Exemplo n.º 1
 //returns true if the missile has left the bounds of the canvas
 public static bool LeavingScreen(Missile msl)
     return (msl.Where().X > Missile.canvas.ScaledWidth || msl.Where().X < 0);
Exemplo n.º 2
 //returns true if missiles have faded away
 public static bool MissileDone(Missile msl)
     return msl._mslAlpha <= 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
        //Occurs each timer tick(30ms), moves, evalutes, and draws each missile. Adjusting difficulty
        //as the game progresses. Displays some informative text to the user on the canvas.
        private void timer1_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //functionality for Marathon Game Mode
            if (radioButtonMarathon.Checked)
                //every 100 difficulty ticks, gives each cannon more ammo, and increases
                //our static Missile Difficulty
                if (difficultyCounter % 100 == 0)
                    foreach (Missile msl in cannonList)
                        msl.Ammo += (int)(Missile.Difficulty / 10) - 2;

                    Missile.Difficulty += 2;
                    difficultyCounter = 0;

                //adds an enemy missile if enemy count is less than a value that scales with the
                //difficulty. With a 1 in 20 chance to add a missile per tick.
                if (foesList.Count < Missile.Difficulty / 5 && rnd.Next(1, 20) == 1)
                    foesList.Add(new Missile());

            //functionality for Classic Game Mode
            if (radioButtonClassic.Checked)
                //adds an enemy missile if the enemy count is less than the current levels
                //total enemy value. With a 1 in 20 chance to add a missile per tick.
                if (cmFoeCount < cmFoeTotal && rnd.Next(1, 20) == 1)
                    foesList.Add(new Missile());

                //enough enemies have been destroyed, start a new round
                else if (cmFoeCount == cmFoeTotal && foesList.Count == 0)

            //adds a new friendly missile if the user has left clicked on the CDrawer
            if (Missile.Canvas.GetLastMouseLeftClickScaled(out pollMouseLocation))
                //the method for determining the closest available cannon returns (0,0) if no
                //cannons are available. So only add a missile if the start point is not (0,0).
                Missile m = new Missile(pollMouseLocation, cannonList);
                if (m.StartLocation.X != 0 && m.StartLocation.Y != 0)

            //perfoms a move operation on each missile in both friend & foe lists
            foreach (Missile msl in friendsList)

            foreach (Missile msl in foesList)

            //removes all missiles that evaluate to true, via our predicates
            //from both friend & and foe lists

            //set friendly missiles to exploding if they are overlapping with a foe missile
            collided = friendsList.Intersect(foesList).ToList();
            foreach (Missile msl in collided)
                msl.exploding = true;

            //set foe missiles to exploding if they are overlapping with a friendly missile
            collided = foesList.Intersect(friendsList).ToList();
            foreach (Missile msl in collided)
                msl.exploding = true;

            //remove cities that have been hit by enemy missiles
            collided = cityList.Intersect(foesList).ToList();
            foreach (Missile msl in collided)
                while (cityList.Remove(msl));

            //set cannons to exploding if they have been hit by enemy missiles
            collided = cannonList.Intersect(foesList).ToList();
            foreach (Missile msl in collided)
                msl.exploding = true;

            //clears our CDrawer
            Missile.Loading = true;

            //render each missile object in all of our missile lists
            foreach (Missile msl in friendsList)

            foreach (Missile msl in foesList)

            foreach (Missile c in cityList)

            //get the current mouse location before rendering the cannons
            Missile.Canvas.GetLastMousePositionScaled(out pollMouseLocation);
            foreach (Missile c in cannonList)

            //updates the Score and Difficulty text each tick
            Missile.Canvas.AddText("Score: " + (foesDestroyed * 100 + score),
                15, 10, 530, 250, 100, Color.Black);

            Missile.Canvas.AddText("Diffuculty: " + Missile.DiffucultyString(),
                15, 500, 530, 250, 100, Color.Black);

            //renders our CDrawer
            Missile.Loading = false;

            //updates the score text on the main form
            lblTotalEnemies.Text = foesList.Count.ToString();
            lblEnemiesDestroyed.Text = foesDestroyed.ToString();
            lblMisslesFired.Text = friendsLaunched.ToString();

            if (friendsLaunched != 0)
                lblKillPerShot.Text = (Math.Round(foesDestroyed / friendsLaunched, 2)).ToString();

            //used to set the Missile's static Difficulty after so many ticks

            //the user has run out of cities and the game must end
            if (cityList.Count <= 0)
                //ends the current game and starts timer2 for a little end game animation
                difficultyCounter = 2;
                Missile.Loading = true;
                timer2.Enabled = true;
                timer1.Enabled = false;