Exemplo n.º 1
        public string WholeSyntaxGenerator(SimulationConfig config)
            string code = @"
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Runtime;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CalcEngine;

namespace Particles
    public static class Simulation{
        public static ulong Iteration;
        public static double StepTime, ActualTime;

        public static void Update(ulong iter, double sTime, double aTime){
            Iteration = iter; StepTime = sTime; ActualTime = aTime;

            foreach (var p in config.particleBlueprints)
                code += ClassSyntaxGenerator(p);

            code += "}";

Exemplo n.º 2
 public MultipleSimulation(SimulationConfig C, SimulationState S, Emitter E, Writer W, ILogger L)
     Config  = C;
     State   = S;
     Emitter = E;
     Writer  = W;
     Logger  = L;
     //Simulation = Sim;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public SmallSimulation(SimulationConfig C, SimulationState S, Emitter E, Writer W)
            Config  = C;
            State   = S;
            Emitter = E;
            Writer  = W;

            for (int i = 0; i < Config.Threads; i++)
                threads.Add(new Thread(CalculateParticle));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void testSeri()
            ParticleBlueprint p1 = new ParticleBlueprint();
            ParticleBlueprint p2 = new ParticleBlueprint();

            p1.properties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            p1.methods    = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            p2.properties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            p2.methods    = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            p1.Name     = "Point";
            p1.Quantity = 1000;
            p1.properties.Add("position", "VectorD3");
            p1.properties.Add("tposition", "VectorD3");
            p1.properties.Add("mass", "double");

            p1.methods.Add("Initialize()", "Random r = new Random(); position = new VectorD3(r.NextDouble() * 10, r.NextDouble() * 10, 0); mass = r.NextDouble(); tposition = new VectorD3(0,0,0);");
            p1.methods.Add("Calculate(Point p)", "tposition += new VectorD3(1,2,3)");
            p1.methods.Add("Calculate(Hole p)", "position += p.position");
            p1.methods.Add("Update()", "position += tposition;");

            p2.Name     = "Hole";
            p2.Quantity = 13;
            p2.properties.Add("position", "VectorD3");

            p2.methods.Add("Initialize()", "Random r = new Random(); position = new VectorD3(r.NextDouble() * 10, r.NextDouble() * 10, 0);");
            p2.methods.Add("Calculate(Point p)", "");
            p2.methods.Add("Calculate(Hole p)", "");

            SimulationConfig config = new SimulationConfig();

            config.particleBlueprints = new List <ParticleBlueprint>()
                p1, p2,

            //config.SimulationBoxSize = new VectorD3(5, 12, 20);
            //config.Threads = 128;

            string jsonString = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(config);

            File.WriteAllText("PointSim.conig", jsonString);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public Logger(SimulationConfig config, SimulationState state)
            Config = config;
            State  = state;

            DefaultPath = Path.GetFullPath(Config.OutputPath) + "\\SimLog.txt";
            if (DefaultPath == null)
                DefaultPath = "";

            loggerPath = DefaultPath;

            File.WriteAllText(loggerPath, "\t\t\tSIMULATION LOGGER(STANDARD)\n" +
                              "\t\t\t--------------------------\n\n" +
                              "\tDate: " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + "\n" +
                              "\tHardware information:\n" +
                              "\t\t- Machine name:  " + Environment.MachineName
                              + "\n\t\t- Real processor count: " + Environment.ProcessorCount
                              + "\n\t\t- System: " + Environment.OSVersion.ToString()
                              + "\n\tWirtual Assistent: false (function not implemented yet)"
                              + "\n\tWirtual Assistent name: null"
                              + "\n\n\n\tPath to simulation configuration file: " + Config.Path
                              + "\n\tPath to Visualizer.exe: " + Config.PathToVisualiserEXE
                              + "\n\tPath to output: " + Config.OutputPath);

            if (State.ErrorList.Count != 0)
                string s = "\n\n\tThere were some loading error: \n";
                foreach (var v in State.ErrorList)
                    s += "\t\t" + v.Message + "\n";
                File.AppendAllText(loggerPath, s);
Exemplo n.º 6
 public ConfigLoader(SimulationConfig Config, SimulationState State)
     config = Config;
     state  = State;
Exemplo n.º 7
 public Test(SimulationConfig Config)
     config = Config;
Exemplo n.º 8
        static void Main(string[] args)
            IServiceCollection services = new ServiceCollection();

            ServiceHandler sh = new ServiceHandler();

            ServiceProvider provider = sh.ConfigureServices(services);

            SimulationConfig config = provider.GetService <SimulationConfig>();

            if (args.Length > 0)
                if (Char.IsDigit(args[0][0]))
                    config.Port = Int32.Parse(args[0]);
                    config.Path = args[0];
                    provider.GetService <ConfigLoader>().Load(config.Path);

            //Folder preparation
            if (!provider.GetService <IFolderManager>().Create())
                Console.WriteLine("Folder creating error has occured:\n\t" + provider.GetService <SimulationState>().ErrorList.Last().Message);

            ISimulation simulation = provider.GetService <ISimulation>();

            Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();




            string time = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(stopWatch.ElapsedMilliseconds / 1000.0f).ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss\:fff");

            Console.WriteLine("\n\n\tElapsed Time: " + time);

            ulong pc = 0;

            foreach (var p in config.particleBlueprints)
                pc += p.Quantity;
            provider.GetRequiredService <ILogger>().Add("\n\n\n\tSimulation performed succesfully\n\n\t\tTotal particle count: " + pc +
                                                        "\n\tElapsed Time: " + time);

            if (config.PathToVisualiserEXE != "")
                var proc = Process.Start(config.PathToVisualiserEXE, Path.GetFullPath(config.Path) + " " + Path.GetFullPath(config.OutputPath));

            //var t = provider.GetService<Test>();
Exemplo n.º 9
 public Emitter(SimulationConfig Config, SimulationState State, ILogger Logger)
     config = Config;
     state  = State;
     logger = Logger;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public Writer(SimulationConfig C, SimulationState S)
     Config = C;
     State  = S;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public Simulation(SimulationConfig C, SimulationState S, Emitter E)
     Config  = C;
     State   = S;
     Emitter = E;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public MultipleFolderManager(SimulationConfig c, SimulationState s)
     Config = c;
     State  = s;