Exemplo n.º 1
        protected void gvMatch_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e)
                if (e.CommandName == "ReturnBet")
                    var guid = new Guid(e.CommandArgument.ToString());

                    var m = new Match(guid);

                    ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "success", "alert('投注退还成功');", true);

                else if (e.CommandName == "CalcBonus")
                    var guid = new Guid(e.CommandArgument.ToString());

                    var m = new Match(guid);

                    ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "success", "alert('奖金发放成功');", true);

            catch (Exception ex)
                ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "failed", $"alert('{ex.Message}');", true);
Exemplo n.º 2
        protected void rptMatchEarning_ItemDataBound(object sender, RepeaterItemEventArgs e)
            if ((e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item) || (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem))
                var drv = e.Item.DataItem as DataRowView;

                if (drv != null)
                    var m = new Match((Guid) drv["MatchGuid"]);

                    var ltrlMatchInfo = e.Item.FindControl("ltrlMatchInfo") as Literal;

                    if (ltrlMatchInfo != null && m != null)
                        var tHome = Team.Cache.Load(m.Home);
                        var tAway = Team.Cache.Load(m.Away);

                        var strMatchInfo =
                            "<li class=\"IconTop{0}\"><a href=\"CasinoBetLog.aspx?Match={1}\" title=\"{2} {3}\">{4} <em>vs</em> {5}</a><em title=\"比赛盈余\"  class=\"CasinoSys_TopRankEM\">{6}</em></li>";

                        ltrlMatchInfo.Text = string.Format(strMatchInfo, drv["Rank"], m.MatchGuid, m.LeagueName,
                            m.PlayTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"), tHome.TeamDisplayName, tAway.TeamDisplayName,
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var t = Team.Cache.Load(TeamGuid);

            if (t != null)
                var dt = CasinoItem.GetEndViewByTeam(t.ID);
                var wonCount = 0;
                var drawCount = 0;
                var lostCount = 0;

                if (dt != null)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                        var m = new Match((Guid) dr["MatchGuid"]);
                        if (t.ID == m.Home)
                            if (m.ResultHome > m.ResultAway)
                            else if (m.ResultHome < m.ResultAway)
                        else if (t.ID == m.Away)
                            if (m.ResultHome < m.ResultAway)
                            else if (m.ResultHome > m.ResultAway)
                    var matchCount = wonCount + lostCount + drawCount;

                    ltrlMatchCount.Text = "<em>" + matchCount + "</em>";
                    ltrlWonCount.Text = "<em>" + wonCount + "</em>";
                    ltrlDrawCount.Text = "<em>" + drawCount + "</em>";
                    ltrlLostCount.Text = "<em>" + lostCount + "</em>";
                    pnlHistoryResult.Visible = false;

                ltrlTeamDisplayName.Text = $"<em>{t.TeamDisplayName}({t.TeamEnglishName})</em>";
                ltrlTeamLogo.Text = string.Format("<img src=\"{0}\" alt=\"{1}\" title=\"{1}\" />", t.TeamLogo,
                ltrlTeamCoach.Text = "<em>" + t.Manager + "</em>";
                ltrlGround.Text = "<em>" + t.Ground + "</em>";
                ltrlCapacity.Text = "<em>" + t.Capacity + "</em>";
Exemplo n.º 4
        protected void btnSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var m = new Match
                    MatchGuid = Guid.NewGuid(),
                    Home = new Guid(ddlHomeTeam.SelectedValue),
                    Away = new Guid(ddlAwayTeam.SelectedValue),
                    PlayTime = Convert.ToDateTime(tbPlayTime.Text),
                    LeagueGuid = new Guid(ddlLeague.SelectedValue)

                var l = League.Cache.Load(m.LeagueGuid);
                m.LeagueName = l.LeagueNameInfo;

                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbRound.Text))
                    m.Round = Convert.ToInt16(tbRound.Text);
                    m.Round = null;

                if (ddlLeagueGroup.SelectedValue != Guid.Empty.ToString())
                    m.GroupGuid = new Guid(ddlLeagueGroup.SelectedValue);
                    m.GroupGuid = null;

                //var winRate = Convert.ToSingle(tbWinRate.Text);
                //var drawRate = Convert.ToSingle(tbDrawRate.Text);
                //var loseRate = Convert.ToSingle(tbLoseRate.Text);

                m.Insert(userid, username, Convert.ToSingle(tbWinRate.Text), Convert.ToSingle(tbDrawRate.Text),

                ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof (string), "save", "alert('比赛添加成功');", true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof (string), "failed", $"alert('{ex.Message}');", true);
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected void gvBetLog_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                var drv = e.Row.DataItem as DataRowView;

                if (drv != null)
                    var m = new Match((Guid) drv["MatchGuid"]);

                    var hlHome = e.Row.FindControl("hlHome") as HyperLink;
                    var hlAway = e.Row.FindControl("hlAway") as HyperLink;
                    var hlVersus = e.Row.FindControl("hlVersus") as HyperLink;

                    if (hlHome != null && hlAway != null && hlVersus != null)
                        var tHome = Team.Cache.Load(m.Home);
                        var tAway = Team.Cache.Load(m.Away);

                        hlHome.Text = tHome.TeamDisplayName;
                        hlHome.NavigateUrl = $"CasinoTeam.aspx?Team={m.Home}";

                        hlAway.Text = tAway.TeamDisplayName;
                        hlAway.NavigateUrl = $"CasinoTeam.aspx?Team={m.Away}";

                        hlVersus.NavigateUrl = $"CasinoTeam.aspx?Match={m.MatchGuid}";
                        hlVersus.Text =
                            $"<em title=\"{tHome.Ground}{(tHome.Capacity.HasValue ? ("(" + tHome.Capacity.Value + ")") : string.Empty)}\">vs</em>";

                var ltrlResult = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlResult") as Literal;
                var ltrlBetResult = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlBetResult") as Literal;
                var ltrlBetRate = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlBetRate") as Literal;
                var btnReturnBet = e.Row.FindControl("btnReturnBet") as LinkButton;

                if (drv != null && ltrlResult != null && ltrlBetResult != null && ltrlBetRate != null &&
                    btnReturnBet != null)
                    var itemGuid = (Guid) drv["CasinoItemGuid"];

                    var item = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItem(itemGuid);
                    var dt = BetDetail.GetBetDetailByBetId((int) drv["ID"]);

                    if (dt != null)
                        var dr = dt.Rows[0];

                        switch (item.ItemType)
                            case CasinoType.SingleChoice:
                                if (dr["DetailName"].ToString() == MatchChoiceOption.HomeWinValue)
                                    ltrlResult.Text = "主队胜";
                                else if (dr["DetailName"].ToString() == MatchChoiceOption.DrawValue)
                                    ltrlResult.Text = "双方平";
                                else if (dr["DetailName"].ToString() == MatchChoiceOption.AwayWinValue)
                                    ltrlResult.Text = "客队胜";

                            case CasinoType.MatchResult:
                                var betDetail = new MatchResultBetDetail(dt);
                                ltrlResult.Text = $"{betDetail.Home}:{betDetail.Away}";


                    if (!Convert.IsDBNull(drv["IsWin"]))
                        ltrlBetResult.Visible = true;
                        btnReturnBet.Visible = false;
                        if (Convert.ToBoolean(drv["IsWin"]))
                            if (item.ItemType == CasinoType.SingleChoice)
                                ltrlBetResult.Text = "<span class=\"CasinoSys_True\" title=\"猜对输赢\"></span>";
                            else if (item.ItemType == CasinoType.MatchResult)
                                ltrlBetResult.Text = "<span class=\"CasinoSys_Good\" title=\"猜对比分\"></span>";

                            e.Row.CssClass = "RowCasinoSys_True";
                            ltrlBetResult.Text = "<span class=\"CasinoSys_False\" title=\"失败\"></span>";
                    else if (Convert.IsDBNull(drv["IsWin"]) && (CurrentUserId == userid) &&
                             (item.CloseTime > DateTime.Now))
                        btnReturnBet.Visible = true;
                        btnReturnBet.CommandArgument = drv["ID"].ToString();
                        ltrlBetResult.Visible = false;
                        btnReturnBet.Visible = false;

                if (drv != null && ltrlBetRate != null)
                    ltrlBetRate.Text = Convert.IsDBNull(drv["BetRate"]) ? "/" : Convert.ToSingle(drv["BetRate"]).ToString("f2");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void UpdateGroupTeamByGroupMatch(Guid groupGuid, Guid teamGuid, DataTable dtGroupMatch)
            var gt = new GroupTeam();
            gt.GroupGuid = groupGuid;
            gt.TeamGuid = teamGuid;
            gt.PositionNo = 0;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dtGroupMatch.Rows)
                var match = new Match((Guid) dr["MatchGuid"]);

                if (match != null)
                    if (match.Home == gt.TeamGuid)

                        if (match.ResultHome > match.ResultAway)
                            gt.HomePoints += 3;
                        else if (match.ResultHome == match.ResultAway)
                            gt.HomePoints += 1;

                        gt.HomeGoalFor += match.ResultHome;
                        gt.HomeGoalAgainst += match.ResultAway;
                    else if (match.Away == gt.TeamGuid)

                        if (match.ResultAway > match.ResultHome)
                            gt.AwayPoints += 3;
                        else if (match.ResultAway == match.ResultHome)
                            gt.AwayPoints += 1;

                        gt.AwayGoalFor += match.ResultAway;
                        gt.AwayGoalAgainst += match.ResultHome;

            gt.HomeGoalDiff = Convert.ToInt16(gt.HomeGoalFor - gt.HomeGoalAgainst);
            gt.AwayGoalDiff = Convert.ToInt16(gt.AwayGoalFor - gt.AwayGoalAgainst);
            gt.TotalPoints = Convert.ToInt16(gt.HomePoints + gt.AwayPoints);

Exemplo n.º 7
        protected void gvMatch_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                var drv = e.Row.DataItem as DataRowView;

                if (drv != null)
                    var m = new Match((Guid)drv["MatchGuid"]);

                    var ltrlLeagueInfo = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlLeagueInfo") as Literal;

                    if (ltrlLeagueInfo != null)
                        var strLeague =
                            "<a href=\"CasinoGame.aspx?League={0}\" title=\"{1}\"><img src=\"{2}\" alt=\"{1}\" class=\"CasinoSys_CategoryImg\" /></a>";

                        var strLeagueName = $"{m.LeagueName}{(m.Round.HasValue ? $" 第{m.Round}轮" : string.Empty)}";

                        ltrlLeagueInfo.Text = string.Format(strLeague, m.LeagueGuid, strLeagueName,

                    var lblHome = e.Row.FindControl("lblHome") as Label;
                    var lblAway = e.Row.FindControl("lblAway") as Label;
                    var hlVersus = e.Row.FindControl("hlVersus") as HyperLink;

                    if (lblHome != null && lblAway != null && hlVersus != null)
                        var tHome = Team.Cache.Load(m.Home);
                        var tAway = Team.Cache.Load(m.Away);

                        var strTeamName =
                            "<a class=\"StrongLink\" href=\"CasinoTeam.aspx?Team={0}\"  title=\"{1}\">{2}</a> ";
                        var strTeamLogo = "<img src=\"{3}\" alt=\"{1}\" /> ";

                        lblHome.Text = string.Format(strTeamName + strTeamLogo,
                            tHome.ID, tHome.TeamEnglishName, tHome.TeamDisplayName, tHome.TeamLogo);
                        lblAway.Text = string.Format(strTeamLogo + strTeamName,
                            tAway.ID, tAway.TeamEnglishName, tAway.TeamDisplayName, tAway.TeamLogo);

                        hlVersus.NavigateUrl = $"CasinoTeam.aspx?Match={m.MatchGuid}";
                        hlVersus.Text =
                            $"<em title=\"{tHome.Ground}{(tHome.Capacity.HasValue ? ("(" + tHome.Capacity.Value + ")") : string.Empty)}\">vs</em>";

                    var guid = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItemGuidByMatch(m.MatchGuid, CasinoType.SingleChoice);

                    if (guid.HasValue)
                        var item = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItem(guid.Value);

                        if (item != null)
                            var options = ((SingleChoice)item).Options;

                            var winOption = options.Find(option => option.OptionValue == MatchChoiceOption.HomeWinValue);
                            var drawOption = options.Find(option => option.OptionValue == MatchChoiceOption.DrawValue);
                            var loseOption = options.Find(option => option.OptionValue == MatchChoiceOption.AwayWinValue);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(winOption.OptionValue) &&
                                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(drawOption.OptionValue) &&
                                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(loseOption.OptionValue) &&
                                winOption.OptionRate.HasValue &&
                                drawOption.OptionRate.HasValue &&
                                var ltrlWinRate = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlWinRate") as Literal;
                                var ltrlDrawRate = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlDrawRate") as Literal;
                                var ltrlLoseRate = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlLoseRate") as Literal;

                                if (ltrlWinRate != null)
                                    ltrlWinRate.Text = Convert.ToSingle(winOption.OptionRate.Value).ToString("f2");
                                if (ltrlDrawRate != null)
                                    ltrlDrawRate.Text = Convert.ToSingle(drawOption.OptionRate.Value).ToString("f2");
                                if (ltrlLoseRate != null)
                                    ltrlLoseRate.Text = Convert.ToSingle(loseOption.OptionRate.Value).ToString("f2");

                    //bet for match result

                    guid = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItemGuidByMatch(m.MatchGuid, CasinoType.MatchResult);

                    if (guid.HasValue)
                        var item = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItem(guid.Value);

                        if (item?.ItemGuid != null)
                            var bets = Bet.GetUserCasinoItemAllBet(userid, item.ItemGuid.Value);

                            if (bets.Count != 0)
                                var betDetail = new MatchResultBetDetail(BetDetail.GetBetDetailByBetId(bets[0].ID));

                                var tbHomeScore = e.Row.FindControl("tbHomeScore") as TextBox;
                                var tbAwayScore = e.Row.FindControl("tbAwayScore") as TextBox;

                                if (tbHomeScore != null)
                                    tbHomeScore.Text = betDetail.Home.ToString();
                                    tbHomeScore.ReadOnly = true;
                                    tbHomeScore.Style.Add("border", "none");
                                    tbHomeScore.Style.Add("font-weight", "bold");
                                    tbHomeScore.Style.Add("background", "none");
                                    tbHomeScore.Style.Add("color", "#aa0000");

                                if (tbAwayScore != null)
                                    tbAwayScore.Text = betDetail.Away.ToString();
                                    tbAwayScore.ReadOnly = true;
                                    tbAwayScore.Style.Add("border", "none");
                                    tbAwayScore.Style.Add("font-weight", "bold");
                                    tbAwayScore.Style.Add("background", "none");
                                    tbAwayScore.Style.Add("color", "#aa0000");
                                _itemAvailable = true;
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected void gvBet_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                var bet = e.Row.DataItem as Bet;

                var ltrlHome = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlHome") as Literal;
                var ltrlAway = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlAway") as Literal;
                var btnReturnBet = e.Row.FindControl("btnReturnBet") as LinkButton;

                if (bet != null)
                    var item = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItem(bet.CasinoItemGuid);

                    if (item.MatchGuid != null)
                        var m = new Match(item.MatchGuid.Value);
                            var homeT = Team.Cache.Load(m.Home);
                            var awayT = Team.Cache.Load(m.Away);

                            if (ltrlHome != null) ltrlHome.Text = homeT.TeamDisplayName;
                            if (ltrlAway != null) ltrlAway.Text = awayT.TeamDisplayName;

                    var ltrlResult = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlResult") as Literal;
                    var dt = BetDetail.GetBetDetailByBetId(bet.ID);

                    if (dt != null && ltrlResult != null)
                        var dr = dt.Rows[0];

                        switch (item.ItemType)
                            case CasinoType.SingleChoice:
                                if (dr["DetailName"].ToString() == MatchChoiceOption.HomeWinValue)
                                    ltrlResult.Text = "主队胜";
                                else if (dr["DetailName"].ToString() == MatchChoiceOption.DrawValue)
                                    ltrlResult.Text = "双方平";
                                else if (dr["DetailName"].ToString() == MatchChoiceOption.AwayWinValue)
                                    ltrlResult.Text = "客队胜";

                            case CasinoType.MatchResult:
                                var betDetail = new MatchResultBetDetail(dt);
                                ltrlResult.Text = $"{betDetail.Home}:{betDetail.Away}";

                var ltrlBetRate = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlBetRate") as Literal;

                if (bet != null)
                    if (ltrlBetRate != null)
                        ltrlBetRate.Text = bet.BetRate.HasValue ? Convert.ToSingle(bet.BetRate).ToString("f2") : "/";

                    if (btnReturnBet != null)
                        btnReturnBet.Visible = true;
                        btnReturnBet.CommandArgument = bet.ID.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            #region Assign Control Property

            ctrlLeftPanel.UserId = userid;
            ctrlLeftPanel.UserName = username;

            ctrlFieldTooBar.UserId = userid;

            ctrlMenuTabBar.CurrentMenu = CasinoMenuType.CasinoPortal;

            ctrlCasinoHeader.UserId = userid;
            ctrlCasinoHeader.MatchGuid = CurrentMatch;
            ctrlCasinoHeader.IsHistoryView = true;


            var match = new Match(CurrentMatch);

            // ReSharper disable once ConditionIsAlwaysTrueOrFalse
            if (match != null)
                var dtPlay = match.PlayTime;

                if (DateTime.Now >= dtPlay)
                    phBet.Visible = false;
                    pnlClose.Visible = true;
                    phBet.Visible = true;
                    pnlClose.Visible = false;

                var guid = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItemGuidByMatch(CurrentMatch, CasinoType.SingleChoice);

                if (!IsPostBack)
                    #region 设置其他可投注比赛的下拉框

                    var dtMatch = CasinoItem.GetMatchCasinoItemView(true);

                    if (dtMatch != null)
                        dtMatch.Columns.Add("MatchTeamDisplay", typeof(string));

                        foreach (DataRow drM in dtMatch.Rows)
                            var m = new Match((Guid)drM["MatchGuid"]);

                            drM["MatchTeamDisplay"] =
                                $"{Team.Cache.Load(m.Home).TeamDisplayName} vs {Team.Cache.Load(m.Away).TeamDisplayName}";

                    ddlCasinoGame.DataSource = dtMatch;
                    ddlCasinoGame.DataTextField = "MatchTeamDisplay";
                    ddlCasinoGame.DataValueField = "MatchGuid";

                    ddlCasinoGame.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("--选择其他比赛场次--", Guid.Empty.ToString()));


                    if (guid.HasValue)
                        var item = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItem(guid.Value);

                        if (item != null)
                            var options = ((SingleChoice)item).Options;

                            var winOption = options.Find(option => option.OptionValue == MatchChoiceOption.HomeWinValue);
                            var drawOption = options.Find(option => option.OptionValue == MatchChoiceOption.DrawValue);
                            var loseOption = options.Find(option => option.OptionValue == MatchChoiceOption.AwayWinValue);

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(winOption.OptionValue) ||
                                string.IsNullOrEmpty(drawOption.OptionValue) ||
                                throw new Exception();

                            var liWin = rblSingleChoice.Items[0];
                            liWin.Text = $"<em>主队胜({Convert.ToSingle(winOption.OptionRate).ToString("f2")})</em>";
                            liWin.Value = MatchChoiceOption.HomeWinValue;

                            var liDraw = rblSingleChoice.Items[1];
                            liDraw.Text = $"<em>双方平({Convert.ToSingle(drawOption.OptionRate).ToString("f2")})</em>";
                            liDraw.Value = MatchChoiceOption.DrawValue;

                            var liLose = rblSingleChoice.Items[2];
                            liLose.Text = $"<em>客队胜({Convert.ToSingle(loseOption.OptionRate).ToString("f2")})</em>";
                            liLose.Value = MatchChoiceOption.AwayWinValue;

Exemplo n.º 10
        protected void gvMatch_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                var drv = e.Row.DataItem as DataRowView;

                if (drv != null)
                    var m = new Match((Guid) drv["MatchGuid"]);

                    var ltrlLeagueInfo = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlLeagueInfo") as Literal;

                    if (ltrlLeagueInfo != null)
                        var strLeague =
                            "<a href=\"CasinoGame.aspx?League={0}\" title=\"{1}\"><img src=\"{2}\" alt=\"{1}\" class=\"CasinoSys_CategoryImg\" /></a>";

                        var strLeagueName = $"{m.LeagueName}{(m.Round.HasValue ? $" 第{m.Round}轮" : string.Empty)}";

                        ltrlLeagueInfo.Text = string.Format(strLeague, m.LeagueGuid, strLeagueName,

                    var lblHome = e.Row.FindControl("lblHome") as Label;
                    var lblAway = e.Row.FindControl("lblAway") as Label;
                    var hlVersus = e.Row.FindControl("hlVersus") as HyperLink;
                    var ltrlResult = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlResult") as Literal;

                    if (lblHome != null && lblAway != null && hlVersus != null)
                        var tHome = Team.Cache.Load(m.Home);
                        var tAway = Team.Cache.Load(m.Away);

                        var strTeamName =
                            "<a class=\"StrongLink\" href=\"CasinoTeam.aspx?Team={0}\"  title=\"{1}\">{2}</a> ";
                        var strTeamLogo = "<img src=\"{3}\" alt=\"{1}\" /> ";

                        lblHome.Text = string.Format(strTeamName + strTeamLogo,
                            tHome.ID, tHome.TeamEnglishName, tHome.TeamDisplayName, tHome.TeamLogo);
                        lblAway.Text = string.Format(strTeamLogo + strTeamName,
                            tAway.ID, tAway.TeamEnglishName, tAway.TeamDisplayName, tAway.TeamLogo);

                        hlVersus.NavigateUrl = $"CasinoTeam.aspx?Match={m.MatchGuid}";
                        hlVersus.Text =
                            $"<em title=\"{tHome.Ground}{(tHome.Capacity.HasValue ? ("(" + tHome.Capacity.Value + ")") : string.Empty)}\">vs</em>";

                    if (ltrlResult != null && m.ResultHome.HasValue && m.ResultAway.HasValue)
                        ltrlResult.Text = $"{m.ResultHome.Value} : {m.ResultAway.Value}";

                    var ltrlTotalBetCount = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlTotalBetCount") as Literal;
                    var ltrlTotalBetCash = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlTotalBetCash") as Literal;
                    var ltrlTotalWin = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlTotalWin") as Literal;

                    var betList = Bet.GetMatchAllBet(m.MatchGuid);

                    if (ltrlTotalBetCount != null)
                        ltrlTotalBetCount.Text = betList.Count.ToString();

                    if (ltrlTotalBetCash != null)
                        float totalbetCash = 0;
                        betList.ForEach(delegate(Bet bet) { totalbetCash += bet.BetAmount.GetValueOrDefault(0f); });
                        ltrlTotalBetCash.Text = totalbetCash.ToString("N0");

                    if (ltrlTotalWin != null)
                        float totalWin = 0;
                            delegate(Bet bet)
                                totalWin += (bet.BetAmount.GetValueOrDefault(0f) - bet.Earning.GetValueOrDefault(0f));
                        ltrlTotalWin.Text = totalWin.ToString("N2");
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void BindData()
            List<Bet> betList;

            if (CurrentMatch == Guid.Empty)
                //display all based on time diff
                ddlTimeDiff.Visible = true;

                betList = Bet.GetAllBetByTimeDiff(TimeDiff);
                //display all match bet
                ddlTimeDiff.Visible = false;

                var m = new Match(CurrentMatch);

                var homeT = Team.Cache.Load(m.Home);
                var awayT = Team.Cache.Load(m.Away);
                _home = homeT.TeamDisplayName;
                _away = awayT.TeamDisplayName;

                betList = Bet.GetMatchAllBet(CurrentMatch);

            ltrlSingleChoiceCount.Text = betList.FindAll(bet => bet.BetAmount.HasValue).Count.ToString();
            ltrlMatchResultCount.Text = betList.FindAll(bet => !bet.BetAmount.HasValue).Count.ToString();

            float totalBetCount = 0;
            betList.ForEach(delegate (Bet bet) { totalBetCount += bet.BetAmount.GetValueOrDefault(0f); });
            ltrlTotalBetCount.Text = totalBetCount.ToString("N0");

            gvBet.DataSource = betList;

            if (CurrentMatch != Guid.Empty)
                gvBet.Columns[2].Visible = false;
                gvBet.Columns[3].Visible = false;
                gvBet.Columns[4].Visible = false;
                gvBet.Columns[2].Visible = true;
                gvBet.Columns[3].Visible = true;
                gvBet.Columns[4].Visible = true;
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected void gvMatch_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                //Match m = e.Row.DataItem as Match;
                var drv = e.Row.DataItem as DataRowView;

                if (drv != null)
                    var m = new Match((Guid)drv["MatchGuid"]);

                    var matchResult = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlMatchResult") as Literal;
                    var btnCalcBonus = e.Row.FindControl("btnCalcBonus") as LinkButton;
                    var btnReturnBet = e.Row.FindControl("btnReturnBet") as LinkButton;
                    var lblBonus = e.Row.FindControl("lblBonus") as Label;
                    var tbPlayTime = e.Row.FindControl("tbPlayTime") as TextBox;
                    var tbRound = e.Row.FindControl("tbRound") as TextBox;
                    var tbHome = e.Row.FindControl("tbHome") as TextBox;
                    var tbAway = e.Row.FindControl("tbAway") as TextBox;

                    if (tbPlayTime != null)
                        tbPlayTime.Text = m.PlayTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");

                    if (tbRound != null)
                        tbRound.Text = m.Round.ToString();

                    if (tbHome != null && tbAway != null && m.ResultHome.HasValue && m.ResultAway.HasValue)
                        tbHome.Text = m.ResultHome.ToString();
                        tbAway.Text = m.ResultAway.ToString();

                    if (btnCalcBonus != null && btnReturnBet != null && lblBonus != null)
                        if (matchResult != null && m.ResultHome.HasValue && m.ResultAway.HasValue)
                            matchResult.Text = $"{m.ResultHome}:{m.ResultAway}";

                            var matchGuid = m.MatchGuid;

                            var itemGuid = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItemGuidByMatch(matchGuid, CasinoType.SingleChoice);

                            if (itemGuid.HasValue)
                                var item = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItem(itemGuid.Value);

                                if (item.Earning.HasValue)
                                    //hide button calc bonus
                                    btnCalcBonus.Visible = false;
                                    btnReturnBet.Visible = false;
                                    lblBonus.Text = item.Earning.Value.ToString("N2");
                                    lblBonus.Visible = true;
                                    //show button calc bonus
                                    btnCalcBonus.Visible = true;
                                    btnReturnBet.Visible = false;
                                    lblBonus.Visible = false;

                                    //set button command argument
                                    btnCalcBonus.CommandArgument = m.MatchGuid.ToString();
                            var betList = Bet.GetMatchAllBet(m.MatchGuid);

                            var betCount = 0;
                            if (betList != null && betList.Count > 0)
                                betCount = betList.Count;

                            btnReturnBet.Text = $"退还:{betCount}注";
                            btnReturnBet.Visible = true;

                            btnCalcBonus.Visible = false;
                            lblBonus.Visible = false;

                            btnReturnBet.CommandArgument = m.MatchGuid.ToString();

                            if (betCount <= 0)
                                btnReturnBet.Enabled = false;
Exemplo n.º 13
        private void BindData()
            var dt = CasinoItem.GetMatchCasinoItemView(false);

            dt.Columns.Add("HomeDisplay", typeof(string));
            dt.Columns.Add("AwayDisplay", typeof(string));

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                var m = new Match((Guid)dr["MatchGuid"]);

                dr["HomeDisplay"] = Team.Cache.Load(m.Home).TeamDisplayName;
                dr["AwayDisplay"] = Team.Cache.Load(m.Away).TeamDisplayName;

            gvMatch.DataSource = dt;
Exemplo n.º 14
        protected void gvMatch_RowUpdating(object sender, GridViewUpdateEventArgs e)
            var tbHome = gvMatch.Rows[gvMatch.EditIndex].FindControl("tbHome") as TextBox;
            var tbAway = gvMatch.Rows[gvMatch.EditIndex].FindControl("tbAway") as TextBox;
            var tbPlayTime = gvMatch.Rows[gvMatch.EditIndex].FindControl("tbPlayTime") as TextBox;
            var tbRound = gvMatch.Rows[gvMatch.EditIndex].FindControl("tbRound") as TextBox;

            var key = gvMatch.DataKeys[gvMatch.EditIndex];

            if (tbHome != null && tbAway != null && tbPlayTime != null && tbRound != null && key != null)
                    var guid = (Guid)key.Value;

                    var m = new Match(guid);

                    short rHome;
                    short rAway;
                    if (short.TryParse(tbHome.Text, out rHome) && short.TryParse(tbAway.Text, out rAway))
                        m.ResultHome = rHome;
                        m.ResultAway = rAway;
                    else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbHome.Text) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbAway.Text))
                        m.ResultHome = null;
                        m.ResultAway = null;

                    m.PlayTime = Convert.ToDateTime(tbPlayTime.Text);

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbRound.Text))
                        m.Round = Convert.ToInt16(tbRound.Text);


                    var casinoItemGuid = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItemGuidByMatch(guid, CasinoType.MatchResult);

                    if (casinoItemGuid.HasValue && m.ResultHome.HasValue && m.ResultAway.HasValue)
                        Match.UpdateMatchResult(casinoItemGuid.Value, m.ResultHome.Value, m.ResultAway.Value);

                    if (casinoItemGuid.HasValue)
                        CasinoItem.UpdateCasinoItemCloseTime(guid, m.PlayTime);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "failed", $"alert('{ex.Message}');", true);

            gvMatch.EditIndex = -1;

Exemplo n.º 15
        protected void gvMatch_RowDeleting(object sender, GridViewDeleteEventArgs e)
            var key = gvMatch.DataKeys[e.RowIndex];

            if (key != null)
                    var m = new Match((Guid)key.Value);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "failed", $"alert('{ex.Message}');", true);

Exemplo n.º 16
        protected void btnSingleChoice_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                var guid = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItemGuidByMatch(CurrentMatch, CasinoType.SingleChoice);

                if (guid.HasValue)
                    if (CasinoItem.GetCasinoItem(guid.Value).CloseTime < DateTime.Now)
                        throw new Exception("已超出投注截止时间");

                    //Gambler in Lower could not bet above the SingleBetLimit of DefaultLeague (Contest)
                    var m = new Match(CurrentMatch);

                    if (m.LeagueGuid.Equals(ConfigGlobal.DefaultLeagueID))
                        if (Gambler.GetGamblerTotalBetByUserId(userid, m.LeagueGuid) < ConfigGlobal.TotalBetStandard)
                            var alreadyMatchBet = Bet.GetUserMatchTotalBet(userid, CurrentMatch);
                            float currentMatchBet;

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tbBet.Text.Trim()) &&
                                float.TryParse(tbBet.Text.Trim(), out currentMatchBet))
                                if (ConfigGlobal.SingleBetLimit > 0 && alreadyMatchBet + currentMatchBet > ConfigGlobal.SingleBetLimit)
                                    throw new Exception(

                    //get selected option
                    var item = (SingleChoice)CasinoItem.GetCasinoItem(guid.Value);
                    var seletedOption = item.Options.Find(option => option.OptionValue == rblSingleChoice.SelectedValue);

                    var bet = new Bet
                        BetAmount = Convert.ToSingle(tbBet.Text.Trim()),
                        BetRate = seletedOption.OptionRate,
                        CasinoItemGuid = guid.Value,
                        UserID = userid,
                        UserName = username


                    ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "succeed",
                        "alert('投注成功'); window.location.href = window.location.href;", true);
            catch (Exception ex)
                ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock(typeof(string), "failed", $"alert('{ex.Message}')", true);
Exemplo n.º 17
        protected void gvMatch_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                var drv = e.Row.DataItem as DataRowView;

                if (drv != null)
                    var m = new Match((Guid)drv["MatchGuid"]);

                    var ltrlLeagueInfo = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlLeagueInfo") as Literal;

                    if (ltrlLeagueInfo != null)
                        var strLeague =
                            "<a href=\"CasinoGame.aspx?League={0}\" title=\"{1}\"><img src=\"{2}\" alt=\"{1}\" class=\"CasinoSys_CategoryImg\" /></a>";

                        var strLeagueName = $"{m.LeagueName}{(m.Round.HasValue ? $" 第{m.Round}轮" : string.Empty)}";

                        ltrlLeagueInfo.Text = string.Format(strLeague, m.LeagueGuid, strLeagueName,

                    var lblHome = e.Row.FindControl("lblHome") as Label;
                    var lblAway = e.Row.FindControl("lblAway") as Label;
                    var hlVersus = e.Row.FindControl("hlVersus") as HyperLink;

                    if (lblHome != null && lblAway != null && hlVersus != null)
                        var tHome = Team.Cache.Load(m.Home);
                        var tAway = Team.Cache.Load(m.Away);

                        var strTeamName =
                            "<a class=\"StrongLink\" href=\"CasinoTeam.aspx?Team={0}\"  title=\"{1}\">{2}</a> ";
                        var strTeamLogo = "<img src=\"{3}\" alt=\"{1}\" /> ";

                        lblHome.Text = string.Format(strTeamName + strTeamLogo,
                            tHome.ID, tHome.TeamEnglishName, tHome.TeamDisplayName, tHome.TeamLogo);
                        lblAway.Text = string.Format(strTeamLogo + strTeamName,
                            tAway.ID, tAway.TeamEnglishName, tAway.TeamDisplayName, tAway.TeamLogo);

                        hlVersus.NavigateUrl = $"CasinoTeam.aspx?Match={m.MatchGuid}";
                        hlVersus.Text =
                            $"<em title=\"{tHome.Ground}{(tHome.Capacity.HasValue ? ("(" + tHome.Capacity.Value + ")") : string.Empty)}\">vs</em>";

                    var guid = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItemGuidByMatch(m.MatchGuid, CasinoType.SingleChoice);

                    if (guid.HasValue)
                        var item = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItem(guid.Value);

                        if (item != null)
                            var options = ((SingleChoice)item).Options;

                            var winOption = options.Find(option => option.OptionValue == MatchChoiceOption.HomeWinValue);
                            var drawOption = options.Find(option => option.OptionValue == MatchChoiceOption.DrawValue);
                            var loseOption = options.Find(option => option.OptionValue == MatchChoiceOption.AwayWinValue);

                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(winOption.OptionValue) &&
                                !string.IsNullOrEmpty(drawOption.OptionValue) &&
                                var ltrlWinRate = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlWinRate") as Literal;
                                var ltrlDrawRate = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlDrawRate") as Literal;
                                var ltrlLoseRate = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlLoseRate") as Literal;

                                if (ltrlWinRate != null && ltrlDrawRate != null && ltrlLoseRate != null &&
                                    winOption.OptionRate.HasValue && drawOption.OptionRate.HasValue && loseOption.OptionRate.HasValue)
                                    ltrlWinRate.Text =
                                        $"<em title=\"主队胜赔率\">{Convert.ToSingle(winOption.OptionRate.Value).ToString("f2")}</em>";
                                    ltrlDrawRate.Text =
                                        $"<em title=\"双方平赔率\">{Convert.ToSingle(drawOption.OptionRate.Value).ToString("f2")}</em>";
                                    ltrlLoseRate.Text =
                                        $"<em title=\"客队胜赔率\">{Convert.ToSingle(loseOption.OptionRate.Value).ToString("f2")}</em>";

                                    var lbWinInfo = e.Row.FindControl("lbWinInfo") as Label;
                                    var lbDrawInfo = e.Row.FindControl("lbDrawInfo") as Label;
                                    var lbLoseInfo = e.Row.FindControl("lbLoseInfo") as Label;

                                    if (lbWinInfo != null && lbDrawInfo != null && lbLoseInfo != null)
                                        lbWinInfo.Text =
                                            $"{ChoiceOption.GetOptionTotalCount(guid.Value, winOption.OptionValue)} | {ChoiceOption.GetOptionTotalBet(guid.Value, winOption.OptionValue).ToString("N0")}";
                                        lbDrawInfo.Text =
                                            $"{ChoiceOption.GetOptionTotalCount(guid.Value, drawOption.OptionValue)} | {ChoiceOption.GetOptionTotalBet(guid.Value, drawOption.OptionValue).ToString("N0")}";
                                        lbLoseInfo.Text =
                                            $"{ChoiceOption.GetOptionTotalCount(guid.Value, loseOption.OptionValue)} | {ChoiceOption.GetOptionTotalBet(guid.Value, loseOption.OptionValue).ToString("N0")}";

                                    var btnBet = e.Row.FindControl("btnBet") as HyperLink;

                                    if (btnBet != null)
                                        var betList = Bet.GetUserMatchAllBet(userid, m.MatchGuid);
                                        int betCount;

                                        if (betList != null && betList.Count > 0)
                                            betCount = betList.Count;
                                            betCount = 0;

                                        btnBet.Text =
                                            $"投注 <span class=\"CasinoSys_BetInfo\">{betCount} | {Bet.GetUserMatchTotalBet(userid, m.MatchGuid).ToString("N0")}</span>";
                                        btnBet.NavigateUrl = $"CasinoGameBet.aspx?Match={m.MatchGuid}";
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static int[] GetHistoryResultByMatch(Guid matchGuid)
            var match = new Match(matchGuid);
            var intArr = new int[4];
            var matchCount = 0;
            var wonCount = 0;
            var drawCount = 0;
            var loseCount = 0;

            var dt = DataAccess.CasinoItem.GetEndMatchViewByTeams(match.Home, match.Away);

            if (dt != null)
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    var historyMatch = new Match((Guid)dr["MatchGuid"]);

                    if (match.Home == historyMatch.Home && match.Away == historyMatch.Away)
                        if (historyMatch.ResultHome > historyMatch.ResultAway)
                        else if (historyMatch.ResultHome < historyMatch.ResultAway)
                    else if (match.Home == historyMatch.Away && match.Away == historyMatch.Home)
                        if (historyMatch.ResultHome < historyMatch.ResultAway)
                        else if (historyMatch.ResultHome > historyMatch.ResultAway)
                matchCount = wonCount + drawCount + loseCount;

            intArr[0] = matchCount;
            intArr[1] = wonCount;
            intArr[2] = drawCount;
            intArr[3] = loseCount;

            return intArr;
Exemplo n.º 19
        protected void gvBet_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                var bet = e.Row.DataItem as Bet;

                var ltrlHome = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlHome") as Literal;
                var ltrlAway = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlAway") as Literal;
                var ltrlVs = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlVS") as Literal;

                if (bet != null && ltrlHome != null && ltrlAway != null && ltrlVs != null)
                    var item = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItem(bet.CasinoItemGuid);

                    if (CurrentMatch != Guid.Empty)
                        ltrlHome.Text = _home;
                        ltrlAway.Text = _away;
                        if (item.MatchGuid != null)
                            var m = new Match(item.MatchGuid.Value);

                            var homeT = Team.Cache.Load(m.Home);
                            var awayT = Team.Cache.Load(m.Away);

                            ltrlHome.Text =
                                $"<a class=\"StrongLink\" href=\"CasinoTeam.aspx?Team={homeT.ID}\">{homeT.TeamDisplayName}</a>";
                            ltrlAway.Text =
                                $"<a class=\"StrongLink\" href=\"CasinoTeam.aspx?Team={awayT.ID}\">{awayT.TeamDisplayName}</a>";

                            ltrlVs.Text =
                                $"<a href=\"CasinoTeam.aspx?Match={m.MatchGuid}\"><em title=\"{homeT.Ground}({homeT.Capacity})\">vs</em></a>";

                    var ltrlResult = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlResult") as Literal;
                    var dt = BetDetail.GetBetDetailByBetId(bet.ID);

                    if (dt != null && ltrlResult != null)
                        var dr = dt.Rows[0];

                        switch (item.ItemType)
                            case CasinoType.SingleChoice:
                                if (dr["DetailName"].ToString() == MatchChoiceOption.HomeWinValue)
                                    ltrlResult.Text = "主队胜";
                                else if (dr["DetailName"].ToString() == MatchChoiceOption.DrawValue)
                                    ltrlResult.Text = "双方平";
                                else if (dr["DetailName"].ToString() == MatchChoiceOption.AwayWinValue)
                                    ltrlResult.Text = "客队胜";

                            case CasinoType.MatchResult:
                                var betDetail = new MatchResultBetDetail(dt);
                                ltrlResult.Text = $"{betDetail.Home}:{betDetail.Away}";

                    var ltrlBetResult = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlBetResult") as Literal;

                    if (ltrlBetResult != null)
                        if (!bet.IsWin.HasValue)
                            ltrlBetResult.Text = string.Empty;
                            if (bet.IsWin != null && bet.IsWin.Value)
                                if (item.ItemType == CasinoType.SingleChoice)
                                    ltrlBetResult.Text = "<span class=\"CasinoSys_True\" title=\"猜对输赢\"></span>";
                                else if (item.ItemType == CasinoType.MatchResult)
                                    ltrlBetResult.Text = "<span class=\"CasinoSys_Good\" title=\"猜对比分\"></span>";

                                e.Row.CssClass = "RowCasinoSys_True";
                                ltrlBetResult.Text = "<span class=\"CasinoSys_False\" title=\"失败\"></span>";

                    var ltrlBetRate = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlBetRate") as Literal;

                    if (ltrlBetRate != null)
                        ltrlBetRate.Text = bet.BetRate.HasValue ? Convert.ToSingle(bet.BetRate).ToString("f2") : "/";
Exemplo n.º 20
        public static DataTable GetHistoryViewByMatch(Guid matchGuid)
            var match = new Match(matchGuid);

            var dt = DataAccess.CasinoItem.GetEndMatchViewByTeams(match.Home, match.Away);

            return dt;
Exemplo n.º 21
        protected void gvBonusLog_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
            if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow)
                var drv = e.Row.DataItem as DataRowView;

                if (drv != null)
                    var m = new Match((Guid) drv["MatchGuid"]);

                    var hlHome = e.Row.FindControl("hlHome") as HyperLink;
                    var hlAway = e.Row.FindControl("hlAway") as HyperLink;
                    var hlVersus = e.Row.FindControl("hlVersus") as HyperLink;

                    if (hlHome != null && hlAway != null && hlVersus != null)
                        var tHome = Team.Cache.Load(m.Home);
                        var tAway = Team.Cache.Load(m.Away);

                        hlHome.Text = tHome.TeamDisplayName;
                        hlHome.NavigateUrl = $"CasinoTeam.aspx?Team={m.Home}";

                        hlAway.Text = tAway.TeamDisplayName;
                        hlAway.NavigateUrl = $"CasinoTeam.aspx?Team={m.Away}";

                        hlVersus.NavigateUrl = $"CasinoTeam.aspx?Match={m.MatchGuid}";
                        hlVersus.Text =
                            $"<em title=\"{tHome.Ground}{(tHome.Capacity.HasValue ? ("(" + tHome.Capacity.Value + ")") : string.Empty)}\">vs</em>";

                    var betList = Bet.GetUserMatchAllBet(CurrentUserId, m.MatchGuid);
                    betList.RemoveAll(bet => !bet.IsWin.HasValue);

                    float totalBetCount = 0, totalWin = 0;
                    var rpBonus = false;

                    foreach (var bet in betList)
                        totalBetCount += bet.BetAmount.GetValueOrDefault(0f);
                        if (bet.Earning != null) totalWin += (bet.Earning.Value - bet.BetAmount.GetValueOrDefault(0f));

                        if (bet.IsWin != null && (bet.IsWin.Value && !bet.BetAmount.HasValue))
                            rpBonus = true;

                    var ltrlResult = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlResult") as Literal;
                    var ltrlBetCount = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlBetCount") as Literal;
                    var ltrWinLose = e.Row.FindControl("ltrWinLose") as Literal;
                    var ltrlExtraBonus = e.Row.FindControl("ltrlExtraBonus") as Literal;

                    ltrlBetCount.Text = totalBetCount.ToString("N0");
                    ltrWinLose.Text = totalWin.ToString("N2");

                    ltrlExtraBonus.Text = rpBonus ? "RP+1" : "/";

                    if (totalWin > 0)
                        ltrlResult.Text = "<span class=\"CasinoSys_Agree\" title=\"盈余\"></span>";
                        e.Row.CssClass = "RowCasinoSys_True";
                        ltrlResult.Text = "<span class=\"CasinoSys_Disagree\" title=\"亏损\"></span>";
Exemplo n.º 22
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (MatchGuid != Guid.Empty)
                var m = new Match(MatchGuid);

                var leagueDisplay = m.LeagueName;
                if (m.Round.HasValue)
                    leagueDisplay += $" 第{m.Round}轮";

                ltrlLeagueSeason.Text = leagueDisplay;

                var homeGuid = m.Home;
                var awayGuid = m.Away;

                HomeTeam = Team.Cache.Load(homeGuid);
                AwayTeam = Team.Cache.Load(awayGuid);

                ltrlPlayTime.Text = m.PlayTime.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm");

                var guid = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItemGuidByMatch(MatchGuid, CasinoType.SingleChoice);

                var matchTotalBet = 0f;

                if (guid.HasValue)
                    var item = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItem(guid.Value);

                    if (item != null)
                        var options = ((SingleChoice) item).Options;

                        var winOption =
                            options.Find(option => option.OptionValue == MatchChoiceOption.HomeWinValue);
                        var drawOption =
                            options.Find(option => option.OptionValue == MatchChoiceOption.DrawValue);
                        var loseOption =
                            options.Find(option => option.OptionValue == MatchChoiceOption.AwayWinValue);

                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(winOption.OptionValue) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(drawOption.OptionValue) ||
                            throw new Exception("该比赛没有赔率");
                        var txtString = "<em title=\"共有{0}注,总计:{1}博彩币\">{2}</em>";

                        if (winOption.OptionRate.HasValue && drawOption.OptionRate.HasValue && loseOption.OptionRate.HasValue)
                            var rateWin = Math.Round(winOption.OptionRate.Value, 2).ToString("f2");
                            var rateDraw = Math.Round(drawOption.OptionRate.Value, 2).ToString("f2");
                            var rateLose = Math.Round(loseOption.OptionRate.Value, 2).ToString("f2");

                            var totalBetWin =
                                ChoiceOption.GetOptionTotalBet(guid.Value, winOption.OptionValue).ToString("N0");
                            var totalBetDraw =
                                ChoiceOption.GetOptionTotalBet(guid.Value, drawOption.OptionValue).ToString("N0");
                            var totalBetLose =
                                ChoiceOption.GetOptionTotalBet(guid.Value, loseOption.OptionValue).ToString("N0");

                            var betCountWin = ChoiceOption.GetOptionTotalCount(guid.Value, winOption.OptionValue).ToString();
                            var betCountDraw =
                                ChoiceOption.GetOptionTotalCount(guid.Value, drawOption.OptionValue).ToString();
                            var betCountLose =
                                ChoiceOption.GetOptionTotalCount(guid.Value, loseOption.OptionValue).ToString();

                            ltrlWin.Text = string.Format(txtString, betCountWin, totalBetWin, rateWin);
                            ltrlDraw.Text = string.Format(txtString, betCountDraw, totalBetDraw, rateDraw);
                            ltrlLose.Text = string.Format(txtString, betCountLose, totalBetLose, rateLose);

                            matchTotalBet = Convert.ToSingle(totalBetWin) + Convert.ToSingle(totalBetDraw) +

                    var betList = Bet.GetMatchAllBet(MatchGuid);

                    if (betList != null && betList.Count > 0)
                        ltrlMatchBetCount.Text = betList.Count.ToString();
                        ltrlMatchBetCount.Text = "0";

                    ltrlMatchTotalBet.Text = matchTotalBet.ToString("N0");

                    if (!IsHistoryView)
                        pnlHistoryResult.Visible = false;

                        if (item?.Earning != null)
                            ltrlEarning.Text = Convert.ToSingle(item.Earning).ToString("N2");

                        ltrlTopBet.Text = Bet.GetMatchTopBet(MatchGuid).ToString("N0");
                        ltrlTopEarning.Text = Bet.GetMatchTopEarning(MatchGuid).ToString("N2");

                        var matchResultGuid = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItemGuidByMatch(MatchGuid, CasinoType.MatchResult);

                        if (matchResultGuid.HasValue)
                            var matchResultItem = CasinoItem.GetCasinoItem(matchResultGuid.Value);

                            if (((MatchResult) matchResultItem)?.Home != null &&
                                ((MatchResult) matchResultItem).Away.HasValue)
                                pnlMatchResult.Visible = true;
                                ltrlMatchResult.Text =
                                    $"{((MatchResult) matchResultItem).Home}:{((MatchResult) matchResultItem).Away}";
                                pnlMatchResult.Visible = false;
                                ltrlMatchResult.Text = "暂无结果";
                                ltrlEarning.Text = "暂无结果";
                        pnlHistoryResult.Visible = true;
                        pnlMatchResult.Visible = false;

                        var historyResultArr = CasinoItem.GetHistoryResultByMatch(MatchGuid);

                        ltrlMatchCount.Text = historyResultArr[0].ToString();
                        ltrlHomeWon.Text = historyResultArr[1].ToString();
                        ltrlHomeDraw.Text = historyResultArr[2].ToString();
                        ltrlHomeLost.Text = historyResultArr[3].ToString();