internal static List <StringValue> GetStatesforReview(int PortalID, int UserID)
                string             CacheKey = CacheFactory.GetCacheKey(CacheFactory.Keys.Workflow + "GetStatesforReview" + "PortalID", UserID, PortalID);
                List <StringValue> result   = CacheFactory.Get(CacheKey) as List <StringValue>;

                if (result == null)
                    Sql Query = WorkflowScript.GetStatesforPendingReview(PortalID, UserID);
                    using (VanjaroRepo db = new VanjaroRepo())
                        result = db.Fetch <StringValue>(Query).ToList();
                    CacheFactory.Set(CacheKey, result);
            internal static string GetHTMLText(ModuleInfo m)
                string HtmlContent = string.Empty;
                Sql    sql         = new Sql();

                sql.Append("SELECT TOP 1 * FROM " + Core.Data.Scripts.CommonScript.TablePrefix + "HtmlText WHERE ModuleID=@0 ORDER BY [Version] DESC", m.ModuleID);
                using (VanjaroRepo db = new VanjaroRepo())
                    dynamic data = db.Fetch <dynamic>(sql).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (data != null && data.Content != null)
                        HtmlContent = data.Content;
            internal static List <WorkflowPage> GetReviewPagesbyUserID(int UserID, int Page, int PageSize, int StateID)
                string CacheKey           = CacheFactory.GetCacheKey(CacheFactory.Keys.Workflow + "GetReviewPagesbyUserID", UserID, Page, PageSize, StateID);
                List <WorkflowPage> Pages = CacheFactory.Get(CacheKey) as List <WorkflowPage>;

                if (Pages == null)
                    Sql Query = WorkflowScript.GetPagesByUserID(UserID, Page, PageSize, StateID);
                    using (VanjaroRepo db = new VanjaroRepo())
                        Pages = db.Fetch <WorkflowPage>(Query).ToList();
                    CacheFactory.Set(CacheKey, Pages);
            internal static List <Pages> GetAllPublishedPages(int portalID, string Locale)
                string       CacheKey = CacheFactory.GetCacheKey(CacheFactory.Keys.Page, portalID, "AllPublishedPages", Locale);
                List <Pages> pages    = CacheFactory.Get(CacheKey);

                if (pages == null || pages.Count == 0)
                    Sql Query = PageScript.GetAllPublishedPages(portalID, Locale);
                    using (VanjaroRepo db = new VanjaroRepo())
                        pages = db.Fetch <Pages>(Query).ToList();
                    CacheFactory.Set(CacheKey, pages);
            internal static int GetReviewPagesCountByUserID(int UserID, int Page, int PageSize, int StateID)
                string CacheKey = CacheFactory.GetCacheKey(CacheFactory.Keys.Workflow + "GetReviewPagesCountByUserID", UserID, Page, PageSize, StateID);
                int?   Count    = CacheFactory.Get(CacheKey);

                if (Count == null)
                    Count = 0;
                    Sql Query = WorkflowScript.GetPagesCountByUserID(UserID, StateID);
                    using (VanjaroRepo db = new VanjaroRepo())
                        Count = db.Fetch <int>(Query).FirstOrDefault();
                    CacheFactory.Set(CacheKey, Count);
            internal static List <WorkflowPage> GetPagesbyUserID(int PortalID, int UserID)
                string CacheKey = CacheFactory.GetCacheKey(CacheFactory.Keys.Workflow + "GetPagesbyUserID" + "PortalID", UserID, PortalID);
                List <WorkflowPage> WorkflowPages = CacheFactory.Get(CacheKey) as List <WorkflowPage>;

                if (WorkflowPages == null)
                    Sql Query = WorkflowScript.GetPagesByUserID(PortalID, UserID);
                    using (VanjaroRepo db = new VanjaroRepo())
                        WorkflowPages = db.Fetch <WorkflowPage>(Query).ToList();

                    CacheFactory.Set(CacheKey, WorkflowPages);
Exemplo n.º 7
            public static void AddUpdateLoginModule(int TabID, int PortalId)
                    using (VanjaroRepo vrepo = new VanjaroRepo())
                        LoginModule          loginModule          = null;
                        ModuleDefinitionInfo moduleDefinitionInfo = ModuleDefinitionController.GetModuleDefinitionByFriendlyName(Components.Constants.AccountLogin);
                        System.Collections.Generic.List <LoginModule> moduleInfo = vrepo.Fetch <LoginModule>("Select T.PortalID,Tabm.TabID,Tabm.ModuleID,Tabm.PaneName,Tabm.IsDeleted from TabModules Tabm inner join Tabs T On Tabm.TabID = t.TabID Where PortalID=@0 AND ModuleTitle= @1", PortalId, Components.Constants.AccountLogin);
                        foreach (LoginModule d in moduleInfo)
                            loginModule = d;

                        if (loginModule == null)
                            ModuleInfo module = new ModuleInfo
                                PortalID               = PortalId,
                                TabID                  = TabID,
                                ModuleOrder            = 1,
                                ModuleTitle            = moduleDefinitionInfo.FriendlyName,
                                PaneName               = "ContentPane",
                                ModuleDefID            = moduleDefinitionInfo.ModuleDefID,
                                CacheTime              = moduleDefinitionInfo.DefaultCacheTime,
                                InheritViewPermissions = true,
                                AllTabs                = false
                            int ModuleID = ModuleController.Instance.AddModule(module);
                            ModuleController.Instance.DeleteTabModule(TabID, ModuleID, true);
                            ModuleController.Instance.MoveModule(loginModule.ModuleID, loginModule.TabID, TabID, loginModule.PaneName);
                            if (!loginModule.IsDeleted)
                                ModuleController.Instance.DeleteTabModule(TabID, loginModule.ModuleID, true);
                catch (Exception exc) { Exceptions.LogException(exc); }
Exemplo n.º 8
 public static void SoftDeleteModule(int PortalId, string ModuleFriendlyName)
         using (VanjaroRepo vrepo = new VanjaroRepo())
             ModuleDefinitionInfo moduleDefinitionInfo = ModuleDefinitionController.GetModuleDefinitionByFriendlyName(ModuleFriendlyName);
             System.Collections.Generic.List <ModuleSettings> moduleInfo = vrepo.Fetch <ModuleSettings>("Select T.PortalID,Tabm.TabID,Tabm.ModuleID,Tabm.PaneName,Tabm.IsDeleted from TabModules Tabm inner join Tabs T On Tabm.TabID = t.TabID Where PortalID=@0 AND ModuleTitle= @1", PortalId, ModuleFriendlyName);
             foreach (ModuleSettings ModuleSettings in moduleInfo)
                 ModuleController.Instance.DeleteTabModule(ModuleSettings.TabID, ModuleSettings.ModuleID, true);
     catch (Exception) { }