Exemplo n.º 1
        public byte[] dumpSubroutine(string[] subs)
            ScriptFile tempScript = new ScriptFile();

            tempScript.filename = "dummy.bin";
            List <string> subsToAdd = new List <string>();
            List <string> addedSubs = new List <string>();

            foreach (string currSub in subs)
            for (int i = 0; i < subsToAdd.Count; i++)
                if (!addedSubs.Contains(subsToAdd[i]))
                    subroutine currSub = subroutines.Find(x => x.name.Equals(subsToAdd[i]));
                    foreach (operation op in currSub.opcodes)
                        if (op.opcode == 0x3C || op.opcode == 0x3D || op.opcode == 0x4C)
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="__path"></param>
        /// <param name="__source_directory"></param>
        /// <param name="__pattern"></param>
        /// <param name="eachsearching"></param>
        public void doSearchFile(string __source_directory,
                                  string __pattern,
                                  subroutine<SearchContext, FileInfo> __each_searching
            DirectoryInfo current = new DirectoryInfo( __source_directory );

            if ( current.Exists ) {

                foreach ( DirectoryInfo dir in current.GetDirectories() ) {
                    foreach ( FileInfo file in dir.GetFiles() ) {
                        if ( file.Exists ) {
                            __each_searching( this.context_, file );
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override byte[] ToRaw()
            MemoryStream rebuildingFile   = new MemoryStream();
            BinaryWriter rebuildingWriter = new BinaryWriter(rebuildingFile);

            rebuildingWriter.Write(0x32425354); //TSB2
            int currentStart = 0xC;

            rebuildingFile.Seek(0xC, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            for (int i = 0; i < subroutines.Count; i++)
                rebuildingFile.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Current);
                subroutine temp = (subroutine)subroutines[i];
                rebuildingWriter.Write(ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(temp.name.PadRight(0x20, '\0')));
                int headerLoc = (int)rebuildingFile.Position;
                rebuildingFile.Seek(0xC, SeekOrigin.Current);
                //rebuildingFile.Write(temp.subType);       Fill this in with the rest!
                ArrayList localVariables = new ArrayList();
                int[]     opcodeLocs     = new int[temp.opcodes.Count];
                int       writeStart     = (int)rebuildingFile.Position;
                for (int j = 0; j < temp.opcodes.Count; j++)
                    opcodeLocs[j] = (int)rebuildingFile.Position - writeStart;
                    operation tempOpcode = (operation)temp.opcodes[j];
                    if (tempOpcode.opcode == 0x46)  //Only one with an actual string argument
                        byte[] convertedString = ASCIIEncoding.GetEncoding("shift-jis").GetBytes(tempOpcode.strArg + '\0');
                        if (convertedString.Length % 4 != 0)
                            Array.Resize(ref convertedString, (convertedString.Length + 3) & 0xFFFFFFC);
                        tempOpcode.intArg = convertedString.Length / 4;
                    else if (opcodeTypes[tempOpcode.opcode] == 4) //These are the local variable ones!
                        if (!stringNames.Contains(tempOpcode.strArg))
                            Array.Resize(ref stringNames, stringNames.Length + 1);
                            stringNames[stringNames.Length - 1] = tempOpcode.strArg;
                        localVariables.Add(Array.IndexOf(stringNames, tempOpcode.strArg));
                        localVariables.Add((int)((rebuildingFile.Position - 0xC - headerLoc) / 4));
                        rebuildingWriter.Write((int)(-1));//Array.IndexOf(stringNames, tempOpcode.strArg));
                    else if (opcodeTypes[tempOpcode.opcode] == 3)
                    else if (opcodeTypes[tempOpcode.opcode] == 2)
                int localVarLoc = (int)rebuildingFile.Position;

                for (int j = 0; j < opcodeLocs.Length; j++)
                    if (((operation)temp.opcodes[j]).opcode > 0x2B && ((operation)temp.opcodes[j]).opcode < 0x2F)
                        int branchSource = opcodeLocs[j] + 0x8;
                        int realDest     = opcodeLocs[((operation)temp.opcodes[j]).intArg];
                        rebuildingFile.Seek(writeStart + opcodeLocs[j] + 0x4, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                        rebuildingWriter.Write((int)(realDest - branchSource) >> 2);

                rebuildingFile.Seek(localVarLoc, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                for (int j = 0; j < localVariables.Count; j += 2)
                    rebuildingWriter.Write((int)localVariables[localVariables.Count - 2 - j]);
                    rebuildingWriter.Write((int)localVariables[localVariables.Count - 1 - j]);
                int nextSubLoc = (int)rebuildingFile.Position;
                rebuildingFile.Seek(headerLoc, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                rebuildingWriter.Write((int)localVarLoc - headerLoc - 0xC);
                rebuildingWriter.Write(localVariables.Count / 2);
                rebuildingFile.Seek(currentStart, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                if (i + 1 < subroutines.Count)
                    rebuildingWriter.Write(nextSubLoc - 0xC);
                rebuildingFile.Seek(nextSubLoc, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                currentStart = nextSubLoc;
            int stringListLoc = (int)rebuildingFile.Position;

            for (int i = 0; i < stringNames.Length; i++)
                rebuildingWriter.Write(ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(stringNames[i].PadRight(0x20, '\0')));
            rebuildingFile.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            rebuildingWriter.Write(stringListLoc - 0xC);
            rebuildingWriter.Write(stringNames.Length * 0x20);
            byte[] compressedFile = PrsCompDecomp.compress(rebuildingFile.ToArray());
            byte[] toReturn       = new byte[compressedFile.Length + 0x1C];
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(rebuildingFile.Length), 0, toReturn, 0, 4);
            Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(compressedFile.Length), 0, toReturn, 4, 4);
            Array.Copy(compressedFile, 0, toReturn, 0x1C, compressedFile.Length);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public ScriptFile(string inFilename, byte[] rawData, bool bigEndian = false)
            filename = inFilename;
            int inFilesize, outFilesize;

            if (!bigEndian)
                outFilesize = BitConverter.ToInt32(rawData, 0);
                inFilesize  = BitConverter.ToInt32(rawData, 4);
                byte[] outFilesizeBytes = new byte[] { rawData[3], rawData[2], rawData[1], rawData[0] };
                byte[] inFilesizeBytes  = new byte[] { rawData[7], rawData[6], rawData[5], rawData[4] };
                if (BitConverter.ToUInt32(inFilesizeBytes, 0) > rawData.Length)
                    //Stupid hack to try to fix tobitama
                    outFilesize = BitConverter.ToInt32(outFilesizeBytes.Reverse().ToArray(), 0);
                    inFilesize  = BitConverter.ToInt32(inFilesizeBytes.Reverse().ToArray(), 0);
                    outFilesize = BitConverter.ToInt32(outFilesizeBytes, 0);
                    inFilesize  = BitConverter.ToInt32(inFilesizeBytes, 0);

            byte[] temp = new byte[inFilesize];
            Array.Copy(rawData, 0x1C, temp, 0, inFilesize);
            byte[] decompressed = PrsCompDecomp.Decompress(temp, (uint)outFilesize);

            MemoryStream scriptStream = new MemoryStream(decompressed);
            BinaryReader scriptReader;

            if (bigEndian)
                scriptReader = new BigEndianBinaryReader(scriptStream);
                scriptReader = new BinaryReader(scriptStream);
            scriptStream.Seek(4, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            int stringListPtr    = scriptReader.ReadInt32();
            int stringListLength = scriptReader.ReadInt32();

            scriptStream.Seek(stringListPtr + 0xC, SeekOrigin.Begin);
            stringNames = new string[stringListLength / 0x20];
            for (int i = 0; i < stringNames.Length; i++)
                stringNames[i] = ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetString(scriptReader.ReadBytes(0x20));
                stringNames[i] = stringNames[i].TrimEnd('\0');
            scriptStream.Seek(0xC, SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //ArrayList subroutines = new ArrayList();
            while (scriptStream.Position < stringListPtr)
                int    nextSubLoc     = scriptReader.ReadInt32() + 0xC;
                string subroutineName = ASCIIEncoding.UTF8.GetString(scriptReader.ReadBytes(0x20)).TrimEnd('\0');
                int    subLength      = scriptReader.ReadInt32();
                int    subType        = scriptReader.ReadLittleEndianInt32();
                int    locals         = scriptReader.ReadInt32();
                int    currLoc        = (int)scriptStream.Position;
                int    subEnd         = currLoc + subLength;
                scriptStream.Seek(subLength, SeekOrigin.Current);
                int[] localNums = new int[locals];
                int[] localLocs = new int[locals];
                if (subType == 0x4C)
                    for (int i = 0; i < locals; i++)
                        localNums[i] = scriptReader.ReadInt32();
                        localLocs[i] = scriptReader.ReadInt32() * 4;
                List <operation> operations = new List <operation>();
                List <int>       opcodeLocs = new List <int>();

                scriptStream.Seek(currLoc, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                while (scriptStream.Position < subEnd)
                    opcodeLocs.Add((int)(scriptStream.Position - currLoc));
                    int currOpcode = scriptReader.ReadInt32();

                    operation tempOp = new operation();
                    if (opcodeTypes[currOpcode] == 3)
                        tempOp.floatArg = scriptReader.ReadSingle();
                    else if (opcodeTypes[currOpcode] > 1 && opcodeTypes[currOpcode] != 4 && !localLocs.Contains((int)(scriptStream.Position - currLoc)))
                        tempOp.intArg = scriptReader.ReadInt32();
                    else if (localLocs.Contains((int)(scriptStream.Position - currLoc)))
                        tempOp.strArg = stringNames[localNums[Array.IndexOf(localLocs, (int)(scriptStream.Position - currLoc))]];
                        tempOp.intArg = scriptReader.ReadInt32();
                    if (opcodeTypes[currOpcode] == 99)
                        tempOp.strArg = ASCIIEncoding.GetEncoding("shift-jis").GetString(scriptReader.ReadBytes(tempOp.intArg * 4)).TrimEnd('\0');
                    tempOp.opcode = currOpcode;

                for (int i = 0; i < operations.Count; i++)
                    if (((operation)operations[i]).opcode > 0x2B && ((operation)operations[i]).opcode < 0x2F)
                        int branchSource  = opcodeLocs[i] + 0x8;
                        int branchDestRaw = branchSource + 4 * ((operation)operations[i]).intArg;
                        for (int j = 0; j < operations.Count; j++)
                            if (branchDestRaw == opcodeLocs[j])
                                ((operation)operations[i]).intArg = j;
                subroutine tempSub = new subroutine();
                tempSub.name    = subroutineName;
                tempSub.subType = subType;
                if (subType != 0x4C)
                    tempSub.miscData = locals;
                    tempSub.miscData = -1;
                tempSub.opcodes = operations;

                if (nextSubLoc == 0xC)
                scriptStream.Seek(nextSubLoc, SeekOrigin.Begin);
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="__path"></param>
 /// <param name="__source_directory"></param>
 /// <param name="eachsearching"></param>
 public void doSearchFile(string __source_directroy,
                           subroutine<SearchContext, FileInfo> __each_searching
     doSearchFile( __source_directroy, "*.*", __each_searching );