Exemplo n.º 1
 async void SendRegistrationToServer(string token)
     if (registerRequest != null)
         registerRequest.deviceToken    = token;//.Split(':')[1];
         registerRequest.installationId = token.Split(':')[0];
         await Webservices.RegisterPush(registerRequest);
Exemplo n.º 2
        //// And do this, instead of creating a seperate delegate
        //#region IUNUserNotificationCenterDelegate

        //public void DidReceiveNotificationResponse(UNUserNotificationCenter center, UNNotificationResponse response, Action completionHandler)

        //	var manager = BITHockeyManager.SharedHockeyManager;
        //	manager.MetricsManager.TrackEvent("iOS Notification Ack");

        //	// Take action based on Action ID
        //	switch (response.ActionIdentifier)
        //	{
        //		case "snooze":

        //			AckRequest ack = new AckRequest();

        //			var userInfo = response.Notification.Request.Content.UserInfo;

        //			if (userInfo.ContainsKey(new NSString("level")))
        //			{
        //				ack.level = userInfo.ValueForKey(new NSString("level")) as NSString;
        //				//ack.Level = level.Int32Value;
        //			}

        //			if (userInfo.ContainsKey(new NSString("group")))
        //			{
        //				ack.group = (userInfo.ValueForKey(new NSString("group")) as NSString).ToString();
        //			}

        //			if (userInfo.ContainsKey(new NSString("key")))
        //			{
        //				ack.key = (userInfo.ValueForKey(new NSString("key")) as NSString).ToString();
        //			}

        //			ack.time = 15;

        //			Webservices.SilenceAlarm(ack);
        //			break;
        //			// default:
        //			// Take action based on identifier
        //			//switch (response.ActionIdentifier)
        //			//{
        //			//    case UNActionIdentifier.Default:
        //			//// Handle default
        //			//...
        //			//break;
        //			//    case UNActionIdentifier.Dismiss:
        //			// Handle dismiss
        //			//...
        //			//break;
        //			//}
        //			//break;
        //	}

        //	// Inform caller it has been handled
        //	completionHandler();


        public async override void RegisteredForRemoteNotifications(UIApplication application, NSData deviceToken)
            string s = deviceToken.Description.Replace("<", "").Replace(">", "").Replace(" ", "");
            //Byte[]  tokenBytes = deviceToken.Bytes;
            //for (int i = 0; i < 8;i++)

            //	s += String.Format("%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x%08x", deviceToken.Bytes[i])

            RegisterRequest registration = new RegisterRequest();

            //added on 1/7/17 by aditmer to unregister and reregister if the app gets a new device token
            //if (s != ApplicationSettings.InstallationID && ApplicationSettings.InstallationID != "")
            //	await Webservices.UnregisterPush(ApplicationSettings.InstallationID);
            await CheckInstallationID.CheckNewInstallationID(s);

            if (PushNotificationsImplementation.registerRequest != null)
                registration = PushNotificationsImplementation.registerRequest;
                registration.platform = Xamarin.Forms.Device.RuntimePlatform.ToString();

                registration.settings              = new RegistrationSettings();
                registration.settings.info         = ApplicationSettings.InfoNotifications;
                registration.settings.alert        = ApplicationSettings.AlertNotifications;
                registration.settings.announcement = ApplicationSettings.AnouncementNotifications;

            registration.deviceToken        = s;
            ApplicationSettings.DeviceToken = s;
            await Webservices.RegisterPush(registration);

            //Commented out on 11/29/16 by aditmer so we can register for notifications on the server
            //Hub = new SBNotificationHub(Constants.ConnectionString, Constants.NotificationHubPath);

            //Hub.UnregisterAllAsync(deviceToken, (error) =>
            //	if (error != null)
            //	{
            //		Console.WriteLine("Error calling Unregister: {0}", error.ToString());
            //		return;
            //	}

            //	//adds a tag for the current Nightscout URL in the App Settings
            //	NSSet tags = new NSSet(ApplicationSettings.AzureTag);

            //	//const string template = "{\"aps\":{\"alert\":\"$(message)\"},\"request\":\"$(requestid)\"}";

            //	const string templateBodyAPNS = "{\"aps\":{\"alert\":\"$(message)\",\"sound\":\"$(sound)\"},\"eventName\":\"$(eventName)\",\"group\":\"$(group)\",\"key\":\"$(key)\",\"level\":\"$(level)\",\"title\":\"$(title)\"}";

            //	//var alert = new JObject(
            //	//new JProperty("aps", new JObject(new JProperty("alert", notificationText))),
            //	//new JProperty("inAppMessage", notificationText))
            //	//.ToString(Newtonsoft.Json.Formatting.None);

            //	//JObject templates = new JObject();
            //	//templates["genericMessage"] = new JObject
            //	//{
            //	//	{"body", templateBodyAPNS}
            //	//};

            //	var expiryDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(90).ToString(System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture("en-US"));

            //                   expiryDate,tags,(errorCallback) =>
            //	{
            //		if (errorCallback != null)
            //			Console.WriteLine("RegisterNativeAsync error: " + errorCallback.ToString());
            //	});