Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void RegisterButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //Goes to Registration Web Service to process registration
                registerservice.RegisterWebService obj = new registerservice.RegisterWebService();
                bool register = obj.RegisterUser(usernameText.Text, passwordText.Text,dateofBirth.Text, emailText.Text);
                if (register == true)
                    emailservice.EmailWebService em = new emailservice.EmailWebService();

                    string id = obj.getUserID(emailText.Text, passwordText.Text);
                    Session["ID"] = id;

                    int intID = int.Parse(id);
                    em.SendActivationEmail(intID, emailText.Text, usernameText.Text);
                    Label1.Text = "Activation email has been sent! Please go to your email account to activate it!";

                    dateofBirth.Text=usernameText.Text = passwordText.Text = emailText.Text = string.Empty;
                    Label1.Text = "Registration failed as either Username or email has already been used! Please Try again!";
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void loginButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            //Goes to Registration Web Service to process registration
            registerservice.RegisterWebService obj = new registerservice.RegisterWebService();
            bool login = obj.UserLogin(emailText.Text, passwordText.Text);
            if (login == true)
                Session["UserName"] = emailText.Text;
                FormsAuthenticationTicket tkt;
                string cookiestr;
                HttpCookie ck;
                tkt = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(1, emailText.Text, DateTime.Now,
          DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(30), chkPersistCookie.Checked, "your custom data");
                cookiestr = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(tkt);
                ck = new HttpCookie(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName, cookiestr);
                if (chkPersistCookie.Checked)
                    ck.Expires = tkt.Expiration;
                ck.Path = FormsAuthentication.FormsCookiePath;

                string strRedirect;

                Session["ID"] = obj.getUserID(emailText.Text, passwordText.Text);

                strRedirect = Request["ReturnUrl"];
                if (strRedirect == null)
                    strRedirect = "DisplayImages.aspx";
                Response.Redirect(strRedirect, true);

                id = (string)(Session["ID"]);

                string script = "<script type=\"text/javascript\">alert('" + id + "');</script>";
                ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.GetType(), "Alert", script);
                 * */
                emailText.Text = string.Empty;
                passwordText.Text = string.Empty;
                Label1.Text = "Invalid UserName or Password. Please Try again.";