Exemplo n.º 1
        public void when_instantiated_parses_string_into_address_prefix_and_suffix(string range, byte expectedMostSignificantByte, byte expectedSuffix)
            var sut = new CidrRange(range);

            Assert.AreEqual(expectedMostSignificantByte, sut.Prefix[3]);
            Assert.AreEqual(expectedSuffix, sut.Suffix);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void when_insignificant_prefix_bits_differ_should_consider_other_to_be_equal(string leftRange, string rightRange)
            var sut = new CidrRange(leftRange);
            var other = new CidrRange(rightRange);

            Assert.AreEqual(sut, other);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public RangeIntersectionResult CompareTo(CidrRange other)
            if (Equals(other))
                return RangeIntersectionResult.Equals;

            if (PrefixesEquals(other) && Suffix > other.Suffix)
                return RangeIntersectionResult.Subset;
            if (PrefixesEquals(other) && Suffix < other.Suffix)
                return RangeIntersectionResult.Superset;

            return RangeIntersectionResult.Disjoint;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void when_prefixes_are_equal_and_left_suffix_is_less_should_consider_left_to_be_a_superset(string leftRange, string rightRange)
            var sut = new CidrRange(leftRange);
            var right = new CidrRange(rightRange);

            var actual = sut.CompareTo(right);
            var expected = sut.Prefix.Skip(1).SequenceEqual(right.Prefix.Skip(1)) && sut.Suffix < right.Suffix
                ? RangeIntersectionResult.Superset
                : RangeIntersectionResult.Disjoint;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void when_prefixes_are_different_should_consider_left_to_be_a_disjoint(string leftRange, string rightRange)
            var sut = new CidrRange(leftRange);
            var right = new CidrRange(rightRange);

            var actual = sut.CompareTo(right);
            var expected = !sut.Prefix.SequenceEqual(right.Prefix)//this is not exactly correct specification, but it's OK for the sake of simplicity
                ? RangeIntersectionResult.Disjoint
                : RangeIntersectionResult.Subset;

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private bool PrefixesEquals(CidrRange other)
            var leftMask = new BitArray(Prefix);
            var leftSuffix = new BitArray(32, false);
            for (int i = 31; i >= 32 - Suffix; i--)
                leftSuffix[i] = true;
            leftMask = leftSuffix.And(leftMask);

            var rightMask = new BitArray(other.Prefix);
            var rightSuffix = new BitArray(32, false);
            for (int i = 31; i >= 32 - other.Suffix; i--)
                rightSuffix[i] = true;
            rightMask = rightSuffix.And(rightMask);

            var result = rightMask.Xor(leftMask);
            return result.Cast<bool>().ToArray().Skip(32 - Math.Min(Suffix, other.Suffix)).All(x => !x);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void when_prefix_and_suffix_are_equal_should_consider_other_to_be_equal(string range)
            var sut = new CidrRange(range);
            var other = new CidrRange(range);

            Assert.AreEqual(sut, other);
Exemplo n.º 8
 protected bool Equals(CidrRange other)
     return Suffix == other.Suffix && PrefixesEquals(other);