Exemplo n.º 1
        public GCEquatorialCoords getTopocentricEquatorial(GCEarthData obs, double jdate)
            double             u, h, delta_alpha;
            double             rho_sin, rho_cos;
            const double       b_a = 0.99664719;
            GCEquatorialCoords tec = new GCEquatorialCoords();

            double altitude = 0;

            // geocentric position of observer on the earth surface
            // 10.1 - 10.3
            u       = GCMath.arcTanDeg(b_a * b_a * GCMath.tanDeg(obs.latitudeDeg));
            rho_sin = b_a * GCMath.sinDeg(u) + altitude / 6378140.0 * GCMath.sinDeg(obs.latitudeDeg);
            rho_cos = GCMath.cosDeg(u) + altitude / 6378140.0 * GCMath.cosDeg(obs.latitudeDeg);

            // equatorial horizontal paralax
            // 39.1
            double parallax = GCMath.arcSinDeg(GCMath.sinDeg(8.794 / 3600) / (radius / GCMath.AU));

            // geocentric hour angle of the body
            h = GCEarthData.SiderealTimeGreenwich(jdate) + obs.longitudeDeg - rightAscension;

            // 39.2
            delta_alpha = GCMath.arcTanDeg(
                (-rho_cos * GCMath.sinDeg(parallax) * GCMath.sinDeg(h)) /
                (GCMath.cosDeg(this.declination) - rho_cos * GCMath.sinDeg(parallax) * GCMath.cosDeg(h)));
            tec.rightAscension = rightAscension + delta_alpha;
            tec.declination    = declination + GCMath.arcTanDeg(
                ((GCMath.sinDeg(declination) - rho_sin * GCMath.sinDeg(parallax)) * GCMath.cosDeg(delta_alpha)) /
                (GCMath.cosDeg(declination) - rho_cos * GCMath.sinDeg(parallax) * GCMath.cosDeg(h)));

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static GCHorizontalCoords equatorialToHorizontalCoords(GCEquatorialCoords eqc, GCEarthData obs, double date)
            double             localHourAngle;
            GCHorizontalCoords hc;

            localHourAngle = GCMath.putIn360(GCEarthData.SiderealTimeGreenwich(date) - eqc.rightAscension + obs.longitudeDeg);

            hc.azimut = GCMath.rad2deg(Math.Atan2(GCMath.sinDeg(localHourAngle),
                                                  GCMath.cosDeg(localHourAngle) * GCMath.sinDeg(obs.latitudeDeg) -
                                                  GCMath.tanDeg(eqc.declination) * GCMath.cosDeg(obs.latitudeDeg)));

            hc.elevation = GCMath.rad2deg(Math.Asin(GCMath.sinDeg(obs.latitudeDeg) * GCMath.sinDeg(eqc.declination) +
                                                    GCMath.cosDeg(obs.latitudeDeg) * GCMath.cosDeg(eqc.declination) * GCMath.cosDeg(localHourAngle)));
