VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow GetAddAferLevel(VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow internalType, VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow externalLevel)
        {//find the level after which to insert the new level
            //first collect all levels before the new level in the external type ...
            List <VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow> preRows = new List <VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow>();

            foreach (VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow externalSiblingLevel in externalLevel.AcronymTypeRow.GetAcronymLevelRows())
                if (externalSiblingLevel.Index < externalLevel.Index)
            preRows = (from preRow in preRows select preRow).OrderBy(preRow => preRow.Index).ToList(); //... and order them by index

            //then try to find the (equivalent of the) new level's direct predecessor in the internal type,
            //if found - this is the level where to add the new one after, if not found - try with the next to the direct predecessor, and so on
            VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow addAfterLevel = null;
            for (int index = preRows.Count - 1; index >= 0; --index)
                foreach (VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow internalSiblingLevel in internalType.GetAcronymLevelRows())
                    if (internalSiblingLevel.Name.ToLower() == preRows.ElementAt(index).Name.ToLower())
                        addAfterLevel = internalSiblingLevel;
                if (addAfterLevel != null)

Exemplo n.º 2
        TreeListNode AcronymTree_AddNode(TreeListNode parentNode, object nodeTag, string action = "")
            TreeListNode node = treeAcronyms.AppendNode(null, parentNode);

            if (action == string.Empty)
                node.SetValue(colPerformAcronyms, string.Empty); //do not show check box if just "header", e.g. type containing added/deleted/changed acronyms/levels, but not changed itself
                node.SetValue(colPerformAcronyms, _actionDefaultPerform);
            node.SetValue(colActionAcronyms, action);
            node.SetValue(colInfoAcronyms, string.Empty);
            node.Tag = nodeTag;

            //somewhat unelegant procedure, which serves only to determin the content of colAcronym
            string acronymText = string.Empty;

            VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow  typeRow    = null;
            VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow levelRow   = null;
            VarConfig.AcronymRow      acronymRow = null;

            bool tagIsDictionary = action == _actionChange || action == string.Empty;

            if (parentNode == null)
                typeRow = !tagIsDictionary ? nodeTag as VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow
                                          : (nodeTag as Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow, VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow>).Keys.ElementAt(0);
            else if (parentNode != null && parentNode.ParentNode == null)
                levelRow = !tagIsDictionary ? nodeTag as VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow
                                           : (nodeTag as Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow, VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow>).Keys.ElementAt(0);
                acronymRow = !tagIsDictionary ? nodeTag as VarConfig.AcronymRow
                                             : (nodeTag as Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymRow, VarConfig.AcronymRow>).Keys.ElementAt(0);

            if (typeRow != null)
                acronymText = typeRow.ShortName.ToUpper() + " (" + typeRow.LongName + ")";
            if (levelRow != null)
                acronymText = levelRow.Name;
            if (acronymRow != null)
                acronymText = acronymRow.Name + " (" + acronymRow.Description + ")";

            node.SetValue(colAcronym, acronymText);

Exemplo n.º 3
 internal static bool IsTypeNode(TreeListNode node)
     if (node == null || node.Tag == null)
     VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow typeRow = node.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow;
     return(typeRow != null);
 VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow PerformAddLevel(VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow internalType, VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow externalLevel, VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow addAfterRow)
     VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow internalLevel = _varConfigFacade.AddAcronymLevelRow(internalType, addAfterRow, externalLevel.Name); //todo: null is not correct
     foreach (VarConfig.AcronymRow externalAcronym in externalLevel.GetAcronymRows())
         PerformAddAcronym(internalLevel, externalAcronym);
 void PerformAddType(VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow externalType)
     VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow  internalType = _varConfigFacade.AddAcronymTypeRow(externalType.LongName, externalType.ShortName);
     VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow addAfterRow  = null;
     foreach (VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow externalLevel in _importVariablesForm._externalVarConfigFacade.GetAcronymLevelsSortedByIndex(externalType))
         addAfterRow = PerformAddLevel(internalType, externalLevel, addAfterRow);
Exemplo n.º 6
        void DisplayUnusedAcronyms(bool expand) //... as assessed in CheckForUnusedAcronyms

            //store which nodes are expanded, the focused node and the first visible node
            List <string> expandedNodesIDs = new List <string>();
            string        focusedNodeID    = string.Empty;
            string        topVisibleNodeID = string.Empty;

            AcronymManager.StoreNodeStates(treeAcronyms, ref expandedNodesIDs, ref focusedNodeID, ref topVisibleNodeID);


            TreeListNode typeNode  = null;
            TreeListNode levelNode = null;

            foreach (VarConfig.AcronymRow acroRow in _acronymsToDisplay)
                VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow typeRow = acroRow.AcronymLevelRow.AcronymTypeRow;
                if (typeNode == null || !(typeNode.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow).Equals(typeRow))
                    typeNode = treeAcronyms.AppendNode(null, null);
                    typeNode.SetValue(colAcronym, typeRow.LongName.ToUpper() + " (" + typeRow.ShortName.ToUpper() + ")");
                    typeNode.Tag = typeRow;

                VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow levelRow = acroRow.AcronymLevelRow;
                if (levelNode == null || !(levelNode.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow).Equals(levelRow))
                    levelNode = treeAcronyms.AppendNode(null, typeNode);
                    levelNode.SetValue(colAcronym, levelRow.Name);
                    levelNode.Tag = levelRow;

                TreeListNode acroNode = treeAcronyms.AppendNode(null, levelNode);
                acroNode.SetValue(colAcronym, acroRow.Description + " (" + acroRow.Name.ToUpper() + ")");
                acroNode.SetValue(colDeleteAcronyms, true);
                acroNode.Tag = acroRow;

            //restore collapse/expanded, focused and first visible node states
            AcronymManager.RestoreNodeStates(treeAcronyms, expandedNodesIDs, focusedNodeID, topVisibleNodeID);


            if (expand)
                treeAcronyms.ExpandAll(); //initially, i.e. if called from btnLoad_Click, expand all nodes
Exemplo n.º 7
        void PerformClean()
                //delete checked variables
                foreach (DataGridViewRow variableRow in dgvVariables.Rows)
                    if (EM_Helpers.SaveConvertToBoolean(variableRow.Cells[colDeleteVariables.Name].Value) == true)
                        (variableRow.Tag as VarConfig.VariableRow).Delete();

                //delete checked acronyms
                foreach (TreeListNode typeNode in treeAcronyms.Nodes)
                    foreach (TreeListNode levelNode in typeNode.Nodes)
                        foreach (TreeListNode acroNode in levelNode.Nodes)
                            if (EM_Helpers.SaveConvertToBoolean(acroNode.GetValue(colDeleteAcronyms)))
                                (acroNode.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymRow).Delete();

                        VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow levelRow = levelNode.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow;
                        if (levelRow.GetAcronymRows().Count() == 0)
                            levelRow.Delete(); //delete level if all contained acronyms were deleted

                    VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow typeRow = typeNode.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow;
                    if (typeRow.GetAcronymLevelRows().Count() == 0)
                        typeRow.Delete(); //delete type if all contained levels (and acronyms) were deleted (not very likely to happen)
            catch (Exception exception)
        internal override bool Perform()
            if (!AcronymManager.IsTypeNode(_treeAcronyms.FocusedNode))

            VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow typeRow = _treeAcronyms.FocusedNode.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow;

            string usage = string.Empty;
            List <VarConfig.AcronymRow> usedAcronymRows = new List <VarConfig.AcronymRow>();

            foreach (VarConfig.AcronymRow acronymRow in _varConfigFacade.GetAcronymsOfType(typeRow.ShortName))
                string usingVariables = _acronymManager.GetVariablesUsingAcronym(acronymRow.Name, typeRow.ShortName);
                if (usingVariables != string.Empty)
                    usage += acronymRow.Name + " used by " + usingVariables + Environment.NewLine;

            if (usage != string.Empty)
                if (usage.Length > 2000) //probably this will happen only per accident, if a user tries to delete types like tax or benefit/pension (MessageBox is then too large for the screen)
                    usage = usage.Substring(0, 2000) + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "etc., etc., etc.";

                if (Tools.UserInfoHandler.GetInfo("The following acronyms of this type are used:" + Environment.NewLine + usage +
                                                  Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine + "Cancel delete?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes)

                foreach (VarConfig.AcronymRow usedAcronymRow in usedAcronymRows)
                    usedAcronymRow.Description = VariablesManager.DESCRIPTION_UNKNOWN; //temporarily rename, to allow for updating automatic labels
                typeRow.LongName = VariablesManager.DESCRIPTION_UNKNOWN;


Exemplo n.º 9
        void AddAcros(bool local)
            List <string> addIDs = GetRelevantIDs(_mcAcronyms, local, true);

            foreach (string ID in addIDs)
                DataRow dataRow;
                switch (AssessAcroLevel(ID, false, out dataRow))
                case LEVEL_INVALID: continue;     //should not happen

                case LEVEL_ACROTYPE:
                    VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow acroType = dataRow as VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow;
                    _vcFacLocal.CopyAcronymTypeRow(acroType);     //note: this copies without content (i.e. without included levels, their acronyms and their categories (which may have been refused))

                case LEVEL_ACROLEVEL:
                    VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow acroLevel  = dataRow as VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow;
                    VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow  parentType = _vcFacLocal.GetAcronymTypeByID(acroLevel.AcronymTypeRow.ID);
                    if (parentType != null)                                     //possible though non-sense (see comment below)
                        _vcFacLocal.CopyAcronymLevelRow(acroLevel, parentType); //see note above (i.e. included acronyms and their categories are not copied)

                case LEVEL_ACRO:
                    VarConfig.AcronymRow      acro        = dataRow as VarConfig.AcronymRow;
                    VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow parentLevel = _vcFacLocal.GetAcronymLevelByID(acro.AcronymLevelRow.ID);
                    if (parentLevel != null)                           //possible though non-sense (see comment below)
                        _vcFacLocal.CopyAcronymRow(acro, parentLevel); //see note above (i.e. included categories are not copied)

                case LEVEL_ACROCAT:
                    VarConfig.CategoryRow categ      = dataRow as VarConfig.CategoryRow;
                    VarConfig.AcronymRow  parentAcro = _vcFacLocal.GetAcronymByID(categ.AcronymRow.ID);
                    if (parentAcro != null)     //may happen if (though non-sense) copying acro was refused while copying category was accepted
                        _vcFacLocal.CopyCategoryRow(categ, parentAcro);

        internal VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow AddAcronymLevelRow(VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow parentRow, VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow addAfterRow = null, string name = "")
            int indexAfter = 0;

            if (addAfterRow != null)
                indexAfter = addAfterRow.Index;

            foreach (VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow acronymLevelRow in parentRow.GetAcronymLevelRows())
                if (acronymLevelRow.Index > indexAfter)

            string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            return(_varConfig.AcronymLevel.AddAcronymLevelRow(guid, indexAfter + 1, parentRow, name));
Exemplo n.º 11
        void ChangeAcros(bool local)
            foreach (MergeControl.NodeInfo nodeInfo in local ? _mcAcronyms.GetNodeInfoLocal() : _mcAcronyms.GetNodeInfoRemote())
                if (nodeInfo.changeType != MergeControl.ChangeType.changed ||
                    nodeInfo.changeHandling == (local ? MergeControl.ChangeHandling.accept : MergeControl.ChangeHandling.reject))
                    continue; //not relevant, because neither changed nor locally accepted nor remotely rejected
                const string          NOT_CHANGED    = "NOT_CHANGED";
                MergeControl.CellInfo cellInfo       = nodeInfo.cellInfo.First();
                MergeControl.CellInfo cellInfoRemote = local ? _mcAcronyms.GetTwinCellInfo(cellInfo) : cellInfo;
                string changedName = (cellInfo.isChanged && (local ? !cellInfo.acceptChange : cellInfo.acceptChange)) //if name is changed and remotely accepted or locally rejected
                                     ? cellInfoRemote.text : NOT_CHANGED;                                             //change to remote name (otherwise mark not changed)
                cellInfo       = nodeInfo.cellInfo.Last();
                cellInfoRemote = local ? _mcAcronyms.GetTwinCellInfo(cellInfo) : cellInfo;
                string changedDesc = (cellInfo.isChanged && (local ? !cellInfo.acceptChange : cellInfo.acceptChange)) //if description is changed and remotely accepted or locally rejected
                                     ? cellInfoRemote.text : NOT_CHANGED;                                             //change to remote description (otherwise mark not changed)
                DataRow dataRow;
                switch (AssessAcroLevel(nodeInfo.ID, true, out dataRow))
                case LEVEL_INVALID: continue;     //should not happen

                case LEVEL_ACROTYPE:
                    VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow acroType = dataRow as VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow;
                    if (changedName != NOT_CHANGED)
                        acroType.ShortName = changedName;
                    if (changedDesc != NOT_CHANGED)
                        acroType.LongName = changedDesc;

                case LEVEL_ACROLEVEL:
                    VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow acroLevel = dataRow as VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow;
                    if (changedName != NOT_CHANGED)
                        acroLevel.Index = Convert.ToInt32(changedName);                                 //probably not relevant
                    if (changedDesc != NOT_CHANGED)
                        acroLevel.Name = changedDesc;

                case LEVEL_ACRO:
                    VarConfig.AcronymRow acro = dataRow as VarConfig.AcronymRow;
                    if (changedName != NOT_CHANGED)
                        acro.Name = changedName;
                    if (changedDesc != NOT_CHANGED)
                        acro.Description = changedDesc;

                case LEVEL_ACROCAT:
                    VarConfig.CategoryRow categ = dataRow as VarConfig.CategoryRow;
                    if (changedName != NOT_CHANGED)
                        categ.Value = changedName;
                    if (changedDesc != NOT_CHANGED)
                        categ.Description = changedDesc;
 internal void CopyAcronymLevelRow(VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow originalLevel, VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow parentType)
     _varConfig.AcronymLevel.AddAcronymLevelRow(originalLevel.ID, originalLevel.Index, parentType, originalLevel.Name);
 internal void CopyAcronymTypeRow(VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow originalType)
     _varConfig.AcronymType.AddAcronymTypeRow(originalType.ID, originalType.LongName, originalType.ShortName);
 void PerformChangeType(VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow internalType, VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow externalType)
     internalType.LongName = externalType.LongName;
 internal List <VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow> GetAcronymLevelsSortedByName(VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow parentRow)
     return((from acronymLevelRow in _varConfig.AcronymLevel
             where acronymLevelRow.TypeID == parentRow.ID
             select acronymLevelRow).OrderBy(acronymLevelRow => acronymLevelRow.Name).ToList());
Exemplo n.º 16
        void FillAcronymsList()
            //(1) ACRONYM TYPES: search for elements existing only in one version as well as elements with different descriptions and/or content
            List <VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow> internalTypes = _internalVarConfigFacade.GetAcronymTypesSortedByShortName();
            List <VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow> externalTypes = _externalVarConfigFacade.GetAcronymTypesSortedByShortName();

            List <string> internalIDs = (from internalType in internalTypes select internalType.ShortName).ToList();
            List <string> externalIDs = (from externalType in externalTypes select externalType.ShortName).ToList();

            Dictionary <int, int> compareTypeIndexList = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            List <int>            addIndexList         = new List <int>();
            List <int>            deleteIndexList      = new List <int>();

            AnalyseLists(internalIDs, externalIDs, ref compareTypeIndexList, ref addIndexList, ref deleteIndexList);

            //fill the found differences into the tree-control
            foreach (int addIndex in addIndexList) //elements only existent in external version
                AcronymTree_AddNode(null, externalTypes.ElementAt(addIndex), _actionAdd);

            foreach (int deleteIndex in deleteIndexList) //elements only existent in internal version
                AcronymTree_AddNode(null, internalTypes.ElementAt(deleteIndex), _actionDelete);

            foreach (int internalTypeIndex in compareTypeIndexList.Keys) //elements existent in both version: still have to check for different description and/or content
                int externalTypeIndex = compareTypeIndexList[internalTypeIndex];
                VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow internalType = internalTypes.ElementAt(internalTypeIndex);
                VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow externalType = externalTypes.ElementAt(externalTypeIndex);
                Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow, VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow> typeTag = new Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow, VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow>();
                typeTag.Add(internalType, externalType); //put a Dictionary with one element into Tag, as KeyValuePair cannot be casted back, because it does not allow for NULL values

                TreeListNode typeNode = null;

                //check for different description (LongName)
                if (internalType.LongName != externalType.LongName)
                    typeNode = AcronymTree_AddNode(null, typeTag, _actionChange);
                    typeNode.SetValue(colInfoAcronyms, _infoNewDescription + externalType.LongName);

                //check for differnet content, i.e.:
                //(2) ACRONYM LEVELS: search for elements existing only in one version as well as elements with different content
                List <VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow> internalLevels = _internalVarConfigFacade.GetAcronymLevelsSortedByName(internalType);
                List <VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow> externalLevels = _externalVarConfigFacade.GetAcronymLevelsSortedByName(externalType);

                internalIDs = (from internalLevel in internalLevels select internalLevel.Name).ToList();
                externalIDs = (from externalLevel in externalLevels select externalLevel.Name).ToList();

                Dictionary <int, int> compareLevelIndexList = new Dictionary <int, int>();

                AnalyseLists(internalIDs, externalIDs, ref compareLevelIndexList, ref addIndexList, ref deleteIndexList);

                if (typeNode == null && (addIndexList.Count != 0 || deleteIndexList.Count != 0))
                    typeNode = AcronymTree_AddNode(null, typeTag); //generate parent node if necessary
                //fill the found differences into the tree-control
                foreach (int addIndex in addIndexList) //elements only existent in external version
                    AcronymTree_AddNode(typeNode, externalLevels.ElementAt(addIndex), _actionAdd);

                foreach (int deleteIndex in deleteIndexList) //elements only existent in internal version
                    AcronymTree_AddNode(typeNode, internalLevels.ElementAt(deleteIndex), _actionDelete);

                foreach (int internalLevelIndex in compareLevelIndexList.Keys) //elements existent in both version: still have to check for different content
                    int externalLevelIndex = compareLevelIndexList[internalLevelIndex];
                    VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow internalLevel = internalLevels.ElementAt(internalLevelIndex);
                    VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow externalLevel = externalLevels.ElementAt(externalLevelIndex);
                    Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow, VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow> levelTag = new Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow, VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow>();
                    levelTag.Add(internalLevel, externalLevel); //put a Dictionary with one element into Tag, as KeyValuePair cannot be casted back, because it does not allow for NULL values

                    TreeListNode levelNode = null;

                    //check for differnet content, i.e.:
                    //(3) ACRONYMS: search for elements existing only in one version as well as elements with different description
                    List <VarConfig.AcronymRow> internalAcronyms = _internalVarConfigFacade.GetAcronymsOfLevelSortedByName(internalLevel);
                    List <VarConfig.AcronymRow> externalAcronyms = _externalVarConfigFacade.GetAcronymsOfLevelSortedByName(externalLevel);

                    internalIDs = (from internalAcronym in internalAcronyms select internalAcronym.Name).ToList();
                    externalIDs = (from externalAcronym in externalAcronyms select externalAcronym.Name).ToList();

                    Dictionary <int, int> compareAcronymIndexList = new Dictionary <int, int>();

                    AnalyseLists(internalIDs, externalIDs, ref compareAcronymIndexList, ref addIndexList, ref deleteIndexList);

                    if (addIndexList.Count != 0 || deleteIndexList.Count != 0)
                        if (typeNode == null) //generate parent nodes if necessary
                            typeNode = AcronymTree_AddNode(null, typeTag);
                        if (levelNode == null)
                            levelNode = AcronymTree_AddNode(typeNode, levelTag);

                    //fill the found differences into the tree-control
                    foreach (int addIndex in addIndexList) //elements only existent in external version
                        AcronymTree_AddNode(levelNode, externalAcronyms.ElementAt(addIndex), _actionAdd);

                    foreach (int deleteIndex in deleteIndexList) //elements only existent in internal version
                        AcronymTree_AddNode(levelNode, internalAcronyms.ElementAt(deleteIndex), _actionDelete);

                    foreach (int internalAcronymIndex in compareAcronymIndexList.Keys) //elements existent in both version: still have to check for different description
                        int externalAcronymIndex             = compareAcronymIndexList[internalAcronymIndex];
                        VarConfig.AcronymRow internalAcronym = internalAcronyms.ElementAt(internalAcronymIndex);
                        VarConfig.AcronymRow externalAcronym = externalAcronyms.ElementAt(externalAcronymIndex);
                        Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymRow, VarConfig.AcronymRow> acronymTag = new Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymRow, VarConfig.AcronymRow>();
                        acronymTag.Add(internalAcronym, externalAcronym); //put a Dictionary with one element into Tag, as KeyValuePair cannot be casted back, because it does not allow for NULL values

                        TreeListNode acronymNode = null;

                        //check for different description
                        if (internalAcronym.Description != externalAcronym.Description)
                            if (typeNode == null) //generate parent nodes if necessary
                                typeNode = AcronymTree_AddNode(null, typeTag);
                            if (levelNode == null)
                                levelNode = AcronymTree_AddNode(typeNode, levelTag);
                            acronymNode = AcronymTree_AddNode(levelNode, acronymTag, _actionChange);
                            acronymNode.SetValue(colInfoAcronyms, _infoNewDescription + externalAcronym.Description);

                        //check for different categories
                        bool equal = internalAcronym.GetCategoryRows().Count() == externalAcronym.GetCategoryRows().Count();
                        if (equal)
                            foreach (VarConfig.CategoryRow internalCategory in internalAcronym.GetCategoryRows())
                                bool found = false;
                                foreach (VarConfig.CategoryRow externalCategory in externalAcronym.GetCategoryRows())
                                    if (internalCategory.Value == externalCategory.Value && internalCategory.Description == externalCategory.Description)
                                        found = true;
                                if (!found)
                                    equal = false;
                                    break; //if one category different, acronym needs to be marked as changed - no need to check all categories here
                        if (!equal)
                            if (typeNode == null) //generate parent nodes if necessary
                                typeNode = AcronymTree_AddNode(null, typeTag);
                            if (levelNode == null)
                                levelNode = AcronymTree_AddNode(typeNode, levelTag);

                            string info = _infoChangeCategory;
                            if (acronymNode == null)
                                acronymNode = AcronymTree_AddNode(levelNode, acronymTag, _actionChange);
                                info = acronymNode.GetDisplayText(colInfoAcronyms) + " + " + _infoChangeCategory;
                            acronymNode.SetValue(colInfoAcronyms, info);


        internal static string VarNaming(List <string> print)
            Parallel.ForEach(VariablesChecker.varData.Variable, v =>
                string vName = v.Name.ToLower().Trim();
                if (vName == string.Empty)
                    lock (printLock) print.Add("variable without a name (ID " + v.ID + ")"); return;
                }                                                                                                              // only for formal correctness

                if (vName.StartsWith("id"))

                string vType = vName.Substring(0, 1);
                var aT       = from t in VariablesChecker.varData.AcronymType
                               where t.ShortName.ToLower().Contains(vType) // Contains instead of = because we have b/p
                               select t;
                if (aT == null || aT.Count() == 0)
                    lock (printLock) print.Add(string.Format("{0}\tunknown type {1}\t{2}", v.Name, v.Name[0], v.ItemArray[3])); return;

                VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow acroType = aT.First();

                List <string> mainAcros = new List <string>();
                var aL = from l in VariablesChecker.varData.AcronymLevel where l.Name.ToLower() == "main" & l.AcronymTypeRow.ShortName.ToLower() == vType select l;
                if (aL != null && aL.Count() > 0)
                    mainAcros = (from a in aL.First().GetAcronymRows() select a.Name.ToLower()).ToList();

                if (vName.EndsWith(DefGeneral.POSTFIX_SIMULATED))
                    vName = vName.Substring(0, vName.Length - 2);
                int maxLevel = -1; bool good = true; List <string> vAcros = GetVarAcros(vName);
                foreach (string vAcro in vAcros)
                    var ac = from a in VariablesChecker.varData.Acronym
                             where a.Name.ToLower() == vAcro & a.AcronymLevelRow.TypeID == acroType.ID
                             select a;
                    if (ac == null || ac.Count() == 0)
                        lock (printLock) print.Add(string.Format("{0}\tunknown acronym {1}\t{2}", v.Name, vAcro, v.ItemArray[3])); good = false; break;
                    int level = ac.First().AcronymLevelRow.Index;
                    if (level < maxLevel)
                        lock (printLock) print.Add(string.Format("{0}\tinvalid order of acronyms\t{1}", v.Name, v.ItemArray[3])); good = false; break;
                    maxLevel = level;

                    if (mainAcros.Contains(vAcro) && vAcros.IndexOf(vAcro) != 0)
                        lock (printLock) print.Add(string.Format("{0}\tacronyms of the Main-level must immediately follow after the type ({1}), this is violated by {2}\t{3}",
                                                                 v.Name, v.Name[0], vAcro, v.ItemArray[3]));
                        good = false; break;
                if (!good)

                if (vName.Length != vAcros.Count * 2 + 1)
                    lock (printLock) print.Add(string.Format("{0}\tinvalid 1-character acronym {1}\t{2}", v.Name, v.Name.Last(), v.ItemArray[3]));

            return((print.Count == 0) ? "No variable naming rule violations found" : print.Count.ToString() + " variable naming rule violations found");
        void PerformImportNode(TreeListNode node, short nodeType)
            string action = node.GetValue(_importVariablesForm.colActionAcronyms).ToString();

            bool perform = false;

            if (action != string.Empty)
                perform = EM_Helpers.SaveConvertToBoolean(node.GetValue(_importVariablesForm.colPerformAcronyms));
            if (!perform)

            switch (nodeType)
            case _typeNode:
                switch (action)
                case ImportVariablesForm._actionAdd:
                    PerformAddType(node.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow);

                case ImportVariablesForm._actionDelete:
                    (node.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow).Delete();

                case ImportVariablesForm._actionChange:
                    PerformChangeType((node.Tag as Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow, VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow>).Keys.ElementAt(0),
                                      (node.Tag as Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow, VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow>).Values.ElementAt(0));

            case _levelNode:
                switch (action)
                case ImportVariablesForm._actionAdd:
                    VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow  internalType  = (node.ParentNode.Tag as Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow, VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow>).Keys.ElementAt(0);
                    VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow externalLevel = node.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow;
                    PerformAddLevel(internalType, externalLevel, GetAddAferLevel(internalType, externalLevel));

                case ImportVariablesForm._actionDelete:
                    (node.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow).Delete();

                case ImportVariablesForm._actionChange:
                    PerformChangeLevel((node.Tag as Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow, VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow>).Keys.ElementAt(0),
                                       (node.Tag as Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow, VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow>).Values.ElementAt(0));

            case _acronymNode:
                switch (action)
                case ImportVariablesForm._actionAdd:
                    PerformAddAcronym((node.ParentNode.Tag as Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow, VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow>).Keys.ElementAt(0),
                                      node.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymRow);

                case ImportVariablesForm._actionDelete:
                    (node.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymRow).Delete();

                case ImportVariablesForm._actionChange:
                    PerformChangeAcronym((node.Tag as Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymRow, VarConfig.AcronymRow>).Keys.ElementAt(0),
                                         (node.Tag as Dictionary <VarConfig.AcronymRow, VarConfig.AcronymRow>).Values.ElementAt(0),
Exemplo n.º 19
        internal static void StoreNodeStates(TreeList treeAcronyms, ref List <string> expandedNodesIDs, ref string focusedNodeID, ref string topVisibleNodeID)
            foreach (TreeListNode typeNode in treeAcronyms.Nodes)
                VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow typeRow = typeNode.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow;
                if (typeRow.RowState != System.Data.DataRowState.Unchanged)
                    continue; //happens if tree is redrawn because of an undo action
                string typeID = typeRow.ID;
                if (typeNode.Expanded == true)
                if (typeNode.Focused == true)
                    focusedNodeID = typeID;
                if (treeAcronyms.GetVisibleIndexByNode(typeNode) == treeAcronyms.TopVisibleNodeIndex)
                    topVisibleNodeID = typeID;

                foreach (TreeListNode levelNode in typeNode.Nodes)
                    VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow levelRow = levelNode.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow;
                    if (levelRow.RowState != System.Data.DataRowState.Unchanged)
                    string levelID = levelRow.ID;
                    if (levelNode.Expanded == true)
                    if (levelNode.Focused == true)
                        focusedNodeID = levelID;
                    if (treeAcronyms.GetVisibleIndexByNode(levelNode) == treeAcronyms.TopVisibleNodeIndex)
                        topVisibleNodeID = levelID;

                    foreach (TreeListNode acroNode in levelNode.Nodes)
                        VarConfig.AcronymRow acroRow = acroNode.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymRow;
                        if (acroRow.RowState != System.Data.DataRowState.Unchanged)
                        string acroID = acroRow.ID;
                        if (acroNode.Focused == true)
                            focusedNodeID = acroID;
                        if (treeAcronyms.GetVisibleIndexByNode(acroNode) == treeAcronyms.TopVisibleNodeIndex)
                            topVisibleNodeID = acroID;
        internal override bool Perform()
            string newValue = _eventArgs.Value.ToString();

            VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow typeRow = _eventArgs.Node.Tag as VarConfig.AcronymTypeRow;

            string oldTypeName = string.Empty;

            //change of type-description (long name)
            if (_eventArgs.Column.Name == _variablesForm.colAcronymDescription.Name)
                if (newValue == typeRow.LongName)
                    return(false); //only change if different
                if (!DoChangeIfUsed(typeRow.ShortName, newValue))
                    return(true); //return true to allow for redraw, i.e. show the old value still stored in the datarow (but only update acronyms, no need to update variables or filter-checkboxes)
                typeRow.LongName = newValue;

            //change of type's short name
                if (newValue == typeRow.ShortName)
                    return(false); //only change if different
                if (!DoChangeIfUsed(typeRow.ShortName, newValue))
                    return(true); //return true to allow for redraw, i.e. show the old value still stored in the datarow (but only update acronyms, no need to update variables or filter-checkboxes)
                oldTypeName = typeRow.ShortName;

                //check for correctness
                if (_varConfigFacade.GetTypeShortNames().Contains(newValue.ToLower()))
                    Tools.UserInfoHandler.ShowError("Acronym type already exists. Please choose another short name.");
                    _updateVariables        = false;
                    _updateFilterCheckboxes = false;
                    return(true); //return true to allow for redraw, i.e. show the old value still stored in the datarow (but only update acronyms, no need to update variables or filter-checkboxes)

                //finally reflect change in datarow
                typeRow.ShortName = newValue;

            //update automatic label of variables concerned
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > updateLabelAcronyms = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();

            foreach (VarConfig.AcronymLevelRow levelRow in typeRow.GetAcronymLevelRows())
                foreach (VarConfig.AcronymRow acroRow in levelRow.GetAcronymRows())
                    if (acroRow.Name != string.Empty)
                        updateLabelAcronyms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(acroRow.Name, typeRow.ShortName)); //variables already using the new acro-type now get a valid auto-label
                        if (oldTypeName != string.Empty)
                            updateLabelAcronyms.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(acroRow.Name, oldTypeName)); //variables, which used the old acro-type get an invalid auto-label
