Exemplo n.º 1
        public void ISBN_BookAvailableFromFinder()
            String unknownISBN = "0553562614";

            ISBNFinder sut    = new ISBNFinder();
            BookInfo   actual = sut.lookup(unknownISBN);

            Assert.Equal("Title not found", actual.Title);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void ISBN_LongerThan10Characters_ReturnsInvalidBookInfo()
            string longISBN = "123456789ABCEDF";

            ISBNFinder sut    = new ISBNFinder();
            BookInfo   actual = sut.lookup(longISBN);

            Assert.Equal("ISBN must be 10 characters in length", actual.Title);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void ISBN10_Validate_Check_Sum()
            var isbnNumber10 = "0471958697";

            ISBNFinder sut    = new ISBNFinder();
            BookInfo   actual = sut.lookup(isbnNumber10);

            Assert.Equal(7, sut.IsValidIsbn10(isbnNumber10));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Retrieve_ISB13()
            var        ISBN   = "9780321146533";
            ISBNFinder sut    = new ISBNFinder();
            BookInfo   actual = sut.lookup(ISBN);

            BookInfo expected = new BookInfo("Test Driven Development by Example", "Kent Beck", "0321146530", "9780321146533");

            Assert.Equal(expected.ToString(), actual.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void ISBN_RemoveDashAndSpaceCheck()
            string ISBN = "03-21146 530";

            ISBNFinder sut    = new ISBNFinder();
            BookInfo   actual = sut.lookup(ISBN);

            BookInfo expected = new BookInfo("Test Driven Development by Example", "Kent Beck", "0321146530", "9780321146533");

            Assert.Equal(expected.ToString(), actual.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void ISBN_ShorterThan10Characters_ReturnsInvalidBookInfo()
            string shortISBN = "12345";

            ISBNFinder sut    = new ISBNFinder();
            BookInfo   actual = sut.lookup(shortISBN);

            Assert.Equal("ISBN must be 10 characters in length", actual.Title);