Exemplo n.º 1
        // inverse
        // Compute the inverse of a matrix.  We use the classical adjoint divided
        // by the determinant method.
        // See 9.2.1 for more info.
        Matrix4x3 inverse(Matrix4x3 m)
            // Compute the determinant

            float	det = determinant(m);

            // If we're singular, then the determinant is zero and there's
            // no inverse

            Trace.Assert(Math.Abs(det) > 0.000001f, "error");

            // Compute one over the determinant, so we divide once and
            // can *multiply* per element

            float	oneOverDet = 1.0f / det;

            // Compute the 3x3 portion of the inverse, by
            // dividing the adjoint by the determinant

            Matrix4x3	r = new Matrix4x3();

            r.M11 = (m.M22*m.m33 - m.M23*m.M32) * oneOverDet;
            r.M12 = (m.M13*m.m32 - m.M12*m.M33) * oneOverDet;
            r.M13 = (m.M12*m.m23 - m.M13*m.M22) * oneOverDet;

            r.M21 = (m.M23*m.m31 - m.M21*m.M33) * oneOverDet;
            r.M22 = (m.M11*m.m33 - m.M13*m.M31) * oneOverDet;
            r.M23 = (m.M13*m.m21 - m.M11*m.M23) * oneOverDet;

            r.M31 = (m.M21*m.m32 - m.M22*m.M31) * oneOverDet;
            r.M32 = (m.M12*m.m31 - m.M11*m.M32) * oneOverDet;
            r.M33 = (m.M11*m.m22 - m.M12*m.M21) * oneOverDet;

            // Compute the translation portion of the inverse

            r.tx = -(m.TX*r.M11 + m.TY*r.M21 + m.TZ*r.M31);
            r.ty = -(m.TX*r.M12 + m.TY*r.M22 + m.TZ*r.M32);
            r.tz = -(m.TX*r.M13 + m.TY*r.M23 + m.TZ*r.M33);

            // Return it.  Ouch - involves a copy constructor call.  If speed
            // is critical, we may need a seperate function which places the
            // result where we want it...

            return r;
Exemplo n.º 2
        // fromWorldToObjectMatrix
        // Setup the Euler angles, given a world->object transformation matrix.
        // The matrix is assumed to be orthogonal.  The translation portion is
        // ignored.
        // See 10.6.2 for more information.
        void fromWorldToObjectMatrix(Matrix4x3 m)
            // Extract sin(pitch) from m23.

            float	sp = -m.M23;

            // Check for Gimbel lock

            if (Math.Abs(sp) > 9.99999f) {

                // Looking straight up or down

                pitch = MathUtil.kPiOver2 * sp;

                // Compute heading, slam bank to zero

                heading = (float)Math.Atan2(-m.M31, m.M11);
                bank = 0.0f;

            } else {

                // Compute angles.  We don't have to use the "safe" asin
                // function because we already checked for range errors when
                // checking for Gimbel lock

                heading = (float)Math.Atan2(m.M13, m.M33);
                pitch = (float)Math.Asin(sp);
                bank = (float)Math.Atan2(m.M21, m.M22);
Exemplo n.º 3
 // getTranslation
 // Return the translation row of the matrix in vector form
 Vector3 getTranslation(Matrix4x3 m)
     return new Vector3(m.TX, m.TY, m.TZ);
Exemplo n.º 4
        // getPositionFromParentToLocalMatrix
        // Extract the position of an object given a parent -> local transformation
        // matrix (such as a world -> object matrix)
        // We assume that the matrix represents a rigid transformation.  (No scale,
        // skew, or mirroring)
        Vector3 getPositionFromParentToLocalMatrix(Matrix4x3 m)
            // Multiply negative translation value by the
            // transpose of the 3x3 portion.  By using the transpose,
            // we assume that the matrix is orthogonal.  (This function
            // doesn't really make sense for non-rigid transformations...)

            return new Vector3(
                -(m.TX*m.M11 + m.TY*m.M12 + m.TZ*m.M13),
                -(m.TX*m.M21 + m.TY*m.M22 + m.TZ*m.M23),
                -(m.TX*m.M31 + m.TY*m.M32 + m.TZ*m.M33)
Exemplo n.º 5
        // getPositionFromLocalToParentMatrix
        // Extract the position of an object given a local -> parent transformation
        // matrix (such as an object -> world matrix)
        Vector3 getPositionFromLocalToParentMatrix(Matrix4x3 m)
            // Position is simply the translation portion

            return new Vector3(m.TX, m.TY, m.TZ);
Exemplo n.º 6
 // determinant
 // Compute the determinant of the 3x3 portion of the matrix.
 // See 9.1.1 for more info.
 float determinant(Matrix4x3 m)
           m.M11 * (m.M22*m.M33 - m.M23*m.M32)
         + m.M12 * (m.M23*m.M31 - m.M21*m.M33)
         + m.M13 * (m.M21*m.M32 - m.M22*m.M31);
Exemplo n.º 7
        // Matrix4x3 * Matrix4x3
        // Matrix concatenation.  This makes using the vector class look like it
        // does with linear algebra notation on paper.
        // We also provide a *= operator, as per C convention.
        // See 7.1.6
        public static Matrix4x3 operator *(Matrix4x3 a, Matrix4x3 b)
            Matrix4x3 r = new Matrix4x3();

            // Compute the upper 3x3 (linear transformation) portion

            r.M11 = a.M11*b.M11 + a.M12*b.M21 + a.M13*b.M31;
            r.M12 = a.M11*b.M12 + a.M12*b.M22 + a.M13*b.M32;
            r.M13 = a.M11*b.M13 + a.M12*b.M23 + a.M13*b.M33;

            r.M21 = a.M21*b.M11 + a.M22*b.M21 + a.M23*b.M31;
            r.M22 = a.M21*b.M12 + a.M22*b.M22 + a.M23*b.M32;
            r.M23 = a.M21*b.M13 + a.M22*b.M23 + a.M23*b.M33;

            r.M31 = a.M31*b.M11 + a.M32*b.M21 + a.M33*b.M31;
            r.M32 = a.M31*b.M12 + a.M32*b.M22 + a.M33*b.M32;
            r.M33 = a.M31*b.M13 + a.M32*b.M23 + a.M33*b.M33;

            // Compute the translation portion

            r.TX = a.TX*b.M11 + a.TY*b.M21 + a.TZ*b.M31 + b.TX;
            r.TY = a.TX*b.M12 + a.TY*b.M22 + a.TZ*b.M32 + b.TY;
            r.TZ = a.TX*b.M13 + a.TY*b.M23 + a.TZ*b.M33 + b.TZ;

            // Return it.  Ouch - involves a copy constructor call.  If speed
            // is critical, we may need a seperate function which places the
            // result where we want it...

            return r;