Exemplo n.º 1
 protected void OnLinkClicked(BreadCrumb sender)
     if (BreadCrumbClicked != null)
         BreadCrumbClicked(sender, new BreadCrumbClickedEventArgs(sender));
Exemplo n.º 2
        private TableLayoutPanel CreateContainerBox(BreadCrumb crumb)
            var dataFilter = (DataFilter)crumb.Tag;
            var crumbTable = new TableLayoutPanel
                AutoSize     = true,
                Padding      = new Padding(5),
                Size         = new Size(0, 0),
                AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink
            var containerBook = CreateContainerBook(dataFilter);

            PopulateContainerBox(dataFilter, containerBook, 0, crumbTable, crumb);

Exemplo n.º 3
 protected void OnLinkClicked (BreadCrumb sender)
     if (BreadCrumbClicked != null)
         BreadCrumbClicked(sender, new BreadCrumbClickedEventArgs(sender));
Exemplo n.º 4
 internal BreadCrumbClickedEventArgs (BreadCrumb breadCrumb) { BreadCrumb = breadCrumb; }
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void PopulateContainerBox(DataFilter dataFilter, List<List<KeyValuePair<string, int>>> containerBook, int pageIndex, TableLayoutPanel crumbTable, BreadCrumb crumb)
            var firstColumnSize = 0;
            var lastColumnSize = 0;
            var largestDescription = 0;
            var dataSet = containerBook[pageIndex];

            //clear current table and populate with the crumbs present in the current page
            for (var x = 0; x < dataSet.Count; x++)
                var kvp = dataSet[x];
                var arrow = new Label { Text = ">", AutoSize = true, Margin = new Padding(0, 5, 0, 5) };
                crumbTable.Controls.Add(arrow, 0, x);
                if (arrow.Width > 0)
                    firstColumnSize = arrow.Width;

                var description = new Label { Text = kvp.Key, AutoSize = true, Margin = new Padding(5) };
                crumbTable.Controls.Add(description, 1, x);
                if (description.Width > largestDescription)
                    largestDescription = description.Width;

                var deleteLink = new LinkLabel { Text = "(x)", AutoSize = true, Margin = new Padding(0, 5, 0, 5) };
                deleteLink.Click += delegate
                    var allGone = RemoveItemInContainer(dataFilter, kvp.Value);
                    if (allGone)
                        BreadCrumbClicked(crumb, new BreadCrumbClickedEventArgs(crumb));
                        BreadCrumbClicked(null, new BreadCrumbClickedEventArgs(null));
                        breadCrumbs_ListChanged(null, null);
                crumbTable.Controls.Add(deleteLink, 2, x);
                if (deleteLink.Width > 0)
                    lastColumnSize = deleteLink.Width;

            //if there exists more than one page add navigation row
            if (containerBook.Count > 1)
                //forward and back buttons
                if (pageIndex > 0)
                    var backButton = new Button { Text = "<-", Size = new Size(30, 20) };
                    backButton.Click += (x, y) =>
                                                PopulateContainerBox(dataFilter, containerBook, pageIndex - 1,
                                                                     crumbTable, crumb);
                                                if (_subItemPopup != null)
                                                    _subItemPopup.Size = _tableSize;
                    crumbTable.Controls.Add(backButton, 0, dataSet.Count);
                    if (backButton.Width > firstColumnSize)
                        firstColumnSize = backButton.Width;
                if (pageIndex < containerBook.Count - 1)
                    var forwardButton = new Button { Text = "->", Size = new Size(30, 20) };
                    forwardButton.Click += (x, y) =>
                                                   PopulateContainerBox(dataFilter, containerBook, pageIndex + 1,
                                                                        crumbTable, crumb);
                                                   if (_subItemPopup != null)
                                                       _subItemPopup.Size = _tableSize;
                    crumbTable.Controls.Add(forwardButton, 2, dataSet.Count);
                    if (forwardButton.Width > lastColumnSize)
                        lastColumnSize = forwardButton.Width;

                //middle page reporting / goto page control
                var cellPanel = new Panel {Size = new Size(largestDescription, 23)};
                var pageLabel = new Label {Text = "Page ", AutoSize = true};
                pageLabel.Font = new Font(pageLabel.Font.ToString(),10.0f);
                var pageSelectBox = new TextBox {Text = (pageIndex + 1).ToString(), TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center};
                pageSelectBox.KeyPress += (x, y) =>
                                                  //if enter is pressed go to selected page (or reset to current page if no valid page is selected)
                                                  if (y.KeyChar == (char)13)
                                                      y.Handled = true;
                                                      int tempInt;
                                                      if (!int.TryParse(pageSelectBox.Text, out tempInt) ||
                                                          tempInt <= 0 || tempInt > containerBook.Count)
                                                          pageSelectBox.Text = (pageIndex + 1).ToString();
                                                          PopulateContainerBox(dataFilter, containerBook, tempInt - 1,
                                                                               crumbTable, crumb);
                                                          if (_subItemPopup != null)
                                                              _subItemPopup.Size = _tableSize;
                pageSelectBox.Leave += (x, y) => { pageSelectBox.Text = (pageIndex + 1).ToString(); };
                var totalLabel = new Label { Text = " of " + containerBook.Count, AutoSize = true };
                totalLabel.Font = new Font(totalLabel.Font.ToString(), 10.0f);

                //add all three controls to the cell panel

                //make sure boxes are wide enough
                pageSelectBox.Width = totalLabel.Width-10;
                var totalCellWidth = pageLabel.Width + pageSelectBox.Width + totalLabel.Width;
                if (totalCellWidth > largestDescription)
                    largestDescription = totalCellWidth;
                    cellPanel.Width = totalCellWidth;

                //reposition controls to final locations
                var startlocation = (largestDescription - totalCellWidth) / 2;
                pageLabel.Location = new Point(startlocation, 0);
                pageSelectBox.Location = new Point(startlocation + pageLabel.Width, 0);
                totalLabel.Location = new Point(startlocation+pageLabel.Width + pageSelectBox.Width,0);
                crumbTable.Controls.Add(cellPanel, 1, dataSet.Count);

            //Hack: sadly the obvious .GetRowHeights() and .getColumnWidths
            //dont give consistantly valid results, as such proper dimentions have
            //to be calculated as the table is formed.
            var rowHeights = (crumbTable.GetRowHeights().Length) * 24;
            var columnWidths = firstColumnSize + lastColumnSize + 25 +largestDescription;
            _tableSize = new Size(columnWidths +5, rowHeights +5);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private TableLayoutPanel CreateContainerBox(BreadCrumb crumb)
            var dataFilter = (DataFilter) crumb.Tag;
            var crumbTable = new TableLayoutPanel
                                           AutoSize = true,
                                           Padding = new Padding(5),
                                           Size = new Size(0, 0),
                                           AutoSizeMode = AutoSizeMode.GrowAndShrink
            var containerBook = CreateContainerBook(dataFilter);

            PopulateContainerBox(dataFilter, containerBook, 0, crumbTable, crumb);

            return crumbTable;
Exemplo n.º 7
 internal BreadCrumbClickedEventArgs(BreadCrumb breadCrumb)
     BreadCrumb = breadCrumb;
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void PopulateContainerBox(DataFilter dataFilter, List <List <KeyValuePair <string, int> > > containerBook, int pageIndex, TableLayoutPanel crumbTable, BreadCrumb crumb)
            var firstColumnSize    = 0;
            var lastColumnSize     = 0;
            var largestDescription = 0;
            var dataSet            = containerBook[pageIndex];

            //clear current table and populate with the crumbs present in the current page
            for (var x = 0; x < dataSet.Count; x++)
                var kvp   = dataSet[x];
                var arrow = new Label {
                    Text = ">", AutoSize = true, Margin = new Padding(0, 5, 0, 5)
                crumbTable.Controls.Add(arrow, 0, x);
                if (arrow.Width > 0)
                    firstColumnSize = arrow.Width;

                var description = new Label {
                    Text = kvp.Key, AutoSize = true, Margin = new Padding(5)
                crumbTable.Controls.Add(description, 1, x);
                if (description.Width > largestDescription)
                    largestDescription = description.Width;

                var deleteLink = new LinkLabel {
                    Text = "(x)", AutoSize = true, Margin = new Padding(0, 5, 0, 5)
                deleteLink.Click += delegate
                    var allGone = RemoveItemInContainer(dataFilter, kvp.Value);
                    if (allGone)
                        BreadCrumbClicked(crumb, new BreadCrumbClickedEventArgs(crumb));
                        BreadCrumbClicked(null, new BreadCrumbClickedEventArgs(null));
                        breadCrumbs_ListChanged(null, null);
                crumbTable.Controls.Add(deleteLink, 2, x);
                if (deleteLink.Width > 0)
                    lastColumnSize = deleteLink.Width;

            //if there exists more than one page add navigation row
            if (containerBook.Count > 1)
                //forward and back buttons
                if (pageIndex > 0)
                    var backButton = new Button {
                        Text = "<-", Size = new Size(30, 20)
                    backButton.Click += (x, y) =>
                        PopulateContainerBox(dataFilter, containerBook, pageIndex - 1,
                                             crumbTable, crumb);
                        if (_subItemPopup != null)
                            _subItemPopup.Size = _tableSize;
                    crumbTable.Controls.Add(backButton, 0, dataSet.Count);
                    if (backButton.Width > firstColumnSize)
                        firstColumnSize = backButton.Width;
                if (pageIndex < containerBook.Count - 1)
                    var forwardButton = new Button {
                        Text = "->", Size = new Size(30, 20)
                    forwardButton.Click += (x, y) =>
                        PopulateContainerBox(dataFilter, containerBook, pageIndex + 1,
                                             crumbTable, crumb);
                        if (_subItemPopup != null)
                            _subItemPopup.Size = _tableSize;
                    crumbTable.Controls.Add(forwardButton, 2, dataSet.Count);
                    if (forwardButton.Width > lastColumnSize)
                        lastColumnSize = forwardButton.Width;

                //middle page reporting / goto page control
                var cellPanel = new Panel {
                    Size = new Size(largestDescription, 23)
                var pageLabel = new Label {
                    Text = "Page ", AutoSize = true
                pageLabel.Font = new Font(pageLabel.Font.ToString(), 10.0f);
                var pageSelectBox = new TextBox {
                    Text = (pageIndex + 1).ToString(), TextAlign = HorizontalAlignment.Center
                pageSelectBox.KeyPress += (x, y) =>
                    //if enter is pressed go to selected page (or reset to current page if no valid page is selected)
                    if (y.KeyChar == (char)13)
                        y.Handled = true;
                        int tempInt;
                        if (!int.TryParse(pageSelectBox.Text, out tempInt) ||
                            tempInt <= 0 || tempInt > containerBook.Count)
                            pageSelectBox.Text = (pageIndex + 1).ToString();
                            PopulateContainerBox(dataFilter, containerBook, tempInt - 1,
                                                 crumbTable, crumb);
                            if (_subItemPopup != null)
                                _subItemPopup.Size = _tableSize;
                pageSelectBox.Leave += (x, y) => { pageSelectBox.Text = (pageIndex + 1).ToString(); };
                var totalLabel = new Label {
                    Text = " of " + containerBook.Count, AutoSize = true
                totalLabel.Font = new Font(totalLabel.Font.ToString(), 10.0f);

                //add all three controls to the cell panel

                //make sure boxes are wide enough
                pageSelectBox.Width = totalLabel.Width - 10;
                var totalCellWidth = pageLabel.Width + pageSelectBox.Width + totalLabel.Width;
                if (totalCellWidth > largestDescription)
                    largestDescription = totalCellWidth;
                    cellPanel.Width    = totalCellWidth;

                //reposition controls to final locations
                var startlocation = (largestDescription - totalCellWidth) / 2;
                pageLabel.Location     = new Point(startlocation, 0);
                pageSelectBox.Location = new Point(startlocation + pageLabel.Width, 0);
                totalLabel.Location    = new Point(startlocation + pageLabel.Width + pageSelectBox.Width, 0);
                crumbTable.Controls.Add(cellPanel, 1, dataSet.Count);

            //Hack: sadly the obvious .GetRowHeights() and .getColumnWidths
            //dont give consistantly valid results, as such proper dimentions have
            //to be calculated as the table is formed.
            var rowHeights   = (crumbTable.GetRowHeights().Length) * 24;
            var columnWidths = firstColumnSize + lastColumnSize + 25 + largestDescription;

            _tableSize = new Size(columnWidths + 5, rowHeights + 5);