Exemplo n.º 1
        protected virtual void ReportServerVersion(ClientHandshakeState state, ProtocolVersion server_version)
            TlsClientContextImpl clientContext        = state.clientContext;
            ProtocolVersion      currentServerVersion = clientContext.ServerVersion;

            if (null == currentServerVersion)
            else if (!currentServerVersion.Equals(server_version))
                throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter);
Exemplo n.º 2
        internal virtual bool ReadRecord()
            byte[] recordHeader = TlsUtilities.ReadAllOrNothing(TLS_HEADER_SIZE, mInput);
            if (recordHeader == null)

            byte type = TlsUtilities.ReadUint8(recordHeader, TLS_HEADER_TYPE_OFFSET);

             * RFC 5246 6. If a TLS implementation receives an unexpected record type, it MUST send an
             * unexpected_message alert.
            CheckType(type, AlertDescription.unexpected_message);

            if (!mRestrictReadVersion)
                int version = TlsUtilities.ReadVersionRaw(recordHeader, TLS_HEADER_VERSION_OFFSET);
                if ((version & 0xffffff00) != 0x0300)
                    throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter);
                ProtocolVersion version = TlsUtilities.ReadVersion(recordHeader, TLS_HEADER_VERSION_OFFSET);
                if (mReadVersion == null)
                    mReadVersion = version;
                else if (!version.Equals(mReadVersion))
                    throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter);

            int length = TlsUtilities.ReadUint16(recordHeader, TLS_HEADER_LENGTH_OFFSET);

            byte[] plaintext = DecodeAndVerify(type, mInput, length);
            mHandler.ProcessRecord(type, plaintext, 0, plaintext.Length);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public virtual int Receive(byte[] buf, int off, int len, int waitMillis)
            byte[] record = null;

            for (;;)
                int receiveLimit = System.Math.Min(len, GetReceiveLimit()) + RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH;
                if (record == null || record.Length < receiveLimit)
                    record = new byte[receiveLimit];

                    if (mRetransmit != null && DateTimeUtilities.CurrentUnixMs() > mRetransmitExpiry)
                        mRetransmit      = null;
                        mRetransmitEpoch = null;

                    int received = ReceiveRecord(record, 0, receiveLimit, waitMillis);
                    if (received < 0)
                    if (received < RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH)
                    int length = TlsUtilities.ReadUint16(record, 11);
                    if (received != (length + RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH))

                    byte type = TlsUtilities.ReadUint8(record, 0);

                    // TODO Support user-specified custom protocols?
                    switch (type)
                    case ContentType.alert:
                    case ContentType.application_data:
                    case ContentType.change_cipher_spec:
                    case ContentType.handshake:
                    case ContentType.heartbeat:

                        // TODO Exception?

                    int epoch = TlsUtilities.ReadUint16(record, 3);

                    DtlsEpoch recordEpoch = null;
                    if (epoch == mReadEpoch.Epoch)
                        recordEpoch = mReadEpoch;
                    else if (type == ContentType.handshake && mRetransmitEpoch != null &&
                             epoch == mRetransmitEpoch.Epoch)
                        recordEpoch = mRetransmitEpoch;

                    if (recordEpoch == null)

                    long seq = TlsUtilities.ReadUint48(record, 5);
                    if (recordEpoch.ReplayWindow.ShouldDiscard(seq))

                    ProtocolVersion version = TlsUtilities.ReadVersion(record, 1);
                    if (!version.IsDtls)

                    if (mReadVersion != null && !mReadVersion.Equals(version))

                    byte[] plaintext = recordEpoch.Cipher.DecodeCiphertext(
                        GetMacSequenceNumber(recordEpoch.Epoch, seq), type, record, RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH,
                        received - RECORD_HEADER_LENGTH);


                    if (plaintext.Length > this.mPlaintextLimit)

                    if (mReadVersion == null)
                        mReadVersion = version;

                    switch (type)
                    case ContentType.alert:
                        if (plaintext.Length == 2)
                            byte alertLevel       = plaintext[0];
                            byte alertDescription = plaintext[1];

                            mPeer.NotifyAlertReceived(alertLevel, alertDescription);

                            if (alertLevel == AlertLevel.fatal)
                                throw new TlsFatalAlert(alertDescription);

                            // TODO Can close_notify be a fatal alert?
                            if (alertDescription == AlertDescription.close_notify)


                    case ContentType.application_data:
                        if (mInHandshake)
                            // TODO Consider buffering application data for new epoch that arrives
                            // out-of-order with the Finished message

                    case ContentType.change_cipher_spec:
                        // Implicitly receive change_cipher_spec and change to pending cipher state

                        for (int i = 0; i < plaintext.Length; ++i)
                            byte message = TlsUtilities.ReadUint8(plaintext, i);
                            if (message != ChangeCipherSpec.change_cipher_spec)

                            if (mPendingEpoch != null)
                                mReadEpoch = mPendingEpoch;


                    case ContentType.handshake:
                        if (!mInHandshake)
                            if (mRetransmit != null)
                                mRetransmit.ReceivedHandshakeRecord(epoch, plaintext, 0, plaintext.Length);

                            // TODO Consider support for HelloRequest

                    case ContentType.heartbeat:
                        // TODO[RFC 6520]

                     * NOTE: If we receive any non-handshake data in the new epoch implies the peer has
                     * received our final flight.
                    if (!mInHandshake && mRetransmit != null)
                        this.mRetransmit      = null;
                        this.mRetransmitEpoch = null;

                    Array.Copy(plaintext, 0, buf, off, plaintext.Length);
                catch (IOException e)
                    // NOTE: Assume this is a timeout for the moment
                    throw e;
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected virtual void ReceiveServerHelloMessage(MemoryStream buf)
                ProtocolVersion server_version = TlsUtilities.ReadVersion(buf);
                if (server_version.IsDtls)
                    throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter);

                // Check that this matches what the server is Sending in the record layer
                if (!server_version.Equals(this.mRecordStream.ReadVersion))
                    throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter);

                ProtocolVersion client_version = Context.ClientVersion;
                if (!server_version.IsEqualOrEarlierVersionOf(client_version))
                    throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter);


             * Read the server random
            this.mSecurityParameters.serverRandom = TlsUtilities.ReadFully(32, buf);

            this.mSelectedSessionID = TlsUtilities.ReadOpaque8(buf);
            if (this.mSelectedSessionID.Length > 32)
                throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter);
            this.mResumedSession = this.mSelectedSessionID.Length > 0 && this.mTlsSession != null &&
                                   Arrays.AreEqual(this.mSelectedSessionID, this.mTlsSession.SessionID);

             * Find out which CipherSuite the server has chosen and check that it was one of the offered
             * ones, and is a valid selection for the negotiated version.
            int selectedCipherSuite = TlsUtilities.ReadUint16(buf);

            if (!Arrays.Contains(this.mOfferedCipherSuites, selectedCipherSuite) ||
                selectedCipherSuite == CipherSuite.TLS_NULL_WITH_NULL_NULL ||
                CipherSuite.IsScsv(selectedCipherSuite) ||
                !TlsUtilities.IsValidCipherSuiteForVersion(selectedCipherSuite, Context.ServerVersion))
                throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter);

             * Find out which CompressionMethod the server has chosen and check that it was one of the
             * offered ones.
            byte selectedCompressionMethod = TlsUtilities.ReadUint8(buf);

            if (!Arrays.Contains(this.mOfferedCompressionMethods, selectedCompressionMethod))
                throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter);

             * RFC3546 2.2 The extended server hello message format MAY be sent in place of the server
             * hello message when the client has requested extended functionality via the extended
             * client hello message specified in Section 2.1. ... Note that the extended server hello
             * message is only sent in response to an extended client hello message. This prevents the
             * possibility that the extended server hello message could "break" existing TLS 1.0
             * clients.
            this.mServerExtensions = ReadExtensions(buf);

             * RFC 3546 2.2 Note that the extended server hello message is only sent in response to an
             * extended client hello message.
             * However, see RFC 5746 exception below. We always include the SCSV, so an Extended Server
             * Hello is always allowed.
            if (this.mServerExtensions != null)
                foreach (int extType in this.mServerExtensions.Keys)
                     * RFC 5746 3.6. Note that Sending a "renegotiation_info" extension in response to a
                     * ClientHello containing only the SCSV is an explicit exception to the prohibition
                     * in RFC 5246, Section, on the server Sending unsolicited extensions and is
                     * only allowed because the client is signaling its willingness to receive the
                     * extension via the TLS_EMPTY_RENEGOTIATION_INFO_SCSV SCSV.
                    if (extType == ExtensionType.renegotiation_info)

                     * RFC 5246 An extension type MUST NOT appear in the ServerHello unless the
                     * same extension type appeared in the corresponding ClientHello. If a client
                     * receives an extension type in ServerHello that it did not request in the
                     * associated ClientHello, it MUST abort the handshake with an unsupported_extension
                     * fatal alert.
                    if (null == TlsUtilities.GetExtensionData(this.mClientExtensions, extType))
                        throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.unsupported_extension);

                     * RFC 3546 2.3. If [...] the older session is resumed, then the server MUST ignore
                     * extensions appearing in the client hello, and Send a server hello containing no
                     * extensions[.]
                    if (this.mResumedSession)
                        // TODO[compat-gnutls] GnuTLS test server Sends server extensions e.g. ec_point_formats
                        // TODO[compat-openssl] OpenSSL test server Sends server extensions e.g. ec_point_formats
                        // TODO[compat-polarssl] PolarSSL test server Sends server extensions e.g. ec_point_formats
                        //                    throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter);

             * RFC 5746 3.4. Client Behavior: Initial Handshake
                 * When a ServerHello is received, the client MUST check if it includes the
                 * "renegotiation_info" extension:
                byte[] renegExtData = TlsUtilities.GetExtensionData(this.mServerExtensions, ExtensionType.renegotiation_info);
                if (renegExtData != null)
                     * If the extension is present, set the secure_renegotiation flag to TRUE. The
                     * client MUST then verify that the length of the "renegotiated_connection"
                     * field is zero, and if it is not, MUST abort the handshake (by Sending a fatal
                     * handshake_failure alert).
                    this.mSecureRenegotiation = true;

                    if (!Arrays.ConstantTimeAreEqual(renegExtData, CreateRenegotiationInfo(TlsUtilities.EmptyBytes)))
                        throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.handshake_failure);

            // TODO[compat-gnutls] GnuTLS test server fails to Send renegotiation_info extension when resuming

            IDictionary sessionClientExtensions = mClientExtensions, sessionServerExtensions = mServerExtensions;

            if (this.mResumedSession)
                if (selectedCipherSuite != this.mSessionParameters.CipherSuite ||
                    selectedCompressionMethod != this.mSessionParameters.CompressionAlgorithm)
                    throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter);

                sessionClientExtensions = null;
                sessionServerExtensions = this.mSessionParameters.ReadServerExtensions();

            this.mSecurityParameters.cipherSuite          = selectedCipherSuite;
            this.mSecurityParameters.compressionAlgorithm = selectedCompressionMethod;

            if (sessionServerExtensions != null)
                     * RFC 7366 3. If a server receives an encrypt-then-MAC request extension from a client
                     * and then selects a stream or Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD)
                     * ciphersuite, it MUST NOT send an encrypt-then-MAC response extension back to the
                     * client.
                    bool serverSentEncryptThenMAC = TlsExtensionsUtilities.HasEncryptThenMacExtension(sessionServerExtensions);
                    if (serverSentEncryptThenMAC && !TlsUtilities.IsBlockCipherSuite(selectedCipherSuite))
                        throw new TlsFatalAlert(AlertDescription.illegal_parameter);

                    this.mSecurityParameters.encryptThenMac = serverSentEncryptThenMAC;

                this.mSecurityParameters.extendedMasterSecret = TlsExtensionsUtilities.HasExtendedMasterSecretExtension(sessionServerExtensions);

                this.mSecurityParameters.maxFragmentLength = ProcessMaxFragmentLengthExtension(sessionClientExtensions,
                                                                                               sessionServerExtensions, AlertDescription.illegal_parameter);

                this.mSecurityParameters.truncatedHMac = TlsExtensionsUtilities.HasTruncatedHMacExtension(sessionServerExtensions);

                 * TODO It's surprising that there's no provision to allow a 'fresh' CertificateStatus to be sent in
                 * a session resumption handshake.
                this.mAllowCertificateStatus = !this.mResumedSession &&
                                               TlsUtilities.HasExpectedEmptyExtensionData(sessionServerExtensions, ExtensionType.status_request,

                this.mExpectSessionTicket = !this.mResumedSession &&
                                            TlsUtilities.HasExpectedEmptyExtensionData(sessionServerExtensions, ExtensionType.session_ticket,

             * TODO[session-hash]
             * draft-ietf-tls-session-hash-04 4. Clients and servers SHOULD NOT accept handshakes
             * that do not use the extended master secret [..]. (and see 5.2, 5.3)

            if (sessionClientExtensions != null)

            this.mSecurityParameters.prfAlgorithm = GetPrfAlgorithm(Context, this.mSecurityParameters.CipherSuite);

             * RFC 5264 7.4.9. Any cipher suite which does not explicitly specify
             * verify_data_length has a verify_data_length equal to 12. This includes all
             * existing cipher suites.
            this.mSecurityParameters.verifyDataLength = 12;