Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy constructor -- this constructor is invoked to make a new copy of the (static) Default AssembleDocumentSettings
        /// (as originally read from web.config).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source settings to be copied.</param>
        public AssembleDocumentSettings(AssembleDocumentSettings source)
            Format        = source.Format;
            OutputOptions = source.OutputOptions;

            RetainTransientAnswers = source.RetainTransientAnswers;
            UseMarkupSyntax        = source.UseMarkupSyntax;

            DefaultUnansweredFormat  = source.DefaultUnansweredFormat;
            HonorCmpUnansweredFormat = source.HonorCmpUnansweredFormat;
            DateOrderPreference      = source.DateOrderPreference;
            DefaultDateFormat        = source.DefaultDateFormat;
 static AssembleDocumentSettings()
     s_default = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy constructor -- this constructor is invoked to make a new copy of the (static) Default AssembleDocumentSettings
        /// (as originally read from web.config).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="source">The source settings to be copied.</param>
        public AssembleDocumentSettings(AssembleDocumentSettings source)
            Format = source.Format;
            OutputOptions = source.OutputOptions;

            RetainTransientAnswers = source.RetainTransientAnswers;
            UseMarkupSyntax = source.UseMarkupSyntax;

            DefaultUnansweredFormat = source.DefaultUnansweredFormat;
            HonorCmpUnansweredFormat = source.HonorCmpUnansweredFormat;
            DateOrderPreference = source.DateOrderPreference;
            DefaultDateFormat = source.DefaultDateFormat;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Called by the host application when answers have been posted back from a browser interview.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="interviewAnswers">The answers that were posted back from the interview.</param>
        public void FinishInterview(TextReader interviewAnswers)
            // overlay interviewAnswers over the session answer set,

            // skip past completed work items to get the current workItem
            WorkItem workItem = null;
            int itemIndex = 0;
            for (; itemIndex < _workItems.Count; itemIndex++)
                workItem = _workItems[itemIndex];
                if (!workItem.IsCompleted)
                workItem = null;
            if (workItem != null && workItem is InterviewWorkItem)
                // if the current template is an interview template
                if (workItem.Template.TemplateType == TemplateType.InterviewOnly)
                    //     "assemble" it...
                    AssembleDocumentSettings asmOpts = new AssembleDocumentSettings(DefaultAssemblySettings);
                    asmOpts.Format = DocumentType.Native;
                    // if this is not the last work item in the queue, force retention of transient answers
                    asmOpts.RetainTransientAnswers |= (itemIndex < _workItems.Count - 1);

                    // assemble the item
                    using (var asmResult = _service.AssembleDocument(workItem.Template, new StringReader(AnswerCollection.XmlAnswers), asmOpts, ""))
                        // replace the session answers with the post-assembly answers
                        // add pendingAssemblies to the queue as necessary
                        InsertNewWorkItems(asmResult.PendingAssemblies, itemIndex);
                // mark this interview workitem as complete.  (This will cause the WorkSession to advance to the next workItem.)
                CurrentWorkItem.IsCompleted = true;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// AssembleDocuments causes all contiguous pending document work items (from CurrentWorkItem onwards)
        /// to be assembled, and returns the assembled documents.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="preAssembleDocument">This delegate will be called immediately before each document is assembled.</param>
        /// <param name="postAssembleDocument">This delegate will be called immediately following assembly of each document.</param>
        /// <param name="userState">This object will be passed to the above delegates.</param>
        /// <include file="../Shared/Help.xml" path="Help/string/param[@name='logRef']"/>
        /// <returns>An array of Document, one item for each document that was assembled.  Note that these items
        /// are of type Document, not AssemblyResult (see below).</returns>
        /// <remarks>
        /// <para>If AssembleDocuments is called when the current work item is not a document (i.e. when there are
        /// currently no documents to assemble), it will return an empty array of results without performing any work.</para>
        /// TODO: include a table that shows the relationship between members of Document, AssemblyResult, WorkSession and DocumentWorkItem.
        /// </remarks>
        public Document[] AssembleDocuments(PreAssembleDocumentDelegate preAssembleDocument,
			PostAssembleDocumentDelegate postAssembleDocument, object userState, string logRef)
            var result = new List<Document>();
            // skip past completed work items to get the current workItem
            WorkItem workItem = null;
            int itemIndex = 0;
            for (; itemIndex < _workItems.Count; itemIndex++)
                workItem = _workItems[itemIndex];
                if (!workItem.IsCompleted)
                workItem = null;
            // while the current workItem != null && is a document (i.e. is not an interview)
            while (workItem != null && workItem is DocumentWorkItem)
                var docWorkItem = workItem as DocumentWorkItem;
                // make a copy of the default assembly settings and pass it to the BeforeAssembleDocumentDelegate (if provided)
                AssembleDocumentSettings asmOpts = new AssembleDocumentSettings(DefaultAssemblySettings);
                asmOpts.Format = workItem.Template.NativeDocumentType;
                // if this is not the last work item in the queue, force retention of transient answers
                asmOpts.RetainTransientAnswers |= (workItem != _workItems[_workItems.Count - 1]);

                if (preAssembleDocument != null)
                    preAssembleDocument(docWorkItem.Template, AnswerCollection, asmOpts, userState);

                // assemble the item
                using (var asmResult = _service.AssembleDocument(docWorkItem.Template, new StringReader(AnswerCollection.XmlAnswers), asmOpts, logRef))
                    if (postAssembleDocument != null)
                        postAssembleDocument(docWorkItem.Template, asmResult, userState);

                    // replace the session answers with the post-assembly answers
                    // add pendingAssemblies to the queue as necessary
                    InsertNewWorkItems(asmResult.PendingAssemblies, itemIndex);
                    // store UnansweredVariables in the DocumentWorkItem
                    docWorkItem.UnansweredVariables = asmResult.UnansweredVariables;
                    // add an appropriate Document to a list being compiled for the return value of this method
                // mark the current workitem as complete
                docWorkItem.IsCompleted = true;
                // advance to the next workitem
                workItem = (++itemIndex >= _workItems.Count) ? null : _workItems[itemIndex];
            return result.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a WorkSession object that a host application can use to step through the process of presenting
 /// all the interviews and assembling all the documents that may result from the given template.
 /// Allows the default interview settings to be specified instead of being read from config file
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">An object implementing the IServices interface, encapsulating the instance of
 /// HotDocs Server with which the host app is communicating.</param>
 /// <param name="template">The template upon which this WorkSession is based. The initial interview and/or
 /// document work items in the WorkSession will be based on this template (including its Switches property).</param>
 /// <param name="answers">A collection of XML answers to use as a starting point for the work session.
 /// The initial interview (if any) will be pre-populated with these answers, and the subsequent generation
 /// of documents will have access to these answers as well.</param>
 /// <param name="defaultInterviewSettings">The default interview settings to be used throughout the session</param>
 public WorkSession(IServices service, Template template, TextReader answers, InterviewSettings defaultInterviewSettings)
     _service = service;
     AnswerCollection = new AnswerCollection();
     if (answers != null)
     DefaultAssemblySettings = new AssembleDocumentSettings();
         if (defaultInterviewSettings != null)
             DefaultInterviewSettings = defaultInterviewSettings;
             DefaultInterviewSettings = new InterviewSettings();
         // add the work items
     _workItems = new List<WorkItem>();
     if (template.HasInterview)
         _workItems.Add(new InterviewWorkItem(template));
     if (template.GeneratesDocument)
         _workItems.Add(new DocumentWorkItem(template));