Exemplo n.º 1
        public InfoPlusResponse OnActionClicking(InfoPlusEvent e)
            string method = string.Format("OnStep{0}Action{1}Clicking",

            return(this.CallEventMethodWrapper(method, e));
Exemplo n.º 2
 public InfoPlusResponse OnStepWithdrawn(InfoPlusEvent e)
     if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.ActionCode))
         string method = string.Format("OnStep{0}Withdrawn", AbstractMessenger.ToFirstUpper(e.Step.StepCode));
         return(this.CallEventMethodWrapper(method, e));
         string method = string.Format("OnStep{0}Action{1}Withdrawn",
         return(this.CallEventMethodWrapper(method, e));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public InfoPlusResponse OnActionDone(InfoPlusEvent e)
            var methods    = new List <string>();
            var stepCode   = AbstractMessenger.ToFirstUpper(e.Step.StepCode);
            var actionCode = AbstractMessenger.ToFirstUpper(e.ActionCode);

            methods.Add(string.Format("OnStep{0}Action{1}Done", stepCode, actionCode));
            if (null != e.NextSteps)
                foreach (var step in e.NextSteps)
                    methods.Add(string.Format("ToStep{0}Done", AbstractMessenger.ToFirstUpper(step.StepCode)));
            if (null != e.EndStep)
                methods.Add(string.Format("ToStep{0}Done", AbstractMessenger.ToFirstUpper(e.EndStep.StepCode)));

            bool called   = false;
            var  response = this.Update(e);

            foreach (string method in methods)
                var r2 = this.CallEventMethod(method, e);
                if (null != r2)
                    called    = true;
                    response += r2;
            if (false == called)
                System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("All Methods in (" +
                                                   string.Join(",", methods.ToArray()) + ") are not found.");

Exemplo n.º 4
        public object Create(object parent, object configContext, XmlNode section)
            lock (_lock)
                // 1. Parse services we invoke.
                var    nodes     = section.SelectNodes("services");
                string serviceId = (string)this.parseAttribute <string>(nodes[0], "identification", null);
                // default domain
                ApplicationSettings._DEFAULT_DOMAIN = (string)this.parseAttribute <string>(nodes[0], "domain", "localhost");
                // auth endpoint
                string _AuthEndPoint = (string)this.parseAttribute <string>(nodes[0], "authorize", null);
                // for "Insecure" sevice type only
                ApplicationSettings._INFOPLUS_MAGIC = (string)this.parseAttribute <string>(nodes[0], "secret", "INFOPLUS_MAGIC");

                // service type
                var typeAttr = nodes[0].Attributes["type"];
                ApplicationSettings._ServiceType = ServiceType.Entitle;
                var sType = null == typeAttr ? string.Empty : typeAttr.Value;
                if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(ServiceType), sType))
                    ApplicationSettings._ServiceType = (ServiceType)Enum.Parse(typeof(ServiceType), sType, true);

                nodes    = section.SelectNodes("services/service");
                SERVICES = new List <EndPointDescription>();
                foreach (XmlNode s in nodes)
                    EndPointDescription ep = new EndPointDescription();
                    ep.Identification = serviceId;
                    ep.Address        = s.Attributes["address"].Value;
                    if ((bool)this.parseAttribute <bool>(nodes[0], "trustAllCert", false))
                        ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = TrustAllCertHandler;

                // let's choose one.
                int i = DICE.Next(ApplicationSettings.SERVICES.Count);
                ApplicationSettings.SERVICE = ApplicationSettings.SERVICES[i];

                // 2. Parse messengers we provide.
                nodes = section.SelectNodes("messengers");
                // compatable 1
                if (null == nodes || nodes.Count == 0)
                    nodes = section.SelectNodes("workflows/workflow");

                ApplicationSettings.MESSENGERS = new List <AbstractMessenger>();
                foreach (XmlNode ms in nodes)
                    string subscriber          = (string)this.parseAttribute <string>(ms, "address", null);
                    bool   requireVerification = (bool)this.parseAttribute <bool>(ms, "requireVerification", true);
                    var    code       = (string)this.parseAttribute <string>(ms, "code", null);
                    var    secret     = (string)this.parseAttribute <string>(ms, "secret", null);
                    var    scope      = (string)this.parseAttribute <string>(ms, "scope", null);
                    var    release    = (bool)this.parseAttribute <bool>(ms, "release", true);
                    var    minVersion = (long)this.parseAttribute <long>(ms, "minVersion", 0);
                    var    maxVersion = (long)this.parseAttribute <long>(ms, "maxVersion", long.MaxValue);

                    // compatable 2
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(code) && ApplicationSettings.ServiceType != ServiceType.Entitle)
                        throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("workflow code is not set.", ms);
                    InfoPlusApplication app = null;
                    if (null != code)
                        app = new InfoPlusApplication(code, secret, scope, _AuthEndPoint, release, minVersion, maxVersion);
                        ApplicationSettings.workflows[app.FullCode] = app;
                    foreach (XmlNode m in ms)
                        string type = m.Attributes["type"].Value;

                        InfoPlusApplication appOverride = null;
                        var code2       = (string)this.parseAttribute <string>(m, "workflow", null);
                        var secret2     = (string)this.parseAttribute <string>(m, "secret", null);
                        var scope2      = (string)this.parseAttribute <string>(m, "scope", null);
                        var release2    = (bool)this.parseAttribute <bool>(m, "release", true);
                        var minVersion2 = (long)this.parseAttribute <long>(m, "minVersion", 0);
                        var maxVersion2 = (long)this.parseAttribute <long>(m, "maxVersion", long.MaxValue);

                        if (false == string.IsNullOrEmpty(code2))
                            appOverride = new InfoPlusApplication(code2, secret2, scope2, _AuthEndPoint, release2, minVersion2, maxVersion2);
                            ApplicationSettings.workflows[appOverride.FullCode] = appOverride;

                        if (null == app && null == appOverride)
                            throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("app not set.", ms);

                        // Cache timeout
                        int timeout = (int)this.parseAttribute <int>(m, "timeout", 0);
                        if (timeout < 0)
                            timeout = 10;

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(subscriber))
                        string[] splits   = type.Split(new char[] { ',', ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);;
                        string   assembly = "App_Code";
                        if (splits.Length > 1)
                            assembly = splits[1];
                        AbstractMessenger messenger = (AbstractMessenger)Assembly.Load(assembly).CreateInstance(splits[0]);
                        messenger.Subscriber          = subscriber;
                        messenger.Workflow            = app ?? appOverride;
                        messenger.RequireVerification = requireVerification;
                        messenger.Timeout             = timeout;
                        System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine("Create messenger:" + type);
                // 3.Mashups
                nodes   = section.SelectNodes("mashups");
                mashups = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (XmlNode ms in nodes)
                    string bs = ms.Attributes["base"].Value;
                    foreach (XmlNode m in ms)
                        string key = m.Attributes["key"].Value;
                        string val = m.Attributes["value"].Value;
                        mashups[key] = bs + val;
                // return nothing. we'v already saved this section to ApplicationSettings.
Exemplo n.º 5
        public InfoPlusResponse OnStepExpired(InfoPlusEvent e)
            string method = string.Format("OnStep{0}Expired", AbstractMessenger.ToFirstUpper(e.Step.StepCode));

            return(this.CallEventMethodWrapper(method, e));
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Check verify here and return Application that send the request.
        /// null if parameter invalid.
        /// </summary>
        ResponseEntity CheckParameters(AbstractMessenger messenger, string verify, string version, params object[] args)
            string log     = "[Subscriber][OnEvent]";
            bool   valid   = false;
            string details = string.Empty;

                 * try
                 * {
                 *  System.Diagnostics.StackTrace stack = new System.Diagnostics.StackTrace();
                 *  log += "[";
                 *  log += (stack.FrameCount > 1 ? stack.GetFrame(1).GetMethod().Name : "Unknown Method");
                 *  log += "]Called with parameters:";
                 *  log += string.Format("version:{0},apikey:{1},args:{2}", version, verify,
                 *      string.Join(",", args.Select(a => (null == a) ? "null" : a.ToString()).ToArray()));
                 * }
                 * catch { }

                switch (ApplicationSettings.ServiceType)
                case ServiceType.Entitle:
                    throw new NotSupportedException("Entitle ATK dependence removed since 2017/10/18");

                 * string key = SJTU.SJTURight.ApplicationToolkit.EntitleServices.ClientKey;
                 * ServerTicket ticket = new ServerTicket(key, this.Context.Request.UserHostAddress);
                 * string reason;
                 * Invoker invoker = ticket.Validate(verify, (int)ValidateLevels.Expire, out reason, args);
                 * details = string.Format("expire:{0}|clientId:{1}|clientIP:{2}|session:{3}|reason:{4}",
                 *  invoker.ExpireStamp, invoker.InvokerId, invoker.InvokerIP, invoker.SessionKey, reason);
                 * valid = invoker.IsValid;
                 * break;
                case ServiceType.OAuth2:
                    var authorization = HttpContext.Current.Request.Headers["Authorization"];
                    verify = ApplicationSettings.StringCut(authorization, "response=\"", "\"");
                    var method = HttpContext.Current.Request.HttpMethod;
                    var uri1   = ApplicationSettings.StringCut(authorization, "uri=\"", "\"");;

                    /* uri check is useless, disable it, by marstone
                     * var uri2 = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
                     * if (false == uri2.Equals(uri1, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase))
                     * {
                     *  valid = false;
                     *  details = string.Format("expectUri:{0},actualUri:{1}", uri2, uri1);
                     *  break;
                     * }
                    var nonce = ApplicationSettings.StringCut(authorization, "nonce=\"", "\"");
                    if (null == nonce || this.nonceCache.Contains(nonce))
                        valid   = false;
                        details = string.Format("nonce '{0}' invalid or replayed.", nonce);
                    var now    = DateTime.Now;
                    var future = now.AddMinutes(20);
                    var index  = nonce.LastIndexOf('-');
                    if (index > 0)
                        var timeStr = nonce.Substring(index + 1);
                        int timestamp;
                        if (true == int.TryParse(timeStr, out timestamp))
                            var then     = UnixTime.ToDateTime(timestamp);
                            var timespan = now - then;
                            if ((-DEVIATION) >= timespan.TotalMinutes || timespan.TotalMinutes > DEVIATION)
                                valid   = false;
                                details = string.Format("expectTime:{0},actualTime:{1}", now, then);
                    // We calcuate use UTF-8 encoding,
                    // however it's a shortcoming that RFC didn't defines the encoding for Http Basic Auth Digest.
                    var expect = messenger.Workflow.CalculateDigest(method, uri1, nonce);
                    valid = expect.Equals(verify, StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase);
                    if (valid)
                        // cache nonce
                        var policy = new CacheItemPolicy();
                        policy.AbsoluteExpiration = now.AddMinutes(20);
                        this.nonceCache.Add(nonce, string.Empty, policy);
                    details = string.Format("expect:{0},actual:{1}", expect, verify);

                log += (valid ? "[Authenticated successfully]:" : "[Authenticated FAILED]:");
                log += string.Format("auth:[{0}]", details);
                return(new ResponseEntity(valid ? 0 : 1, log));
            catch (Exception ex)
                valid = false;
                log += string.Format("[Exception][{0}]", ex.Message);
                return(new ResponseEntity(-1, log));