Exemplo n.º 1
 public Facade()
     _one   = new Add();
     _two   = new Subtract();
     _three = new Multiple();
     _four  = new Divide();
Exemplo n.º 2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            double firstNumber;
            double secondNumber;
            double a;
            double b;
            double result1;
            double result2;
            double result3;
            double result4;
            double result5;

            Console.WriteLine("First Number");
            firstNumber = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            Console.WriteLine("Second Number");
            secondNumber = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            Add        add        = new Add();
            Subtract   subtract   = new Subtract();
            Multiply   multiply   = new Multiply();
            Divide     divide     = new Divide();
            Percentage percentage = new Percentage();

            result1 = add.Addition(firstNumber, secondNumber);
            Console.WriteLine("Addition: " + result1);

            result2 = subtract.Subtraction(firstNumber, secondNumber);
            Console.WriteLine("Subtraction: " + result2);

            result3 = multiply.Multiplication(firstNumber, secondNumber);
            Console.WriteLine("Multiplication: " + result3);

            result4 = divide.Division(firstNumber, secondNumber);
            Console.WriteLine("Division: " + result4);

            Console.WriteLine("Press 1 to calculate Percentage or any other number to exit the program");
            double x = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());

            if (x == 1)
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the x: ");
                a = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                Console.WriteLine("Enter the y: ");
                b       = double.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                result5 = percentage.Percent(a, b);
                Console.WriteLine("Percentage: " + result5 + "%");
                Console.WriteLine("Ending now!");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public double MakeCalculation()
            for (int i = 0; i < (numberSave.Count - 1); i++)
                if (temptotal == 0)
                    x = numberSave[i];
                    x = temptotal;
                var f = numberSave[i + 1];
                if (Operator[y] == "/")
                    r = Divide.divided(x, f);
                else if (Operator[y] == "*")
                    r = Multiply.multiply(x, f);
                else if (Operator[y] == "+")
                    r = Add.add(x, f);
                else if (Operator[y] == "-")
                    r = Subtract.subtract(x, f);
                temptotal = r;

            y         = 0;
            temptotal = 0;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public int handledIt(string input)
            //declare variable to hold result from operation
            int result = 0;

            //set stack_record so that I can access the last user input
            stack_record.lastQ = input;

            //create new expression class to handle parsing user input
            Expression myExp = new Expression();

            //allow the container to be set from the parseExpression method
            Container answer = myExp.ParseExpression(input);

            //search the equation for a constant and parse it out to do the math on.
            string ContString = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";

            foreach (var letter in input)
                if (ContString.IndexOf(letter) == 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("No Constant Defined");

            //shorthand the variables from Container class
            int    lhs      = answer.LHS;
            int    rhs      = answer.RHS;
            char   op       = answer.OP;
            string constant = answer.CONS;

            //run the operator logic
            if (op == '+')
                Add add_me = new Add();
                result = add_me.addIt(lhs, rhs);
            else if (op == '-')
                Subtract subtract_me = new Subtract();
                result = subtract_me.subtractIt(lhs, rhs);
            else if (op == '*')
                Multiply multiply_me = new Multiply();
                result = multiply_me.multiplyIt(lhs, rhs);
            else if (op == '/')
                Divide divide_me = new Divide();
                result = divide_me.divideIt(lhs, rhs);
            else if (op == '%')
                Modulo modulo_me = new Modulo();
                result = modulo_me.moduloIt(lhs, rhs);
            else if (op == '=')
                conts.Add(constant, rhs);
                result = rhs;
                throw new InvalidOperationException("no valid operator found");

            //set stack_record result for later access
            stack_record.last = result;
Exemplo n.º 5
 void CreateOperators()
     // Only one of each operation Token needs to be created
     opAdd = new Add(workStack);
     opSubtract = new Subtract(workStack);
     opMultiply = new Multiply(workStack);
     opDivide = new Divide(workStack);
     opPower = new Power(workStack);
     opBracket = new Bracket();
     opUnaryMinus = new UnaryMinus(workStack);
     opUnaryPlus = new UnaryPlus();
     opSqrt = new Sqrt(workStack);
     opSin = new Sin(workStack);
     opCos = new Cos(workStack);
     opTan = new Tan(workStack);
     opLog = new Log(workStack);
     opAsin = new Asin(workStack);
     opAcos = new Acos(workStack);
     opAtan = new Atan(workStack);
     functions = new Dictionary<string, Function>
         {"sqr", opSqrt },
         {"sin", opSin },
         {"cos", opCos },
         {"tan", opTan },
         {"log", opLog },
         {"asin", opAsin },
         {"acos", opAcos },
         {"atan", opAtan }
     binaryOperators = new Dictionary<char, BinaryOperator>
         {'+', opAdd },
         {'-', opSubtract },
         {'*', opMultiply },
         {'/', opDivide },
         {'^',opPower }