Exemplo n.º 1
        public void TicketBookingCheck()
            MainPage              mp       = page.SignIn(page, Data.TestData.Login, Data.TestData.Password);
            BookingFirstStepPage  bfsp     = mp.SelectFlight(mp);
            BookingSecondStepPage bssp     = bfsp.NextStep(bfsp);
            BookingThirdStepPage  btsp     = bssp.NextStep(bssp);
            BookingForthStepPage  bForthSP = btsp.ContinueAndCustomize(btsp);
            PaymentStepPage       psp      = bForthSP.NextStep(bForthSP);
            WaitingPage           wp       = psp.BookThisFlight(psp);

        public async void ShowWaitingPage(Action waitAction)
            if (_waitingPage == null)
                _waitingPage = new WaitingPage();

            var waitingViewModel = new WaitViewModel(waitAction);// {NavigationService = this};

            _waitingPage.BindingContext = waitingViewModel;

            await Navigation.PushAsync(_waitingPage);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void ShowWaitingScreen()
            app.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke((Action) delegate()
                if (app.MainWindow is LightWindow)
                    var window = app.MainWindow as LightWindow;

                    var waitingPage    = new WaitingPage();
                    window.StartupPage = (window.StartupPage is WaitingPage) ? window.StartupPage : new WaitingPage();
        internal MainPageViewModel(IProgress <ProgressReportModel> i_ProgressReporter, Dictionary <EAppTab, SvgCachedImage> i_AppTabs)
            waitingPage      = new WaitingPage();
            progressReporter = i_ProgressReporter;
            ProgressReportModel report = new ProgressReportModel(k_NumberOfInitializations);

            updateReporter("Initializing filter...", report);
            FilterIndicator = new FilterIndicatorViewModel();
            FilterPage      = new FilterPage(FilterIndicator);
            updateReporter("Filter initialized correctly", report);

            updateReporter("Fetching account...", report);
            LoginContext = new LoginPageViewModel();
            updateReporter("Account initialized.", report);

            initPagesCollectionHelper(report, i_AppTabs);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task DoCrawling(WaitingPage pageToCrawl, IUriBucket <WaitingPage> uriBucket)
            //1. Get page url

            //4. Get parsed data into:
            //   Page url -> Scheduler
            //   Data Model -> Storage
            Logger.LogInformation("Start crawling " + pageToCrawl.Uri);

            //2. Download the page (IDownloader)
            var downloader = Services.GetService <IDownloader>();
            var method     = new HttpMethod(pageToCrawl.Verb);
            var requestUri = new Uri(pageToCrawl.Uri);

            if (!(requestUri.Scheme.ToLower() == "http" || requestUri.Scheme.ToLower() == "https"))
            var downloadedContent = await downloader.GetPage(new HttpRequestMessage(method, pageToCrawl.Uri));

            pageToCrawl.DownloadedTime = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString(Tools.StrDateTimeFormat);

            //3. Process the page (IPageProcessor)
            var browsingContext = Services.GetService <IBrowsingContext>();

            // var credentials = new NetworkCredential("user", "pass", "domain");
            // var handler     = new HttpClientHandler { Credentials = credentials };
            // var config = Configuration.Default
            //     .WithRequesters(handler)
            //     .WithCookies()
            //     .WithDefaultLoader();
            // var context  = BrowsingContext.New(config);
            var parser   = browsingContext.GetService <IHtmlParser>();
            var document = parser.ParseDocument(downloadedContent);

            // var document = await browsingContext.OpenAsync(downloadedContent);
            GetAllLinksToDB(uriBucket, document);

            GetPageContentToDB(uriBucket, document, requestUri);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public App()
            config             = DependencyService.Get <SystemConfig>();
            firebaseInstanceId = DependencyService.Get <FirebaseInstanceId>();

            if (!IsUserLoggedIn)
                if (config.GetEmailUser() != null && config.GetPassUser() != null)
                    MainPage = new WaitingPage();

                    MainPage = new NavigationPage(new Login());
                MainPage = new MainPage();
Exemplo n.º 7
 protected override void OnSetUp()
     page = Go.To<WaitingPage>();
        public void StartService(ApplicationServiceContext context)
            _serializationService = new SerializationService();
            _silverlightUnitTestAbstractionsFactory = new SilverlightUnitTestAbstractionsFactory();

            _current = this;

            if (IsEnabled)
                HtmlPage.RegisterScriptableObject("TestFrontend", this);

                var waitingPage = new WaitingPage();
                waitingPage.Loaded += (s, e) => InvokeExternalMethod("ReadyToStart");

                Application.Current.RootVisual = waitingPage;