Exemplo n.º 1
    public static string RandomNoteColor()
        GLib.List colors = new GLib.List(typeof(string));
        Random random = new Random();

Exemplo n.º 2
        void LaunchWithFiles(GLib.File app, IEnumerable <GLib.File> files)
            AppInfo appinfo = null;

            if (app != null)
                appinfo = GLib.DesktopAppInfo.NewFromFilename(app.Path);
                if (!files.Any())

                // if we weren't given an app info, query the file for the default handler
                try {
                    appinfo = files.First().QueryDefaultHandler(null);
                } catch {
                    // file probably doesnt exist

            try {
                GLib.List launchList;

                if (!files.Any())
                    appinfo.Launch(null, null);

                    // check if the app supports files or Uris
                else if (appinfo.SupportsFiles)
                    launchList = new GLib.List(new GLib.File[] {}, typeof(GLib.File), true, false);
                    foreach (GLib.File f in files)

                    appinfo.Launch(launchList, null);
                else if (appinfo.SupportsUris)
                    launchList = new GLib.List(new string[] {}, typeof(string), true, true);
                    foreach (GLib.File f in files)
                        // try to use GLib.File.Uri first, if that throws an exception,
                        // catch and use P/Invoke to libdocky.  If that's still null, warn & skip the file.
                        try {
                        } catch (UriFormatException) {
                            string uri = f.StringUri();
                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(uri))
                                Log <SystemService> .Warn("Failed to retrieve URI for {0}.  It will be skipped.", f.Path);

                    appinfo.LaunchUris(launchList, null);
                    Log <SystemService> .Error("Error opening files. The application doesn't support files/URIs or wasn't found.");
            } catch (GException e) {
                Log.Notify(string.Format("Error running: {0}", appinfo.Name), Gtk.Stock.DialogWarning, e.Message);
                Log <SystemService> .Error(e.Message);

                Log <SystemService> .Info(e.StackTrace);

            (appinfo as IDisposable).Dispose();
Exemplo n.º 3
		void LaunchWithFiles (GLib.File app, IEnumerable<GLib.File> files)
			AppInfo appinfo = null;
			if (app != null) {
				appinfo = GLib.DesktopAppInfo.NewFromFilename (app.Path);
			} else {
				if (!files.Any ())

				// if we weren't given an app info, query the file for the default handler
				try {
					appinfo = files.First ().QueryDefaultHandler (null);
				} catch {
					// file probably doesnt exist
			try {
				GLib.List launchList;
				if (!files.Any ()) {
					appinfo.Launch (null, null);

				// check if the app supports files or Uris
				} else if (appinfo.SupportsFiles) {
					launchList = new GLib.List (new GLib.File[] {}, typeof (GLib.File), true, false);
					foreach (GLib.File f in files)
						launchList.Append (f);

					appinfo.Launch (launchList, null);
					launchList.Dispose ();
				} else if (appinfo.SupportsUris) {
					launchList = new GLib.List (new string[] {}, typeof (string), true, true);
					foreach (GLib.File f in files) {
						// try to use GLib.File.Uri first, if that throws an exception,
						// catch and use P/Invoke to libdocky.  If that's still null, warn & skip the file.
						try {
							launchList.Append (f.Uri.ToString ());
						} catch (UriFormatException) { 
							string uri = f.StringUri ();
							if (string.IsNullOrEmpty (uri)) {
								Log<SystemService>.Warn ("Failed to retrieve URI for {0}.  It will be skipped.", f.Path);
							launchList.Append (uri);
					appinfo.LaunchUris (launchList, null);
					launchList.Dispose ();
				} else {
					Log<SystemService>.Error ("Error opening files. The application doesn't support files/URIs or wasn't found.");	
			} catch (GException e) {
				Log.Notify (string.Format ("Error running: {0}", appinfo.Name), Gtk.Stock.DialogWarning, e.Message);
				Log<SystemService>.Error (e.Message);
				Log<SystemService>.Info (e.StackTrace);

			(appinfo as IDisposable).Dispose ();
	public void HandleOpenWith (object sender, Gnome.Vfs.MimeApplication mime_application)
		Photo[] selected = SelectedPhotos ();

		if (selected == null || selected.Length < 1)

		string header = Catalog.GetPluralString ("Create New Version?", "Create New Versions?", selected.Length); 
		string msg = String.Format (Catalog.GetPluralString (
				"Before launching {1}, should F-Spot create a new version of the selected photo to preserve the original?",
				"Before launching {1}, should F-Spot create new versions of the selected photos to preserve the originals?", selected.Length),
				selected.Length, mime_application.Name);

		// FIXME add cancel button? add help button?
		HigMessageDialog hmd = new HigMessageDialog(GetToplevel (sender), DialogFlags.DestroyWithParent, 
							    MessageType.Question, Gtk.ButtonsType.None,
							    header, msg);

		hmd.AddButton (Gtk.Stock.No, Gtk.ResponseType.No, false);
		//hmd.AddButton (Gtk.Stock.Cancel, Gtk.ResponseType.Cancel, false);
		hmd.AddButton (Gtk.Stock.Yes, Gtk.ResponseType.Yes, true);

		Gtk.ResponseType response = Gtk.ResponseType.Cancel;

		try {
			response = (Gtk.ResponseType) hmd.Run();
		} finally {
			hmd.Destroy ();

		if (response == Gtk.ResponseType.Cancel)

		bool create_new_versions = (response == Gtk.ResponseType.Yes);

		ArrayList errors = new ArrayList ();
		GLib.List uri_list = new GLib.List (typeof (string));
		foreach (Photo photo in selected) {
			try {
				if (create_new_versions) {
					uint version = photo.CreateNamedVersion (mime_application.Name, photo.DefaultVersionId, true);
					photo.DefaultVersionId = version;
			} catch (Exception e) {
				errors.Add (new EditException (photo, e));

			uri_list.Append (photo.DefaultVersionUri.ToString ());

		// FIXME need to clean up the error dialog here.
		if (errors.Count > 0) {
			Dialog md = new EditExceptionDialog (GetToplevel (sender), errors.ToArray (typeof (EditException)) as EditException []);
			md.Run ();
			md.Destroy ();

		if (create_new_versions)
			db.Photos.Commit (selected);

		mime_application.Launch (uri_list);
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected void CreateNewVersion()
            try {
                System.Uri original_uri = GetUriForVersionFileName(this.currentphoto, this.currentphoto.DefaultVersion.Uri.LocalPath);
                System.Uri new_uri      = GetUriForVersionFileName(this.currentphoto, new_filename);
                Console.WriteLine("ok pressed: old: " + this.currentphoto.DefaultVersion.Uri.LocalPath + "; " + original_uri.ToString() + " new: " + new_filename + "; " + new_uri.ToString() + "to open with: ");

                // check if new version exist and remove
                foreach (uint id in currentphoto.VersionIds)
                    if (currentphoto.GetVersion(id).Name == new_version_entry.Text)
                GLib.File destination = GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri(new_uri);
                if (destination.Exists)
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("An object at this uri {0} already exists", new_uri));

                //FIXME. or better, fix the copy api !
                GLib.File source = GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri(original_uri);
                source.Copy(destination, GLib.FileCopyFlags.None, null, null);

                this.currentphoto.DefaultVersionId = this.currentphoto.AddVersion(new SafeUri(new_uri).GetBaseUri(), new SafeUri(new_uri).GetFilename(), new_version_entry.Text, true);

                this.currentphoto.Changes.DataChanged = true;;
                // run new version with selected application
                Gtk.TreeIter iter;
                if (owcb.GetActiveIter(out iter))
                    Console.WriteLine((string)owcb.Model.GetValue(iter, 0));
                    Console.WriteLine((string)owcb.Model.GetValue(iter, 1));
                    Console.WriteLine((string[])owcb.Model.GetValue(iter, 2));
                    Console.WriteLine("Getting applications again");

                    ArrayList union = new ArrayList();
//string[] weekDays = new string[] { "image/jpeg", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" };
                    foreach (string mime_type in (string [])owcb.Model.GetValue(iter, 2))
                        //foreach (string mime_type in (string []) weekDays) {
                        if (mime_type == null)
                        MimeApplication [] apps = Gnome.Vfs.Mime.GetAllApplications(mime_type);
                        foreach (MimeApplication app in apps)
                            if (!union.Contains(app))
                    foreach (MimeApplication app in union)
                        if (app.BinaryName.ToString() == (string)owcb.Model.GetValue(iter, 1))
                            Console.WriteLine("Winner is " + (string)owcb.Model.GetValue(iter, 1));
                            // is there a better way to get a GLib.List???
                            GLib.List uri_list = new GLib.List(typeof(string));
            } finally {
                Gtk.Application.Invoke(delegate { dialog.Destroy(); });
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected void CreateNewVersion()
            try {
                System.Uri original_uri = GetUriForVersionFileName (this.currentphoto, this.currentphoto.DefaultVersion.Uri.LocalPath);
                System.Uri new_uri = GetUriForVersionFileName (this.currentphoto, new_filename);
                Console.WriteLine ("ok pressed: old: " + this.currentphoto.DefaultVersion.Uri.LocalPath + "; " + original_uri.ToString() + " new: " + new_filename + "; " + new_uri.ToString() + "to open with: " );

                                // check if new version exist and remove
                                foreach (uint id in currentphoto.VersionIds) {
                    if ( currentphoto.GetVersion (id).Name == new_version_entry.Text ) {
                        this.currentphoto.DeleteVersion ( id );
                GLib.File destination = GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri (new_uri);
                if (destination.Exists)
                    throw new Exception (String.Format ("An object at this uri {0} already exists", new_uri));

            //FIXME. or better, fix the copy api !
                GLib.File source = GLib.FileFactory.NewForUri (original_uri);
                source.Copy (destination, GLib.FileCopyFlags.None, null, null);

                this.currentphoto.DefaultVersionId = this.currentphoto.AddVersion (new SafeUri (new_uri).GetBaseUri (),new SafeUri (new_uri).GetFilename (), new_version_entry.Text, true);
                App.Instance.Database.Photos.Commit (this.currentphoto);

                this.currentphoto.Changes.DataChanged = true;;
                                // run new version with selected application
                Gtk.TreeIter iter;
                    if (owcb.GetActiveIter (out iter)){
                            Console.WriteLine ((string) owcb.Model.GetValue (iter, 0));
                            Console.WriteLine ((string) owcb.Model.GetValue (iter, 1));
                            Console.WriteLine ((string[]) owcb.Model.GetValue (iter, 2));
                    Console.WriteLine ("Getting applications again");

                    ArrayList union = new ArrayList();
            //string[] weekDays = new string[] { "image/jpeg", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat" };
                    foreach (string mime_type in (string []) owcb.Model.GetValue (iter, 2)) {
                    //foreach (string mime_type in (string []) weekDays) {
                        if (mime_type == null)
                        MimeApplication [] apps = Gnome.Vfs.Mime.GetAllApplications (mime_type);
                        foreach (MimeApplication app in apps) {
                            if (! union.Contains (app))
                                union.Add (app);
                    foreach (MimeApplication app in union) {
                        if (app.BinaryName.ToString() == (string) owcb.Model.GetValue (iter, 1)){
                                    Console.WriteLine ("Winner is "+ (string) owcb.Model.GetValue (iter, 1));
                            // is there a better way to get a GLib.List???
                            GLib.List uri_list = new GLib.List (typeof (string));
                            app.Launch (uri_list);
            } finally {
                Gtk.Application.Invoke (delegate { dialog.Destroy(); });
Exemplo n.º 7
	public static string RandomNoteColor() {
		GLib.List colors = new GLib.List (typeof (string));
		Random random = new Random();
		return (string) colors[random.Next(colors.Count)];