protected void GetWorkouts()
            // Connect to EF
            using (WorkoutEntities db = new WorkoutEntities())
                String sortString = Session["SortColumn"].ToString() + " " + Session["SortDirection"].ToString();
                // Query the Workouts table, using the Enity Framework
                var Workouts = from w in db.Workouts
                               select w;

                // Bind the result to the gridview
                grdExercises.DataSource = Workouts.AsQueryable().OrderBy(sortString).ToList();
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Use EF to connect to SQL Server
            using (WorkoutEntities db = new WorkoutEntities())
                // Use the Student Model to save the new record
                Workout w = new Workout();
                Int32 WorkoutID = 0;

                // Check the QueryString for an ID so we can determine add / update
                if (Request.QueryString["WorkoutID"] != null)
                    // Get the ID from the URL
                    WorkoutID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["WorkoutID"]);

                    // Get the current student from the Enity Framework
                    w = (from objW in db.Workouts
                         where objW.WorkoutID == WorkoutID
                         select objW).FirstOrDefault();

                w.WorkoutName = txtName.Text;
                w.WorkoutType = ddlType.SelectedValue;
                if (ddlType.SelectedValue == "Strength")
                    w.WorkoutWeight = Convert.ToInt32(txtWeight.Text);
                    w.WorkoutSets = Convert.ToInt32(txtSets.Text);
                    w.Reps = Convert.ToInt32(txtReps.Text);

                w.WorkoutTime = Convert.ToDecimal(txtLength.Text);
                w.TimeCompleted = Convert.ToDateTime(calTime.SelectedDate);

                // Call add only if we have no student ID
                if (WorkoutID == 0)

                // Redirect to the updated students page
        protected void GetWorkout()
            // Populate form with existing student record
            Int32 WorkoutID = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["WorkoutID"]);

                using (WorkoutEntities db = new WorkoutEntities())
                    Workout w = (from objW in db.Workouts
                                 where objW.WorkoutID == WorkoutID
                                 select objW).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (w != null)
                        txtName.Text = w.WorkoutName;
                        ddlType.SelectedValue = w.WorkoutType;
                        if (ddlType.SelectedValue == "Strength")
                            txtReps.Text = Convert.ToString(w.Reps);
                            txtWeight.Text = Convert.ToString(w.WorkoutWeight);
                            txtSets.Text = Convert.ToString(w.WorkoutSets);
                            pnlStrength.Visible = true;
                            pnlStrength.Visible = false;
                        txtLength.Text = Convert.ToString(w.WorkoutTime);
                        calTime.SelectedDate = Convert.ToDateTime(w.TimeCompleted);

            catch (Exception ex)
        protected void grdExercises_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            // Store which row was clicked
            Int32 selectedRow = e.RowIndex;

            // Get the selected WorkoutID using the grid's Data Key collection
            Int32 WorkoutID = Convert.ToInt32(grdExercises.DataKeys[selectedRow].Values["WorkoutID"]);

                // Use Enity Framework to remove the selected Workout from the DB
                using (WorkoutEntities db = new WorkoutEntities())
                    Workout w = (from objW in db.Workouts
                                 where objW.WorkoutID == WorkoutID
                                 select objW).FirstOrDefault(); // Using First would get an error if no data comes back, FirstOrDefault won't throw an error

                    // Do the delete
            catch (Exception ex)

            // Refresh the grid