Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Decides on the collision detection method for this and the given object
 /// </summary>)
 /// <param name="obj">object we are testing</param>
 public bool HandleCollisions(GameObject obj)
     if (!obj.IsSquare ^ !mIsSquare)
         return HandleCollideCircleAndBox(obj) == 1;
     else if (obj.IsSquare & mIsSquare)
         return HandleCollideBoxAndBox(obj) == 1;
         return HandleCollideCircleAndCircle(obj) == 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns true if the physics objects are colliding with each other
        /// (only good for 2 boxes)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="otherObject">The other object to test against</param>
        /// <returns>True if they are colliding with each other; False otherwise</returns>
        public virtual bool IsCollidingBoxAndBox(GameObject otherObject)
            // if player has not collided with a hazard deeper than HAZARDFORGIVENESS pixels, do not handle the collision
            if (((this is Player) && (otherObject.CollisionType == XmlKeys.HAZARDOUS)) ||
                ((this.CollisionType == XmlKeys.HAZARDOUS) && (otherObject is Player)))
                # region Find depth
                //Find Center
                float halfHeight1 = this.BoundingBox.Height / 2;
                float halfWidth1 = this.BoundingBox.Width / 2;

                //Calculate Center Position
                Vector2 center1 = new Vector2(this.BoundingBox.Left + halfWidth1, this.BoundingBox.Top + halfHeight1);

                //Find Center of otherObject
                float halfHeight2 = otherObject.BoundingBox.Height / 2;
                float halfWidth2 = otherObject.BoundingBox.Width / 2;

                //Calculate Center Position
                Vector2 center2 = new Vector2(otherObject.BoundingBox.Left + halfWidth2, otherObject.BoundingBox.Top + halfHeight2);

                //Center distances between both objects
                float distX = center1.X - center2.X;
                float distY = center1.Y - center2.Y;

                //Minimum distance
                float minDistX = halfWidth1 + halfWidth2;
                float minDistY = halfHeight1 + halfHeight2;

                float depthX, depthY;
                if (distX > 0)
                    depthX = minDistX - distX;
                    depthX = -minDistX - distX;
                if (distY > 0)
                    depthY = minDistY - distY;
                    depthY = -minDistY - distY;
                depthX = Math.Abs(depthX);
                depthY = Math.Abs(depthY);
                float shallow = Math.Min(depthX, depthY);
                if (shallow < HAZARDFORGIVENESS)
                    return false;
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles collision for circle and Box (circle =this)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="otherObject">object to do collision on(box)</param>
        /// <returns>1 if collided; 0 if no collision</returns>
        public virtual int HandleCollideCircleAndBox(GameObject otherObject)
            if (!IsCollidingBoxAndBox(otherObject))
                return 0;// no collision

            //Player collided with collectable
            if (otherObject.CollisionType == XmlKeys.COLLECTABLE || this.CollisionType == XmlKeys.COLLECTABLE && !(otherObject is StaticObject))
                return 1;

            // get points of square
            Point[] p = new Point[4];
            // top left
            p[0] = new Point(otherObject.mBoundingBox.X,otherObject.mBoundingBox.Y);
            // top right
            p[1] = new Point(otherObject.mBoundingBox.X + otherObject.mBoundingBox.Width, p[0].Y);
            // bottom right
            p[2] = new Point(p[1].X, otherObject.mBoundingBox.Y + otherObject.mBoundingBox.Height);
            // bottom left
            p[3] = new Point(p[0].X, p[2].Y);

            Point center = this.BoundingBox.Center;
            // if not going to collide with a corner
            if (((center.X >= p[0].X) && (center.X <= p[1].X)) // top/bottom side
             || ((center.Y >= p[1].Y) && (center.Y <= p[2].Y)))// right/left side
                // then treat like a square /square
                return HandleCollideBoxAndBox(otherObject);
            else // going to hit a corner
                // treat like circle/point collision
                Point centerA = this.mBoundingBox.Center;
                Point centerB = new Point();
                if ((center.X < p[0].X) && (center.Y < p[0].Y))// top left corner
                    centerB = p[0];
                else if ((center.X > p[1].X) && (center.Y < p[1].Y))// top right corner
                    centerB = p[1];
                else if ((center.X > p[2].X) && (center.Y > p[2].Y))// bottom right corner
                    centerB = p[2];
                else if ((center.X < p[3].X) && (center.Y > p[3].Y))// bottom left corner
                    centerB = p[3];

                Vector2 centerDiff = new Vector2((float)(centerA.X - centerB.X), (float)(centerA.Y - centerB.Y));

                float radiusA = this.mBoundingBox.Width / 2;

                float delta = (radiusA) - centerDiff.Length();
                Vector2 add = Vector2.Multiply(centerDiff, delta);

                //Do not change velocity because we want an inelastic collision on corners.
                #region Corner magic
                // the best I could do for the constraints i am given.
                // Screw you people.
                // Love,
                //  Curtis Taylor
                if ((Environment.GravityDirection == GravityDirections.Down) ||
                    (Environment.GravityDirection == GravityDirections.Up))
                    mVelocity.X = 0f;
                    mVelocity.Y *= .95f;
                    mVelocity.X *= .95f;
                    mVelocity.Y = 0f;
                // place the Y pos just so it is not colliding.
                if (!mIsRail)
                    mPosition += add;
                else if (mOriginalInfo.mProperties[XmlKeys.RAIL] == XmlKeys.RAIL_X)
                    mPosition.X += add.X;
                    mPosition.Y += add.Y;

                if (add.Length() > 0.5f)
                    return 1; // changed enough to call a collision
            return 0; // did not collide
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles collision for circle and circle
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="otherObject">object to do collision on(circle)</param>
        /// <returns>1 if collided; 0 if no collision</returns>
        public virtual int HandleCollideCircleAndCircle(GameObject otherObject)
            if (!IsCollidingCircleandCircle(otherObject))
                return 0;

            //Player collided with collectable
            if (otherObject.CollisionType == XmlKeys.COLLECTABLE || this.CollisionType == XmlKeys.COLLECTABLE && !(otherObject is StaticObject))
                return 1;

            Point centerA = this.mBoundingBox.Center;
            Point centerB = otherObject.BoundingBox.Center;

            Vector2 colDepth = GetCollitionDepth(otherObject);

            Vector2 centerDiff = new Vector2((float)(centerA.X - centerB.X), (float)(centerA.Y - centerB.Y));

            float radiusA = this.mBoundingBox.Width / 2;
            float radiusB = otherObject.mBoundingBox.Width / 2;

            float delta = (radiusA + radiusB) - centerDiff.Length();
            Vector2 add = Vector2.Multiply(centerDiff, delta);

            HandleVelocitiesAfterCollision(otherObject, centerDiff);

            // place it just so it is not colliding.
            if (otherObject is PhysicsObject)
                if (!mIsRail)
                    mPosition += add / 2;
                else if (mOriginalInfo.mProperties[XmlKeys.RAIL] == XmlKeys.RAIL_X)
                    mPosition.X += add.X / 2;
                    mPosition.Y += add.Y / 2;

                    ((PhysicsObject)otherObject).mPosition -= add / 2;
                else if (otherObject.OriginalInfo.mProperties[XmlKeys.RAIL] == XmlKeys.RAIL_X)
                    ((PhysicsObject)otherObject).mPosition.X -= add.X / 2;
                    ((PhysicsObject)otherObject).mPosition.Y -= add.Y / 2;
                // do not move a static object
                    mPosition += add;
                else if (mOriginalInfo.mProperties[XmlKeys.RAIL] == XmlKeys.RAIL_X)
                    mPosition.X += add.X;
                    mPosition.Y += add.Y;

            if (add.Length() > 1.0f)
                return 1; // changed enough to call a collision
            return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// finds how deep they are intersecting (That is what she said!)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>vector decribing depth</returns>
        public Vector2 GetCollitionDepth(GameObject otherObject)
            //Find Center
            float halfHeight1 = this.BoundingBox.Height / 2;
            float halfWidth1 = this.BoundingBox.Width / 2;

            //Calculate Center Position
            Vector2 center1 = new Vector2(this.BoundingBox.Left + halfWidth1, this.BoundingBox.Top + halfHeight1);

            //Find Center of otherObject
            float halfHeight2 = otherObject.BoundingBox.Height / 2;
            float halfWidth2 = otherObject.BoundingBox.Width / 2;

            //Calculate Center Position
            Vector2 center2 = new Vector2(otherObject.BoundingBox.Left + halfWidth2, otherObject.BoundingBox.Top + halfHeight2);

            //Center distances between both objects
            float distX = center1.X - center2.X;
            float distY = center1.Y - center2.Y;

            //Minimum distance
            float minDistX = halfWidth1 + halfWidth2;
            float minDistY = halfHeight1 + halfHeight2;

            if (!IsCollidingBoxAndBox(otherObject))
                return Vector2.Zero;

            float depthX, depthY;
            if (distX > 0)
                depthX = minDistX - distX;
                depthX = -minDistX - distX;
            if (distY > 0)
                depthY = minDistY - distY;
                depthY = -minDistY - distY;

            return new Vector2(depthX, depthY);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles collision for two boxes (this, and other)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="otherObject">object to do collision on(box)</param>
        /// <returns>1 if collided; 0 if no collision</returns>
        public virtual int HandleCollideBoxAndBox(GameObject otherObject)
            if (!IsCollidingBoxAndBox(otherObject))
                return 0;

            //Player collided with collectable
            if (otherObject.CollisionType == XmlKeys.COLLECTABLE || this.CollisionType == XmlKeys.COLLECTABLE && !(otherObject is StaticObject))
                return 1;

            Vector2 colDepth = GetCollitionDepth(otherObject);

            // handle the shallowest collision
            if (Math.Abs(colDepth.X) > Math.Abs(colDepth.Y))// colliding top or bottom

                //Reset Y Velocity to 0
                mVelocity.Y = 0;

                if (!mIsRail || (mIsRail && !(mOriginalInfo.mProperties[XmlKeys.RAIL] == XmlKeys.RAIL_Y)))
                    // reduce x velocity for friction
                    mVelocity.X *= otherObject.mFriction;

                // place the Y pos just so it is not colliding.
                mPosition.Y += colDepth.Y;
            else// colliding left or right

                //Reset X Velocity to 0
                mVelocity.X = 0;

                if (!mIsRail || (mIsRail && !(mOriginalInfo.mProperties[XmlKeys.RAIL] == XmlKeys.RAIL_X)))
                    // reduce Y velocity for friction
                    mVelocity.Y *= otherObject.mFriction;

                // place the X pos just so it is not colliding.
                mPosition.X += colDepth.X;

            return 1;// handled collision
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks to see if given object is colliding with any other object and handles the collision
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="physObj">object to see if anything is colliding with it</param>
        private void HandleCollisions(PhysicsObject physObj, ref GameStates gameState)
            // keep track of all object colliding with physObj
            List<GameObject> collidingList = new List<GameObject>();

            Vector2 gridPos = GridSpace.GetGridCoord(physObj.mPosition);

            //Goes through the 9 possible positions for collision to see if this physics object is colliding with anything
            for (int i = -1; i < 2; i++)
                if (gridPos.Y + i < 0 || gridPos.Y + i >= mCollisionMatrix.Length) continue;//Bounds check
                for (int j = -1; j < 2; j++)
                    if (gridPos.X + j < 0 || gridPos.X + j >= mCollisionMatrix[(int)gridPos.Y + i].Length) continue;//Bounds check

                    foreach (GameObject obj in mCollisionMatrix[(int)gridPos.Y+i][(int)gridPos.X+j])
                        bool collided = false;

                        if (physObj.IsSquare && obj.IsSquare)// both squares
                            collided = physObj.IsCollidingBoxAndBox(obj);
                        else if (!physObj.IsSquare && obj.IsSquare) // phys obj is circle
                            collided = physObj.IsCollidingCircleAndBox(obj);
                        else if (physObj.IsSquare && !obj.IsSquare) //obj is circle
                            collided = physObj.IsCollidingBoxAndCircle(obj);
                        else // both circles
                            collided = physObj.IsCollidingCircleandCircle(obj);

                        if (obj.Equals(physObj) || obj is PlayerEnd && !(physObj is Player))

                        if (collided && !(obj is PlayerEnd))

                        //If player reaches the end, set the timer to 0
                        if (collided && obj is PlayerEnd && physObj is Player)
                            mPlayer.mCurrentTexture = PlayerFaces.FromString("Laugh");
                            mPlayerEnd.mCurrentTexture = PlayerFaces.FromString("GirlLaugh3");

                            mPhysicsEnvironment.GravityDirection = GravityDirections.Down;
                            gameState = GameStates.Unlock;

                        //If player collided with a collectable object
                        if (collided && ((physObj is Player) && obj.CollisionType == XmlKeys.COLLECTABLE || (obj is Player) && physObj.CollisionType == XmlKeys.COLLECTABLE))
                            if (physObj.CollisionType == XmlKeys.COLLECTABLE)
                            else if (obj.CollisionType == XmlKeys.COLLECTABLE)

                            GameSound.playerCol_collectable.Play(GameSound.volume * 0.8f, 0f, 0f);
                            collectibleEngine.EmitterLocation = new Vector2(obj.mPosition.X + 32, obj.mPosition.Y + 32);
                        //If player hits a hazard
                        else if (collided && ((physObj is Player) && obj.CollisionType == XmlKeys.HAZARDOUS || (obj is Player) && physObj.CollisionType == XmlKeys.HAZARDOUS))
                            // Particle Effects (don't work).
                            //Vector2 one = new Vector2(obj.mPosition.X + 32, obj.mPosition.Y + 32);
                            //Vector2 two = new Vector2(physObj.mPosition.X + 32, physObj.mPosition.Y + 32);
                            //Vector2 midpoint = new Vector2((one.X + two.X) / 2, (one.Y + two.Y) / 2);
                            //wallEngine.EmitterLocation = midpoint;
                            GameSound.playerSound_death.Play(GameSound.volume * 0.8f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

                            if (physObj is Player)
                                mPlayerEnd.mCurrentTexture = PlayerFaces.FromString("GirlSad");
                                mPlayerEnd.mCurrentTexture = PlayerFaces.FromString("GirlSad");

                            //Get difference of two positions
                            mDeathPanLength = Vector3.Subtract(new Vector3(mPlayer.SpawnPoint.X - 275, mPlayer.SpawnPoint.Y - 100, 0), mCam.Position);
                            //Divide by scaling factor to get camera pan at each update.
                            mDeathPanLength = Vector3.Divide(mDeathPanLength, SCALING_FACTOR);
                            //Set the update counter to zero
                            mDeathPanUpdates = 0;

                            gameState = GameStates.Death;
                            mDeathState = DeathStates.Respawning;

                            mHasRespawned = false;



                    //Start any animations on walls we are touching
                    if (physObj is Player)
                        foreach (GameObject cObject in collidingList)
                            if (cObject is Wall)
                                KeyValuePair<Vector2, string> animation = ((Wall)cObject).NearestWallPosition(physObj.mPosition);
                                if (!mActiveAnimations.ContainsKey(animation.Key))
                                    mActiveAnimations.Add(animation.Key, GetAnimation(animation.Value));

                                // Particle Effects.
                                //if (cObject != lastCollided[0] && cObject != lastCollided[1])
                                if (cObject != lastCollided)
                                    Vector2 one = new Vector2(mPlayer.Position.X + 32, mPlayer.Position.Y + 32);
                                    Vector2 two = new Vector2(animation.Key.X + 32, animation.Key.Y + 32);
                                    Vector2 midpoint = new Vector2((one.X + two.X) / 2, (one.Y + two.Y) / 2);
                                    wallEngine.EmitterLocation = midpoint;

                                    // play wall collision sound
                                    GameSound.playerCol_wall.Play(GameSound.volume * 0.8f, 0f, 0f);

                                    //lastCollided[1] = lastCollided[0];
                                    //lastCollided[0] = cObject;
                                    lastCollided = cObject;


                            else if (cObject is MovingTile && !((MovingTile)cObject).BeingAnimated && cObject.CollisionType != XmlKeys.HAZARDOUS)
                            else if (cObject is ReverseTile && !((ReverseTile)cObject).BeingAnimated && cObject.CollisionType != XmlKeys.HAZARDOUS)
                            else if (cObject is StaticObject && cObject.CollisionType != XmlKeys.COLLECTABLE)
                                if (!mActiveAnimations.ContainsKey(cObject.mPosition))
                                    mActiveAnimations.Add(cObject.mPosition, GetAnimation(cObject.mName));

                                // Particle Effects.
                                //if (cObject != lastCollided[0] && cObject != lastCollided[1])
                                if (cObject != lastCollided)
                                    Vector2 one = new Vector2(mPlayer.Position.X + 32, mPlayer.Position.Y + 32);
                                    Vector2 two = new Vector2(cObject.mPosition.X + 32, cObject.mPosition.Y + 32);
                                    Vector2 midpoint = new Vector2((one.X + two.X) / 2, (one.Y + two.Y) / 2);
                                    wallEngine.EmitterLocation = midpoint;

                                    // play wall collision sound
                                    GameSound.playerCol_wall.Play(GameSound.volume * 0.8f, 0f, 0f);

                                    //lastCollided[1] = lastCollided[0];
                                    //lastCollided[0] = cObject;
                                    lastCollided = cObject;


Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the level from the content manager
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">Content Manager to load from</param>
        public void Load(ContentManager content, string assetName)
            mKootenay = content.Load<SpriteFont>("fonts/Kootenay");
            mQuartz = content.Load<SpriteFont>("fonts/QuartzLarge");

            //            mDirections = new Texture2D[4];
            //            mDirections[3] = content.Load<Texture2D>("HUD/arrow_left");
            //            mDirections[2] = content.Load<Texture2D>("HUD/arrow_down");
            //            mDirections[1] = content.Load<Texture2D>("HUD/arrow_right");
            //            mDirections[0] = content.Load<Texture2D>("HUD/arrow_up");

            mRailLeft = content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/NonHazards/Rails/RailLeft");
            mRailHor = content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/NonHazards/Rails/RailHorizontal");
            mRailRight = content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/NonHazards/Rails/RailRight");
            mRailTop = content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/NonHazards/Rails/RailTop");
            mRailBottom = content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/NonHazards/Rails/RailBottom");
            mRailVert = content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/NonHazards/Rails/RailVertical");

            mContent = content;

            mNumCollected = 0;
            mNumCollectable = 0;

            // Particle Engine
            List<Texture2D> textures = new List<Texture2D>();
            collectibleEngine = new ParticleEngine(textures, new Vector2(400, 240), 20);
            collectibleEngine.colorScheme = "Yellow";

            textures = new List<Texture2D>();
            wallEngine = new ParticleEngine(textures, new Vector2(400, 240), 20);
            wallEngine.colorScheme = "Blue";

            backGroundParticleCount = 500;
            backgroundParticles = new Particle[backGroundParticleCount];
            Random random = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < backGroundParticleCount; i++)
                Vector2 pos = new Vector2(random.Next(-mScreenRect.Width / 2,3 * mScreenRect.Width / 2),
                    random.Next(-mScreenRect.Height / 2,3* mScreenRect.Height / 2));
                backgroundParticles[i] = new Particle(content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/Particles/diamond"), pos, random);

            //lastCollided = new GameObject[2];
            //lastCollided[0] = lastCollided[1] = null;
            lastCollided = null;

            mCollectableLocations = new List<Vector2>();
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the collision matrix with the new position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Object we want to update</param>
        /// <param name="oldPosition">Position where object was before</param>
        private void UpdateCollisionMatrix(GameObject obj, Vector2 oldPosition)
            Vector2 newPosition = GridSpace.GetGridCoord(obj.mPosition);
            if (oldPosition.Equals(newPosition)) return;

Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Removes the object from the matrix(for collectables
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="obj">Object we want to remove</param>
        private void RemoveFromMatrix(GameObject obj)
            Vector2 position = GridSpace.GetGridCoord(obj.mPosition);

Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads the level from the content manager
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="content">Content Manager to load from</param>
        public void Load(ContentManager content, string assetName)
            mKootenay = content.Load<SpriteFont>("fonts/Kootenay");
            mQuartz = content.Load<SpriteFont>("fonts/QuartzLarge");

            //            mDirections = new Texture2D[4];
            //            mDirections[3] = content.Load<Texture2D>("HUD/arrow_left");
            //            mDirections[2] = content.Load<Texture2D>("HUD/arrow_down");
            //            mDirections[1] = content.Load<Texture2D>("HUD/arrow_right");
            //            mDirections[0] = content.Load<Texture2D>("HUD/arrow_up");

            mRailLeft = content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/NonHazards/Rails/RailLeft");
            mRailHor = content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/NonHazards/Rails/RailHorizontal");
            mRailRight = content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/NonHazards/Rails/RailRight");
            mRailTop = content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/NonHazards/Rails/RailTop");
            mRailBottom = content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/NonHazards/Rails/RailBottom");
            mRailVert = content.Load<Texture2D>("Images/NonHazards/Rails/RailVertical");

            mContent = content;

            mNumCollected = 0;
            mNumCollectable = 0;

            // Particle Engine
            List<Texture2D> textures = new List<Texture2D>();
            collectibleEngine = new ParticleEngine(textures, new Vector2(400, 240), 20);
            collectibleEngine.colorScheme = "Yellow";

            textures = new List<Texture2D>();
            wallEngine = new ParticleEngine(textures, new Vector2(400, 240), 20);
            wallEngine.colorScheme = "Blue";

            //lastCollided = new GameObject[2];
            //lastCollided[0] = lastCollided[1] = null;
            lastCollided = null;

            mCollectableLocations = new List<Vector2>();