState.NotTracked) continue;

                foreach (User userL in _users)
                    if (!userL.Name.Equals(user.Name)) continue;
                    userL.TrackingID = user.TrackingID;
                    userL.Confidence = user.Confidence;
                    userL.FaceConfidence = user.FaceConfidence;
                    userL.IsActive = true;
                    userL.ShoulderWidth = user.ShoulderWidth;
                    userL.HipHeight = user.HipHeight;
                    userL.ArmLength = user.ArmLength;
                    _activeSkeleton = skeleton;
                    _recSoundPlayed = false;
                    //zLog.Info("User skeleton found. Starting tracking of id : " + userL.TrackingID);
                    _activeTID = userL.TrackingID;
                    _activeUser = null;
Exemplo n.º 8
        void _recognizer_RecognitionCompletedEvent(System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
            IsRecognizing = false;
            if (e.Cancelled)

            var users = e.Result as Dictionary<string, float>;

            var bestMatch = "";
            var bestConf = 50f;

            foreach (var user in users)
                if (user.Value > bestConf)
                    bestMatch = user.Key;
                    bestConf = user.Value;

            if ("".Equals(bestMatch))

            bestMatch = bestMatch.Replace("", "");


            User userF = new User();

            userF.Name = bestMatch;
            userF.FaceConfidence = bestConf;

            userF.TrackingID = _skelToMatch.TrackingId;

            userF = _featureDetector.ValidateUser(userF, _skelToMatch);

        private User FindBestMatch(float actualHeight, float actualWidth, float actualLength)
            var bestUser = new User();
            var bestConfidence = float.MinValue;

            foreach (var storedFeatures in _users)
                var userLabel = storedFeatures.Key;
                float sumConfidence = 0;
                foreach (var featureType in storedFeatures.Value)
                    switch (featureType.Key)
                        case FeatureType.HipHeadHeight:
                                var perDiff = Math.Abs(1 - (actualHeight/float.Parse(featureType.Value)));
                                var confidence = 1 - perDiff;
                                sumConfidence += confidence;
                        case FeatureType.ShoulderWidth:
                                var perDiff = Math.Abs(1 - (actualWidth/float.Parse(featureType.Value)));
                                var confidence = 1 - perDiff;
                                sumConfidence += confidence;
                        case FeatureType.ArmLength:
                                var perDiff = Math.Abs(1 - (actualLength/float.Parse(featureType.Value)));
                                var confidence = 1 - perDiff;
                                sumConfidence += confidence;


                sumConfidence = sumConfidence/3;

                if (bestConfidence >= sumConfidence) continue;
                bestConfidence = sumConfidence;
                bestUser.Name = userLabel;
                bestUser.HipHeight = actualHeight;
                bestUser.ShoulderWidth = actualWidth;
                bestUser.ArmLength = actualLength;
                bestUser.Confidence = bestConfidence;

            return bestUser;