protected void btnDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        poll_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["pollID"]);

        qSoc_Poll2 poll = new qSoc_Poll2(poll_id);

    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        plhAvailableTimes.Visible = false;

        if (Page.IsPostBack)
            // re-bind choices        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(poll_id)))
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["pollID"]))
                poll_id = (Int32)ViewState["vsPollID"];

        if (!Page.IsPostBack)


            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["pollID"]))
                poll_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["pollID"]);

                ViewState.Add("vsPollID", poll_id);

                populateKeywords(poll_id, (int)qSoc_ContentType.Types.Poll);
                populateTopics(poll_id, (int)qSoc_ContentType.Types.Poll);

                qSoc_Poll2 poll = new qSoc_Poll2(poll_id);

                lblTitle.Text = "Edit poll (ID: " + poll.PollID + ")";
                txtQuestion.Text = poll.Question;
                rblAvailable.SelectedValue = poll.Available;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(poll.ThemeID)))
                    ddlTheme.SelectedValue = Convert.ToString(poll.ThemeID);

                if (poll.PollType == "Fact")
                    ddlPollType.SelectedValue = "Fact";
                else if (poll.PollType == "Opinion")
                    if (poll.ExperienceType == "Poll")
                        ddlPollType.SelectedValue = "Opinion";
                        ddlPollType.SelectedValue = "Think";

                rdtStartTime.SelectedDate = poll.StartDate;
                rdtEndTime.SelectedDate = poll.EndDate;

                poll_type = poll.ExperienceType;

                if (poll.ExperienceType == "Think")
                    plhAddResponse.Visible = false;
                    repChoices.Visible = false;
                    repNoEditChoices.Visible = true;

                    repChoices.Visible = true;
                    repNoEditChoices.Visible = false;

                ddlPollType.Enabled = false;
                lblPollTypeMessage.Text = "*** You cannot change the poll type once the poll has been created ***";
                lblPollTypeMessage.Visible = true;
                lblMessage.Visible = true;

                if (rblAvailable.SelectedValue == "Yes")
                    // disabled since no longer using start dates
                    //plhAvailableTimes.Visible = true;
                    //rfvStartTime.Enabled = true;
                    //rfvEndTime.Enabled = true;
                    plhHighlightedPoll.Visible = true;
                    plhAvailableTimes.Visible = false;
                    rfvStartTime.Enabled = false;
                    rfvEndTime.Enabled = false;
                    plhHighlightedPoll.Visible = false;

                // see if in feed
                qSoc_Feed feed = new qSoc_Feed((int)qSoc_ContentType.Types.Poll, poll_id);
                plhExistingFeedItem.Visible = false;

                if (feed != null)
                    if (feed.FeedID > 0 && feed.MarkAsDelete == 0 && feed.VisibleFeed == true)
                        chkDisplayInFeed.Checked = true;
                        plhExistingFeedItem.Visible = true;
                    if (feed.FeedID > 0 && feed.MarkAsDelete == 0 && feed.VisibleExplore == true)
                        chkDisplayInExplore.Checked = true;
                    string reserved_keywords = string.Empty;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(feed.ReservedKeywords))
                        reserved_keywords = feed.ReservedKeywords;
                lblTitle.Text = "New poll";
                plhTools.Visible = false;
                rblAvailable.SelectedValue = "Yes";
                populateKeywords(0, (int)qSoc_ContentType.Types.Poll);
                plhChoices.Visible = false;
                plhAdditionalInfo.Visible = false;
                lblMessage.Text = "*** You must first enter and save the basic poll info and then you can add response choices";
                rfvAvailable.Enabled = false;
                rfvEndTime.Enabled = false;
                rfvStartTime.Enabled = false;
                plhDisplayInSiteSettings.Visible = false;

            if (Convert.ToString(Request.QueryString["mode"]) == "add-successful")
                lblMessage.Text = "*** Record Successfully Added - you can now configure additional poll info ***";
                lblMessageBottom.Text = "*** Record Successfully Added - you can now configure additional poll info ***";

            if (Request.QueryString["mode"] == "edit-choice")
                int poll_choice_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["pollChoiceID"]);
                ViewState.Add("vsPollChoiceID", poll_choice_id);

                qSoc_PollChoice2 choice = new qSoc_PollChoice2(poll_choice_id);
                txtChoice.Text = choice.Choice;
                txtMediaChoiceHTML.Text = choice.ChoiceMediaHTML;
                rblIsCorrect.SelectedValue = choice.Correct;
                if (ddlPollType.SelectedValue == "Fact")
                    plhChoiceCorrect.Visible = true;
                    plhChoiceCorrect.Visible = false;
                txtFeedbackTitle.Text = choice.FeedbackTitle;
                txtFeedbackText.Text = choice.FeedbackDescription;
                txtFeedbackLink.Text = choice.FeedbackUrl;

                plhEditChoice.Visible = true;

            var highlighted_poll = qSoc_Poll2.GetHighlightedPoll();

            if (highlighted_poll != null)
                if (highlighted_poll.PollID == poll_id)
                    chkHighlightedPoll.Checked = true;
                    lblHighlightedMessage.Text = "This is the current highlighted poll ID: " + highlighted_poll.PollID;
                    lblHighlightedMessage.Text = "Check to set as the highlighted poll";
                lblHighlightedMessage.Text = "Check to set as the highlighted poll";
    protected void btnSave_OnClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e)

        if (Page.IsValid)

            int user_id = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["UserID"]);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["pollID"]))
                poll_id = Convert.ToInt32(Request.QueryString["pollID"]);
                qSoc_Poll2 poll = new qSoc_Poll2(poll_id);

                poll.Question = txtQuestion.Text;
                poll.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                poll.LastModifiedBy = user_id;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlTheme.SelectedValue))
                    poll.ThemeID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlTheme.SelectedValue);
                    poll.ThemeID = 0;

                DateTime start_time = new DateTime();
                DateTime end_time = new DateTime();
                if (rblAvailable.SelectedValue == "Yes")
                    poll.Available = "Yes";
                    start_time = DateTime.Now;
                    end_time = DateTime.Now.AddYears(10);
                    poll.StartDate = start_time;
                    poll.EndDate = end_time;

                    // code no longer used since use defaults for setting these values
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(rdtStartTime.SelectedDate)))
                        poll.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(rdtStartTime.SelectedDate);
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(rdtEndTime.SelectedDate)))
                        poll.EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(rdtEndTime.SelectedDate);
                    poll.Available = "No";
                    start_time = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-2);
                    end_time = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);
                    poll.StartDate = start_time;
                    poll.EndDate = end_time;

                    // code no longer used since use defaults for setting these values
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(rdtStartTime.SelectedDate)))
                        poll.StartDate = null;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(rdtEndTime.SelectedDate)))
                        poll.EndDate = null;

                qSoc_Poll2 poll = new qSoc_Poll2();
                poll.ScopeID = 1;
                poll.Created = DateTime.Now;
                poll.CreatedBy = user_id;
                poll.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                poll.LastModifiedBy = user_id;
                poll.Available = "Yes";
                poll.MarkAsDelete = 0;
                poll.Question = txtQuestion.Text;
                if (ddlPollType.SelectedValue == "Think")
                    poll.PollType = "Opinion";
                    poll.ExperienceType = "Think";
                else if (ddlPollType.SelectedValue == "Fact")
                    poll.PollType = "Fact";
                    poll.ExperienceType = "Poll";
                else if (ddlPollType.SelectedValue == "Opinion")
                    poll.PollType = "Opinion";
                    poll.ExperienceType = "Poll";
                poll.Available = "No";

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlTheme.SelectedValue))
                    poll.ThemeID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlTheme.SelectedValue);

                // default to start time is today and end time is 20 years from now
                poll.StartDate = DateTime.Now;
                poll.EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(20);

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(rdtStartTime.SelectedDate)))
                    poll.StartDate = Convert.ToDateTime(rdtStartTime.SelectedDate);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Convert.ToString(rdtEndTime.SelectedDate)))
                    poll.EndDate = Convert.ToDateTime(rdtEndTime.SelectedDate);

                poll_id = poll.PollID;

                if (ddlPollType.SelectedValue == "Think")
                    int curr_choice_id = createNewChoice(poll_id, "Agree", false);
                    curr_choice_id = createNewChoice(poll_id, "Disagree", false);

            // process if highlighted poll
            qDbs_SQLcode sql = new qDbs_SQLcode();
            string sqlCode = string.Empty;
            sqlCode = "UPDATE qSoc_Polls SET Highlighted = null";

            if (lblHighlightedMessage.Text.Contains("current") && chkHighlightedPoll.Checked == false)
                sql.ExecuteSQL(sqlCode);        // // clear all highlighted options
            else if (chkHighlightedPoll.Checked && lblHighlightedMessage.Text.Contains("current"))
                sql.ExecuteSQL(sqlCode);        // clear all highlighted options
                qSoc_Poll2 poll = new qSoc_Poll2(poll_id);
                poll.Highlighted = true;
            else if (chkHighlightedPoll.Checked && lblHighlightedMessage.Text.Contains("Check"))
                sql.ExecuteSQL(sqlCode);        // clear all highlighted options
                qSoc_Poll2 poll = new qSoc_Poll2(poll_id);
                poll.Highlighted = true;

            // add keywords
            string owner_keywords = string.Empty;
            qPtl_KeywordReference.DeleteKeywordReferencesByContent((int)qSoc_ContentType.Types.Poll, poll_id);
            foreach (ListItem item in cblKeywords.Items)
                if (item.Selected)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(owner_keywords))
                        owner_keywords += "," + item.Text;
                        owner_keywords += item.Text;
                    qPtl_KeywordReference keyword = new qPtl_KeywordReference();
                    keyword.Available = "Yes";
                    keyword.ScopeID = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["ScopeID"]);
                    keyword.KeywordID = Convert.ToInt32(item.Value);
                    keyword.ContentTypeID = (int)qSoc_ContentType.Types.Poll;
                    keyword.ReferenceID = poll_id;
                    keyword.Created = DateTime.Now;
                    keyword.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                    keyword.CreatedBy = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["UserID"]);
                    keyword.LastModifiedBy = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["UserID"]);
                    keyword.MarkAsDelete = 0;

            string reserved_keywords = string.Empty;
            foreach (ListItem item in chkTopics.Items)
                if (item.Selected)
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(reserved_keywords))
                        reserved_keywords += "," + item.Text;
                        reserved_keywords += item.Text;

            qSoc_Feed feed = new qSoc_Feed((int)qSoc_ContentType.Types.Poll, poll_id);

            if (!chkDisplayInFeed.Checked && !chkDisplayInExplore.Checked)
                if (feed != null)
                    if (feed.FeedID > 0)
                        feed.MarkAsDelete = 1;
                        feed.Available = "No";
                        feed.ReservedKeywords = reserved_keywords;
                        if (!chkDisplayInFeed.Checked)
                            feed.VisibleFeed = false;
                        if (!chkDisplayInExplore.Checked)
                            feed.VisibleExplore = false;
            else if (chkDisplayInFeed.Checked || chkDisplayInExplore.Checked || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(reserved_keywords))
                qSoc_Poll2 poll = new qSoc_Poll2(poll_id);

                int p_user_id = user_id;
                if (post_as_user_id > 0)
                    p_user_id = post_as_user_id;

                qPtl_User user = new qPtl_User(p_user_id);
                var u_space = qSoc_UserSpace_View.GetUserSpaces(poll.CreatedBy);

                // evaluate title and description
                string p_title = q_Helper.replaceSpecialCharacters(poll.Question);
                string p_description = string.Empty;
                // add choices to description field
                var choices = qSoc_PollChoice2.GetAvailablePollChoices(poll_id);

                string choices_html = string.Empty;
                int i = 1;
                if (choices != null)
                    foreach (var c in choices)
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(choices_html))
                            choices_html += "<br>";
                        choices_html += i + ") " + c.Choice;

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(choices_html))
                    p_description = choices_html;

                if (feed != null)
                    if (feed.FeedID > 0)
                        feed.CreatedBy = user.UserID;
                        feed.Available = poll.Available;
                        if (chkMoveToTop.Checked)
                            feed.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                        feed.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID;
                        feed.MarkAsDelete = poll.MarkAsDelete;
                        feed.OwnerMarkAsDelete = poll.MarkAsDelete;
                        feed.ContentTypeID = (int)qSoc_ContentType.Types.Poll;
                        feed.ReferenceID = poll_id;
                        feed.OwnerID = user.UserID;
                        feed.OwnerName = user.UserName;
                        feed.OwnerProfilePic = user.ProfilePict;
                        feed.Type = "poll";
                        feed.Title = p_title;
                        feed.Description = p_description;
                        feed.Body = p_description;
                        feed.OwnerRole = user.HighestRole;
                        feed.OwnerRoleID = user.HighestRank;
                        feed.OwnerKeywords = owner_keywords;
                        feed.ReservedKeywords = reserved_keywords;
                        feed.UploadedFrom = "manager";
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlTheme.SelectedValue))
                            feed.ThemeID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlTheme.SelectedValue);
                            feed.ThemeName = Convert.ToString(ddlTheme.SelectedItem);
                        if (chkDisplayInFeed.Checked)
                            feed.VisibleFeed = true;
                            feed.VisibleFeed = false;
                        if (chkDisplayInExplore.Checked)
                            feed.VisibleExplore = true;
                            feed.VisibleExplore = false;
                        // create new feed item
                        if (u_space != null)
                            foreach (var s in u_space)
                                feed.SpaceID = s.SpaceID;
                                feed.SpaceName = s.SpaceShortName;
                        feed.ScopeID = Convert.ToInt32(Context.Items["ScopeID"]);
                        feed.Available = poll.Available;
                        feed.Created = DateTime.Now;
                        feed.CreatedBy = user.UserID;
                        feed.LastModified = DateTime.Now;
                        feed.LastModifiedBy = user.UserID;
                        feed.MarkAsDelete = poll.MarkAsDelete;
                        feed.OwnerMarkAsDelete = poll.MarkAsDelete;
                        feed.ContentTypeID = (int)qSoc_ContentType.Types.Poll;
                        feed.ReferenceID = poll_id;
                        feed.OwnerID = user.UserID;
                        feed.OwnerName = user.UserName;
                        feed.OwnerProfilePic = user.ProfilePict;
                        feed.Type = "poll";
                        feed.Title = p_title;
                        feed.Description = p_description;
                        feed.Body = p_description;
                        feed.OwnerRole = user.HighestRole;
                        feed.OwnerRoleID = user.HighestRank;

                        feed.VisibleAll = true;
                        feed.VisibleFriends = true;
                        feed.VisibleFollowers = true;
                        feed.VisibleSpace = true;
                        feed.VisiblePrivate = true;
                        feed.VisibleFeed = true;
                        feed.VisibleOwnerFeed = true;
                        feed.VisibleOwnerProfile = true;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ddlTheme.SelectedValue))
                            feed.ThemeID = Convert.ToInt32(ddlTheme.SelectedValue);
                            feed.ThemeName = Convert.ToString(ddlTheme.SelectedItem);
                        feed.ReservedKeywords = reserved_keywords;
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(owner_keywords))
                            feed.OwnerKeywords = owner_keywords;
                        feed.UploadedFrom = "manager";
                        if (chkDisplayInFeed.Checked)
                            feed.VisibleFeed = true;
                            feed.VisibleFeed = false;
                        if (chkDisplayInExplore.Checked)
                            feed.VisibleExplore = true;
                            feed.VisibleExplore = false;

            // redirect to page to add poll + keywords
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.QueryString["pollID"]))
                Response.Redirect("poll-edit.aspx?pollID=" + poll_id);
                Response.Redirect(Request.Url.ToString() + "?mode=add-successful&pollID=" + poll_id);
            lblMessage.Text = "*** A problem has occurred -- make sure all the required information has been entered ***";
            lblMessageBottom.Text = "*** A problem has occurred -- make sure all the required information has been entered ***";