Exemplo n.º 1
        public static BHX.Opening ToGBXML(this BHE.Opening opening)
            BHX.Opening gbOpening = new BHX.Opening();

            BHG.Polyline pLine = opening.Polyline();

            gbOpening.Name = opening.Name;
            gbOpening.ID   = "opening" + opening.BHoM_Guid.ToString().Replace("-", "").Substring(0, 5);
            gbOpening.PlanarGeometry.PolyLoop            = pLine.ToGBXML();
            gbOpening.PlanarGeometry.ID                  = "openingPGeom-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "").Substring(0, 5);
            gbOpening.RectangularGeometry.CartesianPoint = Geometry.Query.Centre(pLine).ToGBXML();
            gbOpening.RectangularGeometry.Height         = Math.Round(opening.Height(), 3);
            //TODO: temporary solution to get valid file to be replaced with correct height
            if (opening.Height() == 0)
                gbOpening.RectangularGeometry.Height = 0.1;
            gbOpening.RectangularGeometry.Width = Math.Round(opening.Width(), 3);
            //if (opening.Width() == 0)
            //    gbOpening.RectangularGeometry.Width = 0.1;
            gbOpening.RectangularGeometry.ID = "rGeomOpening-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "").Substring(0, 5);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static SAPExport SAPExport(Zone dwelling, List <Space> spaces, List <Panel> panels, List <Panel> balconies, List <Polyline> baseCurves, List <Level> levels, List <BH.oM.Environment.Elements.Opening> frontDoors, double ceilingHeight, double ceilingVoidHeight, double externalWallHeight, double distanceTolerance = BH.oM.Geometry.Tolerance.Distance, double angleTolerance = BH.oM.Geometry.Tolerance.Angle, int crossVentTolerance = 45)
            SAPExport sapExport = new SAPExport();

            levels = levels.OrderBy(x => x.Elevation).ToList(); // need to reorder the levels
            Polyline dwellingPerimeter = dwelling.Perimeter.ICollapseToPolyline(angleTolerance);

            #region General Dwelling Information
            sapExport.Name      = dwelling.Name;
            sapExport.Reference = dwelling.Reference;

            Output <List <List <IRegion> >, List <List <double> >, List <IRegion>, List <IRegion> > mappedRegions = BH.Engine.Environment.Compute.MapRegions(spaces.Select(x => x as IRegion).ToList(), new List <IRegion> {
            }, distanceTolerance, angleTolerance);
            List <Space> spacesInDwelling = mappedRegions.Item1[0].Cast <Space>().ToList();

            sapExport.WetRooms     = spacesInDwelling.Where(x => x.SpaceType == SpaceType.Bathroom).Count();
            sapExport.DwellingBeds = spacesInDwelling.Where(x => x.SpaceType == SpaceType.Bedroom).Count();

            BH.oM.Environment.Elements.Opening doorInDwelling = frontDoors.Where(x => dwellingPerimeter.IIsContaining(x.Bottom(distanceTolerance, angleTolerance))).FirstOrDefault();
            Space        space         = spaces.Where(x => x.Perimeter.IIsContaining(doorInDwelling.Bottom(distanceTolerance, angleTolerance).IControlPoints())).FirstOrDefault();
            List <Panel> panelsInSpace = panels.Where(x => x.ConnectedSpaces.Contains(space.Name)).ToList();
            if (!doorInDwelling.Polyline().NormalAwayFromSpace(panelsInSpace))
                doorInDwelling.Edges = doorInDwelling.Polyline().Flip().ToEdges(); //Make sure the normal of the door is pointing away from its containing space
            int orientation = System.Convert.ToInt32(doorInDwelling.Orientation(0, true).Value.ToDegree());
            sapExport.OrientationDegrees = orientation;
            sapExport.Orientation        = OrientationText.ToOrientationText(orientation);

            Polyline     baseCurve        = baseCurves.Where(y => y.ICurveIntersections(dwellingPerimeter).Count > 0).FirstOrDefault();
            List <Panel> panelsInDwelling = new List <Panel>();
            foreach (Space s in spacesInDwelling)
                panelsInDwelling.AddRange(panels.Where(x => x.ConnectedSpaces.Contains(s.Name)).ToList());

            List <Panel> wallPanels = panelsInDwelling.Where(x => (x.Type == PanelType.Wall || x.Type == PanelType.WallExternal || x.Type == PanelType.WallInternal) && x.Bottom().IControlPoints().Where(y => (y.IIsOnCurve(dwellingPerimeter))).Count() == x.Bottom().IControlPoints().Count()).ToList();

            List <Panel> exteriorWalls = wallPanels.Where(y => y.Bottom().IControlPoints().Where(z => (z.IIsOnCurve(baseCurve))).Count() == y.Bottom().IControlPoints().Count()).ToList();

            List <int> orientations = wallPanels.Select(x =>
                int orientationX = System.Convert.ToInt32(x.Orientation(0, true).Value.ToDegree());
                if (orientationX == 360)
                    orientationX = 0;

            List <int> wallOrientations = exteriorWalls.Select(x =>
                int wallOrientation = System.Convert.ToInt32(x.Orientation(0, true).Value.ToDegree());
                if (wallOrientation == 360)
                    wallOrientation = 0;

            sapExport.ShelteredSides = orientations.Count - wallOrientations.Count;

            List <BH.oM.Environment.Elements.Opening> openings = panelsInDwelling.SelectMany(x => x.Openings).ToList();
            List <int> openingOrientations = openings.Select(x => System.Convert.ToInt32(x.Orientation(0, true).Value.ToDegree())).Distinct().ToList();

            string crossVent = "False"; //Default position is that there is no cross ventilation
            if (openingOrientations.Count > 1)
                for (int i = 0; i < openingOrientations.Count; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < openingOrientations.Count; j++)
                        if (openingOrientations[j] <= 180 && openingOrientations[i] == 360)
                            openingOrientations[i] = 0;

                        if (openingOrientations[j] == 360 && openingOrientations[i] <= 180)
                            openingOrientations[j] = 0;

                        int dif = Math.Abs(openingOrientations[i] - openingOrientations[j]);
                        if (dif <= 180 + crossVentTolerance && dif >= 180 - crossVentTolerance)
                            crossVent = "True";

            sapExport.CrossVentilation = crossVent;

            double roomArea = spacesInDwelling.Select(y => y.Perimeter.IArea()).Sum();
            //Check if the sum of the space areas is equal to the dwelling area
            if (roomArea > dwellingPerimeter.IArea() + distanceTolerance || roomArea < dwellingPerimeter.IArea() - distanceTolerance)
                BH.Engine.Base.Compute.RecordError($"The sum of internal space areas is not equal to the total dwelling area for dwelling {dwelling.Name}.");

            sapExport.TotalArea = dwellingPerimeter.IArea();
            List <string> spacesToAdd         = new List <string>(); //To prevent adding the same space twice
            List <Space>  spacesToInvestigate = spacesInDwelling.Where(x => x.SpaceType == SpaceType.Lounge).ToList();

            while (spacesToInvestigate.Count > 0)
                Space current = spacesToInvestigate[0];

                List <string> spacesConnectedByAir = panels.Where(x => x.ConnectedSpaces.Contains(current.Name) && x.Type == PanelType.Air).SelectMany(x => x.ConnectedSpaces).Where(x => x != current.Name && !spacesToAdd.Contains(x)).Distinct().ToList();
                spacesToInvestigate.AddRange(spacesInDwelling.Where(x => spacesConnectedByAir.Contains(x.Name)));

            spacesToAdd = spacesToAdd.Distinct().ToList();
            spacesToAdd.ForEach(x => sapExport.LivingArea += spacesInDwelling.Where(a => a.Name == x).First().Perimeter.IArea());
            sapExport.CoolingArea = spacesInDwelling.Where(y => y.SpaceType == SpaceType.Kitchen || y.SpaceType == SpaceType.Lounge || y.SpaceType == SpaceType.Bedroom).Select(y => y.Perimeter.IArea()).Sum();

            #region Calculate the external floor and roof area

            Level dwellingLevel = dwelling.RegionLevel(levels, distanceTolerance, angleTolerance);

            if (dwellingPerimeter.IsOnLevel(levels.First(), distanceTolerance))
                foreach (Space s in spacesInDwelling)
                //Pull the space down to the level below, if the base curve of the level below does not contain the space then it is an overhang and counts towards external floor area
                Level           levelBelow      = levels[levels.IndexOf(dwellingLevel) - 1];
                List <Polyline> baseCurvesBelow = baseCurves.Where(y => y.IsOnLevel(levelBelow)).ToList();

                foreach (Space room in spacesInDwelling)
                    Polyline roomClone = room.Perimeter.ICollapseToPolyline(angleTolerance).DeepClone();
                    roomClone.ControlPoints = roomClone.IControlPoints().Select(y => new Point {
                        X = y.X, Y = y.Y, Z = levelBelow.Elevation
                    }).ToList();                                                                                                                         //Pull the space down to the level below
                    List <Polyline> externalCurves = roomClone.BooleanDifference(baseCurvesBelow);
                    foreach (Polyline ln in externalCurves)
                        double value = 0;
                        if (ln != null)
                            double area = ln.Area();
                            if (area > 0)
                                value = area;

                        sapExport.PartyFloor.Add(roomClone.Area() - value);

                    if (externalCurves.Count == 0)

            Level        levelAbove         = null;
            List <Panel> shadesOnLevelAbove = new List <Panel>();
            if (dwellingPerimeter.IsOnLevel(levels.Last(), distanceTolerance))
                foreach (Space s in spacesInDwelling)
                //Do the same as above, but for the roof
                levelAbove = levels[levels.IndexOf(dwellingLevel) + 1];
                List <Polyline> baseCurvesAbove = baseCurves.Where(y => y.IsOnLevel(levelAbove)).ToList();

                foreach (Space room in spacesInDwelling)
                    Polyline roomClone = room.Perimeter.ICollapseToPolyline(angleTolerance).DeepClone();
                    roomClone.ControlPoints = roomClone.IControlPoints().Select(y => new Point {
                        X = y.X, Y = y.Y, Z = levelAbove.Elevation
                    }).ToList();                                                                                                                         //Pull the space down to the level below
                    List <Polyline> externalCurves = roomClone.BooleanDifference(baseCurvesAbove);
                    foreach (Polyline ln in externalCurves)
                        double value = 0;
                        if (ln != null)
                            double area = ln.Area();
                            if (area > 0)
                                value = area;

                        sapExport.PartyRoof.Add(roomClone.Area() - value);

                    if (externalCurves.Count == 0)

                shadesOnLevelAbove = balconies.Where(x => x.Polyline().IsOnLevel(levelAbove, distanceTolerance)).ToList();

            if (ceilingHeight + ceilingVoidHeight != externalWallHeight)
                BH.Engine.Base.Compute.RecordError("The sum of ceilingHeight and ceilingVoidHeight is not equal to the external wall height");

            sapExport.CeilingHeight      = ceilingHeight;
            sapExport.CeilingVoidHeight  = ceilingVoidHeight;
            sapExport.ExternalWallHeight = externalWallHeight;
            sapExport.ExternalWallLength = exteriorWalls.Select(x => x.Bottom().ILength()).Sum();

            List <bool>   wideOverhang     = new List <bool>();
            List <double> overhangRatio    = new List <double>();
            List <double> width            = new List <double>();
            List <double> height           = new List <double>();
            List <string> orientationTexts = new List <string>();

            for (int x = 0; x < openings.Count; x++)
                BH.oM.Environment.Elements.Opening o = openings[x];

                orientationTexts.Add(OrientationText.ToOrientationText(o.Orientation(0, true).Value.ToDegree()));

                if (levelAbove != null)
                    Point centre = o.Polyline().Centroid();
                    centre.Z = levelAbove.Elevation;
                    //Find a shade which intersects this opening
                    Panel shade = shadesOnLevelAbove.Where(y => y.IsContaining(centre, true)).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (shade != null)
                        List <Polyline> shadeParts = shade.Polyline().SplitAtPoints(shade.Polyline().IControlPoints());
                        List <double>   lengths    = shadeParts.Select(y => Math.Round(y.Length(), 3)).Distinct().ToList();

                        if (lengths.Max() > o.Width())
                            wideOverhang[wideOverhang.Count - 1] = true;

                        overhangRatio[overhangRatio.Count - 1] = (lengths.Min() / o.Height());

            sapExport.WindowLength      = width;
            sapExport.WindowHeight      = height;
            sapExport.WindowOrientation = orientationTexts;
            sapExport.WideOverhang      = wideOverhang;
            sapExport.OverhangRatio     = overhangRatio;

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static BHX.Opening ToGBXML(this BHE.Opening opening, BHE.Panel hostPanel, GBXMLSettings settings)
            BHX.Opening gbOpening = new BHX.Opening();

            BHG.Polyline pLine = opening.Polyline();

            gbOpening.Name = opening.Name;
            gbOpening.ID   = "opening" + opening.BHoM_Guid.ToString().Replace("-", "").Substring(0, 5);
            gbOpening.PlanarGeometry.PolyLoop            = pLine.ToGBXML(settings);
            gbOpening.PlanarGeometry.ID                  = "openingPGeom-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "").Substring(0, 5);
            gbOpening.RectangularGeometry.CartesianPoint = BH.Engine.Geometry.Query.Centroid(pLine).ToGBXML(settings);
            gbOpening.RectangularGeometry.Height         = Math.Round(opening.Height(), settings.RoundingSettings.GeometryHeight);
            //TODO: temporary solution to get valid file to be replaced with correct height
            if (opening.Height() == 0)
                gbOpening.RectangularGeometry.Height = 0.1;
            gbOpening.RectangularGeometry.Width = Math.Round(opening.Width(), settings.RoundingSettings.GeometryWidth);
            gbOpening.RectangularGeometry.ID    = "rGeomOpening-" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString().Replace("-", "").Substring(0, 5);

            pLine = pLine.CleanPolyline(minimumSegmentLength: settings.DistanceTolerance);
            double openingArea = pLine.Area();
            double panelArea   = hostPanel.Polyline().Area();

            if (openingArea >= panelArea)
                pLine = BH.Engine.Geometry.Modify.Offset(pLine, settings.OffsetDistance);

                if (pLine == null)
                    pLine = opening.Polyline(); //Reset the polyline if something went wrong with the offset
                gbOpening.PlanarGeometry.PolyLoop = pLine.ToGBXML(settings);

            //Normals away from space
            //if (!BH.Engine.Environment.Query.NormalAwayFromSpace(pLine, hostSpace, settings.PlanarTolerance))
            //gbOpening.PlanarGeometry.PolyLoop = pLine.Flip().ToGBXML();

            gbOpening.CADObjectID = opening.CADObjectID();
            gbOpening.OpeningType = opening.Type.ToGBXML();

            BHP.OriginContextFragment contextProperties = opening.FindFragment <BHP.OriginContextFragment>(typeof(BHP.OriginContextFragment));
            string elementID  = "";
            string familyName = "";

            if (contextProperties != null)
                elementID  = contextProperties.ElementID;
                familyName = contextProperties.TypeName;

            if (gbOpening.OpeningType.ToLower() == "fixedwindow" && contextProperties != null && contextProperties.TypeName.ToLower().Contains("skylight"))
                gbOpening.OpeningType = "FixedSkylight";

            if (familyName == "System Panel") //No SAM_BuildingElementType for this one atm
                gbOpening.OpeningType = "FixedWindow";

            if (settings.ReplaceSolidOpeningsIntoDoors && gbOpening.OpeningType.Contains("Window") && (opening.OpeningConstruction != null && opening.OpeningConstruction.Name.Contains("SLD"))) //Change windows with SLD construction into doors for IES
                gbOpening.OpeningType = "NonSlidingDoor";

            if (settings.IncludeConstructions)
                gbOpening.WindowTypeIDRef = "window-" + (contextProperties != null ? contextProperties.TypeName.CleanName() : (opening.OpeningConstruction != null ? opening.OpeningConstruction.Name.CleanName() : ""));
                gbOpening.WindowTypeIDRef = null;

            gbOpening.ConstructionIDRef = null; //ToDo review having this property on an opening?
