Exemplo n.º 1
    void Update()
        velocity = velocityMethod == VelocityMethod.Rigidbody ? rb.velocity : nma.velocity;
        var flattenedVelocity = velocity.Flatten().normalized;

        if (velocity.Flatten().magnitude > velocityDeadZone)
            var velocityRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(flattenedVelocity);
            var targetRotation   = Quaternion.Slerp(velocityRotation, velocityRotation * GetTiltRotation(), Time.deltaTime * tiltDamping);
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, Time.deltaTime * rotationDamping);
        if (!animator || animatorParameterMap == null)
        radius       = Mathf.Clamp(velocity.Flatten().magnitude, 0.1f, 1f);
        speedOffset += velocity.Flatten().magnitude / radius * Time.deltaTime;
        if (flattenedVelocity.magnitude < velocityDeadZone)
            animator.SetFloat(animatorParameterMap[CharacterParam.Idle], 1f);
            animator.SetFloat(animatorParameterMap[CharacterParam.Walk], 0f);
            animator.SetFloat(animatorParameterMap[CharacterParam.Run], 0f);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void CalculateAngles(Vector3 anglePosition, Vector3 guideDirection, Vector3 incomingDirection,
                                            ICollection <Measurement> measurements)
            guideDirection    = guideDirection.Flatten().normalized;
            incomingDirection = incomingDirection.Flatten().normalized;

            var angleSize      = Vector3.Angle(guideDirection, incomingDirection);
            var angleDirection = Vector3.Normalize(guideDirection + incomingDirection);

            var otherAngleSize      = 180f - angleSize;
            var otherAngleDirection = Vector3.Normalize(-guideDirection + incomingDirection);

            if (otherAngleSize < angleSize)
                Util.Swap(ref angleSize, ref otherAngleSize);
                Util.Swap(ref angleDirection, ref otherAngleDirection);

            measurements.Add(new AngleMeasurement(angleSize, anglePosition, angleDirection,
                                                  MeasurementFlags.Primary | MeasurementFlags.Guide));

            if (Mathf.Abs(angleSize - 180f) < 0.5f || Mathf.Abs(otherAngleSize - 180f) < 0.5f)

            measurements.Add(new AngleMeasurement(otherAngleSize, anglePosition, otherAngleDirection,
                                                  MeasurementFlags.Secondary | MeasurementFlags.Guide));
    public void Move()
        RaycastHit hitInfo;

        if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, CurrentHeading.Flatten().normalized, out hitInfo, SightDistance, terrainLayerMask))
            CurrentHeading = Vector3.Lerp(CurrentHeading, (transform.position - hitInfo.point).normalized, Time.deltaTime * 5f * UnityEngine.Random.Range(0.5f, 1.5f));

        rb.velocity = Vector3.Lerp(rb.velocity + Vector3.down * 0.25f, CurrentHeading.Flatten().normalized *Speed *speedMultiplier, Time.deltaTime * timeMultiplier);

        if (rb.velocity.magnitude > Speed)
            rb.velocity *= (Speed / rb.velocity.magnitude);

        areaOfEffectRing.position = transform.position;
        areaOfEffectRing.forward  = CurrentHeading.normalized;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static bool CanNodeBranchInDirection(ushort nodeId, Vector3 direction)
            var closestSegmentId = NetNodeUtility.GetClosestSegmentId(nodeId, direction);

            var exitDirection = NetNodeUtility.GetSegmentExitDirection(nodeId, closestSegmentId);

            var exitAngle = Vector3Extensions.GetSignedAngleBetween(direction.Flatten(), exitDirection.Flatten(),

            return(Mathf.Abs(exitAngle) >= 45f);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private bool IsVisible(Vector3 viewPosition, float viewDistance)
            float scale = endlessTerrain.Scale;

            viewDistance *= scale;
            Vector2 size   = ((Vector2)terrainData.size) * scale;
            Bounds  bounds = new Bounds(gameObject.transform.position + (new Vector3(size.x, 0f, size.y) / 2f), new Vector3(size.x, 5f, size.y));

            Vector3 testPoint = bounds.ClosestPoint(viewPosition.Flatten());

            return(Vector3.Distance(testPoint, viewPosition) < viewDistance);
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void TrackDistance(bool reset = false)
            if (reset)
            else if (wayPoints.Count == numWayPoints)

            Vector2 pos = targetPosition.Flatten();

            distanceCovered = Mathf.Min(1f,
                                        Vector2.Distance((Vector2)wayPoints.Peek(), pos)
                                        / (searchRadius * wayPoints.Count));
Exemplo n.º 7
    public void AddTower(TowerType towerType, Vector3 position)
        GameObject prefab;

        if (towerType == TowerType.CLOCKWISE)
            prefab = ClockwiseTowerPrefab;
        else if (towerType == TowerType.COUNTER_CLOCKWISE)
            prefab = CounterClockwiseTowerPrefab;
            throw new ArgumentException("Unrecognized tower type: " + towerType.ToString(), "towerType");

        GameObject.Instantiate(prefab, position.Flatten(), Quaternion.identity);
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the angle from start arm around axis
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="forward">the end of angle</param>
 /// <param name="startArm">the start of angle</param>
 /// <param name="axis">the axis of angle</param>
 /// <returns>the signed angle from startArm to forward around axis</returns>
 public static float SignedAngleFromAxis(this Vector3 forward, Vector3 startArm, int axis)
 => forward.Flatten(axis).SignedAngle(startArm, VectorFrom(i => i == axis ? 1 : 0));
Exemplo n.º 9
 public bool IsCarAffected(Vector3 carPosition)
     return(Vector3.SqrMagnitude(carPosition.Flatten() - transform.position.Flatten()) <= Radius * Radius);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static void CalculateAngles(ushort nodeId, Vector3 direction, ICollection <Measurement> measurements)
            direction = direction.Flatten();

            var node             = NetManager.instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[nodeId];
            var existingSegments = NetNodeUtility.GetNodeSegmentIds(node);

            if (existingSegments.Count == 0)

            var    nearestLeftAngle     = 360f;
            ushort nearestLeftSegmentId = 0;
            var    nearestLeftNormal    = Vector3.zero;

            var    nearestRightAngle     = 360f;
            ushort nearestRightSegmentId = 0;
            var    nearestRightNormal    = Vector3.zero;

            for (var i = 0; i < existingSegments.Count; i++)
                var s = NetManager.instance.m_segments.m_buffer[existingSegments[i]];

                var d = s.m_startNode == nodeId ? s.m_startDirection : s.m_endDirection;
                d = d.Flatten();

                var angle = Vector3Extensions.GetClockwiseAngleBetween(-d, direction, Vector3.up);

                var leftAngle  = 360f - angle;
                var rightAngle = angle;

                var n = Vector3.Normalize(direction + d);

                if (leftAngle < nearestLeftAngle)
                    nearestLeftAngle     = leftAngle;
                    nearestLeftSegmentId = existingSegments[i];
                    nearestLeftNormal    = Quaternion.AngleAxis(leftAngle * 0.5f, Vector3.up) * direction;

                if (rightAngle < nearestRightAngle)
                    nearestRightAngle     = rightAngle;
                    nearestRightSegmentId = existingSegments[i];
                    nearestRightNormal    = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rightAngle * -0.5f, Vector3.up) * direction;

            // When both angles are 180, only show the one on the right.
            if (Math.Abs(nearestLeftAngle - 180f) < 0.25f && Math.Abs(nearestRightAngle - 180f) < 0.25f)
                measurements.Add(new AngleMeasurement(nearestRightAngle, node.m_position, nearestRightNormal,


            var leftFlags = nearestRightSegmentId > 0
                ? (nearestLeftAngle < nearestRightAngle ? MeasurementFlags.Primary : MeasurementFlags.Secondary)
                : MeasurementFlags.Secondary;

            var rightFlags = nearestLeftSegmentId > 0
                ? (nearestRightAngle <= nearestLeftAngle ? MeasurementFlags.Primary : MeasurementFlags.Secondary)
                : MeasurementFlags.Secondary;

            if (nearestLeftSegmentId > 0)
                measurements.Add(new AngleMeasurement(nearestLeftAngle, node.m_position, nearestLeftNormal, leftFlags));

            if (nearestRightSegmentId > 0)
                measurements.Add(new AngleMeasurement(nearestRightAngle, node.m_position, nearestRightNormal, rightFlags));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public static void CalculateAngles(ushort nodeId, Vector3 direction, ICollection<Measurement> measurements)
            direction = direction.Flatten();

            var node = NetManager.instance.m_nodes.m_buffer[nodeId];
            var existingSegments = NetNodeUtility.GetNodeSegmentIds(node);

            if (existingSegments.Count == 0)

            var nearestLeftAngle = 360f;
            ushort nearestLeftSegmentId = 0;
            var nearestLeftNormal = Vector3.zero;

            var nearestRightAngle = 360f;
            ushort nearestRightSegmentId = 0;
            var nearestRightNormal = Vector3.zero;

            for (var i = 0; i < existingSegments.Count; i++)
                var s = NetManager.instance.m_segments.m_buffer[existingSegments[i]];

                var d = s.m_startNode == nodeId ? s.m_startDirection : s.m_endDirection;
                d = d.Flatten();

                var angle = Vector3Extensions.GetClockwiseAngleBetween(-d, direction, Vector3.up);

                var leftAngle = 360f - angle;
                var rightAngle = angle;

                var n = Vector3.Normalize(direction + d);

                if (leftAngle < nearestLeftAngle)
                    nearestLeftAngle = leftAngle;
                    nearestLeftSegmentId = existingSegments[i];
                    nearestLeftNormal = Quaternion.AngleAxis(leftAngle*0.5f, Vector3.up)*direction;

                if (rightAngle < nearestRightAngle)
                    nearestRightAngle = rightAngle;
                    nearestRightSegmentId = existingSegments[i];
                    nearestRightNormal = Quaternion.AngleAxis(rightAngle*-0.5f, Vector3.up)*direction;

            // When both angles are 180, only show the one on the right.
            if (Math.Abs(nearestLeftAngle - 180f) < 0.25f && Math.Abs(nearestRightAngle - 180f) < 0.25f)
                measurements.Add(new AngleMeasurement(nearestRightAngle, node.m_position, nearestRightNormal,


            var leftFlags = nearestRightSegmentId > 0
                ? (nearestLeftAngle < nearestRightAngle ? MeasurementFlags.Primary : MeasurementFlags.Secondary)
                : MeasurementFlags.Secondary;

            var rightFlags = nearestLeftSegmentId > 0
                ? (nearestRightAngle <= nearestLeftAngle ? MeasurementFlags.Primary : MeasurementFlags.Secondary)
                : MeasurementFlags.Secondary;

            if (nearestLeftSegmentId > 0)
                measurements.Add(new AngleMeasurement(nearestLeftAngle, node.m_position, nearestLeftNormal, leftFlags));

            if (nearestRightSegmentId > 0)
                measurements.Add(new AngleMeasurement(nearestRightAngle, node.m_position, nearestRightNormal, rightFlags));
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <inheritdoc />
 public IReadOnlyCollection <float> Flatten()
Exemplo n.º 13
        private static void TestLine(NetInfo netInfo, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint, Vector3 l1, Vector3 l2,
                                     IList <GuideLine> lines, ushort segmentId = 0, ushort nodeId = 0)
            var p = Util.LineIntersectionPoint(startPoint.xz(), endPoint.xz(), l1.xz(), l2.xz());

            // Lines never meet, discard
            if (!p.HasValue)

            var intersect = new Vector3(p.Value.x, 0, p.Value.y);

            var intersectDistanceSqr = Vector3Extensions.DistanceSquared(intersect, endPoint.Flatten());

            // Discard if intersect is silly distance away
            if (intersectDistanceSqr > Settings.MaxGuideLineQueryDistanceSqr)

            var guideDirection     = l1.Flatten().DirectionTo(l2.Flatten());
            var intersectDirection = l1.Flatten().DirectionTo(intersect);

            // Ignore guides in the wrong direction
            if (Mathf.Abs(Vector3Extensions.GetSignedAngleBetween(guideDirection, intersectDirection, Vector3.up)) > 90f)

            intersect.y = TerrainManager.instance.SampleRawHeightSmooth(intersect);

            var intersectDistance = Mathf.Sqrt(intersectDistanceSqr);

            var line = new GuideLine(l1, intersect, netInfo.m_halfWidth * 2f, intersectDistance, segmentId);

            int index;

            if (IsDuplicate(lines, line, out index))
                var d = lines[index];

                // If a duplicate, check if it is closer than the duplicate
                if (Vector3Extensions.DistanceSquared(d.Origin, endPoint) >
                    Vector3Extensions.DistanceSquared(l1, endPoint))
                    lines[index] = line;


            // Check for intersection with existing nodes
            var ra   = Vector3.Cross(guideDirection, Vector3.up);
            var quad = new Quad3(l1 + ra, l1 - ra, intersect + ra, intersect - ra);

            if (NetManager.instance.OverlapQuad(Quad2.XZ(quad), 0, 1280f, ItemClass.CollisionType.Undefined, netInfo.m_class.m_layer, nodeId, 0, segmentId))

Exemplo n.º 14
        private static void TestLine(NetInfo netInfo, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint, Vector3 l1, Vector3 l2,
			IList<GuideLine> lines, ushort segmentId = 0, ushort nodeId = 0)
            var p = Util.LineIntersectionPoint(startPoint.xz(), endPoint.xz(), l1.xz(), l2.xz());

            // Lines never meet, discard
            if (!p.HasValue)

            var intersect = new Vector3(p.Value.x, 0, p.Value.y);

            var intersectDistanceSqr = Vector3Extensions.DistanceSquared(intersect, endPoint.Flatten());

            // Discard if intersect is silly distance away
            if (intersectDistanceSqr > Settings.MaxGuideLineQueryDistanceSqr)

            var guideDirection = l1.Flatten().DirectionTo(l2.Flatten());
            var intersectDirection = l1.Flatten().DirectionTo(intersect);

            // Ignore guides in the wrong direction
            if (Mathf.Abs(Vector3Extensions.GetSignedAngleBetween(guideDirection, intersectDirection, Vector3.up)) > 90f)

            intersect.y = TerrainManager.instance.SampleRawHeightSmooth(intersect);

            var intersectDistance = Mathf.Sqrt(intersectDistanceSqr);

            var line = new GuideLine(l1, intersect, netInfo.m_halfWidth*2f, intersectDistance, segmentId);

            int index;

            if (IsDuplicate(lines, line, out index)) {

                var d = lines[index];

                // If a duplicate, check if it is closer than the duplicate
                if (Vector3Extensions.DistanceSquared(d.Origin, endPoint) > Vector3Extensions.DistanceSquared(l1, endPoint)) {
                    lines[index] = line;



            // Check for intersection with existing nodes
            var ra = Vector3.Cross(guideDirection, Vector3.up);
            var quad = new Quad3(l1 + ra, l1 - ra, intersect + ra, intersect - ra);

            if (NetManager.instance.OverlapQuad(Quad2.XZ(quad), 0, 1280f, netInfo.m_class.m_layer, nodeId, 0, segmentId)) {

Exemplo n.º 15
        private static bool CanNodeBranchInDirection(ushort nodeId, Vector3 direction)
            var closestSegmentId = NetNodeUtility.GetClosestSegmentId(nodeId, direction);

            var exitDirection = NetNodeUtility.GetSegmentExitDirection(nodeId, closestSegmentId);

            var exitAngle = Vector3Extensions.GetSignedAngleBetween(direction.Flatten(), exitDirection.Flatten(), Vector3.up);

            return Mathf.Abs(exitAngle) >= 45f;
Exemplo n.º 16
        static void CalculateAngles(Vector3 anglePosition, Vector3 guideDirection, Vector3 incomingDirection, ICollection<Measurement> measurements)
            guideDirection = guideDirection.Flatten().normalized;
            incomingDirection = incomingDirection.Flatten().normalized;

            var angleSize = Vector3.Angle(guideDirection, incomingDirection);
            var angleDirection = Vector3.Normalize(guideDirection + incomingDirection);

            var otherAngleSize = 180f - angleSize;
            var otherAngleDirection = Vector3.Normalize(-guideDirection + incomingDirection);

            if (otherAngleSize < angleSize) {

                Util.Swap(ref angleSize, ref otherAngleSize);
                Util.Swap(ref angleDirection, ref otherAngleDirection);


            measurements.Add(new AngleMeasurement(angleSize, anglePosition, angleDirection,
                MeasurementFlags.Primary | MeasurementFlags.Guide));

            if (Mathf.Abs(angleSize - 180f) < 0.5f || Mathf.Abs(otherAngleSize - 180f) < 0.5f)

            measurements.Add(new AngleMeasurement(otherAngleSize, anglePosition, otherAngleDirection,
                MeasurementFlags.Secondary | MeasurementFlags.Guide));