Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initiate the camera
        /// </summary>
        public Camera()
            // You can select other size and other format, this is a very basic one supported by all types of webcams including old ones
            VideoConnectionSettings settings = new VideoConnectionSettings(0, (640, 480), Iot.Device.Media.PixelFormat.JPEG);

            _device = VideoDevice.Create(settings);
            // if the device has sufficent ram, enabling pooling significantly improves frames per second by preventing GC.
            _device.ImageBufferPoolingEnabled = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private Camera()
            // You can select other size and other format, this is a very basic one supported by all types of webcams including old ones
            VideoConnectionSettings settings = new VideoConnectionSettings(0, (640, 480), Iot.Device.Media.PixelFormat.JPEG);

            Device    = VideoDevice.Create(settings);
            IsRunning = true;
            new Thread(() => { TakePictures(); }).Start();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            VideoConnectionSettings settings = new VideoConnectionSettings(0, (2560, 1920), PixelFormat.JPEG);

            using VideoDevice device = VideoDevice.Create(settings);

            // Get the supported formats of the device
            foreach (PixelFormat item in device.GetSupportedPixelFormats())
                Console.Write($"{item} ");


            // Get the resolutions of the format
            foreach (var resolution in device.GetPixelFormatResolutions(PixelFormat.YUYV))
                Console.Write($"{resolution.Width}x{resolution.Height} ");


            // Query v4l2 controls default and current value
            VideoDeviceValue value = device.GetVideoDeviceValue(VideoDeviceValueType.Rotate);

            Console.WriteLine($"{value.Name} Min: {value.Minimum} Max: {value.Maximum} Step: {value.Step} Default: {value.DefaultValue} Current: {value.CurrentValue}");

            string path = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();

            // Take photos

            // Change capture setting
            device.Settings.PixelFormat = PixelFormat.YUV420;

            // Convert pixel format
            Color[] colors = VideoDevice.Yv12ToRgb(device.Capture(), settings.CaptureSize);
            Bitmap  bitmap = VideoDevice.RgbToBitmap(settings.CaptureSize, colors);

            bitmap.Save($"{path}/yuyv_to_jpg.jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);