private IEnumerable<Holder> FindCandidates(MethodDeclaration right, int count)
            var rights_primitives = right.AllPrimitiveExpressions();

            // Find all PrimitiveExpressions except the keyword 'null'
            IEnumerable<PrimitiveExpression> primitives = rights_primitives.Where(x => x.ValueType != null);

            // find the position of each primitive
            var prims_with_position = from p in primitives
                                      select new {p.Value, p.ValueType, Index = rights_primitives.IndexOf(p)};

            // Group them together by literal value.  The groups then are candidates for replacement by a single param.
            var prim_groups = from p in prims_with_position
                              group p by new {p.Value, p.ValueType}
                              into g select new PrimExpSet {Value = g.Key.Value, ValueType = g.Key.ValueType, Positions = g.Select(x => x.Index)};

            // The powerset of the primitive positions is all the possible ways a single primitive value can be converted to a param.
            var all_param_possibles = from pes in prim_groups
                                      let expanded = from positions in Sets<int>.PowerSet(pes.Positions.ToArray())
                                                     select new PrimExpSet {Value = pes.Value, ValueType = pes.ValueType, Positions = positions}
                                      select expanded;

            foreach (var e1 in Sets<PrimExpSet>.CartesianProduct(all_param_possibles, count))
                // If count is neg, let anything through.
                if (count < 0 || e1.Count() == count)
                    var md = MakePermutation(right, e1);
                    const string QUOTE = "\"";
                    var parameters = e1.Select(x => x.ValueType == typeof (string) ? QUOTE + x.Value + QUOTE : x.Value).ToList();
                    yield return new Holder {md = md, parameters = parameters};
        private MethodDeclaration MakePermutation(MethodDeclaration right, IEnumerable<PrimExpSet> prim_groups)

            right = right.DeepCopy();
            var rights_primitives = right.AllPrimitiveExpressions();

            foreach (var prim_grp in prim_groups)
                var param_name = NextName();

                var typeRef = new TypeReference(prim_grp.ValueType.FullName);
                right.Parameters.Add(new ParameterDeclarationExpression(typeRef, param_name));

                var replacer = new PrimitiveReplacer();
                foreach (var pos in prim_grp.Positions)
                    replacer.AddReplacement(rights_primitives[pos], new IdentifierExpression(param_name));
                right.AcceptVisitor(replacer, null);

            return right;