Exemplo n.º 1
        // Find the figure segment which acts as the median of this trapezoid
        public void FindMedian()
            if (Segment.figureSegments.Count == 0)
                //Segments have not yet been recorded for the figure, wait to check for median

            foreach (Segment medianCand in Segment.figureSegments)
                // The median is parallel to the bases.
                if (medianCand.IsParallelWith(this.baseSegment) && medianCand.IsParallelWith(this.oppBaseSegment))
                    // The median must be between the bases and connect to the legs.
                    Point leftIntersection = leftLeg.FindIntersection(medianCand);
                    if (leftLeg.PointLiesOnAndExactlyBetweenEndpoints(leftIntersection))
                        Point rightIntersection = rightLeg.FindIntersection(medianCand);
                        if (rightLeg.PointLiesOnAndExactlyBetweenEndpoints(rightIntersection))
                            // Success, we have a median
                            // Acquire the exact figure segment (if it exists) otherwise the segment which contains the median
                            this.median = Segment.GetFigureSegment(leftIntersection, rightIntersection);

                            // If we have a median at all in the figure
                            if (this.median != null)
                                // If this is not the exact median, create the exact median.
                                Segment actualMedian = new Segment(leftIntersection, rightIntersection);
                                if (!this.median.StructurallyEquals(actualMedian))
                                    this.median = actualMedian;

            if (this.median == null)
