Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void Validate(MetadataType type, ComputedInstanceFieldLayout layout)
            ExplicitLayoutValidator validator = new ExplicitLayoutValidator(type, layout.ByteCountUnaligned.AsInt);

            foreach (FieldAndOffset fieldAndOffset in layout.Offsets)
                validator.AddToFieldLayout(fieldAndOffset.Offset.AsInt, fieldAndOffset.Field.FieldType);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override ComputedInstanceFieldLayout ComputeInstanceLayout(DefType type, InstanceLayoutKind layoutKind)
            if (!type.IsTemplateUniversal() && (layoutKind == InstanceLayoutKind.TypeOnly))
                // Non universal generics can just use the template's layout
                DefType template = (DefType)type.ComputeTemplate();
                return _noMetadataFieldLayoutAlgorithm.ComputeInstanceLayout(template, InstanceLayoutKind.TypeOnly);

            // Only needed for universal generics, or when looking up an offset for a field for a universal generic
            LowLevelList<int> fieldOffsets;
            int[] position = ComputeTypeSizeAndAlignment(type, FieldLoadState.Instance, out fieldOffsets);

            int numInstanceFields = 0;
            foreach (NativeLayoutFieldDesc field in type.NativeLayoutFields)
                if (!field.IsStatic)

            int byteCountAlignment = position[InstanceAlignmentEntry];
            byteCountAlignment = type.Context.Target.GetObjectAlignment(byteCountAlignment);

            ComputedInstanceFieldLayout layout = new ComputedInstanceFieldLayout()
                Offsets = new FieldAndOffset[numInstanceFields],
                ByteCountAlignment = byteCountAlignment,
                ByteCountUnaligned = position[(int)NativeFormat.FieldStorage.Instance],
                PackValue = 0 // TODO, as we add more metadata handling logic, find out if its necessary to use a meaningful value here

            if (!type.IsValueType)
                layout.FieldAlignment = type.Context.Target.PointerSize;
                layout.FieldSize = type.Context.Target.PointerSize;
                layout.FieldAlignment = position[InstanceAlignmentEntry];
                layout.FieldSize = MemoryHelpers.AlignUp(position[(int)NativeFormat.FieldStorage.Instance], layout.FieldAlignment);

            int curInstanceField = 0;
            foreach (NativeLayoutFieldDesc field in type.NativeLayoutFields)
                if (!field.IsStatic)
                    layout.Offsets[curInstanceField] = new FieldAndOffset(field, fieldOffsets[curInstanceField]);

            return layout;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static ComputedInstanceFieldLayout ComputeSequentialFieldLayout(MetadataType type, int numInstanceFields)
            var offsets = new FieldAndOffset[numInstanceFields];

            // For types inheriting from another type, field offsets continue on from where they left off
            int cumulativeInstanceFieldPos = ComputeBytesUsedInParentType(type);

            int largestAlignmentRequirement = 1;
            int fieldOrdinal = 0;
            int packingSize  = ComputePackingSize(type);

            foreach (var field in type.GetFields())
                if (field.IsStatic)

                var fieldSizeAndAlignment = ComputeFieldSizeAndAlignment(field.FieldType, packingSize);

                if (fieldSizeAndAlignment.Alignment > largestAlignmentRequirement)
                    largestAlignmentRequirement = fieldSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;

                cumulativeInstanceFieldPos = AlignmentHelper.AlignUp(cumulativeInstanceFieldPos, fieldSizeAndAlignment.Alignment);
                offsets[fieldOrdinal]      = new FieldAndOffset(field, cumulativeInstanceFieldPos);
                cumulativeInstanceFieldPos = checked (cumulativeInstanceFieldPos + fieldSizeAndAlignment.Size);


            if (type.IsValueType)
                var layoutMetadata = type.GetClassLayout();
                cumulativeInstanceFieldPos = Math.Max(cumulativeInstanceFieldPos, layoutMetadata.Size);

            SizeAndAlignment instanceByteSizeAndAlignment;
            var instanceSizeAndAlignment = ComputeInstanceSize(type, cumulativeInstanceFieldPos, largestAlignmentRequirement, out instanceByteSizeAndAlignment);

            ComputedInstanceFieldLayout computedLayout = new ComputedInstanceFieldLayout();

            computedLayout.FieldAlignment     = instanceSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;
            computedLayout.FieldSize          = instanceSizeAndAlignment.Size;
            computedLayout.ByteCountUnaligned = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Size;
            computedLayout.ByteCountAlignment = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;
            computedLayout.Offsets            = offsets;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public override ComputedInstanceFieldLayout ComputeInstanceLayout(DefType defType, InstanceLayoutKind layoutKind)
            // Individual field offset layout for a RuntimeDeterminedType is not a supported operation
            if (layoutKind != InstanceLayoutKind.TypeOnly)
                throw new NotSupportedException();

            RuntimeDeterminedType type = (RuntimeDeterminedType)defType;
            DefType canonicalType      = type.CanonicalType;

            ComputedInstanceFieldLayout result = new ComputedInstanceFieldLayout
                ByteCountUnaligned = canonicalType.InstanceByteCountUnaligned,
                ByteCountAlignment = canonicalType.InstanceByteAlignment,
                FieldAlignment     = canonicalType.InstanceFieldAlignment,
                FieldSize          = canonicalType.InstanceFieldSize,
                Offsets            = Array.Empty <FieldAndOffset>()

Exemplo n.º 5
        public override ComputedInstanceFieldLayout ComputeInstanceLayout(DefType defType, InstanceLayoutKind layoutKind)
            MetadataType type = (MetadataType)defType;

            if (type.IsGenericDefinition)
                ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadGeneral, type);

            // CLI - Partition 1, section 9.5 - Generic types shall not be marked explicitlayout.
            if (type.HasInstantiation && type.IsExplicitLayout)
                ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadExplicitGeneric, type.GetTypeDefinition());

            // Count the number of instance fields in advance for convenience
            int numInstanceFields = 0;

            foreach (var field in type.GetFields())
                if (field.IsStatic)

                TypeDesc fieldType = field.FieldType;

                // ByRef instance fields are not allowed.
                if (fieldType.IsByRef)
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadGeneral, type);

                // ByRef-like instance fields on non-byref-like types are not allowed.
                if (fieldType.IsByRefLike && !type.IsByRefLike)
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadGeneral, type);


            if (type.IsModuleType)
                // This is a global type, it must not have instance fields.
                if (numInstanceFields > 0)
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadGeneral, type);

                // Global types do not do the rest of instance field layout.
                ComputedInstanceFieldLayout result = new ComputedInstanceFieldLayout();
                result.Offsets = Array.Empty <FieldAndOffset>();

            // CLI - Partition 2, section 22.8
            // A type has layout if it is marked SequentialLayout or ExplicitLayout.  If any type within an inheritance chain has layout,
            // then so shall all its base classes, up to the one that descends immediately from System.ValueType (if it exists in the type's
            // hierarchy); otherwise, from System.Object
            // Note: While the CLI isn't clearly worded, the layout needs to be the same for the entire chain.
            // If the current type isn't ValueType or System.Object and has a layout and the parent type isn't
            // ValueType or System.Object then the layout type attributes need to match
            if ((!type.IsValueType && !type.IsObject) &&
                (type.IsSequentialLayout || type.IsExplicitLayout) &&
                (!type.BaseType.IsValueType && !type.BaseType.IsObject))
                MetadataType baseType = type.MetadataBaseType;

                if (type.IsSequentialLayout != baseType.IsSequentialLayout ||
                    type.IsExplicitLayout != baseType.IsExplicitLayout)
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadBadFormat, type);

            // Enum types must have a single instance field
            if (type.IsEnum && numInstanceFields != 1)
                ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadGeneral, type);

            if (type.IsPrimitive)
                // Primitive types are special - they may have a single field of the same type
                // as the type itself. They do not do the rest of instance field layout.
                if (numInstanceFields > 1)
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadGeneral, type);

                SizeAndAlignment instanceByteSizeAndAlignment;
                var sizeAndAlignment = ComputeInstanceSize(
                    out instanceByteSizeAndAlignment

                ComputedInstanceFieldLayout result = new ComputedInstanceFieldLayout
                    ByteCountUnaligned = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Size,
                    ByteCountAlignment = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Alignment,
                    FieldAlignment     = sizeAndAlignment.Alignment,
                    FieldSize          = sizeAndAlignment.Size,

                if (numInstanceFields > 0)
                    FieldDesc instanceField = null;
                    foreach (FieldDesc field in type.GetFields())
                        if (!field.IsStatic)
                            Debug.Assert(instanceField == null, "Unexpected extra instance field");
                            instanceField = field;

                    Debug.Assert(instanceField != null, "Null instance field");

                    result.Offsets = new FieldAndOffset[] {
                        new FieldAndOffset(instanceField, LayoutInt.Zero)
                    result.Offsets = Array.Empty <FieldAndOffset>();


            // If the type has layout, read its packing and size info
            // If the type has explicit layout, also read the field offset info
            if (type.IsExplicitLayout || type.IsSequentialLayout)
                if (type.IsEnum)
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadBadFormat, type);

                var layoutMetadata = type.GetClassLayout();

                // If packing is out of range or not a power of two, throw that the size is invalid
                int packing = layoutMetadata.PackingSize;
                if (packing < 0 || packing > 128 || ((packing & (packing - 1)) != 0))
                    ThrowHelper.ThrowTypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadBadFormat, type);

                Debug.Assert(layoutMetadata.Offsets == null || layoutMetadata.Offsets.Length == numInstanceFields);

            // At this point all special cases are handled and all inputs validated
            return(ComputeInstanceFieldLayout(type, numInstanceFields));
        private static ComputedInstanceFieldLayout ComputeSequentialFieldLayout(MetadataType type, int numInstanceFields)
            var offsets = new FieldAndOffset[numInstanceFields];

            // For types inheriting from another type, field offsets continue on from where they left off
            int cumulativeInstanceFieldPos = ComputeBytesUsedInParentType(type);

            int largestAlignmentRequirement = 1;
            int fieldOrdinal = 0;
            int packingSize = ComputePackingSize(type);

            foreach (var field in type.GetFields())
                if (field.IsStatic)

                var fieldSizeAndAlignment = ComputeFieldSizeAndAlignment(field.FieldType, packingSize);

                if (fieldSizeAndAlignment.Alignment > largestAlignmentRequirement)
                    largestAlignmentRequirement = fieldSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;

                cumulativeInstanceFieldPos = AlignmentHelper.AlignUp(cumulativeInstanceFieldPos, fieldSizeAndAlignment.Alignment);
                offsets[fieldOrdinal] = new FieldAndOffset(field, cumulativeInstanceFieldPos);
                cumulativeInstanceFieldPos = checked(cumulativeInstanceFieldPos + fieldSizeAndAlignment.Size);


            if (type.IsValueType)
                var layoutMetadata = type.GetClassLayout();
                cumulativeInstanceFieldPos = Math.Max(cumulativeInstanceFieldPos, layoutMetadata.Size);

            SizeAndAlignment instanceByteSizeAndAlignment;
            var instanceSizeAndAlignment = ComputeInstanceSize(type, cumulativeInstanceFieldPos, largestAlignmentRequirement, out instanceByteSizeAndAlignment);

            ComputedInstanceFieldLayout computedLayout = new ComputedInstanceFieldLayout();
            computedLayout.FieldAlignment = instanceSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;
            computedLayout.FieldSize = instanceSizeAndAlignment.Size;
            computedLayout.ByteCountUnaligned = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Size;
            computedLayout.ByteCountAlignment = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;
            computedLayout.Offsets = offsets;

            return computedLayout;
        private static ComputedInstanceFieldLayout ComputeExplicitFieldLayout(MetadataType type, int numInstanceFields)
            // Instance slice size is the total size of instance not including the base type.
            // It is calculated as the field whose offset and size add to the greatest value.
            int cumulativeInstanceFieldPos =
                type.HasBaseType && !type.IsValueType ? type.BaseType.InstanceByteCount : 0;
            int instanceSize = cumulativeInstanceFieldPos;

            var layoutMetadata = type.GetClassLayout();

            int packingSize = ComputePackingSize(type);
            int largestAlignmentRequired = 1;

            var offsets = new FieldAndOffset[numInstanceFields];
            int fieldOrdinal = 0;

            foreach (var fieldAndOffset in layoutMetadata.Offsets)
                var fieldSizeAndAlignment = ComputeFieldSizeAndAlignment(fieldAndOffset.Field.FieldType, packingSize);

                if (fieldSizeAndAlignment.Alignment > largestAlignmentRequired)
                    largestAlignmentRequired = fieldSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;

                if (fieldAndOffset.Offset == FieldAndOffset.InvalidOffset)
                    throw new TypeLoadException();

                int computedOffset = checked(fieldAndOffset.Offset + cumulativeInstanceFieldPos);

                switch (fieldAndOffset.Field.FieldType.Category)
                    case TypeFlags.Array:
                    case TypeFlags.Class:
                            int offsetModulo = computedOffset % type.Context.Target.PointerSize;
                            if (offsetModulo != 0)
                                // GC pointers MUST be aligned.
                                if (offsetModulo == 4)
                                    // We must be attempting to compile a 32bit app targeting a 64 bit platform.
                                    throw new TypeLoadException();
                                    // Its just wrong
                                    throw new TypeLoadException();

                offsets[fieldOrdinal] = new FieldAndOffset(fieldAndOffset.Field, computedOffset);

                int fieldExtent = checked(computedOffset + fieldSizeAndAlignment.Size);
                if (fieldExtent > instanceSize)
                    instanceSize = fieldExtent;


            if (type.IsValueType && layoutMetadata.Size > instanceSize)
                instanceSize = layoutMetadata.Size;

            SizeAndAlignment instanceByteSizeAndAlignment;
            var instanceSizeAndAlignment = ComputeInstanceSize(type, instanceSize, largestAlignmentRequired, out instanceByteSizeAndAlignment);

            ComputedInstanceFieldLayout computedLayout = new ComputedInstanceFieldLayout();
            computedLayout.FieldAlignment = instanceSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;
            computedLayout.FieldSize = instanceSizeAndAlignment.Size;
            computedLayout.ByteCountUnaligned = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Size;
            computedLayout.ByteCountAlignment = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;
            computedLayout.Offsets = offsets;

            return computedLayout;
        public override ComputedInstanceFieldLayout ComputeInstanceLayout(DefType defType, InstanceLayoutKind layoutKind)
            MetadataType type = (MetadataType)defType;
            // CLI - Partition 1, section 9.5 - Generic types shall not be marked explicitlayout.  
            if (type.HasInstantiation && type.IsExplicitLayout)
                throw new TypeLoadException();

            // Count the number of instance fields in advance for convenience
            int numInstanceFields = 0;
            foreach (var field in type.GetFields())
                if (!field.IsStatic)

            if (type.IsModuleType)
                // This is a global type, it must not have instance fields.
                if (numInstanceFields > 0)
                    throw new TypeLoadException();

                // Global types do not do the rest of instance field layout.
                ComputedInstanceFieldLayout result = new ComputedInstanceFieldLayout();
                result.PackValue = type.Context.Target.DefaultPackingSize;
                result.Offsets = Array.Empty<FieldAndOffset>();
                return result;

            // CLI - Partition 2, section 22.8
            // A type has layout if it is marked SequentialLayout or ExplicitLayout.  If any type within an inheritance chain has layout, 
            // then so shall all its base classes, up to the one that descends immediately from System.ValueType (if it exists in the type’s 
            // hierarchy); otherwise, from System.Object
            // Note: While the CLI isn't clearly worded, the layout needs to be the same for the entire chain.
            // If the current type isn't ValueType or System.Object and has a layout and the parent type isn't
            // ValueType or System.Object then the layout type attributes need to match
            if ((!type.IsValueType && !type.IsObject) &&
                (type.IsSequentialLayout || type.IsExplicitLayout) &&
                (!type.BaseType.IsValueType && !type.BaseType.IsObject))
                MetadataType baseType = type.MetadataBaseType;

                if (type.IsSequentialLayout != baseType.IsSequentialLayout ||
                    type.IsExplicitLayout != baseType.IsExplicitLayout)
                    throw new TypeLoadException();

            // Enum types must have a single instance field
            if (type.IsEnum && numInstanceFields != 1)
                throw new TypeLoadException();

            if (type.IsPrimitive)
                // Primitive types are special - they may have a single field of the same type
                // as the type itself. They do not do the rest of instance field layout.
                if (numInstanceFields > 1)
                    throw new TypeLoadException();

                SizeAndAlignment instanceByteSizeAndAlignment;
                var sizeAndAlignment = ComputeInstanceSize(
                    out instanceByteSizeAndAlignment

                ComputedInstanceFieldLayout result = new ComputedInstanceFieldLayout
                    ByteCountUnaligned = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Size,
                    ByteCountAlignment = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Alignment,
                    FieldAlignment = sizeAndAlignment.Alignment,
                    FieldSize = sizeAndAlignment.Size,
                    PackValue = type.Context.Target.DefaultPackingSize

                if (numInstanceFields > 0)
                    FieldDesc instanceField = null;
                    foreach (FieldDesc field in type.GetFields())
                        if (!field.IsStatic)
                            Debug.Assert(instanceField == null, "Unexpected extra instance field");
                            instanceField = field;

                    Debug.Assert(instanceField != null, "Null instance field");

                    result.Offsets = new FieldAndOffset[] {
                        new FieldAndOffset(instanceField, 0)
                    result.Offsets = Array.Empty<FieldAndOffset>();

                return result;

            // Verify that no ByRef types present in this type's fields
            foreach (var field in type.GetFields())
                if (field.FieldType is ByRefType)
                    throw new TypeLoadException();

            // If the type has layout, read its packing and size info
            // If the type has explicit layout, also read the field offset info
            if (type.IsExplicitLayout || type.IsSequentialLayout)
                if (type.IsEnum)
                    throw new TypeLoadException();

                var layoutMetadata = type.GetClassLayout();

                // If packing is out of range or not a power of two, throw that the size is invalid
                int packing = layoutMetadata.PackingSize;
                if (packing < 0 || packing > 128 || ((packing & (packing - 1)) != 0))
                    throw new TypeLoadException();

                Debug.Assert(layoutMetadata.Offsets == null || layoutMetadata.Offsets.Length == numInstanceFields);

            // At this point all special cases are handled and all inputs validated

            if (type.IsExplicitLayout)
                return ComputeExplicitFieldLayout(type, numInstanceFields);
                // Treat auto layout as sequential for now
                return ComputeSequentialFieldLayout(type, numInstanceFields);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private static ComputedInstanceFieldLayout ComputeExplicitFieldLayout(MetadataType type, int numInstanceFields)
            // Instance slice size is the total size of instance not including the base type.
            // It is calculated as the field whose offset and size add to the greatest value.
            int cumulativeInstanceFieldPos =
                type.HasBaseType && !type.IsValueType ? type.BaseType.InstanceByteCount : 0;
            int instanceSize = cumulativeInstanceFieldPos;

            var layoutMetadata = type.GetClassLayout();

            int packingSize = ComputePackingSize(type);
            int largestAlignmentRequired = 1;

            var offsets      = new FieldAndOffset[numInstanceFields];
            int fieldOrdinal = 0;

            foreach (var fieldAndOffset in layoutMetadata.Offsets)
                var fieldSizeAndAlignment = ComputeFieldSizeAndAlignment(fieldAndOffset.Field.FieldType, packingSize);

                if (fieldSizeAndAlignment.Alignment > largestAlignmentRequired)
                    largestAlignmentRequired = fieldSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;

                if (fieldAndOffset.Offset == FieldAndOffset.InvalidOffset)
                    throw new TypeLoadException();

                int computedOffset = checked (fieldAndOffset.Offset + cumulativeInstanceFieldPos);

                switch (fieldAndOffset.Field.FieldType.Category)
                case TypeFlags.Array:
                case TypeFlags.Class:
                    int offsetModulo = computedOffset % type.Context.Target.PointerSize;
                    if (offsetModulo != 0)
                        // GC pointers MUST be aligned.
                        if (offsetModulo == 4)
                            // We must be attempting to compile a 32bit app targeting a 64 bit platform.
                            throw new TypeLoadException();
                            // Its just wrong
                            throw new TypeLoadException();

                offsets[fieldOrdinal] = new FieldAndOffset(fieldAndOffset.Field, computedOffset);

                int fieldExtent = checked (computedOffset + fieldSizeAndAlignment.Size);
                if (fieldExtent > instanceSize)
                    instanceSize = fieldExtent;


            if (type.IsValueType && layoutMetadata.Size > instanceSize)
                instanceSize = layoutMetadata.Size;

            SizeAndAlignment instanceByteSizeAndAlignment;
            var instanceSizeAndAlignment = ComputeInstanceSize(type, instanceSize, largestAlignmentRequired, out instanceByteSizeAndAlignment);

            ComputedInstanceFieldLayout computedLayout = new ComputedInstanceFieldLayout();

            computedLayout.FieldAlignment     = instanceSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;
            computedLayout.FieldSize          = instanceSizeAndAlignment.Size;
            computedLayout.ByteCountUnaligned = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Size;
            computedLayout.ByteCountAlignment = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;
            computedLayout.Offsets            = offsets;

Exemplo n.º 10
        private static ComputedInstanceFieldLayout ComputeExplicitFieldLayout(MetadataType type, int numInstanceFields)
            // Instance slice size is the total size of instance not including the base type.
            // It is calculated as the field whose offset and size add to the greatest value.
            LayoutInt cumulativeInstanceFieldPos =
                type.HasBaseType && !type.IsValueType ? type.BaseType.InstanceByteCount : LayoutInt.Zero;
            LayoutInt instanceSize = cumulativeInstanceFieldPos;

            var layoutMetadata = type.GetClassLayout();

            int       packingSize = ComputePackingSize(type);
            LayoutInt largestAlignmentRequired = LayoutInt.One;

            var offsets      = new FieldAndOffset[numInstanceFields];
            int fieldOrdinal = 0;

            foreach (var fieldAndOffset in layoutMetadata.Offsets)
                var fieldSizeAndAlignment = ComputeFieldSizeAndAlignment(fieldAndOffset.Field.FieldType, packingSize);

                largestAlignmentRequired = LayoutInt.Max(fieldSizeAndAlignment.Alignment, largestAlignmentRequired);

                if (fieldAndOffset.Offset == FieldAndOffset.InvalidOffset)
                    throw new TypeSystemException.TypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadBadFormat, type);

                LayoutInt computedOffset = fieldAndOffset.Offset + cumulativeInstanceFieldPos;

                if (fieldAndOffset.Field.FieldType.IsGCPointer && !computedOffset.IsIndeterminate)
                    int offsetModulo = computedOffset.AsInt % type.Context.Target.PointerSize;
                    if (offsetModulo != 0)
                        // GC pointers MUST be aligned.
                        throw new TypeSystemException.TypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadExplicitLayout, type, fieldAndOffset.Offset.ToStringInvariant());

                offsets[fieldOrdinal] = new FieldAndOffset(fieldAndOffset.Field, computedOffset);

                LayoutInt fieldExtent = computedOffset + fieldSizeAndAlignment.Size;
                instanceSize = LayoutInt.Max(fieldExtent, instanceSize);


            if (type.IsValueType)
                instanceSize = LayoutInt.Max(new LayoutInt(layoutMetadata.Size), instanceSize);

            SizeAndAlignment instanceByteSizeAndAlignment;
            var instanceSizeAndAlignment = ComputeInstanceSize(type, instanceSize, largestAlignmentRequired, out instanceByteSizeAndAlignment);

            ComputedInstanceFieldLayout computedLayout = new ComputedInstanceFieldLayout();

            computedLayout.FieldAlignment     = instanceSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;
            computedLayout.FieldSize          = instanceSizeAndAlignment.Size;
            computedLayout.ByteCountUnaligned = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Size;
            computedLayout.ByteCountAlignment = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;
            computedLayout.Offsets            = offsets;

Exemplo n.º 11
        private static ComputedInstanceFieldLayout ComputeExplicitFieldLayout(MetadataType type, int numInstanceFields)
            // Instance slice size is the total size of instance not including the base type.
            // It is calculated as the field whose offset and size add to the greatest value.
            int cumulativeInstanceFieldPos =
                type.HasBaseType && !type.IsValueType ? type.BaseType.InstanceByteCount : 0;
            int instanceSize = cumulativeInstanceFieldPos;

            var layoutMetadata = type.GetClassLayout();

            int packingSize = ComputePackingSize(type);
            int largestAlignmentRequired = 1;

            var offsets = new FieldAndOffset[numInstanceFields];
            int fieldOrdinal = 0;

            foreach (var fieldAndOffset in layoutMetadata.Offsets)
                var fieldSizeAndAlignment = ComputeFieldSizeAndAlignment(fieldAndOffset.Field.FieldType, packingSize);

                if (fieldSizeAndAlignment.Alignment > largestAlignmentRequired)
                    largestAlignmentRequired = fieldSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;

                if (fieldAndOffset.Offset == FieldAndOffset.InvalidOffset)
                    throw new TypeSystemException.TypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadBadFormat, type);

                int computedOffset = checked(fieldAndOffset.Offset + cumulativeInstanceFieldPos);

                if (fieldAndOffset.Field.FieldType.IsGCPointer)
                    int offsetModulo = computedOffset % type.Context.Target.PointerSize;
                    if (offsetModulo != 0)
                        // GC pointers MUST be aligned.
                        throw new TypeSystemException.TypeLoadException(ExceptionStringID.ClassLoadExplicitLayout, type, fieldAndOffset.Offset.ToStringInvariant());

                offsets[fieldOrdinal] = new FieldAndOffset(fieldAndOffset.Field, computedOffset);

                int fieldExtent = checked(computedOffset + fieldSizeAndAlignment.Size);
                if (fieldExtent > instanceSize)
                    instanceSize = fieldExtent;


            if (type.IsValueType && layoutMetadata.Size > instanceSize)
                instanceSize = layoutMetadata.Size;

            SizeAndAlignment instanceByteSizeAndAlignment;
            var instanceSizeAndAlignment = ComputeInstanceSize(type, instanceSize, largestAlignmentRequired, out instanceByteSizeAndAlignment);

            ComputedInstanceFieldLayout computedLayout = new ComputedInstanceFieldLayout();
            computedLayout.FieldAlignment = instanceSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;
            computedLayout.FieldSize = instanceSizeAndAlignment.Size;
            computedLayout.ByteCountUnaligned = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Size;
            computedLayout.ByteCountAlignment = instanceByteSizeAndAlignment.Alignment;
            computedLayout.Offsets = offsets;

            return computedLayout;