Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: Route.cs Projeto: dotnet/iot
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a route from an ordered set of points
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name">Name of the new route</param>
        /// <param name="points">Points of the route (ordered)</param>
        public Route(string name, params GeographicPosition[] points)
            : this(name)
            for (var index = 0; index < points.Length; index++)
                var pt      = points[index];
                var routePt = new RoutePoint(name, index, points.Length, "WP" + index, pt, null, null);

            // Would be weird if that fails now
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the current route
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="routeList">The list of points along the route</param>
        /// <returns>The state of the route received</returns>
        public AutopilotErrorState TryGetCurrentRoute(out List <RoutePoint> routeList)
            routeList = new List <RoutePoint>();
            List <RoutePart>?segments = FindLatestCompleteRoute(out string routeName);

            if (segments == null)

            List <string> wpNames = new List <string>();

            foreach (var segment in segments)

            // We've seen RTE messages, but no waypoints yet
            if (wpNames.Count == 0)

            if (wpNames.GroupBy(x => x).Any(g => g.Count() > 1))

            for (var index = 0; index < wpNames.Count; index++)
                var name = wpNames[index];
                GeographicPosition?position = null;
                if (_wayPoints.TryGetValue(name, out var pt))
                    position = pt.Position;
                    // Incomplete route - need to wait for all wpt messages

                RoutePoint rpt = new RoutePoint(routeName, index, wpNames.Count, name, position, null, null);

Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: Route.cs Projeto: dotnet/iot
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds the given point to the end of the route
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pt">Point to insert</param>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Duplicate waypoint name, undefined position, etc.</exception>
        public void AddPoint(RoutePoint pt)
            if (pt == null || pt.Position == null || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(pt.WaypointName))
                throw new ArgumentException("Inserted point must have a position and a valid name");

            var newRoute = _routePoints.ToList();


            // throws if a duplicate was inserted
            _routePoints = newRoute;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: Route.cs Projeto: dotnet/iot
 /// <summary>
 /// Sets the next point on the route (i.e. to skip a missed waypoint)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="pt">The next point</param>
 /// <returns>True on success, false otherwise. This returns false if the given position is not part of the route.</returns>
 public bool SetNextPoint(RoutePoint pt)
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Navigation loop.
        /// </summary>
        internal void CalculateNewStatus(int loops, DateTimeOffset now)
            bool passedWp = false;
            RecommendedMinimumNavToDestination?currentLeg = null;

            if (_cache.TryGetLastSentence(RecommendedMinimumNavToDestination.Id, out RecommendedMinimumNavToDestination currentLeg1) &&
                passedWp = currentLeg1.Arrived;
                if (_selfNavMode)
                    // Reset navigation
                    _manualNextWaypoint = null;
                    _selfNavMode        = false;

                OperationState = AutopilotErrorState.OperatingAsSlave;
                currentLeg     = currentLeg1;
                // So we have to test only one condition
                currentLeg = null;

            if (_activeDeviation == null || loops % 100 == 0)
                if (!_cache.TryGetLastSentence(HeadingAndDeclination.Id, out HeadingAndDeclination deviation) ||
                    if (!_cache.TryGetLastSentence(RecommendedMinimumNavigationInformation.Id,
                                                   out RecommendedMinimumNavigationInformation rmc) || !rmc.MagneticVariationInDegrees.HasValue)
                        if (loops % LogSkip == 0)
                            _logger.LogWarning("Autopilot: No magnetic variance");


                    deviation = new HeadingAndDeclination(Angle.Zero, Angle.Zero, rmc.MagneticVariationInDegrees);

                _activeDeviation = deviation;

            if (_cache.TryGetCurrentPosition(out var position, out Angle track, out Speed sog, out Angle? heading) && position != null)
                string previousWayPoint = string.Empty;
                string nextWayPoint     = string.Empty;

                if (currentLeg != null)
                    previousWayPoint = currentLeg.PreviousWayPointName;
                    nextWayPoint     = currentLeg.NextWayPointName;

                List <RoutePoint>?currentRoute = null;
                if (_activeRoute != null)
                    currentRoute = _activeRoute.Points;

                // This returns RoutePresent if at least one valid waypoint is in the list
                if (currentRoute == null && _cache.TryGetCurrentRoute(out currentRoute) != AutopilotErrorState.RoutePresent)
                    // No route. But if we have an RMB message, there could still be a current target (typically one that was
                    // directly selected with "Goto")
                    if (currentLeg == null)
                        OperationState = AutopilotErrorState.NoRoute;

                    OperationState = AutopilotErrorState.DirectGoto;
                    next           = new RoutePoint("Goto", 0, 1, currentLeg.NextWayPointName, currentLeg.NextWayPoint, null, null);
                else if (currentLeg != null)
                    // Better to compare by position rather than name, because the names (unless using identifiers) may
                    // not be unique.
                    next = currentRoute.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Position.EqualPosition(currentLeg.NextWayPoint));
                    if (_manualNextWaypoint == null)
                        next = currentRoute.First();
                        _manualNextWaypoint = next;
                    else if (!HasPassedWaypoint(position, track, ref _manualNextWaypoint, currentRoute))
                        next = _manualNextWaypoint;
                        passedWp = true;
                        next     = _manualNextWaypoint;
                        if (next == null) // reached end of route
                            currentRoute = null;

                    OperationState = AutopilotErrorState.OperatingAsMaster;

                if (next != null && next.Position != null && (_knownNextWaypoint == null || next.Position.EqualPosition(_knownNextWaypoint.Position) == false))
                    // the next waypoint changed. Set the new origin (if previous is undefined)
                    // This means that either the user has selected a new route or we moved to the next leg.
                    _knownNextWaypoint = next;
                    _currentOrigin     = null;

                RoutePoint?previous = null;
                if (currentRoute != null)
                    previous = currentRoute.Find(x => x.WaypointName == previousWayPoint);

                if (previous == null && next != null)
                    if (_currentOrigin != null)
                        previous = _currentOrigin;
                        // Assume the current position is the origin
                        GreatCircle.DistAndDir(position, next.Position !, out Length distance, out Angle direction);
                        _currentOrigin = new RoutePoint("Goto", 1, 1, "Origin", position, direction,
                        previous = _currentOrigin;
                    // We don't need that any more. Reinit when previous is null again
                    _currentOrigin = null;

                if (next == null)
                    // No position for next waypoint
                    OperationState = AutopilotErrorState.InvalidNextWaypoint;
                    NextWaypoint   = null;
                    // Note: Possibly reached destination

                Length             distanceToNext              = Length.Zero;
                Length             distanceOnTrackToNext       = Length.Zero;
                Length             crossTrackError             = Length.Zero;
                Length             distancePreviousToNext      = Length.Zero;
                Angle              bearingCurrentToDestination = Angle.Zero;
                Angle              bearingOriginToDestination  = Angle.Zero;
                GeographicPosition nextPosition            = new GeographicPosition();
                Speed              approachSpeedToWayPoint = Speed.Zero;

                if (next.Position != null)
                    nextPosition = next.Position;
                    GreatCircle.DistAndDir(position, next.Position, out distanceToNext, out bearingCurrentToDestination);
                    approachSpeedToWayPoint = GreatCircle.CalculateVelocityTowardsTarget(next.Position, position, sog, track);

                    // Either the last waypoint or "origin"
                    if (previous != null && previous.Position != null)
                        GreatCircle.DistAndDir(previous.Position, next.Position, out distancePreviousToNext, out bearingOriginToDestination);
                        GreatCircle.CrossTrackError(previous.Position, next.Position, position, out crossTrackError, out distanceOnTrackToNext);

                NextWaypoint = next;
                List <NmeaSentence> sentencesToSend    = new List <NmeaSentence>();
                RecommendedMinimumNavToDestination rmb = new RecommendedMinimumNavToDestination(now,
                                                                                                crossTrackError, previousWayPoint, nextWayPoint, nextPosition, distanceToNext, bearingCurrentToDestination,
                                                                                                approachSpeedToWayPoint, passedWp);

                CrossTrackError xte = new CrossTrackError(crossTrackError);

                Angle variation = _activeDeviation.Declination.GetValueOrDefault(Angle.Zero);

                TrackMadeGood vtg = new TrackMadeGood(track, AngleExtensions.TrueToMagnetic(track, variation), sog);

                BearingAndDistanceToWayPoint bwc = new BearingAndDistanceToWayPoint(now, nextWayPoint, nextPosition, distanceToNext,
                                                                                    bearingCurrentToDestination, AngleExtensions.TrueToMagnetic(bearingCurrentToDestination, variation));

                BearingOriginToDestination bod = new BearingOriginToDestination(bearingOriginToDestination, AngleExtensions.TrueToMagnetic(
                                                                                    bearingOriginToDestination, variation), previousWayPoint, nextWayPoint);

                sentencesToSend.AddRange(new NmeaSentence[] { rmb, xte, vtg, bwc, bod });

                if (loops % 2 == 0)
                    // Only send these once a second
                    IEnumerable <RoutePart> rte;
                    IEnumerable <Waypoint>  wpt;
                    if (currentRoute == null || currentRoute.Count == 0)
                        currentRoute = new List <RoutePoint>();
                        if (_currentOrigin != null)

                        if (next.Position != null)

                    // This should actually always contain at least two points now (origin and current target)
                    if (currentRoute.Count > 0)
                        CreateRouteMessages(currentRoute, out rte, out wpt);
